Distilling Optional Content

The ProcSet entry in a content stream’s resource dictionary holds an array consisting of the names of the procedure sets used in that content stream. This section describes the ProcSet used to build optional content into a PDF document.

Optional content refers to content in a PDF document that can be selectively viewed or hidden. Optional content is a feature that became available with Acrobat 6.

For more information on ProcSet entries and optional content, see the PDF Reference.


While the optional content ProcSet makes extensive use of pdfmark internally, clients of the optional content ProcSet should not have to use pdfmark to add optional content to a PDF file.

Initialization and termination code

To use the optional content ProcSet, clients must insert the following code into the document setup section of the PostScript job. This places definitions of the optional content ProcSet procedures in userdict for easy access by the client.

{/OCProcSet /ProcSet findresource} stopped not
 {/initialize get exec}
     /BeginOC /pop load def
     /EndOC {} def
     /SimpleOC /pop load def
     /SetOCGInitState {pop pop} bind def
     /OCEndPage {} def
     /SetOCGIntent {pop pop} bind def
     /SetOCGUsage {pop pop} bind def
     /AddASEvent {pop pop pop} bind def
     /GetOCGPdfmarkTag {{---invalidpdfmarkname---}} bind def

Also, the following code must be inserted into the trailer section of the PostScript file:

{/OCProcSet /ProcSet findresource /terminate get exec} stopped pop

When using the optional content ProcSet, the optional content group is the primary data item. It is referred to by the group’s name, which is a string object. (See the description of the entries in the optional content group dictionary in the PDF Reference.) Clients of the ProcSet do not need to do anything to set up optional content groups—they simply refer to them by their name strings, and the ProcSet takes care of creating them on-the-fly. Clients can set the initial state, intent, and usage info for optional content groups, using SetOCGInitState , SetOCGIntent , and SetOCGUsage , respectively.

There are two techniques for using the ProcSet to make content optional: one for non-nested optional content, and one for nested optional content:

  • The simplest technique is for non-nested optional content using the SimpleOC procedure. Simply pass in a string for the optional content group name, and all marks up to the next SimpleOC belong to the optional content group with that name. Passing in null SimpleOC makes subsequent content non-optional. At the end of the page, before the showpage , issue null SimpleOC.

  • For nested optional content, the technique is for documents that have nested visibility control. For these the ProcSet provides stack-style optional content control. This is also the style of control used if you have content that requires an Optional Content Membership Dictionary (OCMD), because it belongs to more than one optional content group and can require a visibility policy entry in the OCMD. For this sort of optional content, use the BeginOC and EndOC procedures. With this style, you should call OCEndPage at the end of the page (before showpage ). This ensures that the marked content is closed properly.

Procedure definitions

This section describes the optional content procedures and provides their syntax and examples.


Adds an auto state event to the PDF’s default configuration. See the PDF Reference for a description of auto state control for optional content.


event_type event_categories ocgnames AddASEvent



Must be a PostScript name. Either /View , /Print , or /Export.


Must be a PostScript array of name objects (typically matching keys in optional content group usage dictionaries). For a description of usage dictionaries, see the PDF Reference


Array of valid PostScript string variables representing optional content groups


/View [/Zoom] [(30,000 Feet) (5,000 Feet) (100 Feet)] AddASEvent

The example declares that the three optional content groups named 30,000 Feet , 5,000 Feet , and 100 Feet are to be controlled for on-screen viewing, based on the current zoom level and the /Zoom information in each optional content group’s Usage dictionary.


The BeginOC procedure is used to begin a span of content that belongs to the optional content groups supplied. It is used for nested visibility control when content can belong to more than one optional content group. Both multiple membership (using the array of optional content group names) and stack-based nesting are supported. The EndOC calls must come before the showpage call of any page. Every BeginOC call should have a matching EndOC call.


You cannot mix SimpleOC and BeginOC/EndOC on the same page.


ocgname BeginOC
ocgnames BeginOC



Array of string objects identifying a set of optional content groups.


