
Where do you live?Carol GardensCobble HillFt. GreenePark SlopeProspect ParkRed Hook
size Small Medium Large Extra large
quiet true false
disabled true false
invalid true false
Examples API Changelog

Description #

An <sp-picker> is an alternative to HTML's <select> element. Use <sp-menu-item> elements to outline the options that will be made available to the user when interacting with the <sp-picker> element.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project? Try it on webcomponents.dev

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/picker

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-picker> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/picker/sp-picker.js';

The default of <sp-picker> will load dependencies in @spectrum-web-components/overlay asynchronously via a dynamic import. In the case that you would like to import those tranverse dependencies statically, import the side effectful registration of <sp-picker> as follows:

import '@spectrum-web-components/picker/sync/sp-picker.js';

When looking to leverage the Picker base class as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { Picker } from '@spectrum-web-components/picker';

Sizes #

Small Medium
        <sp-field-label for="picker-m" size="m">Selection type:</sp-field-label>
        <sp-picker id="picker-m" size="m" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
        <sp-field-label for="picker-m-quiet" size="m">
            Selection type:
        <sp-picker id="picker-m-quiet" quiet size="m" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
Large Extra Large

Icons #

<sp-menu-item>s in an <sp-picker> that are provided content addressed to their icon slot will be passed to the <sp-picker> element when that item is chosen.

<sp-field-label for="picker-icons">Choose an action...</sp-field-label>
<sp-picker label="What would you like to do?" value="item-2" id="picker-icons">
        <sp-icon-save-floppy slot="icon"></sp-icon-save-floppy>
        <sp-icon-stopwatch slot="icon"></sp-icon-stopwatch>
        <sp-icon-user-activity slot="icon"></sp-icon-user-activity>

When you choose to leverage <sp-menu-item> elements without text content, you will need to be sure to leverage the value attribute so that the <sp-picker> element can differentiate between the available options. Further, it is important that you apply accessible labeling to the [slot="icon"] content as follows:

<sp-field-label for="picker-icons-only">Choose an action...</sp-field-label>
    label="What would you like to do?"
    <sp-menu-item value="item-1">
        <sp-icon-save-floppy slot="icon" label="Save"></sp-icon-save-floppy>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-2">
        <sp-icon-stopwatch slot="icon" label="Finish"></sp-icon-stopwatch>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-3">

Advanced icon management #

The icons attribute allows you to manage whether to only display the icon in the <sp-picker> element or to display none of the icons in the <sp-picker>.

When using icons="only" and your <sp-menu-item> elements still have text content, that content will be applied to <sp-picker> element in a non-visible way.

<sp-field-label for="picker-icons-value">Choose an action...</sp-field-label>
    label="What would you like to do?"
        <sp-icon-save-floppy slot="icon"></sp-icon-save-floppy>
        <sp-icon-stopwatch slot="icon"></sp-icon-stopwatch>
        <sp-icon-user-activity slot="icon"></sp-icon-user-activity>

When using icons="none", the icons will only be available in the overlaid menu.

<sp-field-label for="picker-icons-none">Choose an action...</sp-field-label>
    label="What would you like to do?"
        <sp-icon-save-floppy slot="icon"></sp-icon-save-floppy>
        <sp-icon-stopwatch slot="icon"></sp-icon-stopwatch>
        <sp-icon-user-activity slot="icon"></sp-icon-user-activity>

Value #

When the value of an <sp-picker> matches the value attribute or the trimmed textContent (or itemText) of a descendent <sp-menu-item> element, it will make that element as selected.

Matching value #

<sp-field-label for="picker-value">Selection type:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item value="item-1">Deselect</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-2">Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-3">Feather...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-4">Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-5">Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled value="item-6">Make work path</sp-menu-item>

Matching itemText #

<sp-field-label for="picker-item-text">Selection type:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Make work path</sp-menu-item>

States #

Invalid #

<sp-field-label for="picker-invalid">Standard:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
<br />
<br />
<sp-field-label for="picker-invalid-quiet">Quiet:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>

Side Label #

<sp-field-label side-aligned="start" for="picker-sideLabel">
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
<br />
<br />
<sp-field-label side-aligned="start" for="picker-sideLabel-quiet">
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>

Disabled #

<sp-field-label for="picker-disabled">Standard:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
<br />
<br />
<sp-field-label for="picker-disabled-quiet">Quiet:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>

Pending #

When in pending state, <sp-picker> elements will not respond to click events and will be delivered with a <sp-progress-circle> to visually outline that it is pending. It will not toggle open or display its <sp-menu-item> descendants until the attribute is removed.

<sp-field-label for="picker-loading">Standard:</sp-field-label>
<sp-picker id="picker-loading" label="Loading blending modes..." pending>
    <sp-menu-item>Pass through</sp-menu-item>
<br />
<br />
<sp-field-label for="picker-loading-quiet">Quiet:</sp-field-label>
    label="Loading blending modes..."
    <sp-menu-item>Pass through</sp-menu-item>

Force Popover on Mobile Devices #

On mobile, the menu can be exposed in either a sp-popover or sp-tray. By default, sp-picker will render an sp-tray. If you would like to render sp-popover on mobile, add the attribute forcePopover to the sp-picker.

Usage Guidance:

  • Use a tray when a menu’s proximity to its trigger is considered to be less important to the experience, or for showing a volume of content that is too overwhelming for a popover.
  • Use a popover when a menu’s proximity to its trigger is considered to be important to the experience, or for showing a volume of content that is manageable for a popover.

To see this functionality in action, load this page from your mobile device or use Chrome DevTools (or equivalent) and select a mobile device once the Device Toolbar (the phone/tablet icon) is active.

<sp-field-label for="picker-tray">
    Do you want to see a tray menu?
<sp-picker id="picker-tray" label="Select an option">
    <sp-menu-item value="option-1">Yes</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="option-2">No</sp-menu-item>
<br />
<sp-field-label for="picker-popover">
    Do you want to see a popover menu?
<sp-picker id="picker-popover" label="Select an option" forcePopover>
    <sp-menu-item value="option-1">Yes</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="option-2">No</sp-menu-item>

Accessibility #

To render accessibly, an <sp-picker> element should be paired with an <sp-field-label> element that has a for attribute referencing the id of the <sp-picker> element. For an accessible label that renders within the bounds of the picker itself, but still fulfills the accessibility contract, use the label attribute or a <span slot="label"> as a child element of <sp-picker>.