Working with Words

You can use the Acrobat core API to search for words, extract and display words, and highlight words. Using the Acrobat core API, you can, for example, create application logic that extracts words from a PDF document and places each word in a repository.

About searching for words

The Acrobat core API provides typedefs and methods for working with words. Two primary typedefs that you will use when working with words located in a PDF document are PDWord and PDWordFinder. The following are two word-finding indicators:

  • Presence of non-alphanumeric characters such as dashes.

  • Offsets between characters. (While character offsets are well-defined quantities in a PDF file, word numbers are calculated by the Acrobat or Adobe Reader word finder algorithm).

About PDWord typedefs

A PDWord object represents a word in a PDF file. Each word contains a sequence of characters in one or more styles. All characters in a word are not necessarily physically adjacent. For example, words can be hyphenated across line breaks on a page.

Each character in a word has a character type. Character types include: control code, lowercase letter, uppercase letter, digit, punctuation mark, hyphen, soft hyphen, ligature, white space, comma, period, unmapped glyph, end-of-phrase glyph, wildcard, word break, and glyphs that cannot be represented in the destination font encoding. (See the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference.)

The PDWordGetCharacterTypes method can get the character type for each character in a word. The PDWordGetAttr method returns a mask containing information on the types of characters in a word. The mask is the logical OR of several flags, including the following:

  • One or more characters in the word cannot be represented in the output encoding.

  • One or more characters in the word are punctuation marks.

  • The first character in the word is a punctuation mark.

  • The last character in the word is a punctuation mark.

  • The word contains a ligature (a special typographic symbol consisting of two or more characters such as the English ligature used to replace the two-character sequence, f followed by i). Ligatures are used to improve the appearance of a word.

  • One or more characters in the word are digits.

  • There is a hyphen in the word.

  • There is a soft hyphen in the word.

A word’s location is specified by the offset of its first character from the beginning of the page (known as the character offset). The characters are enumerated in the order in which they appear in page’s content stream in the PDF file (which is not necessarily the order in which the characters are read when displayed or printed).

A word also has a character delta, which is the difference between the number of characters representing the word in the PDF file and the number of characters in the word. The character delta is non-zero, for example, when a word contains a ligature.

About PDWordFinder typedefs

A PDWordFinder extracts words from a PDF file, and enumerates the words on a single page or on all pages in a document. The Acrobat core API provides methods to extract words from a document, obtain information on the word finder, and to release a list of words.

Two primary methods of working with word finders are:

  • Invoking the PDWordFinderEnumWords method, which invokes a user-defined callback function each time a word is recognized on a page. (See Extracting and displaying words.)

  • Using PDWordFinderAcquireWordList, which builds a word list for an entire page before it returns. This method can return the recognized words in two possible orders:

    • The order in which the words are encountered in the PDF file.

    • According to word location on the page. For a page containing a single column of text, this generally is the same as reading order. For a page containing multiple columns of text, this is not true.

Creating a PDWordFinder object

To perform word operations, such as extracting and displaying words located in a PDF document, you must create a PDWordFinder object. You can create a PDWordFinder object by getting the active document (the frontmost document in Acrobat or Adobe Reader).

Optionally, you can create a PDWordFinderConfigRec object when creating a PDWordFinder object. A PDWordFinderConfigRec object enables you to customize how text is extracted. After you create an PDWordFinderConfigRec object, allocate its buffer size and set the following attributes:

  • recsize: The size of the data structure. This attribute must be set to sizeof(PDWordFinderConfigRec).

  • ignoreCharGaps: If true, this attribute disables the conversion of large character gaps to space characters, so that the word finder reports a character space only when a space character appears in the PDF content.

  • ignoreLineGaps: If true, this attribute disables the handling of vertical movements as line breaks, so that the word finder determines a line break only when a line break character or special tag information appears in the PDF content.

  • noAnnots: If true, this attribute disables the extraction of text from text annotations. Normally, the word finder extracts text from the normal appearances of text annotations that are inside the page crop box.

  • noEncodingGuess: If true, disables the guessing of the encoding of fonts that have unknown or custom encoding, when there is no ToUnicode table. Inappropriate encoding conversions can cause the word finder to mistakenly recognize non-Roman single-byte fonts as Standard Roman encoding fonts and extract the text in an unusable format. When this option is selected, the word finder avoids such unreliable encoding conversions and tries to provide the original characters without any encoding conversion for a client with its own encoding handling.


For a complete list of attributes that belong to a PDWordFinderConfigRec object, see the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference.

