Modifying the User Interface

This chapter will provide you with an understanding of the ways in which you can present and modify the user interface. You will learn how to use JavaScript to add menu items and toolbars, customize navigation in PDF documents and customize PDF layers.

Adding toolbar buttons and menu items

You can add menu items and toolbar buttons to help the user navigate through your application, or to help the user perform designated tasks.

Use app.addSubMenu and/or app.addMenuItem to add a menu item. The following example uses only app.addMenuItem.

  1. Adding a menu item

The intention of this menu is to add a button set to the toolbar; the button set will only appear on the toolbar if there is no document open in the window. Once the button set is installed on the toolbar, the menu item is only enabled if there is a document open in the window.

This code is placed in the user JavaScript folder and uses a variable atbtoolbuttons to detect if this menu item should be marked. It is set to marked if atbtoolbuttons is defined and is false.

   var atbtoolbuttons;
       cName: "atbToolButtonSet",
       cUser: "My Menu",
       cParent: "Tools",
       cMarked: "event.rc = ( (typeof atbtoolbuttons != 'undefined')
           && !atbtoolbuttons )",
       cEnable: "event.rc = ( == null);",
       cExec: "loadATBToolButton();", nPos: 0

There is brief example of app.addSubMenu and app.addMenuItem, see Executing privileged methods through the menu.

The Example Adding a menu item installs a menu item under the main Tools menu. When executed, the menu calls the function loadATBToolButton(). This function loads the custom toolbar set, the definition of which follows.

  1. Installing and uninstalling a toolbar

If this function is called with atbtoolbuttons set to false, it means the toolbar is already installed, and the function uninstalls the toolbar set; otherwise, the toolbar set is installed.

The method app.addToolButton is used to add a toolbar button, and app.removeToolButton is used to remove a toolbar button.

For Acrobat 8, this script assumes that the Enable Global Object Security Policy is enabled in the JavaScript section of the Preferences, see the discussion in Enable the global object security policy.

The function loadATBToolButton is a trusted function because it executes privileged methods, such as app.getPath and app.openDoc.

The icons for the toolbar buttons are contained in icon_toolbar.pdf, which resides in the same folder as this script. The document contains two named icons with the names of myIcon1 and myIcon2. Note that according to the Acrobat JavaScript API Reference, the icon size is restricted to 20 by 20 pixels. If an icon of larger dimensions is used, an exception is thrown.

var loadATBToolButton = app.trustedFunction( function ()
   if ( typeof atbtoolbuttons == "undefined" )
       atbtoolbuttons = true;
   else {
       if (!atbtoolbuttons) {
           atbtoolbuttons = true;
   if ( atbtoolbuttons ) {
       // Get the path to the user JavaScript folder
       var atbPath=app.getPath({cCategory: "user", cFolder: "javascript"});
       try {
           // Try opening the icon doc as in hidden mode, and retrieve its doc
           // object.
           var doc=app.openDoc({
               cPath: atbPath+"/icon_toolbar.pdf", bHidden: true});
       } catch (e) { console.println("Could not open icon file"); return;}
       // Get the icon stream for myIcon1 from the hidden doc
       var oIcon = util.iconStreamFromIcon(doc.getIcon("myIcon1"));
       // Add a tool button using this icon
           cName: "atbToolButton1",
           oIcon: oIcon,
           cExec: "atbTask1();",
           cTooltext: "My toolbar button 1",
           nPos: 0
       // Now get myIcon2 from the hidden document.
       oIcon = util.iconStreamFromIcon(doc.getIcon("myIcon2"));
       // and install this toolbar button as well
           cName: "atbToolButton2",
           oIcon: oIcon,
           cExec: "atbTask2()",
           cTooltext: "My toolbar button 2",
           nPos: 0
       // Close our hidden document containing the icons.
       // Set this variable to signal that the toolbars are installed.
       atbtoolbuttons = false;

Adding navigation to PDF documents

JavaScript for Acrobat provides a number of constructs that enable you to add and customize navigation features within PDF documents. These features make it convenient for the user to see and visit areas of interest within the document, and you can associate a variety of actions with navigation events. In addition, you can customize the appearance of your form fields and pages, manipulate multiple documents, add and delete pages, and add headers, footers, watermarks, backgrounds, and buttons.

The list of topics in this section is:


This section discusses how to embed thumbnail images in a PDF document and how to add page actions.

