summary | ||
public |
F BaseButton(superClass: *): * The base element for Button components |
public |
Enumeration for BaseButton icon position options. |
public |
Enumeration for Button, AnchorButton icon sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseButton sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for Button, AnchorButton variants. |
summary | ||
public |
The base element for all Coral components |
public |
Enumeration representing the tracking options. |
summary | ||
public |
The base element for FieldGroup components |
public |
Enumeration for BaseFieldGroup orientations. |
summary | ||
public |
The base element for Form Field components. |
summary | ||
public |
Accessibility helper for components with label and icon properties |
summary | ||
public |
C BaseList The base element for List components |
public |
F BaseListItem(superClass: *): * The base element for List Item components |
public |
Enumeration for BaseList interactions. |
summary | ||
public |
The base element for Overlay components |
public |
Triggered before the BaseOverlay is closed with |
public |
Triggered before the BaseOverlay is opened with |
public |
Triggered after the BaseOverlay is closed with |
public |
Triggered after the BaseOverlay is opened with |
public |
The time it should take for BaseOverlay to fade in milliseconds. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseOverlay focus behavior options. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseOverlay return focus options. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseOverlay scroll focus options. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseOverlay trap options. |
summary | ||
public |
Collection provides a standardized way to manipulate items in a component. |
public |
Collection capable of handling non-nested items with a selected attribute. |
public |
T CollectionFilter(element: HTMLElement): Boolean: function Signature of the function called to determine if an element should be included in the Collection. |
public |
T CollectionOnChange(addedNodes: Array<HTMLElement>, removedNodes: Array<HTMLElement>): function Signature of the function called when there is a change in the Collection. |
public |
T CollectionOnItemAdded(item: HTMLElement): function Signature of the function called when ever an item is added to the Collection. |
public |
T CollectionOnItemRemoved(item: HTMLElement): function Signature of the function called when ever an item is removed from the Collection. |
public |
Triggered when an item is added to the Collection. |
public |
Triggered when an item is removed from a Collection. |
summary | ||
public |
Accordion item's content component |
public |
Accordion item's label component |
public |
V Accordion: * An Accordion component consisting of multiple collapsible items. |
public |
V AccordionItem: * A Accordion item component |
public |
Enumeration for Accordion variants. |
public |
Triggered when Accordion selected item has changed. |
summary | ||
public |
The ActionBar container collection |
public |
The base element for action bar containers |
public |
V ActionBar: * An ActionBar component containing arbitrary items. |
public |
V ActionBarContainer: * this variable was deprecated.
An ActionBar container component |
public |
V ActionBarItem: * An ActionBar item component |
public |
V ActionBarPrimary: * An ActionBar primary component |
public |
V ActionBarSecondary: * An ActionBar secondary component |
public |
Enumeration for ActionBarContainer positions. |
summary | ||
public |
F AlertContent(): HTMLElement The Alert default content |
public |
F AlertFooter(): HTMLElement The Alert footer content |
public |
F AlertHeader(): HTMLElement The Alert header content |
public |
V Alert: * An Alert component used as static indicators of an operation's result, or as messages to highlight
information to the user. It does not include a close button by default, but you can add it manually by adding the
public |
Enumeration for Alert sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for Alert variants. |
summary | ||
public |
The AnchorButton label content |
public |
V AnchorButton: * A Link component rendering as a button allowing us to style an anchor element that both looks and behaves like a button rather than a link. |
summary | ||
public |
V Autocomplete: * An Autocomplete component that allows users to search and select from a list of options. |
public |
V AutocompleteItem: * The Autocomplete Item |
public |
Enumeration for Autocomplete match options. |
public |
A suggestion object. |
public |
Enumeration for Autocomplete variants. |
public |
Triggered when the Autocomplete hides the suggestions. |
