Inserting Text into PDF Documents

As stated earlier in this guide, the PDF Library API is a subset of the Acrobat core API that enables your application to interact and manipulate PDF documents. The PDF Library API is not used to create plugins for Adobe Reader or Acrobat. It is also not used to modify the user interface of Adobe Reader or Acrobat, such as by adding a toolbar or menu item.

You can use the PDF Library API to programmatically insert text into a PDF document. This functionality is useful for dynamically updating a PDF document with information obtained during run-time. You can insert text into a PDF document by performing the following tasks:

  1. Create a new PDF document.

  2. Create a new page and insert it into the PDF document.

  3. Create a container for the page content.

  4. Acquire a font and set its attributes.

  5. Insert the text element into page content.

  6. Convert content into resource and content objects.

  7. Place resource and content objects onto the page.

  8. Save the PDF document.

  9. Release all objects.


Assume that all code examples specified in this chapter are located in an entry function named MainProc.

Creating a new PDF document

You can programmatic-ally create a new PDF document by invoking the PDDocCreate method. This method returns a PDDoc object that only contains one COS object, which is a Catalog. For information about COS objects, see Working with Cos Objects.

The following code example creates a PDDoc object by invoking PDDocCreate method.

PDDoc pdDoc ;
pdDoc = DDocCreate();

Creating a new page

You can create a new page by invoking the PDDocCreatePage method. However, before invoking this method, set the page size by creating an ASFixedRect object, which represents a rectangle region that specifies the page size. After you declare an ASFixedRect object, you can specify the page size by setting the ASFixedRect object’s left, top, right, and bottom attributes.

Next, invoke the PDDocCreatePage method and pass the following arguments:

  • A PDDoc object that was created.

  • An ASInt32 value that specifies the page number after which the new page is inserted. Specify PDBeforeFirstPage to insert the new page at the beginning of the PDF document.

  • An ASFixedRect object that specifies the page size.

This method returns a PDPage object. The following code example creates a new page, sets it size, and inserts it into the PDF document represented by the PDDoc object.

PDPage pdPage;
ASFixedRect mediaBox;

//Set the page size
mediaBox.left = fixedZero; = Int16ToFixed(4*72);
mediaBox.right = Int16ToFixed(5*72);
mediaBox.bottom = fixedZero;

//Create a page and insert it as the first page
PDPagepdPage = PDDocCreatePage(pdDoc, PDBeforeFirstPage, mediaBox);

Creating a container

To insert text into a PDF document, you must create a PDF container. A container contains the modifiable contents of a PDF page. To create a PDF container, invoke the PDPageAcquirePDEContent method and pass the following arguments:

  • A PDPage object.

  • An ASExtension object that represents the caller. If you invoke this method from a PDF Library project, you can pass NULL. In contrast, if you invoke this method from a plugin, you would pass the gExtensionID extension.

The PDPageAcquirePDEContent method returns a PDEContent object, as shown in the following code example.

PDEContent pdeContent;
pdeContent = PDPageAcquirePDEContent(pdPage, NULL);

Acquiring fonts

You must acquire the font that you will use to insert text into a PDF document. You can reference a font that is installed on the host computer by creating a PDSysFont object and use this object to create a PDEFont object, which represents the font that is used to draw text on a page. To acquire a font, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a PDEFontAttrs object.

  2. Allocate the size of the PDEFontAttrs object’s buffer by using the memset method.

  3. Set the PDEFontAttrs object’s name and type attributes. The name attribute defines the font name. For example, you can specify CourierStd. The type attribute defines the font subtype. For example, you can specify Type1, which is a Type 1 PostScript font. For information about valid font subtype values, see the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference.

  4. Create a PDSysFont object by invoking the PDFindSysFont method and passing the following arguments:

  5. Create a PDEFont object that represents the font to use within a PDF document by invoking the PDEFontCreateFromSysFont method and passing the following arguments:

    • A PDSysFont object that references a system font.

