
Deprecation Warning
@spectrum-web-components/icons is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
Examples Changelog

Description #

The <sp-icons-medium> and <sp-icons-large> elements that are included in this package supply your application with the Spectrum CSS Icons at both the medium and large sizes for use via the <sp-icon> element also provided by the Spectrum Web Components library. Include at least one of these elements in a project that makes use of icons in these sets, but feel free to include these sets in the scope of any element that leverages them as they will be deduplicated as appropriate to ensure all of your components are able to deliver the icons included therein.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project?

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/icons

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-icons-medium> or <sp-icons-large> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/icons/sp-icons-medium.js';
import '@spectrum-web-components/icons/sp-icons-large.js';

When looking to leverage the IconsMedium or IconsLarge base classes as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { IconsMedium, IconsLarge } from '@spectrum-web-components/icons';

Deprecated #

The Icons package has been deprecated as part of the removal of the Iconset package from the library and will be removed in an upcoming release. To optimize your build and ensure smaller bundles and higher performance for your users, consider using techniques that include only the icons actually used in your application. For Spectrum icons, you can use UI Icons or Workflow Icons.

For non-Spectrum icons, you can still:

  1. Slot SVG or image content into an sp-icon element, or
  2. Sanitize the SVG and convert it to a template literal to use within the render() method of an extension of IconBase to create your own custom named icon element.```