Creating page thumbnails

Acrobat renders thumbnail images of each page on the fly. Should you want to store the images as part of the PDF document, there are methods for adding and removing thumbnails in a document. To add a set of thumbnails, invoke the Doc object addThumbnails method, which creates thumbnails for a specified set of pages in the document. It accepts two optional parameters: nStart and nEnd represent the beginning and end of an inclusive range of page numbers.

For example, to add thumbnails for pages 2 through 5, use the following command:

this.addThumbnails({nStart: 2, nEnd: 5});

To add a thumbnail for just one page, just provide a value for nStart. The following example adds a thumbnail for page 7:

this.addThumbnails({nStart: 7});

To add thumbnails from page 0 to a specified page, just provide a value for nEnd. The following example adds thumbnails for pages 0-7:

this.addThumbnails({nEnd: 7});

To add thumbnails for all the pages in the document, omit both parameters:


To remove a set of thumbnails, invoke the Doc object’s removeThumbnails method, which accepts the same parameters as the addThumbnails method. For example, to remove the thumbnails for pages 2 to 5, use the following code:

this.removeThumbnails({nStart: 2, nEnd: 5});

Adding page actions with page thumbnails

You can associate a Page Open event with a page thumbnail. The most straightforward way of doing this is to specify a Page Open or Page Clos e action in the Page Properties dialog box.

To customize a page action using JavaScript, invoke the Doc object setPageAction method for the page to be opened. In the following example, a greeting is displayed when the user clicks on the thumbnail for page 2:

this.setPageAction({ nPage: 2, cTrigger: "Open",
    cScript: "app.alert('Hello');"}

The advantage of this approach is that you can dynamically build JavaScript strings to be used in the method call.


You can use JavaScript to customize the appearance and behavior of the bookmarks that appear in the Bookmarks navigation panel. Every PDF document has an object known as the bookmarkRoot, which is the root of the bookmark tree for the document. It is possible to recursively add and modify levels of bookmarks underneath the root. Each node is a bookmark object which can have any number of children.

Acrobat makes the bookmarkRoot object available as a property of the Doc object. This root node contains a property called children, which is an array of bookmark objects. The bookmark object has the properties shown in the table Bookmark properties, and the methods shown in the table Bookmark methods.

Bookmark properties




Returns the array of child objects for the current node.


Specifies the color for the bookmark.


The Doc object for the bookmark.


The text string appearing in the navigational panel.


Determines if children are shown.


The parent bookmark.


Font style.

Bookmark methods




Creates a new child bookmark.


Executes the Mouse Up action for the bookmark.


Inserts a bookmark as a new child for this bookmark (this may be used to move existing bookmarks).


Removes the bookmark and all its children.


Sets a Mouse Up action for the bookmark.

Creating bookmarks

To create a bookmark, it is necessary to navigate through the bookmark tree and identify the parent of the new node. Begin by accessing the bookmarkRoot, which is a property of the current document representing the top node in the bookmark tree:

var myRoot = this.bookmarkRoot;

Assume there are no bookmarks in the document. To create a new bookmark, invoke the Bookmark object createChild method to which you can submit the following parameters: cName (the name to appear in the navigation panel), cExpr (an optional JavaScript to be executed when the bookmark is clicked), and nIndex (an optional zero-based index into the children array).

The following code creates a bookmark that displays a greeting when clicked. Note that the omission of the nIndex value means that it is placed at position 0 in the children array:

myRoot.createChild("myBookmark", "app.alert('Hello!');");

The following code adds a bookmark called grandChild as a child of myBookmark :

var current = myRoot.children[0];

To move grandChild so that it becomes a child of the root, invoke the Bookmark object insertChild method, and provide a reference to grandChild as a parameter:

var grandChild = myRoot.children[0].children[0];
myRoot.insertChild(grandChild, 1);

Managing bookmarks

You can use JavaScript to change the name, color, and style properties of a bookmark. Note that the style property is an integer: 0 means normal, 1 means italic, 2 means bold, and 3 means bold-italic. The code below changes the name to New Name, the color to red, and the font style to bold:

var myRoot = this.bookmarkRoot;
var myChild = myRoot.children[0]; = "New Name";
myChild.color =; = 2;

In addition to adding new or existing bookmarks as you learned in Creating bookmarks, you can also delete a bookmark and its children by invoking its remove method. The following line of code removes all bookmarks from the document:


Creating a bookmark hierarchy

Because of the tree structure associated with bookmarks, it is possible to construct a hierarchy of bookmarks; a child of a bookmark represents a subsection of the section represented by that bookmark. To create a hierarchy, first add bookmarks to the root, then to the children of the root, and recursively to their children.