    • An ASUnit32 value that indicates whether to embed the font or whether to subset the font. You can pass kPDEFontDoNotEmbed to this argument. For information about other values, see the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference.

The following code example acquires a font that is used to draw text on a page.

PDSysFont sysFont;
PDEFont pdeFont;

//Set the size of the PDSysFont and set its attributes
memset(&pdeFontAttrs, 0, sizeof(pdeFontAttrs)); = ASAtomFromString("CourierStd");
pdeFontAttrs.type = ASAtomFromString("Type1");

//Get system font
sysFont = PDFindSysFont(&pdeFontAttrs, sizeof(PDEFontAttrs), 0);

//Create a font that is used to draw text on a page
pdeFont = PDEFontCreateFromSysFont(sysFont, kPDEFontDoNotEmbed);

Creating a PDEGraphicState object

You must create a PDEGraphicState object that is used to define attributes of the PDEText object. After you create a PDEGraphicState object, set the following attributes:

  • strokeColorSpec: The stroke color specification. The default value is DeviceGray.

  • miterLimit: The miter limit, corresponding to the M (setmiterlimit) operator. The default value is fixedTen.

  • flatness: The line flatness corresponding to the i (setflat) operator. The default value is fixedZero.

  • lineWidth: The line width corresponding to the w (setlinewidth) operator. The default value is fixedOne.

For more information about attributes that belong to this object, see the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference.

The following code example creates a PDEGraphicState object and sets it attributes.

//Create a DEGraphicState object and set its attributes
PDEGraphicState gState;
PDEColorSpace pdeColorSpace = PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName(ASAtomFromString("DeviceGray"));
memset(&gState, 0, sizeof(PDEGraphicState)); = = pdeColorSpace;
gState.miterLimit = fixedTen;
gState.flatness = fixedOne;
gState.lineWidth = fixedOne;

Creating an ASFixedMatrix object

Create an ASFixedMatrix object that represents the transformation matrix for the text. By creating this object, you can set text properties such as the font size and the width and height of the text. The following code example creates an ASFixedMatrix object and sets its attributes.

//Create an ASFixedMatrix object
memset(&textMatrix, 0, sizeof(textMatrix));    /* Set the buffer size */
textMatrix.a = Int16ToFixed(24);     /* Set font width and height */
textMatrix.d = Int16ToFixed(24);     /* to 24 point size       */
textMatrix.h = Int16ToFixed(1*72);   /* x,y coordinate on page */
textMatrix.v = Int16ToFixed(2*72);   /* in this case, 1" x 2"  */

Inserting text

You can insert text into the PDF document by performing the following tasks:

  1. Create a PDEText object by invoking the PDETextCreate method. This method does not require arguments.

  2. Invoke the PDETextAdd method and pass the following arguments:

    • A PDEText object that you created.

    • A PDETextFlags value that specifies the type of text to add. Specify kPDETextRun for a text run.

    • An ASInt32 value that specifies the index after which to add the text run. You can specify 0 to add the text run to the beginning.

    • A character pointer that specifies the text to insert into the PDF document.

    • An ASInt32 value that specifies the length of the text run.

    • The PDEFont object that you created. (See Acquiring fonts.)

    • The address of the PDEGraphicState object that you created. (See Creating a PDEGraphicState object.)

    • The size of the PDEGraphicState object. You can use the sizeof method to get this information.

    • The address of the PDETextState object. You can pass NULL.

    • The size of the PDETextState object.

    • The address of the ASFixedMatrix object that you created. (See Creating an ASFixedMatrix object.)

    • The address of the ASFixedMatrix object that holds the matrix for the line width when stroking text. It is recommended that you pass NULL.

  1. Insert text into the page content by invoking the PDEContentAddElem method and passing the following arguments:

    • The PDEContent object that you created. (See Creating a container.)