public |
Triggered when the Autocomplete could accept external data to be loaded by the user. |
summary | ||
public |
F BannerContent(): HTMLElement A Banner Content component |
public |
F BannerHeader(): HTMLElement A Banner Header component |
public |
V Banner: * A Banner component |
public |
Enumeration for Banner variants. |
summary | ||
public |
F ButtonLabel(): HTMLElement The Button label content |
public |
V Button: * A Button component containing text and/or an icon. |
summary | ||
public |
V ButtonGroup: * A ButtonGroup component that can be used as a selection form field. |
public |
Enumeration for ButtonGroup selection options. |
summary | ||
public |
V Calendar: * A Calendar component that can be used as a date selection form field. |
summary | ||
public |
F CardAsset(): HTMLElement The Card Asset |
public |
F CardContent(): HTMLElement The Card Content |
public |
F CardContext(): HTMLElement A Card context component |
public |
A Card description component |
public |
F CardInfo(): HTMLElement The Card Info |
public |
F CardOverlay(): HTMLElement The Card Overlay |
public |
A Card Property Content component |
public |
F CardSubtitle(): HTMLElement A Card sub title component |
public |
F CardTitle(): HTMLElement A Card title component |
public |
V Card: * A Card component to display content in different variations. |
public |
V CardProperty: * A Card property component |
public |
V CardPropertyList: * The Card PropertyList component |
public |
Enumeration for Card variants. |
summary | ||
public |
V CharacterCount: * A CharacterCount component that indicates the remaining characters in a Textfield or Textarea. |
public |
Enumeration for CharacterCount targets. |
summary | ||
public |
F CheckboxLabel(): HTMLElement The Checkbox label |
public |
V Checkbox: * A Checkbox component to be used as a form field. |
summary | ||
public |
V CheckboxGroup: * A CheckboxGroup component to group checkbox fields |
summary | ||
public |
An abstract subview class that other subviews should extend. |
public |
C Color Color is used to get a color in different color spaces, calculate tints and shades etc. |
public |
V ColorInput: * A ColorInput component than can be used as a form field to select from a list of color options. |
public |
A ColorInput Color properties component |
public |
V ColorInputItem: * A ColorInput Item component |
public |
V ColorInputSlider: * A ColorInput Slider component |
public |
V ColorInputSwatch: * A ColorInput Swatch component |
public |
V ColorInputSwatches: * A ColorInput Swatches component |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput auto generated colors options. |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput default colors display options. |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput color properties display options. |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput swatches display options. |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput variants. |
summary | ||
public |
A ColorPicker area component to select Saturation and Value |
public |
A ColorHandle component |
public |
A ColorPicker component than can be used as a form field to select from a list of color options. |
public |
A ColorPicker Color properties component |
public |
A ColorPicker color slider component |
public |
A ColorPicker color slider hue component to select Hue |
public |
public |
V ColorFormats: {"HSL": string, "HSV": string, "RGB": string, "PRGB": string, "HEX": string, "HEX3": string, "HEX4": string, "HEX8": string, "NAME": string} Copyright 2021 Adobe. |
public |
summary | ||
public |
The ColumnView collection |
public |
ColumnView's Column content component |
public |
ColumnView's Item content component |
public |
ColumnView's Item thumbnail component |
public |
ColumnView's preview asset component |
public |
ColumnView's preview content component |
public |
ColumnView's preview label component |
public |
ColumnView's preview separator component |
public |
ColumnView's preview value component |
public |
V ColumnView: * A ColumnView component to display and allow users to browse and select items in a dynamic tree structure (e.g. |
public |
V ColumnViewColumn: * A ColumnView Column component |
public |
V ColumnViewItem: * A ColumnView Item component |
public |
V ColumnViewPreview: * A ColumnView Preview component |
public |
Triggered when the active item of the ColumnViewColumn changes. |
public |
Triggered when the selection inside the ColumnViewColumn changes. |
public |
Triggered when additional items can be loaded into the ColumnView. |
public |
Triggered when the ColumnView navigation is complete and the new columns are ready. |
