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Mesh Visualization

Geometry loading and registration

Loading mesh

Creates and entity that represents the mesh. This entity is only a resource - it is not rendered. It can be referenced by components that need this geometry for rendering/picking/etc. These entities have MeshData component attached that contains a lagrange::MeshBase pointer.

ui::Entity mesh_from_disk = ui::load_mesh(registry, path);
ui::Entity mesh_from_memory = ui::register_mesh(registry, lagrange::create_sphere());

Retrieving and interacting with the mesh

To retrieve a mesh:

MeshType & mesh = ui::get_mesh<MeshType>(registry, mesh_entity);

There are several methods that do not require the knowledge of the mesh type. These may however incur copy and conversion costs.

RowMajorMatrixXf get_mesh_vertices(const MeshData& d);
RowMajorMatrixXf get_mesh_facets(const MeshData& d);
bool has_mesh_vertex_attribute(const MeshData& d, const std::string& name);
bool has_mesh_facet_attribute(const MeshData& d, const std::string& name);
RowMajorMatrixXf get_mesh_vertex_attribute(const MeshData& d, const std::string& name);
RowMajorMatrixXf get_mesh_facet_attribute(const MeshData& d, const std::string& name);
std::optional<RayFacetHit> intersect_ray(const MeshData& d, const Eigen::Vector3f& origin, const Eigen::Vector3f& dir);

Loading scene

Loads a scene using Assimp. Creates a hierarchy of entities and loads meshes, materials and textures. Returns the top-level entity.

ui::Entity root = ui::load_scene(registry, path);

To iterate over the scene, see the Tree component.

Adding geometry to scene

Default Physically Based Render (PBR)

Adds previously registered mesh geometry to the scene. This mesh will be rendered using PBR.

ui::Entity scene_object = ui::show_mesh(registry, mesh_entity);

Uses DefaultShaders::PBR shader.

See Materials section to see how to control the appearance.

Mesh visualizations

Adds a visualization of a mesh.

auto vertex_viz_entity = ui::show_vertex_attribute(registry, mesh_entity, attribute_name, glyph_type);
auto facet_viz_entity = ui::show_facet_attribute(registry, mesh_entity, attribute_name, glyph_type);
auto corner_viz_entity = ui::show_corner_attribute(registry, mesh_entity, attribute_name, glyph_type);
auto edge_viz_entity = ui::show_edge_attribute(registry, mesh_entity, attribute_name, glyph_type);

These functions will create a new scene object and render the supplied attribute using the selected glyph type.


Renders unshaded surface with color mapped from the supplied attribute. Supports attributes of dimension: 1, 2, 3, and 4.

  • Normalization: The attribute value is automatically remapped to (0,1) range. To change the range, use ui::set_colormap_range
  • Colormapping: By default, the attribute is interpreted as R, RG, RGB or RGBA value. To use different mapping, refer to Colormaps section.


If the glyph or shader supports colormapping, use the following function to set the colormap:

To use on of the default colormaps:

ui::set_colormap(registry, entity, ui::generate_colormap(ui::colormap_magma))
Or generate your own
ui::set_colormap(registry, entity, ui::generate_colormap([](float t){
    return Color(
        //... function of t from 0 to 1

Default colormaps:



Any entity with MeshRender component has a Material associated with it (MeshRender::material).

To get a reference to entity's material, use:

std::shared_ptr<Material> material_ptr = ui::get_material(r, entity_with_meshrender);

Similarly, you may set a new material:

ui::set_material(r, entity_with_mesh_render, std::make_shared<ui::Material>(r, DefaultShaders::PBR);

Color/Texture Material Properties

You may set colors and textures of materials using the following API:

auto & material = *ui::get_material(r, entity_with_meshrender);

//Sets "property name" to a red color
material.set_color("property name", ui::Color(1,0,0));

//Sets "texture name" to texture loaded from file
material.set_texture("texture name", ui::load_texture("texture.jpg"));


For the default PBRMaterial, you may use aliases for the property names:

//Uniform rgba color
material.set_color(PBRMaterial::BaseColor, ui::Color(1,0,0,1));
//RGB(A) color/albedo texture
material.set_texture(PBRMaterial::BaseColor, ui::load_texture("color.jpg"));

//Normal texture (and texture only)
material.set_texture(PBRMaterial::Normal, ui::load_texture("normal.jpg"));

//Uniform roughness
material.set_float(PBRMaterial::Roughness, 0.75f);
//Roughness texture
material.set_texture(PBRMaterial::Roughness, ui::load_texture("metallic.jpg"));

//Uniform roughness
material.set_float(PBRMaterial::Metallic, 0.75f);
//Metallic texture
material.set_texture(PBRMaterial::Metallic, ui::load_texture("metallic.jpg"));

//Uniform opacity
material.set_float(PBRMaterial::Opacity, 1.0f);
//Opacity texture
material.set_texture(PBRMaterial::Opacity, ui::load_texture("opacity.jpg"));

Rasterizer Properties

To control OpenGl properties, you may following syntax:

material.set_int(RasterizerOptions::PolygonMode, GL_LINE);
material.set_float(RasterizerOptions::PointSize, PointSize);

See <lagrange/ui/Shader.h> for a list of supported RasterizerOptions;

Custom Shader Properties

You may set arbitrary int or float or Color or Texture to the material. It will be set as a shader uniform if it exists in the shader, otherwise there will be no effect.