Modernization Suite Set-Up

Tool Installation

The AEM Modernization Tool suite is released as a standard AEM content package. It can be downloaded from the GitHub Release page or included as a sub-package dependency of a configuration project.

The following steps assume you are adding this project to one created from AEM Archetype 21 or above.

Step 1: Add Dependency

Note that all <dependency> entries listed below can be defined at the Reactor pom.xml with the version, type and classifier, and the version-less/type-less/classifier-less dependencies can be used in the sub-project poms. The instructions below define the dependencies directly in each sub-project pom for clarity and succinctness.

Add the following to the <dependencies> section of the all project’s pom.xml file:

    <!-- <classifier>aem65</classifier> optional, see below -->


The AEM Modernize Tools has multiple distributions; the following are available through classifiers:

  • No classifier
    • AEM Version: Cloud Service
    • JDK Target: Java 11
  • aem65
    • AEM Version: AEM 6.5.x
    • JDK Target: Java 11
  • java8aem65
    • AEM Version: AEM 6.5.x
    • JDK Target: Java 8

Step 2: Add as an Embed/Sub package

For more information on the Maven Project structural changes in Maven Archetype 21, please review Understand the Structure of a Project Content Package in AEM as a Cloud Service. Note that this project structure is compatible with AEM 6.x as well.

In the filevault-package-maven-plugin configuration of your all project’s pom.xml file, add this:

          <!-- <classifier>aem65</classifier> optional, see above -->

Step 3: Add Bundle as a Dependency (Optional)

If you plan to create custom implementations of the RewriteRule interface, your bundle project will need to add a dependency to the bundle artifact of this project. This can be done by adding this to your dependency list:
