
Examples API Changelog

Description #

An <sp-action-menu> is an action button that triggers an overlay with <sp-menu-items> for activation. Use an <sp-menu> element to outline the items that will be made available to the user when interacting with the <sp-action-menu> element. By default <sp-action-menu> does not manage a selection. If you'd like for a selection to be held by the <sp-menu> that is presented in its overlay, use selects="single" to activate this functionality.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project? Try it on webcomponents.dev

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/action-menu

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-action-menu> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/action-menu/sp-action-menu.js';

The default of <sp-action-menu> will load dependencies in @spectrum-web-components/overlay asynchronously via a dynamic import. In the case that you would like to import those tranverse dependencies statically, import the side effectful registration of <sp-action-menu> as follows:

import '@spectrum-web-components/action-menu/sync/sp-action-menu.js';

When looking to leverage the ActionMenu base class as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { ActionMenu } from '@spectrum-web-components/action-menu';

Sizes #

Small Medium
<sp-action-menu size="m">
    <span slot="label">More Actions</span>
        Select inverse
        Select and mask...
        Save selection
    <sp-menu-item disabled>
        Make work path
Large Extra Large

Variants #

No icon #

In order to deliver an <sp-action-menu> without an icon, use the label-only slot. This will supress any icon from being displayed, both the default ellipsis icon or any icon the user might provide to the element.

    <span slot="label-only">More Actions</span>
        Select inverse
        Select and mask...
        Save selection
    <sp-menu-item disabled>
        Make work path

No visible label #

The visible label that is be provided via the default <slot> interface can be omitted in preference of an icon only interface. In this context be sure that the <sp-action-menu> continued to be accessible to screen readers by applying the label attribute. This will apply an aria-label attribute of the same value to the <button> element that toggles the menu list.

<sp-action-menu label="More Actions">
        Select inverse
        Select and mask...
        Save selection
    <sp-menu-item disabled>
        Make work path

Alternate icon #

A custom icon can be supplied via the icon slot in order to replace the default meatballs icon.

    <sp-icon-settings slot="icon"></sp-icon-settings>
    <span slot="label">Actions under the gear</span>
        Select inverse
        Select and mask...
        Save selection
    <sp-menu-item disabled>
        Make work path

Selection #

When selects is set to single, the <sp-action-menu> element will maintain one selected item after an initial selection is made.

    The value of the `&lt;sp-action-menu&gt;` element is:
    <span id="single-value"></span>
    <span slot="label">Available shapes</span>
    <sp-menu-item value="shape-1-square">Square</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="shape-2-triangle">Triangle</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="shape-3-parallelogram">Parallelogram</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="shape-4-star">Star</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="shape-5-hexagon">Hexagon</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="shape-6-circle" disabled>Circle</sp-menu-item>

Force Popover on Mobile Devices #

On mobile, the menu can be exposed in either a sp-popover or sp-tray. By default, sp-action-menu will render an sp-tray. If you would like to render sp-popover on mobile, add the attribute forcePopover to the sp-action-menu.

Usage Guidance:

  • Use a tray when a menu’s proximity to its trigger is considered to be less important to the experience, or for showing a volume of content that is too overwhelming for a popover.
  • Use a popover when a menu’s proximity to its trigger is considered to be important to the experience, or for showing a volume of content that is manageable for a popover.

To see this functionality in action, load this page from your mobile device or use Chrome DevTools (or equivalent) and select a mobile device once the Device Toolbar (the phone/tablet icon) is active.

<sp-action-menu forcePopover>
    <span slot="label">Action Menu</span>
    <sp-menu-item>Select Inverse</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Select and Mask...</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item>Save Selection</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item disabled>Make Work Path</sp-menu-item>

Adding tootip in action menu #

Tooltip in action menu can be attached via adding <sp-tooltip> and can be customized by using various parameters (e.g. placement, content, etc) as needed.

    <sp-tooltip slot="tooltip" self-managed placement="bottom">
    <span slot="label">Available shapes</span>
    <sp-menu-item value="shape-1-square">Square</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="shape-2-triangle">Triangle</sp-menu-item>
    <sp-menu-item value="shape-3-parallelogram">Parallelogram</sp-menu-item>

Accessibility #

An <sp-action-menu> parent will ensure that the internal <sp-menu> features a role of listbox and contains children with the role option. Upon focusing the <sp-action-menu> using ArrowDown will also open the menu while throwing focus into first selected (or unselected when none are selected) menu item to assist in selecting of a new value.