
Examples API Changelog

Description #

An <sp-meter> is a visual representation of a quantity or achievement. The meter's progress is determined by user actions, rather than system actions.

Installation #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project? Try it on webcomponents.dev

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/meter

Import the side-effectful registration of <sp-meter> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/meter/sp-meter.js';

When looking to leverage the Meter base class as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { Meter } from '@spectrum-web-components/meter';

Sizes #

Small Medium
<sp-meter size="m" progress="71">Tasks Completed</sp-meter>
Large Extra Large

Variants #

Informative #

By default, the informative variant can be used to represent a neutral or non-semantic value, such as the number of tutorials completed.

<sp-meter progress="50">Storage Space</sp-meter>

Positive #

The positive variant can be used to represent a positive semantic value, such as when there’s a lot of space remaining. Use value variant="positive" to define a positive variant.

<sp-meter variant="positive" progress="50">Storage Space</sp-meter>

Notice #

The notice variant can be used to warn users about a situation that may need to be addressed soon, such as when space remaining is becoming limited. Use value variant="notice" to define a notice variant.

<sp-meter variant="notice" progress="73">Storage Space</sp-meter>

Negative #

The negative variant can be used to warn users about a critical situation that needs their urgent attention, such as when space remaining is becoming very limited. Use value variant="negative" to define a negative variant.

<sp-meter variant="negative" progress="92">Storage Space</sp-meter>

Side Label #

A meter can be delivered with its labeling displayed above its visual indicator or to either side. Use the boolean [side-label] attribute to define where this content should appear.

<sp-meter side-label>Side Label</sp-meter>