JDF Features

The use of pdfmark in PostScript can include representations of Job Definition Format (JDF) features. JDF is an extensible XML-based job ticketing format designed for use by the printing industry. Information about JDF can be obtained from http://www.cip4.org .

In particular, pdfmark for JDF allows the PostScript file/stream to specify elements and attributes to be added to a JDF document being used for a job. Applications that support JDF pdfmark include Acrobat Distiller 6.0 and 7.0.


Distiller 8.0 and later does not support JDF. Any JDF-related pdfmark commands in the PostScript stream are ignored.


        /Subtype /CreateAttribute
        /JDF pdfmark

The Attribute and Value keys are described in the following table.

Keys supported by JDF pdfmark






An XPath expression that identifies the location of the attribute absolutely from the root of the JDF. If any portion of the hierarchy of elements containing the attribute is not present in the JDF, they are created. XPath is a language for addressing parts of an XML document, as defined in XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0 available from http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath .

JDF pdfmark supports the following subset of XPath expressions:

Expression ::= JDFRoot'/'Attribute |

 JDFRoot ::= '//JDF'
 Children ::= Element | Element'/'Children
 Element ::= element |

 FilterExpression ::=
 Filter | Filter 'and' FilterExpression | Filter

 'or' FilterExpression
 Filter ::= Attribute'='Value
 Attribute ::= '@'attribute



The value to be assigned to the attribute, using the XPath expression:

Value ::= ‘ ” ‘value’ ” ‘

XPath Examples

The following table presents examples of XPath expressions.

XPath expressions




Selects the JobID attribute in root JDF node.


Selects the rRef attribute of the ComponentLink found in the ResourcePool in the root JDF node.


Selects the Status attribute of the Trapping node that is a child of the root JDF node.

//JDF/JDFResourceLinkPool/ComponentLink[@Usage=”Output” and @ProcessUsage=”Good”]/@rRef

First identifies the ResourceLinkPool of the root JDF node. It then selects the rRef attribute of the ComponentLink with both a Usage attribute value “Output” and a ProcessUsage attribute with value “Good”.


In actual use, all XPath expressions should end with @ attribute because they must define the location of an attribute.

The JDF pdfmark commands shown in the following example cause supporting applications to modify the current JDF document, as illustrated in the following diagram.

  1. Using JDF pdfmark to set Trapping element and subelement attributes

[ /Attribute (//JDF/JDF[@Type="Trapping"]/@Type)
       /Value (Trapping)
       /Subtype /CreateAttribute /JDF pdfmark
 [ /Attribute
       /Value (TD1)
       /Subtype /CreateAttribute /JDF pdfmark
 [ /Attribute
       /Value (Input)
       /Subtype /CreateAttribute /JDF pdfmark

The following shows the JDF structure created through JDF pdfmark in the preceding example.