The following code creates bookmarks A, B, C. Each section has 3 children. Child A has children A0, A1, and A2. Child B has children B0, B1, and B2. Child C has children C0, C1, and C2 :

var myRoot = this.bookmarkRoot;
myRoot.createChild({cName: "B", nIndex: 1});
myRoot.createChild({cName: "C", nIndex: 2});
for (var i = 0; i < myRoot.children.length; i++) {
    var child = myRoot.children[i];
    for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
        var name = + j;
        child.createChild({cName: name, nIndex: j});

To print out the hierarchy to the console, you can keep track of levels as shown in the following code. Note its recursive nature:

function DumpBookmark(bm, nLevel){
    // Build indents to illustrate the level
    var s = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < nLevel; i++) s += " ";

    // Print out the bookmark's name:
    console.println(s + "+-" +;

    // Recursively print out the bookmark's children:
    if (bm.children != null)
        for (var i = 0; i < bm.children.length; i++)
            DumpBookmark(bm.children[i], nLevel+1);

// Open the console to begin:

// Recursively print out the bookmark tree
DumpBookmark(this.bookmarkRoot, 0);

Using actions for special effects

Thumbnails, bookmarks, links, and other objects have actions associated with them, and you can use JavaScript to customize these actions. For example, you can display messages, jump to destinations in the same document or any other, open attachments, open web pages, execute menu commands, or perform a variety of other tasks.

As you learned earlier, you can associate a thumbnail with a Page Open event, and associate bookmarks and links with Mouse Up events.

You can use JavaScript to customize the actions associated with a thumbnail by invoking the Doc object setPageAction method. To customize the actions associated with bookmarks and links, create a string containing script and pass it to the object’s setAction method. In the examples shown below, a greeting is displayed when a thumbnail, bookmark, and link are clicked:

// Open action for thumbnail:
this.setPageAction(2, "Open", "app.alert('Hello!');");

// MouseUp actions for bookmark and link:

Highlighting form fields and navigational components

You can use JavaScript to customize the actions associated with buttons, links, and bookmarks so that they change their appearance after the user has clicked them.

For a button, which is a field, you can invoke its highlight property, which allows you to specify how the button appears once it has been clicked. There are four choices, as shown in the following table.

Button appearance











For example, the following code makes the button appear pushed when clicked:

// Set the highlight mode to push
var f = this.getField("myButton");
f.highlight = highlight.p;

As you learned earlier, the link object also has a highlight property.

There are other ways in which you can creatively address the issue of highlighting. For example, you can change the background color of the button when clicked, by including a line of code in the script passed into its setAction method.

In the following example, the button displays a greeting and changes its background color to blue when the mouse enters its area:

var script = "app.alert('Hello!');";
script += "var myButton = this.getField('myButton');";
script += "myButton.fillColor =;";
f.setAction("MouseEnter", script);

The above script can also be entered through the UI as well.

This idea can be applied to the bookMark object’s color property, as well as the link object’s borderColor property. In both cases, similar code to that shown in the example above can be used in the scripts passed into their setAction methods.

For bookMark objects, you can change the text or font style through its name and style properties. For example, the following code adds the word VISITED to myBookmark and changes the font style to bold: += " - VISITED"); = 2;

Setting up a presentation

There are two viewing modes for Acrobat and Acrobat Reader: full screen mode and regular viewing mode. Full screen mode is often appropriate for presentations, since PDF pages can fill the entire screen with the menu bar, toolbar, and window controls hidden.

You can use JavaScript to customize the viewing mode when setting up presentations. The app object fs property may be used to set the viewing mode. (Media clips can also be played in full screen, see the Example Play a clip in full screen.)

Defining the initial view in full screen view

To cause Acrobat and Acrobat Reader to display in full screen mode, include the following statement in a document JavaScript triggered when the document is opened.


app.fs is the FullScreen object, which can be used to set your full screen preferences.

  1. Setting full screen preferences and resetting them

You want the document to be viewed in full screen, but as a courtesy, you want to restore the screen preferences of the user back to the original settings. Place the following script as document JavaScript, it will be executed once and only once upon loading the document.