    • The location to where the text is added. Pass kPDEAfterLast to add the text to the end of the PDEContent object.

    • The PDEText object and cast this object to PDEElement.

  2. Set the page’s PDEContent back into the page by invoking the PDPageSetPDEContent method and passing the following arguments:

    • A PDPage object that you created. (See Creating a new page.)

    • An ASExtension object that represents the caller. If you invoke this method from a PDF Library project, you can pass NULL. In contrast, if you invoke this method from a plugin, you would pass the gExtensionID extension.

//Create a PDEText object
pdeText = PDETextCreate();

//Create a character pointer
char *HelloWorldStr = "Hello There";

//Create new text run
PDETextAdd(pdeText,          //Text container to add to
      kPDETextRun,            // kPDETextRun
      0,                       // index
      HelloWorldStr,         // Text to add
      strlen(HelloWorldStr),// Length of text
      pdeFont,                 // Font to apply to text
      &gState,                 //Address of PDEGraphicState object
      sizeof(gState),               //Size of graphic state to apply to text
      &textMatrix,             //Transformation matrix for text
      NULL);                    //Stroke matrix

//Insert text into page content
PDEContentAddElem(pdeContent, kPDEAfterLast, (PDEElement) pdeText);

Saving the PDF document

You can save the PDF document by invoking the PDDocSave method and passing the following arguments:

  • A PDDoc object that represents the PDF document.

  • A PDSaveFlags object that specifies save options. For example, you can pass PDSaveFull to this argument, which results in the entire document being saved. For more information about this parameter, see the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference.

  • An ASPathName object that represents the path to which the file is saved.

  • An ASFileSys object that represents the file system. (See Creating an ASFileSys object.)

  • A progress monitor value. Invoke the AVAppGetDocProgressMonitor method to obtain the default. You can pass NULL, in which case no progress monitor is used.

  • The address of a progMonClientData object that contains user-supplied data to pass to progMon each time it is called. Pass NULL if the previous argument (progMon) is NULL.

//Save the PDF document
#if !MAC_ENV
  PDDocSave(pdDoc, PDSaveFull | PDSaveLinearized,ASPathFromPlatformPath

("out.pdf"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
  ASPathName macPath = GetMacPath("out.pdf");
  PDDocSave(pdDoc, PDSaveFull | PDSaveLinearized, macPath, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Examining a PDFL app source file

This section shows the entire source file that is responsible for importing text into a PDF document.

The following image shows the PDF that is created when this source file is executed.

#ifdef MAC_ENV
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#include "PDFInit.h"
#include "CosCalls.h"
#include "CorCalls.h"
#include "ASCalls.h"
#include "PDCalls.h"
#include "PSFCalls.h"
#include "PERCalls.h"
#include "PEWCalls.h"
#include "PIExcept.h"
#include "PagePDECntCalls.h"

#ifdef MAC_ENV
#include "macUtils.h"

void MainProc(void)
  char buf[256];
  ASInt32 i;
  ASBool b;
  PDDoc pdDoc;               /* Reference to a PDF document  */
  PDPage pdPage;             /* Reference to a page in doc */
  PDEContent pdeContent;    /* Container for page content */
  ASFixedRect mediaBox;     /* Dimensions of page */
  PDSysFont sysFont;              /* Used by PDEFont creation */
  PDEFont pdeFont;           /* Reference to a font used on a page */
  PDEFontAttrs pdeFontAttrs; /* Font attributes    */
  PDEText pdeText;            /* Container for text */
  ASFixedMatrix textMatrix;  /* Transformation matrix for text */
  PDEColorSpace pdeColorSpace; /* ColorSpace */
  PDEGraphicState gState;    /* Graphic state to apply to operation */
  char *HelloWorldStr = "Hello There"; // Text to write to the PDF
#ifdef MAC_ENV
  ASPathName macPath;