public |
Enumeration for ColumnViewItem variants. |
public |
Enumeration for ColumnView selection options. |
summary | ||
public |
V CycleButton: * A CycleButton component is a simple multi-state toggle button that toggles between the possible items below a certain threshold, and shows them in a popover selector when above. |
public |
V CycleButtonAction: * A CycleButton Action component |
public |
V CycleButtonItem: * A CycleButton Item component |
public |
Enumeration for CycleButton display options. |
public |
Triggered when the CycleButton selected item has changed. |
public |
Enum for {CycleButtonItem} display options. |
summary | ||
public |
V Datepicker: * A Datepicker component that can be used as a date and time selection form field. |
public |
Enumeration for Datepicker variants. |
public |
Enum for Datepicker variant values. |
summary | ||
public |
F DialogContent(): HTMLElement The Dialog default content |
public |
F DialogFooter(): HTMLElement The Dialog footer content |
public |
F DialogHeader(): HTMLElement The Dialog header content |
public |
V Dialog: * A Dialog component that supports various use cases with custom content. |
public |
Enumeration for Dialog backdrops. |
public |
Enumeration for Dialog closable options. |
public |
Enumeration for Dialog keyboard interaction options. |
public |
Enumeration for Dialog variants. |
summary | ||
public |
F DrawerContent(): HTMLElement Drawer content component |
public |
V Drawer: * A Drawer component to display content that can be opened and closed with a sliding animation. |
public |
Enumeration for Drawer directions. |
public |
Triggered when the Drawer is closed. |
public |
Triggered when the Drawer is opened. |
summary | ||
public |
C FileUploadItem(file: File | HTMLElement) A FileUpload item encapsulating file meta-data |
public |
V FileUpload: * A FileUpload component that manages the upload process of multiple files. |
public |
Enumeration for FileUpload HTTP methods that can be used to upload files. |
public |
Enumeration for FileUploadItem response types. |
summary | ||
public |
The List item content |
public |
The SelectList Item content |
public |
V AnchorList: * An AnchorList component that supports multi-line text, icons, and text wrapping with ellipsis. |
public |
V AnchorListItem: * An AnchorList item component |
public |
V ButtonList: * A ButtonList component that supports multi-line text, icons, and text wrapping with ellipsis. |
public |
V ButtonListItem: * An ButtonList item component |
public |
V List: * A List component that supports multi-line text, icons, and text wrapping with ellipsis. |
public |
V ListDivider: * The List divider |
public |
V ListItem: * A List item component |
public |
V SelectList: * A SelectList component is a selectable list of items. |
public |
V SelectListGroup: * A SelectList group component |
public |
V SelectListItem: * A SelectList item component |
public |
Triggered when the SelectList selected item has changed. |
public |
Triggered before the SelectList selected item is changed on user interaction. |
public |
Triggered when the user scrolls to near the bottom of the SelectList. |
summary | ||
public |
A Masonry Column layout |
public |
Layout with variable width items which are expanded in their height to fill gaps (which are common with colspan). |
public |
Layout with fixed width centered items. |
public |
Layout with fixed width and evenly spread items. |
public |
C MasonryLayout(masonry: *) Base class for masonry layouts. |
public |
Layout with variable width items. |
public |
The Masonry Item Accessibility State |
public |
V Masonry: * A Masonry component that allows to lay out items in a masonry grid. |
public |
V MasonryItem: * A Masonry Item component |
public |
Enumeration values to enable/disable aria grid support for Masonry. |
public |
Enumeration for Masonry layouts. |
public |
Enumeration for Masonry selection options. |
public |
Triggered when Masonry selected item has changed. |
public |
Triggered when a Masonry item is reordered. |
summary | ||
public |
public |
The Multifield item content |
public |
V Multifield: * A Multifield component that enables adding, reordering, and removing multiple instances of a component. |
public |
V MultifieldItem: * A Multifield item component. |
public |
Triggered when the Multifield item are reordered. |
public |
Triggered when the Multifield item are reordered. |
summary | ||
public |
V NumberInput: * A NumberInput component is a numeric control form field. |
summary | ||
public |
A generic Overlay component. |
public |
V Overlay: * |
public |
Triggered after the Overlay is positioned. |
public |
this typedef was deprecated.
