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General Utility Functions


Lagrange uses spdlog for logging purposes. Spdlog provides feature-rich formatting via the excellent fmt library. This provides several advantages over a traditional std::cout messaging:

  • Python-like formatting syntax improves code readability
  • 6 levels of logging: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical
  • Fast, thread-safe formatting
  • Multiple sinks (file, stdout, etc.)

The default Lagrange logger can be accessed as follows:

#include <lagrange/Logger.h>

lagrange::logger().debug("This mesh has {} vertices and {} facets", v, f);

To control the logging level, or set additional sinks (e.g. to write logs to a file), please read the spdlog documentation.

A common pattern we use in example applications is to set the logging level/sink via command-line arguments. E.g. using CLI11 to parse cli args:

    std::string log_file;
    int log_level = 2;
} args;

// Parse command-line args with CLI11
CLI::App app{argv[0]};
app.add_flag("-q,--quiet", args.quiet, "Hide logger on stdout.");
app.add_option("-l,--level", args.log_level, "Log level (0 = most verbose, 6 = off).");
app.add_option("-f,--log-file", args.log_file, "Log file.");
CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv)

if (args.quiet) {
    // Hide stdout default sink
if (!args.log_file.empty()) {
    // Add a new file sink
        std::make_shared<spdlog::sinks::basic_file_sink_mt>(args.log_file, true));

// Set log level
args.log_level = std::max(0, std::min(6, args.log_level));


Lagrange provides handy timing functions based on modern C++'s chrono package. Here is an example use case:

#include <lagrange/utils/timing.h>

auto start_time = lagrange::get_timestamp();
auto finish_time = lagrange::get_timestamp();

auto duration = lagrange::timestamp_diff_in_seconds(start_time, finish_time);
lagrange::logger().info("Duration: {}s", duration);


Lagrange provide two types of assertion macros:

  • Runtime assertions, using la_runtime_assert(). Those are used to check the validity of user inputs as a pre-condition to a function. For example, providing a function with an empty, or a mesh with incorrect dimension, could result in such an assertion being raised. A runtime assert is executed even in Release configuration, and indicates a problem with the function input.

  • Debug assertions using la_debug_assert(). Those are only checked in debug code (macro NDEBUG is undefined). A debug assert is used to check internal code validity, and should not be triggered under any circumstance by client code. A failed debug assert indicates an error in the programmer's code, and should be fixed accordingly.

Usage In Expressions

Our assert macros behave as functions, meaning they expand to a void expression and can be used in an expression such as y = (la_debug_assert(true), x).

Our assertion macros can take either 1 or 2 arguments, the second argument being an optional error message. To conveniently format assertion messages with a printf-like syntax, use fmt::format:

#include <lagrange/utils/assert.h>
#include <spdlog/fmt/fmt.h>

la_debug_assert(x == 3);
la_debug_assert(x == 3, "Error message");
la_debug_assert(x == 3, fmt::format("Incorrect value of x: {}", x));

Break Into Debugger

It is possible to have assert macros break into the debugger upon failure. To do that, enable the CMake option LAGRANGE_ASSERT_DEBUG_BREAK when compiling Lagrange into your project.

Type Cast

It is often necessary to cast a variable from one type to another. To ensure such cast is safe, Lagrange provides an explicit casting function:

#include <lagrange/utils/safe_cast.h>

// Cast variable y into variable x of type `type1`
type1 x = lagrange::safe_cast<type1>(y);

Implementation Detail

safe_cast checks for type compatibility, sign consistency and truncation error. We recommended to use code that avoids casting in the first place.

Pointer Type Conversion

It often necessary to convert a std::unique_ptr to std::shared_ptr. Lagrange provide a handy function that avoid repeated type specification:

#include <lagrange/common.h>

std::unqiue_ptr<T> unique_val = ...;
auto shared_val == lagrange::to_shared_ptr(unique_val);
assert(unique_val == nullptr);
assert(shared_val.use_count() == 1);


Lagrange provides a handy range() function to enable a python-like range-based for loop:

#include <lagrange/range.h>

for (auto i : lagrange::range(num_vertices)) {
    // i goes from 0 to num_vertices-1

The advantage of using range() is that the type of the index variable i is automatically inferred from the type of num_vertices. This reduces the amount of unnecessary implicit casts and compiler warnings.

Lagrange also provide range_sparse() to loop through an active subset of the range:

#include <lagrange/range.h>

std::vector<Index> active_set;

// Populate active_set... (optional)

for (auto i : lagrange::range_sparse(N, active_set)) {
    // i will loop through only the active entries.

The iterator behaves as follows:

  • If active_set is empty, range_sparse(N, active_set) will loop from 0 to N (same behavior as range(N)).
  • However, if active_set is non-empty, range_sparse(N, active_set) will loop through the entries of active_set.

Disjoint-Set / Union-Find

Lagrange provide a simple Disjoint-Set data-structure that can be used to implement algorithms such as Kruskal's minimum spanning tree.

#include <lagrange/utils/DisjointSets.h>

using Edge = std::array<Index, 2>;

std::vector<Edge> min_spanning_tree(
    Index num_vertices,
    const std::vector<Edge>& sorted_edges)
    // Disjoint-sets for efficient union-find operations
    DisjointSets<Index> union_find(num_vertices);
    std::vector<Edge> output_edges;

    // Iterate over all input edges in ascending order
    for (auto [x, y] : sorted_edges) {
        [x, y] = sorted_edges[e];

        // If vertices belong to disconnected unrooted trees,
        // merge them and add edge (x, y) to the solution
        if (union_find.find(x) != union_find.find(y)) {
            output_edges.emplace_back(x, y);
            union_find.merge(x, y);
    return output_edges;

Implementation Detail

For simplicity, our Disjoint-Set data structure currently only implements path compression, but not union by rank.


