
size Small Medium Large Extra large
quiet true false
disabled true false
invalid true false
Examples API

Attributes and Properties #

Property Attribute Type Default Description disabled disabled boolean false Disable this control. It will not receive focus or events focused focused boolean false icons icons 'only' | 'none' | undefined invalid invalid boolean false label label string | undefined open open boolean false pending pending boolean false Whether the items are currently loading. placement placement "top" | "top-start" | "top-end" | "right" | "right-start" | "right-end" | "bottom" | "bottom-start" | "bottom-end" | "left" | "left-start" | "left-end" 'bottom-start' quiet quiet boolean false readonly readonly boolean false tabIndex tabIndex number The tab index to apply to this control. See general documentation about the tabindex HTML property value value string ''

Slots #

Name Description description The description content for the Picker label The placeholder content for the Picker tooltip Tooltip to to be applied to the the Picker Button default slot menu items to be listed in the Picker

Events #

Name Type Description change Event Announces that the `value` of the element has changed sp-closed Event Announces that the overlay has been closed sp-opened Event Announces that the overlay has been opened

Description #

An <sp-picker> is an alternative to HTML's <select> element. Use <sp-menu-item> elements to outline the options that will be made available to the user when interacting with the <sp-picker> element.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project? Try it on webcomponents.dev

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/picker

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-picker> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/picker/sp-picker.js';

The default of <sp-picker> will load dependencies in @spectrum-web-components/overlay asynchronously via a dynamic import. In the case that you would like to import those tranverse dependencies statically, import the side effectful registration of <sp-picker> as follows:

import '@spectrum-web-components/picker/sync/sp-picker.js';

When looking to leverage the Picker base class as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { Picker } from '@spectrum-web-components/picker';

Sizes #

        <sp-field-label for="picker-s" size="s">Selection type:</sp-field-label>
        <sp-picker id="picker-s" size="s" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
        <sp-field-label for="picker-s-quiet" size="s">
            Selection type:
        <sp-picker id="picker-s-quiet" quiet size="s" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
        <sp-field-label for="picker-m" size="m">Selection type:</sp-field-label>
        <sp-picker id="picker-m" size="m" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
        <sp-field-label for="picker-m-quiet" size="m">
            Selection type:
        <sp-picker id="picker-m-quiet" quiet size="m" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
        <sp-field-label for="picker-l" size="l">Selection type:</sp-field-label>
        <sp-picker id="picker-l" size="l" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
        <sp-field-label for="picker-l-quiet" size="l">
            Selection type:
        <sp-picker id="picker-l-quiet" quiet size="l" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
Extra Large
        <sp-field-label for="picker-xl" size="xl">
            Selection type:
        <sp-picker id="picker-xl" size="xl" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
        <sp-field-label for="picker-xl-quiet" size="xl">
            Selection type:
        <sp-picker id="picker-xl-quiet" quiet size="xl" label="Selection type">
            <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
            <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>

Icons #

<sp-menu-item>s in an <sp-picker> that are provided content addressed to their icon slot will be passed to the <sp-picker> element when that item is chosen.

<sp-field-label for="picker-icons">Choose an action...</sp-field-label>
<sp-picker label="What would you like to do?" value="item-2" id="picker-icons">
        <sp-icon-save-floppy slot="icon"></sp-icon-save-floppy>
        <sp-icon-stopwatch slot="icon"></sp-icon-stopwatch>
        <sp-icon-user-activity slot="icon"></sp-icon-user-activity>

When you choose to leverage <sp-menu-item> elements without text content, you will need to be sure to leverage the value attribute so that the <sp-picker> element can differentiate between the available options. Further, it is important that you apply accessible labeling to the [slot="icon"] content as follows:

<sp-field-label for="picker-icons-only">Choose an action...</sp-field-label>
    label="What would you like to do?"
    <sp-menu-item value="item-1">
        <sp-icon-save-floppy slot="icon" label="Save"></sp-icon-save-floppy>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-2">
        <sp-icon-stopwatch slot="icon" label="Finish"></sp-icon-stopwatch>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-3">

Advanced icon management #

The icons attribute allows you to manage whether to only display the icon in the <sp-picker> element or to display none of the icons in the <sp-picker>.

When using icons="only" and your <sp-menu-item> elements still have text content, that content will be applied to <sp-picker> element in a non-visible way.

<sp-field-label for="picker-icons-value">Choose an action...</sp-field-label>
    label="What would you like to do?"
        <sp-icon-save-floppy slot="icon"></sp-icon-save-floppy>
        <sp-icon-stopwatch slot="icon"></sp-icon-stopwatch>
        <sp-icon-user-activity slot="icon"></sp-icon-user-activity>

When using icons="none", the icons will only be available in the overlaid menu.

<sp-field-label for="picker-icons-none">Choose an action...</sp-field-label>
    label="What would you like to do?"
        <sp-icon-save-floppy slot="icon"></sp-icon-save-floppy>
        <sp-icon-stopwatch slot="icon"></sp-icon-stopwatch>
        <sp-icon-user-activity slot="icon"></sp-icon-user-activity>

Value #

When the value of an <sp-picker> matches the value attribute or the trimmed textContent (or itemText) of a descendent <sp-menu-item> element, it will make that element as selected.

Matching value #

<sp-field-label for="picker-value">Selection type:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item value="item-1">Deselect</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-2">Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-3">Feather...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-4">Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="item-5">Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled value="item-6">Make work path</sp-menu-item>

Matching itemText #

<sp-field-label for="picker-item-text">Selection type:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Make work path</sp-menu-item>

States #

Invalid #

<sp-field-label for="picker-invalid">Standard:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
<br />
<br />
<sp-field-label for="picker-invalid-quiet">Quiet:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>

Side Label #

<sp-field-label side-aligned="start" for="picker-sideLabel">
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
<br />
<br />
<sp-field-label side-aligned="start" for="picker-sideLabel-quiet">
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>

Disabled #

<sp-field-label for="picker-disabled">Standard:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>
<br />
<br />
<sp-field-label for="picker-disabled-quiet">Quiet:</sp-field-label>
    label="Select a Country with a very long label, too long in fact"
    <sp-menu-item>Select inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make work path</sp-menu-item>

Pending #

When in pending state, <sp-picker> elements will not respond to click events and will be delivered with a <sp-progress-circle> to visually outline that it is pending. It will not toggle open or display its <sp-menu-item> descendants until the attribute is removed.

<sp-field-label for="picker-loading">Standard:</sp-field-label>
<sp-picker id="picker-loading" label="Loading blending modes..." pending>
    <sp-menu-item>Pass through</sp-menu-item>
<br />
<br />
<sp-field-label for="picker-loading-quiet">Quiet:</sp-field-label>
    label="Loading blending modes..."
    <sp-menu-item>Pass through</sp-menu-item>

Accessibility #

To render accessibly, an <sp-picker> element should be paired with an <sp-field-label> element that has a for attribute referencing the id of the <sp-picker> element. For an accessible label that renders within the bounds of the picker itself, but still fulfills the accessibility contract, use the label attribute or a <span slot="label"> as a child element of <sp-picker>.