Create a PDWordFinder object that is based on an active document by performing the following tasks:

  1. Create an AVDoc object by invoking the AVAppGetActiveDoc method. (See Opening PDF documents.)

  2. Create a PDDoc object by invoking the AVDocGetPDDoc method and passing the AVDoc object.

  3. If desired, create a PDWordFinderConfigRec object. If you do not create a PDWordFinderConfigRec object, then default configuration is used. That is, all attributes that belong to an PDWordFinderConfigRec object are false.

  4. Create a PDWordFinder object by invoking the PDDocCreateWordFinderEx method and passing the following arguments:

    • A PDDoc that represents the PDF document for which the word finder is applicable.

    • An ASInt16 value that specifies the version of the word-finding algorithm to use. You can specify WF_LATEST_VERSION to use the latest version. For information about other values for this argument, see the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference.

    • An ASBool value that specifies whether to return Unicode. When true, the word finder encodes the extracted text in Unicode format. Otherwise, the word-finding algorithm extracts the text in the host encoding format.

    • The address of the PDWordFinderConfigRec object to use. You can pass NULL, which results in the default configuration being used.

The following code example creates a PDWordFinder object.

//Get the current PDF document
AVDoc currentAVDoc = AVAppGetActiveDoc();
PDDoc currentPDDoc = AVDocGetPDDoc(currentAVDoc);

//Create a PDWordFinderConfigRec object;
PDWordFinderConfigRec pConfig;

//Set the DWordFinderConfigRec object's attributes
memset(&pConfig, 0, sizeof(PDWordFinderConfigRec));
pConfig.recSize = sizeof(PDWordFinderConfigRec);
pConfig.ignoreCharGaps = true;
pConfig.ignoreLineGaps = true;
pConfig.noAnnots = true;
pConfig.noEncodingGuess = true;

//Create a PDWordFinder object
PDWordFinder pdWordFinder = PDDocCreateWordFinderEx(currentPDDoc, WF_LATEST_VERSION, false, &pConfig);

Extracting and displaying words

You can use a PDWordFinder object to extract and display all words that are located either in the entire document or the current page by creating a callback function that is invoked for each word found. To create a callback function that is invoked when a word is found, declare a PDWordProc object that represents the callback:

PDWordProc wordProc;

PDWordProc is a callback that is invoked when a word is located. After you create a PDWordProc object, you can invoke the ASCallbackCreateProto macro to convert a user-defined function to an Acrobat callback. For example, you can invoke ASCallbackCreateProto to convert a user-defined function named wordEnumerator to a callback function. The ASCallbackCreateProto macro requires the following arguments:

  • The callback type. In this situation, specify PDWordProc.

  • The address of the user-defined function to convert to a callback function.

The ASCallbackCreateProto macro returns a callback of the specified type that invokes the user-defined function whose address was passed as the second argument. The following lines of code shows the ASCallbackCreateProto macro converting the wordEnumerator user-defined function to a PDWordProc callback.

 PDWordProc wordProc;
  wordProc= ASCallbackCreateProto(PDWordProc, &wordEnumerator

After you create a callback function, invoke the PDWordFinderEnumWords method to extract all words from the specified page and pass the following arguments:

  • A PDWordFinder object that is responsible for finding and extracting words.

  • An ASInt32 value that represents the page number from which to extract words.

  • A PDWordProc object that represents the callback function to invoke when a word is located.

  • A pointer to user-supplied data to pass to the callback function. Pass NULL if you do not want to pass user-supplied data.

To illustrate how to display words that are located on a page, this section contains a code example that creates a callback function named wordEnumerator that performs the following tasks:

  • Removes punctuation characters from the word by invoking the PDWordFilterWord method. The encoding information passed to the PDDocCreateWordFinderEx method determines which characters are removed.

  • Invokes the PDWordGetString method to get the word as a string.

  • Displays the string in an alert box by invoking the AVAlertConfirm method. If the user clicks OK, the next word is displayed until all words for the document page have been displayed. If the user clicks Cancel, this callback function returns false.

The following code example extracts and displays all words that are located on the current PDF document page. Included in this code example is application logic that creates a PDWordFinder object. (See Creating a PDWordFinder object.)

ACCB1 void ACCB2 DisplayWords(void *data)
//Get the current PDF document page number
AVDoc currentAVDoc = AVAppGetActiveDoc();
PDDoc currentPDDoc = AVDocGetPDDoc(currentAVDoc);
AVPageView currentPageView = AVDocGetPageView (currentAVDoc);
ASInt32 pageNum = AVPageViewGetPageNum(currentPageView);

//Create a PDWordFinderConfigRec object;
PDWordFinderConfigRec pConfig;

//Set the DWordFinderConfigRec object's attributes
memset(&pConfig, 0, sizeof(PDWordFinderConfigRec));
pConfig.recSize = sizeof(PDWordFinderConfigRec);
pConfig.ignoreCharGaps = true;
pConfig.ignoreLineGaps = true;
pConfig.noAnnots = true;
pConfig.noEncodingGuess = true;

