| Class | Description |
| General | Some methods are general PD layer methods that are not associated with a specific object. |
| PDAction | Actions are tasks that Acrobat performs when a user clicks on a link or a bookmark. Acrobat allows a document to execute an action automatically when a document is opened.
| PDAnnot | This is the abstract superclass for all annotations (see Section 8.4, Annotations,
in the PDF Reference). Acrobat has two built-in annotation classes: PDTextAnnot and PDLinkAnnot.
Plug-ins add movie, Widget (form field), and other annotation types. You can define new annotation
subtypes by creating new annotation handlers (see Developing Plug-ins and Applications).
There are no objects of type PDAnnot, but you can use
PDAnnot methods on any subclass of PDAnnot.
| PDAnnotHandler | This is the abstract superclass for all annotations (see Section 8.4, Annotations,
in the PDF Reference). Acrobat has two built-in annotation classes: PDTextAnnot and PDLinkAnnot.
Plug-ins add movie, Widget (form field), and other annotation types. You can define new annotation
subtypes by creating new annotation handlers (see Developing Plug-ins and Applications).
There are no objects of type PDAnnot, but you can use
PDAnnot methods on any subclass of PDAnnot.
| PDBead | A bead is a single rectangle in an article thread. An article thread represents a
sequence of physically discontiguous but logically related items in a document
(for example, a news story that starts on one page of a newsletter and runs onto one
or more nonconsecutive pages). See Section 8.3.2, Articles, in the PDF Reference
for more information on article threads and beads.
| PDBookmark | A bookmark corresponds to an outline object in a PDF document
(see Section 8.2.2, Document Outline, in the PDF Reference). A document outline
allows the user to navigate interactively from one part of the document to another.
An outline consists of a tree-structured hierarchy of bookmarks, which display the
document's structure to the user. Each bookmark has: |
| PDCharProc | A PDCharProc is a character procedure, which is a stream of graphic operators (see PDGraphic)
that draw a particular glyph of a Type 3 PostScript font.
| PDCollection |
PDF file collection dictionary object.
| PDDoc | A PDDoc object represents a PDF document. There is a correspondence between a PDDoc and an ASFile.
Also, every AVDoc has an associated PDDoc, although a PDDoc may not be associated with an AVDoc.
| PDFileAttachment |
PDF file attachment object.
| PDFileSpec | A PDFileSpec corresponds to the PDF file specification object (see Section 3.10,
File Specifications, in the PDF Reference). It is used to specify a file in an action
(see PDAction). |
| PDFont | A PDFont is a font that is used to draw text on a page. It corresponds to a font resource in a
PDF file (see Chapter 5, Text, in the PDF Reference).
| PDForm | A PDForm is a self-contained set of graphics operators that is used when a particular graphic is
drawn more than once in a document. It corresponds to a form resource (see Section 4.9,
Form XObjects, in the PDF Reference). PDForm objects inherit from the PDXObject class;
you can use any PDXObject methods on a PDForm. |
| PDGraphic | PDGraphic is the abstract superclass for all graphic objects that comprise page, charproc, and
PDForm descriptions (see Chapter 4, Graphics, in the PDF Reference). There are no objects
of type PDGraphic, but its methods can be used by any graphic object. There are three types of
graphic objects: PDPath, PDText, and PDInlineImage. In addition to these three objects,
there are also operators in the content stream. These operators are: Save, Restore,
references to XObjects (forms and image resources), and for Type 3 font descriptions only,
charwidth and cachedevice. You can access these objects and operators via PDPageEnumContents(),
PDFormEnumPaintProc(), or PDCharProcEnum().
| PDImage | A PDImage is a sampled image or image mask, and corresponds to a PDF Image resource
(see Stencil Masking in Section 4.8, Images, in the PDF Reference).
You can use any PDXObject method on a PDImage. |
| PDInlineImage | A PDInlineImage is an image whose data is stored in the page description's contents stream
instead of being stored as an image resource (see PDImage). PDInlineImage is a subclass of
PDGraphic and corresponds to the PDF inline image operator (see Section 4.8.6,
In-Line Images, in the PDF Reference).
| PDLinkAnnot | A PDLinkAnnot corresponds to a link annotation (see Sections 8.4.5, Annotation Types,
in the PDF Reference). You can use any PDAnnot method on a PDLinkAnnot.
| PDNameTree | A PDNameTree is used to map Cos strings to Cos objects, just as a Cos dictionary is used to map
Cos names to Cos objects. However, a name tree can have many more entries than a Cos dictionary.
