
Bug-fix release.


  • 0016: Changed ui.content/pom.xml to remove the core dependency, distribution config, and jslint plug-in.
  • 0011: Added skip deploy directive to ui.content pom.xml (as the ui.content artifact does not get deployed to bintray)
  • 0012: Updated AEM package file names to be: ‘asset-share-commons.ui.apps-' and 'asset-share-commons.ui.content-'.
  • 0016: Changed ui.content/pom.xml to remove the core dependency, distribution config, and jslint plug-in.
  • 0018: Updated components to leverage the ASC modelCache for models: Config, AssetModel and PagePredicate. Added HTL Maven Plugin to prevent typos in the HTL.
  • 0021: Reduced file sizes of image in ui.content project.
  • 0027: XSS Protect user input for Share emails in EmailShareServiceImpl.java


  • 0029: Resolve issue with WARN in logs over missing ACS Commons EmailService dependency.
  • 0053: Fixed issue with broken log in and log out links
  • 0056: Updated pom.xml to include ui.content as a module. Updated ui.content/pom.xml so only gets built with profile of ‘autoInstallPackage-all’ and ‘autoInstallPackagePublish-all’