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A PDThumb is a thumbnail preview image of a page.

Typedef Summary
A thumbnail preview image of a page.
Structure Summary
A data structure containing callbacks that implement a creation server. The callbacks implement the creation server functions.
Callback Summary
(Optional) A callback for PDThumbCreationServer. It is called after PDThumbCreationGetThumbDataProc() and after a PDThumb has been created. It gives the server a chance to draw the thumbnail image in a status window. It may be NULL.
(Optional) A callback for PDThumbCreationServer. It is called for each page that does not currently contain a thumbnail image. It may be NULL. If it is NULL, the thumbnail data is generated by the default thumbnail generator.
(Optional) A callback for PDThumbCreationServer. It is called before processing each page. It may be NULL.
Method Summary
ASStm PDThumbGetImageData(PDThumb thumb, ASInt32* height, ASInt32* width, ASInt32* bpc, ASAtom* csName)
Gets an ASStm from a thumbnail data.
ASStm PDThumbGetIndexedColorSpace(PDThumb thumb, ASInt32* hival, ASAtom* baseColorSpaceName)
Gets an ASStm from a thumbnail's indexed color space table.

Typedefs Detail
Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


typedef struct _t_PDThumb* PDThumb;

A thumbnail preview image of a page.

See Also

File: PDBasicExpT.h
Line: 113
Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


typedef _t_PDThumbCreationServer PDThumbCreationServer;

File: PDExpT.h
Line: 3229
Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


typedef _t_PDThumbCreationServer PDThumbCreationServerRec;

File: PDExpT.h
Line: 3244

Structure Detail
Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


struct _t_PDThumbCreationServer {
 ASSize_t size; 
 PDThumbCreationNotifyPageProc NotifyPage; 
 PDThumbCreationGetThumbDataProc GetThumbData; 
 PDThumbCreationDrawThumbProc DrawThumb; 

A data structure containing callbacks that implement a creation server. The callbacks implement the creation server functions.

See Also

File: PDExpT.h
Line: 3235


Set this field to sizeof(PDThumbCreationServerRec).

Callbacks Detail
Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void (*PDThumbCreationDrawThumbProc)(PDThumb thumb, void *clientData)

(Optional) A callback for PDThumbCreationServer. It is called after PDThumbCreationGetThumbDataProc() and after a PDThumb has been created. It gives the server a chance to draw the thumbnail image in a status window. It may be NULL.

See Also

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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


ASBool (*PDThumbCreationGetThumbDataProc)(PDPage page, ASFixed thumbScale, ASInt32 width, ASInt32 height, void *thumbData, void *clientData)

(Optional) A callback for PDThumbCreationServer. It is called for each page that does not currently contain a thumbnail image. It may be NULL. If it is NULL, the thumbnail data is generated by the default thumbnail generator.

See Also

File: PDExpT.h
Line: 3213
Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


ASBool (*PDThumbCreationNotifyPageProc)(ASInt32 pageNum, void *clientData)

(Optional) A callback for PDThumbCreationServer. It is called before processing each page. It may be NULL.

See Also

File: PDExpT.h
Line: 3178

Method Detail
Product availability: Acrobat, PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASStm PDThumbGetImageData(PDThumb thumb, ASInt32* height, ASInt32* width, ASInt32* bpc, ASAtom* csName)

Gets an ASStm from a thumbnail data.


thumb — 

The thumb for which image data is to be retrieved.

height — 

(Filled by the method) The height of the thumbnail.

width — 

(Filled by the method) The width of the thumbnail.

bpc — 

(Filled by the method) The number of bits per component in the thumbnail image's data.

csName — 

(Filled by the method) The color space in which thumnail data is represented.


An ASStm for the thumbnail data.

See Also

File: PDProcs.h
Line: 11686
Product availability: Acrobat, PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


ASStm PDThumbGetIndexedColorSpace(PDThumb thumb, ASInt32* hival, ASAtom* baseColorSpaceName)

Gets an ASStm from a thumbnail's indexed color space table.


thumb — 

The thumb for which image data is to be retrieved.

hival — 

(Filled by the method) The highest valid index in the lookup table for the Indexed color space.

baseColorSpaceName — 

(Filled by the method) The base color space in which the values in the color table are to be interpreted.


An ASStm from the thumbnail's indexed color space table.

See Also

File: PDProcs.h
Line: 11700