The BitField class can be used to implement convenient bitwise boolean operations over an enum type.

#include <lagrange/utils/BitField.h>
#include <lagrange/Logger.h>

enum Operation : int {
    Translation = (1 << 0),
    Rotation = (1 << 1),
    Scaling = (1 << 2),,
BitField<Operation> op;
if (op.test(Operation::Scaling)) {
    lagrange::logger().info("Scaling bit is set");

Floating Point Exceptions

On certain platforms, it is possible to trap floating point exceptions using compiler-specific functions. This is useful for debugging purposes, e.g. to detect when a NaN is emitted during numerical computation.

Lagrange provide a convenient platform-agnostic function called enable_fpe() / disable_fpe() to enable/disable trapping floating point exceptions. Our implementation currently supports Linux and macOS. On non-supported platform, calling the function is a no-op.

#include <lagrange/utils/fpe.h>

void my_main() {
    // call problematic operation []...]

Compilation Issues

If our implementation of enable_fpe() casues compilation issues on your target platform (e.g. macOS M1, Emscripten, etc.), it is possible to disable the feature explicitly by setting the CMake option LAGRANGE_DISABLE_FPE=ON. In this case, calling enable_fpe() will do nothing.

Scope Guard

Sometimes it is necessary to ensure that certain resources are properly deallocated when leaving the scope of a function. This typically happens when dealing with C API that provide abstract object handling functions such as:

struct MyObject;

MyObject * create_object();

void delete_object(MyObject *);

To make object deletion exception-safe in C++, one must ensure that the delete_object() function is called even if an exception is raised. One possibility is to use a RAII class. Lagrange provides a simple make_scope_guard() function that wraps an arbitrary callable using RAII:

#include <lagrange/utils/scope_guard.h>

void my_function() {
    MyObject *obj = create_object();

    // Deferred called to `delete_object()` destructor.
    // Called when `guard` goes out of scope.
    auto guard = lagrange::make_scope_guard([&]( delete_object(obj); ));

    // Use `obj` ...

This paradigm is also useful when using imperative programming, e.g. when implementing an "editable state" in an object, and you want to ensure the begin_edit() and end_edit() methods are always called together. It can also be use to wrap calls to glBegin() and glEnd() in OpenGL, ensuring the state machine stays consistent.

Stack-Allocated Containers

Lagrange provides different implementations of stack-allocated containers. Such containers are extremely useful when dealing with many small buffers with a known upper-limit size, or at least a good initial guess. For example if the nodes of a graph have at most 6 neighbors, you can use a stack-allocated containers to store the neighbor indices. Another example is storing a quad-dominant mesh, where facets can have a size 3 or 4.

Lagrange currently provide the following implementations:

  • SmallVector. An implementation of a std::vector<> with a pre-allocated stack buffer that grow on the heap beyond the initial upper limit.
  • StackVector. An implementation of a std::vector<> with a fixed upper size provided at compile-time. Inserting new elements beyond the limit will throw an exception.
  • StackSet. An implementation of a std::set<> with a fixed upper size provided at compile-time. Inserting new elements beyond the limit will throw an exception.

Shared Span

Lagrange's SurfaceMesh class relies heavily on a span<> implementation to provide bounds-safe view over raw pointers. Since our mesh attribute supports copy-on-write and wrapping of external buffers, it can be desirable to wrap external buffers as attribute while managing their lifetime.

To this end, Lagrange implements a SharedSpan object that offers a bounds-safe view over a raw pointer, while tracking the actual owner object via a different std::shared_ptr<>.

Example 1: Buffer Created via a C-style API

struct MyMesh {
    std::vector<float> vertices;
    std::vector<uint32_t> facets;

// Create a new mesh instance
MyMesh * mesh_new();

// Free previously allocated mesh instance
void mesh_free(MyMesh* obj);

void wrap_mesh(lagrange::SurfaceMesh<float, uint32_t> &mesh)
    // Create vertex buffer via abstract C API
    auto owner_obj = std::shared_ptr<MyObject>(mesh_new(), &mesh_free);

    // Number of vertices is number of coordinates divided by 3
    uint32_t num_vertices = owner_obj->vertices.size() / 3;

    // Create a "view" of the raw vertices pointer while tracking ownership information
    auto vertices_vew = make_shared_span(

    mesh.wrap_as_vertices(vertices_vew, num_vertices);

    // Wrap facet buffer sharing the same owner object
    uint32_t num_facets = owner_obj->facets.size() / 3;
    auto facets_vew = make_shared_span(
    mesh.wrap_as_facets(facets_view, num_facets, 3);

Example 2: Buffer Stored as an Eigen Matrix

using RowMatrixXd = Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;

// Moves a N x 3 matrix of vertex positions into a Lagrange SurfaceMesh
// without copying the underlying buffer
void wrap_vertices(lagrange::SurfaceMesh32d& mesh, RowMatrixXd&& V)
    // Take ownership of the input matrix V
    auto eigen_matrix = std::make_shared<RowMatrixXd>(std::move(V));

    // Create a safe view of the raw position data
    auto vertices_view =
        lagrange::make_shared_span(eigen_matrix, eigen_matrix->data(), eigen_matrix->size());

    // Wrap raw position data as vertices without any copy
    mesh.wrap_as_vertices(vertices_view, eigen_matrix->rows());