Static Public Summary | ||
public |
Enumeration for Accordion variants. |
public |
Enumeration for ActionBarContainer positions. |
public |
Enumeration for Alert sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for Alert variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Autocomplete match options. |
public |
A suggestion object. |
public |
Enumeration for Autocomplete variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Banner variants. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseFieldGroup orientations. |
public |
Enumeration for ButtonGroup selection options. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseButton icon position options. |
public |
Enumeration for Button, AnchorButton icon sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseButton sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for Button, AnchorButton variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Card variants. |
public |
Enumeration for CharacterCount targets. |
public |
Enumeration for Clock variants. |
public |
Enumeration for CoachMark sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for CoachMark variants. |
public |
CollectionFilter(element: HTMLElement): Boolean: function Signature of the function called to determine if an element should be included in the Collection. |
public |
CollectionOnChange(addedNodes: Array<HTMLElement>, removedNodes: Array<HTMLElement>): function Signature of the function called when there is a change in the Collection. |
public |
CollectionOnItemAdded(item: HTMLElement): function Signature of the function called when ever an item is added to the Collection. |
public |
Signature of the function called when ever an item is removed from the Collection. |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput auto generated colors options. |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput default colors display options. |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput color properties display options. |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput swatches display options. |
public |
Enumeration for ColorInput variants. |
public |
Enumeration for ColumnViewItem variants. |
public |
Enumeration for ColumnView selection options. |
public |
Enumeration for CycleButton display options. |
public |
Enum for {CycleButtonItem} display options. |
public |
Enumeration for Datepicker variants. |
public |
Enum for Datepicker variant values. |
public |
Enumeration for Dialog backdrops. |
public |
Enumeration for Dialog closable options. |
public |
Enumeration for Dialog keyboard interaction options. |
public |
Enumeration for Dialog variants. |
public |
Enumeration for DragAction axis restrictions. |
public |
Enumeration for Drawer directions. |
public |
Enumeration for FileUploadItem response types. |
public |
Enumeration for FileUpload HTTP methods that can be used to upload files. |
public |
Enumeration for i18n locales. |
public |
Enumeration for Icon autoAriaLabel value. |
public |
Enumeration for Icon sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseList interactions. |
public |
Enumeration values to enable/disable aria grid support for Masonry. |
public |
Enumeration for Masonry layouts. |
public |
Enumeration for Masonry selection options. |
public |
this typedef was deprecated.
Enumeration for Overlay alignment pairs. |
public |
Enumeration for Overlay collision detection strategies. |
public |
The time it should take for BaseOverlay to fade in milliseconds. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseOverlay focus behavior options. |
public |
Enumeration for Overlay interaction values. |
public |
Enumeration for Overlay placement values. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseOverlay return focus options. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseOverlay scroll focus options. |
public |
Enumeration for Overlay anchored overlay targets. |
public |
Enumeration for BaseOverlay trap options. |
public |
Enumeration for Popover closable state. |
public |
Enumeration for Popover variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Progress label positions. |
public |
Enumeration for Progress sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for QuickActions interaction options. |
public |
Enumeration for QuickActionsItem type values. |
public |
Enumeration for QuickActions placement options. |
public |
Enumeration for QuickActions anchored overlay target options. |
public |
Enumeration for RadioGroup orientations. |
public |
Enumeration for Search variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Select variants. |
public |
A search result object. |
public |
Enumeration for valid aria-haspopup values. |
public |
Enumeration for ShellMenuBarItem icon variants. |
public |
Enumeration for ShellUser avatar options. |
public |
Enumeration for SideNav variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Slider orientations. |
public |
Enumeration for SplitButton variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Status colors. |
public |
Enumeration for Status variants. |
public |
Enumeration for StepList interaction options. |
public |
Enumeration for StepList sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for TabList orientations. |
public |
Enumeration for TabList sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for TabView orientations. |
public |
Enumeration for TableColumn alignment options. |
public |
Enumeration for TableColumn sortable direction options. |
public |
Enumeration for TableColumn sortable type options. |
public | ||
public |
Enumeration for Table variants |
public |
Enumeration for Tag colors. |
public |
Enumeration for Tag sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for Textarea variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Textfield variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Toast placement values. |
public |
Enumeration for Toast variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Tooltip variants. |
public |
Enumeration representing the tracking options. |
public |
Enumeration for TreeItem variants. |