You can create a PDNameTree and locate it where appropriate (perhaps under a page, but most
often right under the catalog). A PDNameTree is used to store the named destination information.
| PDNumTree | A PDNumTree is used to map integers to arbitrary Cos objects just as a Cos dictionary is used to
map Cos names to Cos objects. However, a number tree can have many more entries than a Cos
| PDOCConfig | The PDOCConfig object represents an optional-content configuration structure, used to maintain
a set of visibility states and other optional-content information in a PDF file for future use.
A document has a default configuration, saved in the D entry in the OCProperties dictionary, and
can have a list of other configurations, saved as an array in the Configs entry in the
OCProperties dictionary.
| PDOCContext | The PDOCContext object represents an optional-content context in a document, within which
document objects such as words or annotations are visible or hidden. The context keeps track
of the ON-OFF states of all of the optional-content groups (OCGs, represented by the PDOCG object)
in a document. Content is or is not visible with respect to the OCG states stored in a specific
context. The context does not correspond to any explicit PDF specification.
| PDOCG | The PDOCCG object represents an optional-content group. This corresponds to a PDF OCG dictionary representing a collection of
graphic objects that can be made visible or invisible. Any graphic content of the PDF can be made optional, including page contents,
XObjects, and annotations. The specific content objects in the group have an OC entry in the PDF. The group itself is a named object
that you can manipulate in the Layers panel of Acrobat 6.0 and later.
| PDOCMD | The PDOCMD object represents an optional-content membership dictionary (OCMD) that allows the visibility of optional content to
depend on the states in a set of optional-content groups (PDOCG). The object corresponds to the PDF OCMD dictionary.
| PDPage | A PDPage is a page in a document, corresponding to the PDF Page object (see Page Objects in Section 3.6.2,
Page Tree, in the PDF Reference). |
| PDPageLabel | A PDPageLabel represents a page label. These labels allow non-sequential page numbering or the addition of arbitrary labels for a page (such as the inclusion of Roman numerals at the beginning of a book). |
| PDPath | A PDPath is a graphic object (a subclass of PDGraphic) representing a path in a page description. Paths are arbitrary shapes
made of straight lines, rectangles, and cubic curves. Path objects may be filled or stroked, and they can serve as a clipping path.
For details, see the following sections in the PDF Reference:
| PDStyle | A PDStyle object provides access to information on the fonts, font sizes, and colors used in a PDWord. |
| PDText | A PDText is a graphic object (a subclass of PDGraphic) representing one or more character strings on a page. |
| PDTextAnnot | A PDTextAnnot corresponds to a PDF text annotation. For details, see Text Annotations in Section 8.4.5,
Annotation Types, in the PDF Reference. You can use any PDAnnot method on a PDTextAnnot.
| PDTextSelect | PDTextSelect objects represent a selection of text on a single page, and may contain more than one disjointed group of words.
A text selection contains one or more ranges of text, with each range containing the word numbers (in PDF order, as returned by
PDWordFinderEnumWords() or PDWordFinderAcquireWordList()) of the selected words. Each range has a start word
(the first word in the series) and an end word (the first word not in the series).
| PDThread | A thread corresponds to an article in Acrobat's user interface, and contains an ordered sequence of
rectangles that bound the article. Each rectangle is called a bead. See Section 8.3.2, Articles,
in the PDF Reference for more information on articles and beads in PDF.
| PDThumb | A PDThumb is a thumbnail preview image of a page. |
| PDTrans | A PDTrans represents a transition to a page. The Trans key in a page dictionary specifies a transition dictionary,
which describes the effect to use when going to a page and the amount of time the transition should take.
See Section 8.3.3, Presentations, in the PDF Reference for more information on transitions.
| PDViewDest | A PDViewDest represents a particular view of a page in a document. It contains a reference to a page, a rectangle on that page,
and information specifying how to adjust the view to fit the window's size and shape. It corresponds to a
PDF Dest array (see Named Destinations in Section 8.2, Document-Level Navigation,
in the PDF Reference) and can be considered a special form of a PDAction.
| PDWord | A PDWord object represents a word in a PDF file. Each word contains a sequence of characters in one or more styles (see PDStyle).
| PDWordFinder | A PDWordFinder extracts words from a PDF file, and enumerates the words on a single page or on all pages in a document.
The core API provides methods to extract words from a document, obtain information on the word finder, and to release a list
of words after a plug-in is done using it.
| PDXObject | This object corresponds to a PDF XObject (see Section 4.9, Form XObjects, in the PDF Reference).
PDXObject objects currently used by Acrobat are of one of the two XObject subclasses: PDImage and PDForm. You can use any PDXObject
method on these objects.
| SmartPDPage | This class ensures that PDPage objects are released even in case
of exceptions and RAISE. |