//Create a PDWordFinder object
PDWordFinder pdWordFinder = PDDocCreateWordFinderEx(currentPDDoc, WF_LATEST_VERSION, false, &pConfig);

//Create a callback function
PDWordProc wordProc = NULL;
wordProc= ASCallbackCreateProto(PDWordProc, &wordEnumerator);

//Extract and display words
PDWordFinderEnumWords(pdWordFinder, pageNum, wordProc, NULL);

ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 wordEnumerator(PDWordFinder wObj, PDWord wInfo, ASInt32 pgNum, void *clientData)

char stringBuffer[100];
ASInt16 wordLength;

//Remove punctuation
PDWordFilterWord(wInfo, stringBuffer, 99, &wordLength);
stringBuffer[wordLength] = 0;

//Populate the char array with text that represents the word
PDWordGetString (wInfo, stringBuffer, 99);
return AVAlertConfirm(stringBuffer);


In the previous code example, assume that the DisplayWords function was invoked from a menu item. (See Creating Menus and Menu Commands.)


If you pass true as the PDDocCreateWordFinderEx method’s third argument, then the word finder encodes the extracted text in Unicode format. As a result, words will not be displayed within the alert box. Notice in this code example, the value false is passed as the PDDocCreateWordFinderEx method’s third argument.

Highlighting words

You can use the Acrobat core API to highlight a word or a group of words located within a PDF document. By highlighting a word, you can make a specific word or group of words stand out. The following illustration shows the word Adobe highlighted.


To highlight a word you must create a HiliteEntry object and set its offset and length attributes. The offset attribute specifies the location of the word from the beginning of the document. For example, if you specify 1, then the second word in the document is highlighted (this value is a 0-based index). The length attribute specifies the number of words that are highlighted. If you specify 1, then a single word is highlighted.

You can highlight a word that is located in the current page by performing the following tasks:

  1. Create a HiliteEntry object and set its offset and length attributes.

  2. Create an AVDoc object by invoking the AVAppGetActiveDoc method. (See Opening PDF documents.)

  3. Create a PDDoc object by invoking the AVDocGetPDDoc method and passing the AVDoc object.

  4. Get the page view by invoking the AVDocGetPageView method and passing the AVDoc object. This method returns an AVPageView object. (See Displaying page views.)

  5. Get the current page number by invoking the AVPageViewGetPageNum method and passing the AVPageView object. This method returns the page number of the current page view, which is required to highlight a word or group of words.

  6. Create a PDPage object by invoking the PDDocAcquirePage method and passing the following arguments:

    • A PDDoc object.

    • The page number of the current page view.

The PDDocAcquirePage method returns a PDPage object.

  1. Highlight a word or group of words by invoking the PDTextSelectCreateWordHilite method and passing the following arguments:

    • A PDPage object that represents the page that will contain the highlighted word(s).

    • The address of the HiliteEntry object.

    • An ASInt32 value that specifies the number of highlight entries.

This method returns a PDTextSelect object.

  1. Set the PDF document’s text selection type by invoking the AVDocSetSelection method. This method does not have a return value and requires the following arguments:

    • An AVDoc object that represents the PDF document in which the highlighted words appear.

    • An ASAtom object that specifies the selection type. Because words are highlighted, you can specify text.

    • A PDTextSelect object that represents the text selection. Cast the PDTextSelect object as a void pointer.

    • An ASBool object that specifies whether to highlight the selection. Pass the value true to highlight the specified word(s).

  2. Display the current selection by invoking the AVDocShowSelection method and passing the AVDoc that represents the PDF document that contains the highlighted word(s).

  3. Release the PDPage object by invoking the PDPageRelease method and passing the PDPage object.

The following code example highlights the tenth word that is located in the page of the current PDF document.

//Create a HiliteEntry object and set its attributes
HiliteEntry hilite;
hilite.offset = 10;
hilite.length = 1;

//Get the page number of the current page view
AVDoc currentAVDoc = AVAppGetActiveDoc();
PDDoc currentPDDoc = AVDocGetPDDoc(currentAVDoc);
AVPageView currentPageView = AVDocGetPageView(currentAVDoc);
ASInt32 pageNum = AVPageViewGetPageNum(currentPageView);

//Highlight the tenth word
PDPage pdPage = PDDocAcquirePage (currentPDDoc, pageNum);
PDTextSelect textSelection = PDTextSelectCreateWordHilite(pdPage,

&hilite, 1);
AVDocSetSelection(currentAVDoc, ASAtomFromString("Text"),

(void *)textSelection, true);
AVDocShowSelection (currentAVDoc);
PDPageRelease (pdPage);