public |
Enumeration for Wait sizes. |
public |
Enumeration for Wait variants. |
public |
Triggered when Accordion selected item has changed. |
public |
Triggered when the Autocomplete hides the suggestions. |
public |
Triggered when the Autocomplete could accept external data to be loaded by the user. |
public |
Triggered when an item is added to the Collection. |
public |
Triggered when an item is removed from a Collection. |
public |
Triggered when the active item of the ColumnViewColumn changes. |
public |
Triggered when the selection inside the ColumnViewColumn changes. |
public |
Triggered when additional items can be loaded into the ColumnView. |
public |
Triggered when the ColumnView navigation is complete and the new columns are ready. |
public |
Triggered when the CycleButton selected item has changed. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is being dragged. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement stops to be dragged. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is dropped on key. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement enters a drop element. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement leaves a drop element. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is losing focus. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is selected to be dragged. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is over a drop element. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is moved on arrow down pressed. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is moved on arrow up pressed. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement starts to be dragged. |
public |
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is dropped on a drop element. |
public |
Triggered when the Drawer is closed. |
public |
Triggered when the Drawer is opened. |
public |
Triggered when Masonry selected item has changed. |
public |
Triggered when a Masonry item is reordered. |
public |
Triggered when the Multifield item are reordered. |
public |
Triggered when the Multifield item are reordered. |
public |
Triggered before the BaseOverlay is closed with |
public |
Triggered before the BaseOverlay is opened with |
public |
Triggered after the BaseOverlay is closed with |
public |
Triggered after the BaseOverlay is opened with |
public |
Triggered after the Overlay is positioned. |
public |
Triggered when PanelStack selected panel has changed. |
public |
Triggered when the Progress value is changed. |
public |
Triggered when the Search is cleared. |
public |
Triggered when Search input is given. |
public |
Triggered when the user presses Search enter. |
public |
Triggered when the Select hides the UI used to select items. |
public |
Triggered when the Select could accept external data to be loaded by the user. |
public |
Triggered before the SelectList selected item is changed on user interaction. |
public |
Triggered when the SelectList selected item has changed. |
public |
Triggered when the user scrolls to near the bottom of the SelectList. |
public |
Triggered after the ShellMenuBarItem is closed with |
public |
Triggered after the ShellMenuBarItem is opened with |
public |
Triggered when the ShellOrgSwitcher selected organization has changed. |
public |
Triggered when SideNav selected item has changed. |
public | ||
public |
Triggered before a Table column is dragged. |
public |
Triggered before a Table column gets sorted by user interaction. |
public |
Triggered before a Table row is ordered. |
public |
Triggered when the Table selection changed. |
public |
Triggered when a Table column is dragged. |
public |
Triggered when a Table column is sorted. |
public |
Triggered when a Table row selection changed. |
public |
Triggered when a {@linked Table} row is locked. |
public |
Triggered when a Table row is ordered. |
public |
Triggered when Table a row is locked. |
public |
Triggered when the TabList selected item has changed. |
public |
Triggered when the TabView selected tab panel item has changed. |
public |
Triggered when the Tree selection changed. |
public |
Triggered when a Tree item collapsed. |
public |
Triggered when a Tree item expanded. |
public |
Triggered when the Wait value is changed. |
public |
Triggered when the WizardView selected step list item has changed. |
Static Public
public ActionBarContainerPositionEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ActionBarContainer positions.
public AlertVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Alert variants.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
ERROR | String | An alert with a warning icon to indicate that an error has occurred. |
WARNING | String | An alert with a warning icon to warn the user of something important. |
SUCCESS | String | An alert with a question mark icon to notify the user of a successful operation. |
HELP | String | A neutral alert with a question icon to help the user with non-critical information. |
INFO | String | An alert with an info icon to inform the user of non-critical information. |
public AutocompleteMatchEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Autocomplete match options.
public AutocompleteVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Autocomplete variants.
public BaseFieldGroupOrientationEnum: Object source
Enumeration for BaseFieldGroup orientations.
public ButtonGroupSelectionModeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ButtonGroup selection options.
public ButtonIconPositionEnum: Object source
Enumeration for BaseButton icon position options.
public ButtonIconSizeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Button, AnchorButton icon sizes.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
EXTRA_EXTRA_SMALL | String | Extra extra small size icon, typically 9px size. |
EXTRA_SMALL | String | Extra small size icon, typically 12px size. |
SMALL | String | Small size icon, typically 18px size. This is the default size. |
MEDIUM | String | Medium size icon, typically 24px size. |
public ButtonSizeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for BaseButton sizes.
public ButtonVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Button, AnchorButton variants.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
CTA | String | A button that is meant to grab the user's attention. |
PRIMARY | String | A button that is meant to grab the user's attention. |
QUIET | String | A quiet button that indicates that the button's action is the primary action. |
SECONDARY | String | A button that indicates that the button's action is the secondary action. |
QUIET_SECONDARY | String | A quiet secondary button. |
ACTION | String | An action button. |
QUIET_ACTION | String | A quiet action button. |
MINIMAL | String | A quiet minimalistic button. |
WARNING | String | A button that indicates that the button's action is dangerous. |
QUIET_WARNING | String | A quiet warning button, |
OVER_BACKGROUND | String | A button to be placed on top of colored background. |
DEFAULT | String | The default button look and feel. |
public CardVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Card variants.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
DEFAULT | String | Default card variant that shows the asset, overlay and content in their default positions. |
QUIET | String | Quiet card variant that shows the asset, overlay and content in their default positions. |
CONDENSED | String | Condensed card variant where the overlay is hidden and the content is shown over the image. |
INVERTED | String | Condensed card variant where the overlay is hidden and the content is shown over the image with a dark style. |
ASSET | String | Card variant where only the asset is shown. |
public CharacterCountTargetEnum: Object source
Enumeration for CharacterCount targets.
public CollectionFilter(element: HTMLElement): Boolean: function source
Signature of the function called to determine if an element should be included in the Collection. If the function
returns true
for the given element it will be part of the collection, otherwise it will be excluded.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
element | HTMLElement | The item to check whether it should be part of the collection. |
public CollectionOnChange(addedNodes: Array<HTMLElement>, removedNodes: Array<HTMLElement>): function source
Signature of the function called when there is a change in the Collection. The items that where added and removed will be provided.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
addedNodes | Array<HTMLElement> | An array that contains the items that were added to the collection. |
removedNodes | Array<HTMLElement> | An array that contains the items that were removed from the collection. |
public CollectionOnItemAdded(item: HTMLElement): function source
Signature of the function called when ever an item is added to the Collection.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
item | HTMLElement | The item that was added to the collection. |
public CollectionOnItemRemoved(item: HTMLElement): function source
Signature of the function called when ever an item is removed from the Collection.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
item | HTMLElement | The item that was added to the collection. |
public ColorInputAutoGenerateColorsEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ColorInput auto generated colors options.
public ColorInputShowDefaultColorsEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ColorInput default colors display options.
public ColorInputShowPropertiesEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ColorInput color properties display options.
public ColorInputShowSwatchesEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ColorInput swatches display options.
public ColorInputVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ColorInput variants.
public ColumnViewItemVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ColumnViewItem variants.
public ColumnViewSelectionModeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ColumnView selection options.
public CycleButtonDisplayModeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for CycleButton display options.
public DatepickerTypeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Datepicker variants.
public DatepickerVariantEnum: Object source
Enum for Datepicker variant values.
public DialogVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Dialog variants.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
DEFAULT | String | A default dialog without header icon. |
ERROR | String | A dialog with an error header and icon, indicating that an error has occurred. |
WARNING | String | A dialog with a warning header and icon, notifying the user of something important. |
SUCCESS | String | A dialog with a success header and icon, indicates to the user that an operation was successful. |
HELP | String | A dialog with a question header and icon, provides the user with help. |
INFO | String | A dialog with an info header and icon, informs the user of non-critical information. |
public DragActionAxisEnum: Object source
Enumeration for DragAction axis restrictions.
public FileUploadItemResponseTypeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for FileUploadItem response types.
public FileUploadMethodEnum: Object source
Enumeration for FileUpload HTTP methods that can be used to upload files.