                  Create the doc, page, and content container


  pdDoc = PDDocCreate();                    /* Create new document  */

  mediaBox.left   = fixedZero;              /* Dimensions of page   */    = Int16ToFixed(4*72);    /* In this case 5" x 4" */
  mediaBox.right  = Int16ToFixed(5*72);
  mediaBox.bottom = fixedZero;

  //Create a page with those dimensions and insert it as the first page
  pdPage = PDDocCreatePage(pdDoc, PDBeforeFirstPage, mediaBox);

  //Acquire a PDEContent container for the page
  pdeContent = PDPageAcquirePDEContent(pdPage, NULL);

      Acquire a font, add text, and insert into page content container

  //Set the size of the PDSysFont and set its attributes
  memset(&pdeFontAttrs, 0, sizeof(pdeFontAttrs)); = ASAtomFromString("CourierStd");
  pdeFontAttrs.type = ASAtomFromString("Type1");

  sysFont = PDFindSysFont(&pdeFontAttrs, sizeof(PDEFontAttrs), 0);
  pdeFont = PDEFontCreateFromSysFont(sysFont, kPDEFontDoNotEmbed);

  /* The following code sets up the default graphics state.  We do this so that
   * we can free the PDEColorSpace objects

  //PDEColorSpace pdeColorSpace; /* ColorSpace */
  //PDEGraphicState gState;    /* Graphic state to apply to operation */

  //Create a PDEGraphicState object and set its attributes
  pdeColorSpace = PDEColorSpaceCreateFromName(ASAtomFromString("DeviceGray"));
  memset(&gState, 0, sizeof(PDEGraphicState)); = = pdeColorSpace;
  gState.miterLimit = fixedTen;
  gState.flatness = fixedOne;
  gState.lineWidth = fixedOne;

  //Create an ASFixedMatrix object
  memset(&textMatrix, 0, sizeof(textMatrix));    /* Set the buffer size */
  textMatrix.a = Int16ToFixed(24);     /* Set font width and height */
  textMatrix.d = Int16ToFixed(24);     /* to 24 point size       */
  textMatrix.h = Int16ToFixed(1*72);   /* x,y coordinate on page */
  textMatrix.v = Int16ToFixed(2*72);   /* In this case, 1" x 2"  */

  //Create a PDEText object
  pdeText = PDETextCreate();           /* Create new text run    */

  PDETextAdd(pdeText,       /* Text container to add to  */
      kPDETextRun,          /* kPDETextRun, kPDETextChar */
      0,                    /* Index */
      HelloWorldStr,        /* Text to add    */
      strlen(HelloWorldStr),/* Length of text */
      pdeFont,              /* Font to apply to text */
      sizeof(gState),        /* Graphic state to apply to text  */
      0,                     /* Text state and size of structure*/
      &textMatrix,           /* Transformation matrix for text  */
      NULL);                 /* Stroke matrix  */

  /* Insert text into the page content */
  PDEContentAddElem(pdeContent, kPDEAfterLast, (PDEElement) pdeText);

          Convert to objects, add to page, and release resources

  /* Set the PDEContent for the page */
  b = PDPageSetPDEContent(pdPage, NULL);

  /* Save document to a file */
#if !MAC_ENV
  PDDocSave(pdDoc, PDSaveFull | PDSaveLinearized,ASPathFromPlatformPath

("out.pdf"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
  macPath = GetMacPath("out.pdf");
  PDDocSave(pdDoc, PDSaveFull | PDSaveLinearized, macPath, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  //Release all objects
  PDERelease((PDEObject) pdeFont);
  PDERelease((PDEObject) pdeText);
  i = PDPageReleasePDEContent(pdPage, NULL);

  ASGetErrorString(ERRORCODE, buf, sizeof(buf));
  fprintf(stderr, "Error code: %ld, Error Message: %sn", ERRORCODE, buf);
  exit (-1);

#include "MyPDFLibApp.cpp"