Acrobat API Reference | All Layers | All Objects | Index | Samples | Frames | ![]() |
PDImage | Typedefs | Structures | Methods | |
Layer | PD_Layer |
Object | PDImage |
A PDImage is a sampled image or image mask, and corresponds to a PDF Image resource (see Stencil Masking in Section 4.8, Images, in the PDF Reference). You can use any PDXObject method on a PDImage.
Typedef | ||
A numeric count value for use in PDImageAttrs.
PDImageAttrs | ||
PDImageAttrsP | ||
A signed measurement of an image offset, for use in PDImageAttrs.
Structure | ||
A data structure containing information about the attributes of an image. See Section 4.8 in the PDF Reference for more information.
Method | ||
(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets the lookup table for an indexed color space. The table will contain the number of entries specified by the index size, and there will be 1 byte for each color component for each entry. The number of color components depends on the color space:
(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility. Use PDEImageGetAttrs and/or Cos-level calls instead.) Gets the attributes of an image (for example, Type, Subtype, Name, Width, Height, BitsPerComponent, ColorSpace, Decode, Interpolate, or ImageMask).
void PDImageSelAdjustMatrix(void* callData, ASFixedMatrix newUserMatrix)
This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8.
CosObj PDImageSelectAlternate(CosObj image, ASBool print, ASUns32 tickLimit, ASBool* cacheImageP, void* callData)
This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8.
void PDImageSelGetDeviceAttr(void* callData, PDColorSpace* colorSpaceP, ASUns32* bitsPerPixelP, ASAtom* deviceTypeP)
This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8.
void PDImageSelGetGeoAttr(void* callData, ASFixedRect* updateBBoxP, ASFixedMatrix* imageToDefaultMatrixP, ASFixedMatrix* imageToDevMatrixP)
This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8.
PDCount |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
typedef ASInt32 PDCount;
A numeric count value for use in PDImageAttrs.
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PDImageAttrs |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
typedef _t_PDImageAttrs PDImageAttrs;
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PDImageAttrsP |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
typedef _t_PDImageAttrs PDImageAttrsP;
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PDImageScalar |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
typedef ASInt32 PDImageScalar;
A signed measurement of an image offset, for use in PDImageAttrs.
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_t_PDImageAttrs |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
struct _t_PDImageAttrs {
A data structure containing information about the attributes of an image. See Section 4.8 in the PDF Reference for more information.
See Also
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width | (Required) The width of the source image in samples. |
height | (Required) The height of the source image in samples. |
bitsPerComponent | (Required) The number of bits used to represent each color component. |
imageMask | (Optional) |
interpolate | (Optional) |
haveDecode |
decode | (Optional) An array of numbers specifying the mapping from sample values in the image to values appropriate for the current color space. |
colorSpaceName | ||
isIndexed |
hiVal | (Optional) This is used if |
colorSpace | (Required for images, not allowed for image masks) A Cos object of the color space used for the image samples. |
dataLen | ||
comps | The number of components in |
PDImageColorSpaceGetIndexLookup | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets the lookup table for an indexed color space. The table will contain the number of entries specified by the index size, and there will be 1 byte for each color component for each entry. The number of color components depends on the color space:
Color |
Number of components |
gray |
1 |
3 |
4 |
Lab |
3 |
For additional information on indexed color space, see Section 4.5.5 in the PDF Reference. There is also some useful discussion in the PostScript Language Reference Manual under indexed color spaces.
xobj — | The image whose lookup table is obtained. |
data — | (Filled by the method) An array for the returned color space information. |
dataLen — |
See Also
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PDImageGetAttrs | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
void PDImageGetAttrs(PDXObject obj, PDImageAttrsP attrsP, ASInt32 attrsLen)
(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility. Use PDEImageGetAttrs and/or Cos-level calls instead.) Gets the attributes of an image (for example, Type, Subtype, Name, Width, Height, BitsPerComponent, ColorSpace, Decode, Interpolate, or ImageMask).
obj — | The image whose attributes are obtained. |
attrsP — | (Filled by the method) A pointer to a PDImageAttrs structure containing the image attributes. |
attrsLen — | It must be |
See Also
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PDImageSelAdjustMatrix | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
void PDImageSelAdjustMatrix(void* callData, ASFixedMatrix newUserMatrix)
This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8.
(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Allows an image selector client to change the region of the page occupied by an image. It must only be used by image selector clients that return data for only the visible part of an image, to set the region of the page that the sub-image occupies. It must not be used otherwise.
This method only has an effect while displaying on the screen. It does nothing when printing.
