Creating Annotations

An annotation associates an object such as a note, sound, or movie with a location on a page of a PDF document, or provides a way to interact with the user by means of the mouse and keyboard.

The Acrobat core API provides methods for working with annotations in PDF documents. Annotations are represented by a PDAnnot typedef, which is the abstract superclass for all annotations.

Several annotation types exist, which are identified by their subtype. Each subtype can have additional properties that extend the basic ones. The subtype for text annotations (also called notes) is text. The subtype for link annotations is link. The Acrobat core API contains two built-in annotation typedefs PDTextAnnot and PDLinkAnnot. A PDTextAnnot object corresponds to a text annotation and a PDLinkAnnot object corresponds to a link annotation.

You can use PDAnnot methods to get and set various annotation properties, such as color, date, title, location, and subtype. For example, you can invoke the PDAnnotSetColor method to set the color of an annotation.


This chapter does not discuss how to create 3D annotations. (See Creating 3D annotations.)

Working with text annotations

The Acrobat API lets you create text annotations and retrieve and modify attributes of an existing text annotation. Acrobat displays text annotations as sticky notes.

Creating text annotations

You can create a text annotation by performing the following tasks:

  1. Create a rectangle region that specifies the annotation’s location. To create a rectangle region, create an ASFixedRect object.

  2. Define the rectangle’s borders by setting the ASFixedRect object’s left, top, right, and bottom attributes.

  3. Create a PDPage object that represents the page that will contain the new annotation by invoking the PDDocAcquirePage method. The first argument passed to this method is a PDDoc object that represents the PDF document and the second is an ASInt32 object that represents the page number on which the annotation is applied. This method returns a PDPage object.

  4. Create a PDAnnot object by invoking the PDPageCreateAnnot method and passing the following arguments:

    • A PDPage object that represents the page that will contain the new annotation.

    • An ASAtom object that represents the annotation’s subtype. Because a text annotation is created, specify Text as the annotation’s subtype. (See the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference.)

    • The address of the ASFixedRect object.

  1. Cast the PDAnnot object to a PDTextAnnot object by invoking the CastToPDTextAnnot method. This method requires a PDAnnot object and returns a PDTextAnnot object.

  2. Open the text annotation by invoking the PDTextAnnotSetOpen method. Opening an annotation enables you to set its content. This method requires a PDTextAnnot object and an ASBool value that specifies true.

  3. Set the text of the annotation by invoking the PDTextAnnotSetContents method and passing the following arguments:

    • A PDTextAnnot object that represents the annotation for which text is set.

    • A character pointer that specifies the text to set.

    • An ASInt32 object that specifies the length of the character pointer.

  1. Add the text annotation to the page by invoking the PDPageAddAnnot method and passing the following arguments:

    • A PDPage object that represents the page that will contain the new annotation.

    • An ASInt32 object that specifies the index that controls where the annotation is added. The first annotation in the array has an index of zero. Passing a value of -2 adds the annotation to the end of the array.

    • A PDTextAnnot object that represents the annotation.

The following code example adds a text annotation to a PDF document page. In this code example, a PDDoc object named myPDDoc exists. (See Creating a PDDoc object.)

PDPage page = NULL;
PDAnnot annot,textannot;
char* ptr = "This is initial text";

//Create an ASFixed object and define its borders
ASFixedRect fr;
fr.left = ASInt32ToFixed(36); = ASInt32ToFixed(792-36);
fr.right = ASInt32ToFixed(136);
fr.bottom = ASInt32ToFixed(792-136);

//Create a PDPage object
page = PDDocAcquirePage(myPDDoc, 0);

//Create a PDAnnot object
annot = PDPageCreateAnnot (page, ASAtomFromString("Text"),&fr);

//Cast the PDAnnot object to a PDTextAnnot object
textannot = CastToPDTextAnnot(annot);

//Open the annotation, set the text, and add it to a page
PDTextAnnotSetOpen (textannot, true);
PDTextAnnotSetContents (textannot, ptr, strlen (ptr));
PDPageAddAnnot(page,-2, textannot);

Retrieving existing annotations

You can use the Acrobat core API to retrieve existing annotations located within a PDF document by performing the following tasks:

  1. Create a PDDoc object that represents the PDF document that contains annotations. (See Creating a PDDoc object.)

  2. Search for existing annotations by iterating through the PDF document page by page. One way to perform this task is to create a for loop structure and invoke the PDDocGetNumPages method. This method requires a PDDoc object as an argument and returns the number of pages within the document.

