Asset Share Commons

A modern, open-source Asset Share reference implementation built for Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service

Asset Share Commons

Asset Share Commons version 3.8.10 is out!

Asset Share Commons 2+ now supports AEM as a Cloud Service and AEM 6.5 SP7+, and requires AEM WCM Core Components 2.17.14+.

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  Asset Share Commons 1.x Asset Share Commons 2.x/3.x
Supports AEM as a Cloud Service
Supports AEM 6.5.x (6.5.7+)
Requires AEM Core WCM Components
Supports legacy AEM 6.5 asset download framework
Supports optimized ASC AEM 6.5 asset download framework
Supports AEM as a Cloud Service asset download framework
Includes ASC asset renditions
Includes ASC asset kit (2.5.4+)

Learn about the features


Asset Share Commons allows authors to create custom yet performant search portals into their assets.


Learn about what Asset Share Commons will let you do with your assets.


Learn how you can skin Asset Share Commons to match your brand's color scheme.