Enumeration for Overlay alignment pairs. |
public |
Enumeration for Overlay collision detection strategies. |
public |
Enumeration for Overlay interaction values. |
public |
Enumeration for Overlay placement values. |
public |
Enumeration for Overlay anchored overlay targets. |
summary | ||
public |
F PanelContent(): HTMLElement A PanelStack Item Content component |
public |
V Panel: * A Panel component |
public |
V PanelStack: * A PanelStack component holding a collection of panels. |
public |
Triggered when PanelStack selected panel has changed. |
summary | ||
public |
The Popover default content |
public |
F PopoverFooter(): HTMLElement The Popover footer content |
public |
F PopoverHeader(): HTMLElement The Popover header content |
public |
V Popover: * A Popover component for small overlay content. |
public |
V PopoverSeparator: * The Popover separator |
public |
Enumeration for Popover closable state. |
public |
Enumeration for Popover variants. |
summary | ||
public |
F ProgressLabel(): HTMLElement The Progress label content |
public |
V Progress: * A Progress component to indicate progress of processes. |
public |
Enumeration for Progress label positions. |
public |
Enumeration for Progress sizes. |
public |
Triggered when the Progress value is changed. |
summary | ||
public |
V QuickActions: * A QuickActions component is an overlay component that reveals actions when interacting with a container. |
public |
V QuickActionsItem: * A QuickActions item component |
public |
Enumeration for QuickActions interaction options. |
public |
Enumeration for QuickActions placement options. |
public |
Enumeration for QuickActions anchored overlay target options. |
public |
Enumeration for QuickActionsItem type values. |
summary | ||
public |
F RadioLabel(): HTMLElement The Radio label |
public |
V Radio: * A Radio component to be used as a form field. |
summary | ||
public |
V RadioGroup: * A RadioGroup component to group radio fields |
public |
Enumeration for RadioGroup orientations. |
summary | ||
public |
V Select: * A Select component is a form field that allows users to select from a list of options. |
public |
V SelectItem: * A Select item component |
public |
Enumeration for Select variants. |
public |
Triggered when the Select hides the UI used to select items. |
public |
Triggered when the Select could accept external data to be loaded by the user. |
summary | ||
public |
C Shell The Shell base component to be used with its family for console like applications. |
public |
A Shell Header component |
public |
A Shell Help component |
public |
A Shell Help item component |
public |
A Shell Home Anchor component |
public |
A Shell Menu component |
public |
A Shell MenuBar component |
public |
A Shell MenuBar Item component |
public |
A Shell OrgSwitcher component |
public |
A Shell Organization component |
public |
A Shell SelectList Switcher component |
public |
A Shell SelectListSwitcherItem component |
public |
A Shell Solution component |
public |
A Shell Solution Switcher component |
public |
A Shell Solutions component |
public |
A Shell Sub organization component |
public |
A Shell User component |
public |
A Shell Workspace component |
public |
A Shell Workspaces component |
public |
F ShellContent(): HTMLElement Shell's content component |
public |
this function was deprecated.
Shell's help separator |
public |
Shell HomeAnchor's label component |
public |
Shell's OrgSwitcher footer component |
public |
Shell's Solution label component |
public |
this function was deprecated.