  3. For each page within the PDF document, obtain a PDPage object by invoking the PDDocAcquirePage method and passing the following arguments:

    • A PDDoc object that represents the PDF document that contains the page.

    • An ASInt32 object that represents the page number.

  1. After you obtain a PDPage object, get the number of annotations located on the page by invoking the PDPageGetNumAnnots method. This method requires a PDPage object as an argument and returns an ASInt32 object representing the number of annotations located on the page.

  2. For each annotation on a page, invoke the PDPageGetAnnot method. This method requires a PDPage object and an ASInt32 object that represents the index of the annotation. This method returns a PDAnnot object.

The following code example retrieves existing annotations located within a PDF document. After an annotation is retrieved, information about the annotation is displayed within an alert box. Information about the annotation is retrieved by invoking the PDAnnotGetSubtype method. This method returns an ASAtom object representing the annotation’s subtype. For example, if the annotation is a stamp, then an ASAtom object storing the value Stamp is returned. You can get the string value from an ASAtom object by invoking the ASAtomGetString method and passing the ASAtom object.

PDPage page;
ASInt32 i,i2;
PDAnnot annot;
char* ptr;
char buf[200];
ASAtom atom;

//Iterate through the PDF document page by page
for (i = 0; i < PDDocGetNumPages(myPDDoc); i ++){

//Get each page within the document
 page = PDDocAcquirePage(myPDDoc, i);

//Get each annotation on the page
 for (i2 = 0; i2 < PDPageGetNumAnnots(page); i2++) {
         //Get a specific annotation
      annot = PDPageGetAnnot(page,i2);
      if (PDAnnotIsValid(annot))      {

//Display subtype information about the annotation
         atom = PDAnnotGetSubtype(annot);

//Cast the ASAtom object to a character pointer
         ptr = (char*) ASAtomGetString(atom);
          sprintf(buf, "The annotation's subtype is %s", ptr);
          AVAlertNote (buf);


In the previous code example, assume a PDDoc object named myPDDoc exists. (See Creating a PDDoc object.)

Modifying text annotations

You can modify an annotation after you retrieve it. For example, you can retrieve an existing text annotation and modify its text. For information about retrieving an annotation, see Retrieving existing annotations.

Before you modify an annotation, determine whether the annotation is the correct subtype. That is, before modifying a text annotation, ensure that the annotation is a Text annotation. You can determine whether an annotation is the correct subtype by invoking the PDAnnotGetSubtype method. This method requires a PDAnnot object and returns an ASAtom object that specifies the annotation’s subtype.

When modifying a text annotation, it is recommended that you check its contents. For example, you can retrieve all text annotations in a PDF document, retrieve the annotation’s text, and modify annotations that contain specific text. To retrieve the text of an annotation, invoke the PDTextAnnotGetContents method and pass the following arguments:

  • A PDTextAnnot object that contains text to retrieve.

  • A character pointer that is populated with the annotation’s text.

  • An ASInt32 object that represents the size of the character pointer.

The following code example iterates through all annotations located in a PDF document. Each valid annotation is checked to determine whether it is a Text annotation. This task is performed by invoking the PDAnnotGetSubtype method. If the annotations is a Text annotation, then the annotation’s text is retrieved by invoking the PDTextAnnotGetContents method.

Because the size of the annotation’s text is unknown, the PDTextAnnotGetContents is invoked twice. The first time it is invoked, NULL is passed as the buffer address (second argument) and 0 is specified as the buffer size (third argument). The text length is returned to an ASInt32 object named bufSize. The ASmalloc method is invoked which allocates bufSize bytes to the character pointer.

The second time PDTextAnnotGetContents is invoked, the allocated character pointer is passed as well as the ASInt32 object named bufSize. The character pointer is populated with the annotation’s text.

Next the strcmp method is invoked to compare the annotation’s text with a specific string value. If the annotation’s text matches the string value, then the PDTextAnnotSetContents method is invoked, which replaces the annotation’s text with new text.