The matrix set by this call remains in effect only for the current image. The Acrobat viewer automatically replaces it after the image has been drawn.
callData — | The value passed to the image selector as a parameter to PDImageSelectAlternate(). |
newUserMatrix — | The matrix that will replace the |
See Also
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PDImageSelectAlternate | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
CosObj PDImageSelectAlternate(CosObj image, ASBool print, ASUns32 tickLimit, ASBool* cacheImageP, void* callData)
This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8.
(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Selects which Alternate image to use.
This method can do one of three things:
Return an existing Alternate.
Create and return an image XObject.
Indicate that this XObject should be skipped.
This method is called each time the Acrobat viewer draws an XObject image, regardless of whether the image XObject has an Alternates key.
You can replace this method with your own version, using HFTReplaceEntry().
image — | The Cos object for this image XObject's base image. Under some circumstances, PDImageSelectAlternate() can be called with an XObject type other than an image; for example, a form. Because of this, your code must check the XObject's subtype (you can use CosDictGet() to read the value of the XObject's Subtype key). If the subtype is not Image, your code must not modify the XObject, but simply return the CosObj that was passed to you. |
print — |
tickLimit — | The amount of time, in ticks, before the image selector must return control to the Acrobat viewer. This parameter is not relevant for image selectors that simply choose an existing alternate or create a new image XObject using Cos methods, but it is relevant for image selectors that create a new image XObject by calculating or reading data from a network or a slow device.
cacheImageP — | If |
callData — | An opaque pointer containing data that must be passed in other image selector calls. |
The image XObject to use. Returning a |
See Also
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PDImageSelGetDeviceAttr | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
void PDImageSelGetDeviceAttr(void* callData, PDColorSpace* colorSpaceP, ASUns32* bitsPerPixelP, ASAtom* deviceTypeP)
This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8.
(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Gets device-related attributes for a particular image XObject. It must only be used from within an image selector client, since it returns information that is only valid in that context. This method can be used by an image selector client to obtain additional information to help the selector determine which alternate image to choose.
If an image is displayed on two devices simultaneously (for example, if the window containing the image is split across two monitors in a multi-monitor system), the values returned for colorSpaceP
and bitsPerPixelP
are each the maximum for the devices on which the image is currently displayed. For example, if the image is currently split across the following devices:
8-bit gray scale monitor
4-bit RGB color monitor
would be DeviceRGB
, because that is the highest color space on which the image is currently displayed.
would be 8
, because that is the highest bit depth on which the image is currently displayed.
callData — | (Filled by the method) The value passed to the image selector as a parameter to PDImageSelectAlternate(). |
colorSpaceP — | (Filled by the method) The destination device's color space. It will be one of the following:
If the device has some other color space or its color space cannot be determined, PDDeviceRGB is returned. |
bitsPerPixelP — | (Filled by the method) The number of bits used for each pixel. For example, a device with 8 bits red, 8 bits green, and 8 bits blue would have a |
deviceTypeP — | (Filled by the method) The output device type. It will be one of the following:
See Also
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PDImageSelGetGeoAttr | () |
Product availability: All |
Platform availability: All |
void PDImageSelGetGeoAttr(void* callData, ASFixedRect* updateBBoxP, ASFixedMatrix* imageToDefaultMatrixP, ASFixedMatrix* imageToDevMatrixP)
This method is obsolete and never called in Acrobat 8.
(Obsolete, provided only for backwards compatibility) Requests geometry-related attributes of an image XObject. This method can be used by an image selector client to obtain additional information to help the selector determine which alternate image to choose.
callData — | (Filled by the method) The value passed to the image selector as a parameter to PDImageSelectAlternate(). |
updateBBoxP — | (Filled by the method) The rectangle bounding the region of the page to update. This is the intersection of the visible portion of the page, any update regions, and any clipping paths that have been explicitly set in the PDF file. Its coordinates are specified in default user space. |
imageToDefaultMatrixP — | (Filled by the method) A matrix specifying the transformation from image space (the space in which all images are 1x1 units) to default user space (the space with 72 units per inch). It contains sufficient information for the image selector plug-in to determine the image's size and location on the page. For a normal page and image (an upright image on a non-rotated page), the following is true:
In other words, this matrix provides the image's height, width, and position on the page, all in units of points (compare to |
imageToDevMatrixP — | (Filled by the method) A matrix specifying the transformation from image space (the space in which all images are 1x1 unit) to device space (the space in which one unit is one pixel). This matrix provides the image's height, width, and position on the page, all in pixels (compare to |
See Also
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