Shell's solution sub-cloud name |
public |
Shell's User content component |
public |
Shell's User footer component |
public |
Shell's User heading component |
public |
F ShellUserName(): HTMLElement Shell's User name component |
public |
Shell's User subheading component |
public |
A search result object. |
public |
Triggered after the ShellMenuBarItem is closed with |
public |
Triggered after the ShellMenuBarItem is opened with |
public |
Enumeration for valid aria-haspopup values. |
public |
Enumeration for ShellMenuBarItem icon variants. |
public |
Triggered when the ShellOrgSwitcher selected organization has changed. |
public |
Enumeration for ShellUser avatar options. |
summary | ||
public |
The SideNav Heading |
public |
The SideNav Item Content |
public |
V SideNav: * A Side Navigation component to navigate the entire content of a product or a section. |
public |
V SideNavItem: * A SideNav Item component. |
public |
V SideNavLevel: * A SideNav Level component |
public |
Enumeration for SideNav variants. |
public |
Triggered when SideNav selected item has changed. |
summary | ||
public |
A Slider component is a form field that can be used to set a number within a range. |
public |
F SliderContent(): HTMLElement Slider's content component |
public |
V RangedSlider: * A Ranged Slider |
public |
V Slider: * |
public |
V SliderItem: * The Slider item |
public |
Enumeration for Slider orientations. |
summary | ||
public |
V SplitButton: * A Split Button component composed of an action and a trigger AnchorButton or Button. |
public |
Enumeration for SplitButton variants. |
summary | ||
public |
F StatusLabel(): HTMLElement The Status Label |
public |
V Status: * A Status component to describe the condition of another entity. |
public |
Enumeration for Status colors. |
public |
Enumeration for Status variants. |
summary | ||
public |
F SwitchLabel(): HTMLElement The Switch label |
public |
V Switch: * A Switch component is a toggle form field similar to a Checkbox component. |
summary | ||
public |
The base element for table sections |
public |
The Table HeaderCell content |
public |
V Table: * A Table component is a container component to display and manipulate data in two dimensions. |
public |
V TableBody: * A Table body component |
public |
V TableCell: * A Table cell component |
public |
V TableColumn: * A Table column component |
public |
V TableFoot: * A Table foot component |
public |
V TableHead: * A Table head component |
public |
V TableHeaderCell: * A Table header cell component |
public |
V TableRow: * A Table row component |
public |
Enumeration for Table variants |
public |
Triggered before a Table column is dragged. |
public |
Triggered before a Table column gets sorted by user interaction. |
public |
Triggered before a Table row is ordered. |
public |
Triggered when the Table selection changed. |
public |
Triggered when a Table column is dragged. |
public |
Triggered when a Table column is sorted. |
public |
Triggered when a Table row selection changed. |
public |
Triggered when a {@linked Table} row is locked. |
public |
Triggered when a Table row is ordered. |
public |
Triggered when Table a row is locked. |
public |
Enumeration for TableColumn sortable direction options. |
public |
Enumeration for TableColumn sortable type options. |
public |
Enumeration for TableColumn alignment options. |
public |
summary | ||
public |
C TabList A TabList component holds a collection of tabs. |
public |
F TabLabel(): HTMLElement Tab's label component |
public |
V Tab: * A Tab component |
public |
Triggered when the TabList selected item has changed. |
public |
Enumeration for TabList orientations. |
public |
Enumeration for TabList sizes. |
summary | ||
public |
F ToastContent(): HTMLElement The Toast default content |
public |
V Toast: * Toasts display brief temporary notifications. |
public |
Enumeration for Toast placement values. |
public |
Enumeration for Toast variants. |
summary | ||
public |
Tree item's content component |
public |
V Tree: * A Tree component is a container component to display collapsible content. |
public |
V TreeItem: * A Tree item component |
public |
Triggered when the Tree selection changed. |
public |
Triggered when a Tree item collapsed. |
public |
Triggered when a Tree item expanded. |
public |
Enumeration for TreeItem variants. |
summary | ||
public |
V WizardView: * A WizardView component is the wrapping container used to create the typical Wizard pattern. |
public |
Triggered when the WizardView selected step list item has changed. |
summary | ||
public |
C DragAction(dragElement: String | HTMLElement) This a decorator which adds draggable functionality to elements. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is being dragged. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement stops to be dragged. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is dropped on key. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement enters a drop element. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement leaves a drop element. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is losing focus. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is selected to be dragged. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is over a drop element. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is moved on arrow down pressed. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is moved on arrow up pressed. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement starts to be dragged. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is dropped on a drop element. |
public |
Enumeration for DragAction axis restrictions. |
summary | ||
public |
C Commons Utility belt. |
public |
C Events Events helper. |
public |
I18n service to get/set localized strings. |
public |
C Keys Handle key combination events. |
public |
C Tracking Signature function used to track the usage of Coral components. |
public |
Set of property value transformation functions. |
public |
Set of property value validation functions. |
public |
public |
public |
V i18n: I18nProvider An i18n service. |
public |
Used to store i18n strings. |
public |
A key listener for global hotkeys is exposed for document eventing handling. |
public |
public |
public |
public |
Enumeration for i18n locales. |