String object identifying an optional content group.


Optional. One of the following names: /AllOn , /AnyOn , /AllOff , or /AnyOff , identifying the visibility policy to use. If no policy is specified, /AnyOn is used by default.




The EndOC procedure is used to end a span of optional content. It is used to close a span of optional content started by BeginOC. Both multiple membership (using an array of optional content group names) and stack-based nesting are supported. The EndOC calls must come before the showpage call of any page.

Every BeginOC call should have a matching EndOC call.


You cannot mix SimpleOC and BeginOC/EndOC on the same page.



See also



The GetOCGPdfmarkTag returns the object that the ProcSet implementation uses to identify the optional content group object for pdfmark. Using this object, the client can use the /PUT pdfmark command to add additional key/value pairs to the optional content group dictionary.

The GetOCGPdfmarkTag is not available in the OCProcSet userdict by default. To use this procedure, you can add the following to the OCProcSet initialization code within its {/initialize get exec ... end} clause:

userdict begin
      /GetOCGPdfmarkTag dup OCProcSetRes exch get def





String object identifying an optional content group


The optional content group’s /OBJ pdfmark tag.

See also

pdfmark /OBJ and /PUT commands.


[(MyLayer) GetOCGPdfmarkTag <</key1 (easy as) /key2 3.14159>> /PUT pdfmark

This example adds the key/value pairs:

/key1 (easy as)
 /key2 3.14159

to the dictionary for the optional content group with the name MyLayer.


The OCEndPage is called at the end of the page in a multi-page PostScript file to allow the ProcSet to close any open optional content on the current page. It can be used to close a call to either SimpleOC or BeginOC.




The SetOCGInitState procedure sets the initial state of an optional content group to be either ON (true ) or OFF (false ).


ocgname bool SetOCGInitState



Valid PostScript string variable representing an optional content group.


true or false. Value of ocgname’s initial state. For a description of an optional content group’s state, see the PDF Reference.


The SetOCGIntent procedure sets the Intent key in ocgname to intent.


ocgname intent SetOCGIntent



Valid PostScript string variable representing an optional content group.


Value of ocgname’s Intent key, such as /Design , /View , /All , or /None , or an array of names, excluding /All and /None For a description of an optional content group’s Intent key, see the PDF Reference


The SetOCGUsage procedure sets the Usage key in ocgname to the dict supplied. This is the top level usage dictionary, not a usage category dictionary. Only one call per optional content group is honored, so the client must collect all usage subdictionaries and issue a single call to set the Usage dictionary for the optional content group.


ocgname dict SetOCGUsage



Valid PostScript string variable representing an optional content group.


Value of ocgname’s Usage key, which is a dictionary. For a description of an optional content group’s Usage key, see the PDF Reference. By default, there is no Usage key in the optional content group’s dictionary. Th


(30,000 Feet) <</Zoom << /max 0.5 >> >> SetOCGUsage
 (5,000 Feet) <</Zoom << /min 0.5 /max 4>> >> SetOCGUsage
 (100 Feet) <</Zoom << /min 4 >> >> SetOCGUsage

This example specifies, in conjunction with the AddASEvent example, that the objects in the 30,000 Feet optional content group should be visible when the zoom level is less than 50%, the objects in the 5,000 Feet optional content group should be visible between 50% and 400%, and the objects in the 100 Feet optional content group should be visible when the zoom level is at least 400%.


The SimpleOC procedure ends any current optional content span, and begins a new one where the content belongs to ocgname.

To use the SimpleOC procedure, simply pass in a string for the optional content group name, and all marks up to the next SimpleOC belong to the optional content group with that name. Passing in null SimpleOC makes subsequent content non-optional. At the end of the page, before the showpage , issue null SimpleOC.


You cannot mix SimpleOC and BeginOC/EndOC on the same page.


ocgname SimpleOC



Valid PostScript string variable representing an optional content group.


To show content on all layers (at all times):

null SimpleOC