PDPage page;
ASInt32 i,i2;
PDAnnot annot;
char setbuf[200];
ASAtom atom;

//Iterate through the PDF document page by page
for (i = 0; i < PDDocGetNumPages(myPDDoc); i ++){

//Get each page within the document
 page = PDDocAcquirePage(myPDDoc, i);

//Get each annotation on the page
 for (i2 = 0; i2 < PDPageGetNumAnnots(page); i2++) {

//Get a specific annotation
     annot = PDPageGetAnnot(page,i2);
      if (PDAnnotIsValid(annot)){

//Determine if the annotation is a Text annotation
         if (PDAnnotGetSubtype(annot) == ASAtomFromString("Text")) {

//Create a character pointer to store the annotation's text
             char * annBuf;
              ASInt32 bufSize = PDTextAnnotGetContents(annot, NULL, 0) +1;

//Allocate the size of bufSize to the character pointer
             annBuf = (char*)ASmalloc((os_size_t)bufSize);

//Populate annBuf with the annotation's text
             PDTextAnnotGetContents(annot, annBuf, bufSize);

//Compare the contents of annBuf with a string
             if (strcmp(annBuf,"This is initial text") == 0){

//Modify the annotation's text
                 sprintf (setbuf, "This is the new text for the annotation.");
                  PDTextAnnotSetOpen (annot, true);
                  PDTextAnnotSetContents (annot, setbuf, strlen(setbuf));


In the previous code example, assume a PDDoc object named myPDDoc exists. (See Creating a PDDoc object.)

Working with redaction annotations

The Acrobat API lets you create redaction annotations and access and modify the attributes in an existing redaction annotation. It also lets you apply an existing redaction annotation, which permanently removes the redacted material from the PDF document.

A redaction annotation identifies content to be removed from the document. The intent of redaction annotations is to enable the following process:

  1. Create redaction annotations that identify the content to be removed from the document. The redaction annotation specifies a rectangle that covers the content to be removed and specifies the appearance of the rectangle and associated information.

  2. Apply redaction annotations, which remove the content in the area specified by a set of redaction annotations. In the removed content’s place, some marking appears to indicate that the area was redacted. Also, the redaction annotations are removed from the PDF document.

A single content removal operation can remove the content specified by multiple redaction annotations.

Creating a redaction annotation

To create a redaction annotation that identifies the content to be removed from the document and the appearance of the redaction annotation, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a PDRedactParamsRec structure and populate it with values that describe characteristics of the redaction annotation, such as the page number on which the redaction is to be applied and the regions on the page being redacted.

  2. Apply the redaction annotation to the document, by invoking the PDDocCreateRedaction method.

The PDDocCreateRedaction function automatically sets common annotation properties, such as the annotation rectangle (Rect ) and the annotations unique name (NM ). Further changes to the annotation are unnecessary. However, if you want to set values for annotation properties not set by the PDDocCreateRedaction method, convert the PDAnnot object returned from that method into a Cos object and set its dictionary values. (See Working with Cos Objects and Creating the attributes dictionary.)

Modifying an existing redaction annotation

To modify the attributes of an existing redaction annotation, perform the following tasks:

  1. Obtain a pointer to the redaction annotation. (See Retrieving existing annotations.) Ensure that the pointer references an annotation with the Subtype value Redact.

  2. Get the redaction annotation’s properties, by invoking the PDRedactionGetProps function. The first argument is the pointer to the redaction annotation obtained in Step Obtain a pointer to the redaction annotation. (See Retrieving existing annotations.) Ensure that the pointer references an annotation with the ``Subtype` value Redact. <Plugins_Annotations.html#50618420_94111>`__ and the second argument is a pointer to the PDRedactParamsRec structure.

  3. Modify the members of the PDRedactParamsRec structure supplied by the PDRedactionGetProps function. The first argument is the pointer to the redaction annotation obtained in the step: Obtain a pointer to the redaction annotation. (See Retrieving existing annotations.) Ensure that the pointer references an annotation with the Subtype value Redact in step 1, and the second argument is a pointer to the PDRedactParamsRec structure.

  4. Set the redaction annotation’s properties by invoking the PDRedactionSetProps function.

Applying redaction annotations (removing redacted content)

To apply previously created redaction annotations, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a PDApplyRedactionParamsRec structure that specifies the redaction annotations to apply. The structure also lets you provide callback functions that Acrobat invokes as it applies the redaction annotations.

  2. Apply the redaction annotations by invoking the PDDocApplyRedactions function. This function name is overloaded with two forms. The simpler form specifies a first argument that is the pointer to the document, and the second argument that is the structure created in Step 1. The more complex forms let you specify progress callbacks.