// Save the settings we plan to change.
var _clickAdvances = app.fs.clickAdvances;
var _defaultTransition = app.fs.defaultTransition;
var _escapeExits = app.fs.escapeExits;

// Change these settings now.
app.fs.defaultTransition = "UncoverLeft";

// Now, go into full screen.

To restore the settings, place the following code in the Will Close section of the Document JavaScripts, located at Tools panel > JavaScript > Set Document Actions.

// Restore the full screen preferences that we changed.
app.fs.clickAdvances = _clickAdvances;
app.fs.defaultTransition = _defaultTransition;
app.fs.escapeExits = _escapeExits;

You can use JavaScript to customize how page transitions occur for any pages within a document. This is accomplished through the Doc object’s setPageTransitions and getPageTransitions methods.

The setPageTransitions method accepts three parameters:

  • nStart: the zero-based index of the beginning page

  • nEnd: the zero-based index of the last page

  • aTrans: a page transition array containing three values:

  • nDuration: the time a page is displayed before automatically changing

  • cTransition: the name of the transition to be applied

  • nTransDuration: the duration in seconds of the transition effect

The name of the transition to be applied can be chosen from a comprehensive list made available through the FullScreen object transitions property. To obtain the list, type the following code into the console:

console.println("[" + app.fs.transitions + "]");

In addition, you can set up a default page transition through the FullScreen object defaultTransition property, as the Example Setting full screen preferences and resetting them demonstrates.

  1. Adding page transitions

In the following example, page transitions are applied to pages 2 through 5. Each page displays for 10 seconds, and then an automatic transition occurs for one second:

    nStart: 2,
    nEnd: 5,
    aTrans: {
        nDuration: 10,
        cTransition: "WipeLeft",
        nTransDuration: 1

// Set the viewing mode to full screen
app.fs.isFullScreen = true;

Defining an initial view

In addition to specifying whether the full screen or regular viewing mode will be used, you can also use JavaScript to set up the document view. You can customize the initial view in terms of magnification, page layout, application and document viewing dimensions, the initial page to which the document opens, and whether parts of the user interface will be visible.

The Doc object layout property allows you to specify page layout by assigning one of the following values:

  • SinglePage

  • OneColumn

  • TwoColumnLeft

  • TwoColumnRight

  • TwoPageLeft

  • TwoPageRight

For example, the script this.layout = "SinglePage" puts the document into single page viewing.

To set up the magnification, assign a value to the Doc object zoom property. For example, the following code sets up a magnification of 125%:

this.zoom = 125;

You can also set the zoom type by assigning one of the settings, shown in the following table, to the Doc object’s zoomtype property:

ZoomType settings

Zoom type

Property value















The following example sets the zoom type of the document to fit the width:

this.zoomType = zoomtype.fitW;

To specify the page to which the document initially opens (or to simply change the page), set the Doc object pageNum property. If the following code is included in the script used in the document Open event, the document automatically opens to page 30:

this.pageNum = 30;

Finally, you can choose whether menu items and toolbar buttons will be visible by invoking the following methods of the app object:

  • hideMenuItem: Removes a specific menu item

  • hideToolbarButton: Removes a specific toolbar button

For example, if the following code is placed in a folder-level script, the Hand toolbar button is removed when Acrobat or Acrobat Reader is started:


Numbering pages

You can customize the page numbering schemes used throughout a document. There are three numbering formats:

  • decimal (often used for normal page ranges)

  • roman (often used for front matter such as a preface)

  • alphabetic (often used for back matter such as appendices)

The Doc object getPageLabel and setPageLabels methods can be used to control and customize the appearance of numbering schemes within a PDF document.

The getPageLabel method accepts the zero-based page index and returns a string containing the label for a given page.

The setPageLabels method accepts two parameters: nPage is the zero-based index for the page to be labeled, and aLabel is an array of three values representing the numbering scheme. If aLabel is not supplied, the method removes page numbering for the specified page and any others up to the next specified label.

