
Overview API Changelog


Section titled Description

An <sp-link> allow users to navigate to a different location. They can be presented in-line inside a paragraph or as a standalone text.


Section titled Usage

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project? Try it on webcomponents.dev

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/link

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-link> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/link/sp-link.js';

When looking to leverage the Link base class as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { Link } from '@spectrum-web-components/link';


Section titled Example
This is an <sp-link href="#">example link</sp-link>.


Section titled Variants
Section titled Standard links

Standard links are blue and should be used to call attention to the link or for when the blue color won’t feel too overwhelming in the experience.

This is a <sp-link href="#">standard link</sp-link>.
Section titled Disabled links

Disabled links are blue and should not propagate any events and they are not focussable.

This is a <sp-link disabled href="#">disabled link</sp-link>.
Section titled Secondary links

The secondary variant is the same color as the paragraph text inline of which it appears. Its subdued appearance is optimal for when the primary variant is too overwhelming, such as in blocks of text with several references linked throughout.

This is a <sp-link href="#" variant="secondary">secondary link</sp-link>.
Section titled Static colored links

When a link needs to be placed on top of a colored background or a visual it may be appropriate to ship it with a static color, regardless of the theme settings with which it is delivered. Leverage the static-color attribute with its white or black values to ensure the delivery is the same in all contexts.

    style="background-color: #0f797d; padding: 15px 20px; display: inline-block;"
    <p style="color: rgb(240, 240, 240);">
        <sp-link static-color="white" href="#">link</sp-link>
        is over a background.
Section titled Quiet links

All links can have a quiet style, which means they don’t have an underline. This style should only be used when the placement and context of the link is explicit enough that a visible underline isn’t necessary. Quiet links are less accessible, so they should not be used for links that are essential to the experience. These are commonly used in website footers, where there are several lists of links that are shortcuts to other pages.

<p>This is a <sp-link quiet href="#">quiet standard link</sp-link>.</p>
<p>This is a <sp-link quiet variant="secondary" href="#">quiet secondary link</sp-link>.</p>
    style="background-color: #0f797d; padding: 15px 20px; display: inline-block;"
    <p style="color: rgb(240, 240, 240);">
        This is a
        <sp-link static-color="white" quiet href="#">quiet link</sp-link>
        over a background.

Download attribute

Section titled Download attribute

The download attribute on an <a> tag prompts a user to download a link as opposed to navigating to it. This attribute has been carried forward to <sp-link> to function the same.

While it functions this way without assigning a value, actually assigning the value allows custom naming of the download link in accordance with standard <a> rules defined by the browser.

This is a <sp-link download="myfile.txt" href="#">download link</sp-link>.