
Examples API Changelog

Description #

When composing complex form fields, an <sp-infield-button> can visually associate button functionality with other form fields to delivery enhanced capabilities to your visitors.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project?

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/infield-button

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-infield-button> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/infield-button/sp-infield-button.js';

When looking to leverage the InfieldButton base class as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { InfieldButton } from '@spectrum-web-components/infield-button';

Sizes #

Small Medium
<sp-infield-button label="Add" size="m">
Large Extra Large

Inline buttons #

Use the inline attribute to describe whether the <sp-infield-button> should be visually at the start or end of the field is associated to:

inline="start" #

<sp-infield-button inline="start" label="Add">

inline="end" #

<sp-infield-button inline="end" label="Add">

Stacked buttons #

The block attribute can be used to create a vertial stack of buttons. You can place buttons visually on the stack with the start or end values:

<sp-infield-button block="start" label="Increment">
    <sp-icon-add size="xxs"></sp-icon-add>
<sp-infield-button block="end" label="Decrement">
    <sp-icon-remove size="xxs"></sp-icon-remove>

Disabled #

An <sp-infield-button> with the disabled attribute will become non-interactive and dimmed:

<sp-infield-button disabled inline="start" label="Add">

Quiet #

An <sp-infield-button> with the quiet attribute will feature a diminished visual presence:

<sp-infield-button inline="start" label="Add" quiet>