The aLabel array contains three required values:

  • cStyle: the style of page numbering as shown in the following table

  • cPrefix: the string used to prefix the numeric portion of the page label

  • nStart: the ordinal with which to start numbering the pages

Page numbering style values

cStyle value



Decimal numbering


Upper case Roman numbering


Lower case Roman numbering


Upper case alphabetic numbering


Lower case alphabetic numbering

For example, the code shown below labels 10 pages within a document using the following scheme: i, ii, iii, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Appendix-A, Appendix-B :

// Pages 0-2 will have lower case roman numerals i, ii, iii:
this.setPageLabels(0, ["r", "", 1]);

// Pages 3-7 will have decimal numbering 1-5:
this.setPageLabels(3, ["D", "", 1]);

// Pages 8-9 will have alphabetic numbering:
this.setPageLabels(8, ["A", "Appendix-", 1]);

// The page labels will be printed to the console:
var labels = this.getPageLabel(0);
for (var i=1; i<this.numPages; i++)
    labels += ", " + this.getPageLabel(i);

It is also possible to remove a page label by omitting the aLabel parameter, as shown in the code below (which assumes the existence of the labels in the previous example:

// The labels for pages 3-7 will be removed:

Creating buttons

Though buttons are normally considered form fields, you can add them to any document. A button may be used for a variety of purposes, such as opening files, playing sound or movie clips, or submitting data to a web server. As you learned earlier, you can place text and images on a button, making it a user-friendly interactive portion of your document. To show or hide portions of graphic buttons, use the Mouse Enter and Mouse Exit events or other types of control mechanisms to manage the usage of the Field object buttonSetIcon method.

  1. Creating a rollover effect

The following code shows one icon when the mouse enters the button field, and a different icon when the mouse exits:

// Mouse enter script.
var f =;

// Mouse exit script.
var f =;

Working with PDF layers

PDF layers (called Optional Content Groups in the PDF Reference) are sections of content that can be selectively viewed or hidden by document authors or consumers. Multiple components may be visible or hidden depending on their settings, and may be used to support the display, navigation, and printing of layered PDF content by various applications. It is possible to edit the properties of layers, to lock layers, to add navigation to them, to merge or flatten layers, and to combine PDF layered documents. Properties and methods for handling PDF layers are accessed through the OCG object.

To obtain an array of the OCG objects for a given page in the document, invoke the Doc object getOCGs method. The following code obtains the array of OCG objects contained on page 3 of the document:

var ocgArray = this.getOCGs(3);

The getOCGs method returns an array of OCG objects or null, if there are none; consequently, in situations in which it is uncertain if there are any OCGs on the page, you need to test the return value for null:

var ocgArray = this.getOCGs(3);
if ( ocgArray != null ) {
    <some action script>

Editing the properties of PDF layers

The OCG object provides properties that can be used to determine whether the object’s default state should be on or off, whether its intent should be for viewing or design purposes, whether it should be locked, the text string seen in the user interface, and the current state. The properties are shown in the following table.

OCG properties




Determines whether the OCG object is on or off by default


The intent of the OCG object (View or Design)


Whether the on/off state can be toggled through the user interface


The text string seen in the user interface for the OCG object


The current on/off state of the OCG object

The initState property can be used to set the default state for an optional content group. In the following example, myLayer is set to on by default:

myLayer.initState = true;

The intent property, which is an array of values, can be used to define the intent of a particular optional content group. There are two possible values used in the array: View and Design. A Design layer is created for informational purposes only, and does not affect the visibility of content. Its purpose is to represent a document designer’s structural organization of artwork. The View layer is intended for interactive use by document consumers. If View is used, the visibility of the layer is affected.

In the following example, the intent of all the OCG objects in the document is set to both values:

var ocgs = this.getOCGs();
for (var i=0; i<ocgs.length; i++)
    ocgs[i].intent = ["View", "Design"];

The locked property is used to determine whether a given layer can be toggled through the user interface. In the following example, myLayer is locked, meaning that it cannot be toggled through the user interface:

myLayer.locked = true;

The state property represents the current on/off state for a given OCG. In the following example, all the OCGs are turned on:

var ocgs = this.getOCGs();
for (var i=0; i<ocgs.length; i++)
        ocgs[i].state = true;

The name property represents the text string seen in the user interface that is used to identify layers. In the following example, the Watermark OCG is toggled:

var ocgs = this.getOCGs();
for (var i=0; i<ocgs.length; i++)
    if (ocgs[i].name == "Watermark")
        ocgs[i].state = !ocgs[i].state;

Reordering layers

It is possible to determine the order in which layers are displayed in the user interface by invoking the Doc object getOCGOrder and setOCGOrder methods. In the following example, the display order of all the layers is reversed:

   var ocgOrder = this.getOCGOrder();
   var newOrder = new Array();
   for (var i=0; i<ocgOrder.length; i++)
       newOrder[i] = ocgOrder[ocgOrder.length - i - 1];