public I18nLocalesEnum: Object source
Enumeration for i18n locales.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
en | String | English (U.S.) |
en-us | String | English (U.S.) |
cs | String | Czech (Czechia) |
cs-cz | String | Czech (Czechia) |
da | String | Danish (Denmark) |
da-dk | String | Danish (Denmark) |
de | String | German (Germany) |
de-de | String | German (Germany) |
es | String | Spanish (Spain) |
es-es | String | Spanish (Spain) |
fi | String | Finnish (Finland) |
fi-fi | String | Finnish (Finland) |
fr | String | French (France) |
fr-fr | String | French (France) |
it | String | Italian (Italy) |
it-it | String | Italian (Italy) |
ja | String | Japanese (Japan) |
ja-jp | String | Japanese (Japan) |
ko | String | Korean (Korea) |
ko-kr | String | Korean (Korea) |
nb | String | Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) |
nb-no | String | Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) |
nl | String | Dutch (Netherlands) |
nl-nl | String | Dutch (Netherlands) |
pl | String | Polish (Poland) |
pl-pl | String | Polish (Poland) |
pt | String | Portuguese (Brazil) |
pt-br | String | Portuguese (Brazil) |
ru | String | Russian (Russia) |
ru-ru | String | Russian (Russia) |
sv | String | Swedish (Sweden) |
sv-se | String | Swedish (Sweden) |
tr | String | Turkish (Turkey) |
tr-tr | String | Turkish (Turkey) |
zh-cn | String | Simplified Chinese |
zh-hans-cn | String | Simplified Chinese |
zh-hans | String | Simplified Chinese |
zh-tw | String | Traditional Chinese |
zh-hant-tw | String | Traditional Chinese |
zh-hant | String | Traditional Chinese |
public IconSizeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Icon sizes.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
EXTRA_EXTRA_SMALL | String | Extra extra small size icon, typically 9px size. |
EXTRA_SMALL | String | Extra small size icon, typically 12px size. |
SMALL | String | Small size icon, typically 18px size. This is the default size. |
MEDIUM | String | Medium size icon, typically 24px size. |
LARGE | String | Large icon, typically 36px size. |
EXTRA_LARGE | String | Extra large icon, typically 48px size. |
EXTRA_EXTRA_LARGE | String | Extra extra large icon, typically 72px size. |
public MasonryAriaGridEnum: Object source
Enumeration values to enable/disable aria grid support for Masonry.
public MasonryLayoutsEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Masonry layouts.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
FIXED_CENTERED | String | A Layout with fixed width centered items. |
FIXED_SPREAD | String | A layout with fixed width and evenly spread items. |
VARIABLE | String | A layout with variable width items. |
DASHBOARD | String | A layout with variable width items which are expanded in their height to fill gaps. |
public OverlayAlignEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Overlay alignment pairs.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
LEFT_TOP | String | Use the top of the left side as an anchor point. |
LEFT_CENTER | String | Use the center of the left side as an anchor point. |
LEFT_BOTTOM | String | Use the bottom of the left side as an anchor point. |
CENTER_TOP | String | Use the center of the top side as an anchor point. |
CENTER_CENTER | String | Use the center as an anchor point. |
CENTER_BOTTOM | String | Use the center of the bottom side as an anchor point. |
RIGHT_TOP | String | Use the top of the right side as an anchor point. |
RIGHT_CENTER | String | Use the center of the right side as an anchor point. |
RIGHT_BOTTOM | String | Use the bottom of the right side as an anchor point. |
public OverlayCollisionEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Overlay collision detection strategies.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
FLIP | String | Flips the element to the opposite side of the target and the collision detection is run again to see if it will fit. Whichever side allows more of the element to be visible will be used. |
FIT | String | Shift the element away from the edge of the window. |
FLIP_FIT | String | Deprecated. First applies the flip logic, placing the element on whichever side allows more of the element to be visible. Then the fit logic is applied to ensure as much of the element is visible as possible. |
NONE | String | Does not apply any collision detection. |
public OverlayFadeTime: Number source
The time it should take for BaseOverlay to fade in milliseconds. Important: This should be greater than or equal to the CSS transition time.
public OverlayFocusOnShowEnum: Object source
Enumeration for BaseOverlay focus behavior options.
public OverlayReturnFocusEnum: Object source
Enumeration for BaseOverlay return focus options.
public OverlayScrollOnFocusEnum: Object source
Enumeration for BaseOverlay scroll focus options.
public OverlayTrapFocusEnum: Object source
Enumeration for BaseOverlay trap options.
public PopoverVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Popover variants.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
DEFAULT | String | A default popover without header icon. |
ERROR | String | A popover with an error header and icon, indicating that an error has occurred. |
WARNING | String | A popover with a warning header and icon, notifying the user of something important. |
SUCCESS | String | A popover with a success header and icon, indicates to the user that an operation was successful. |
HELP | String | A popover with a question header and icon, provides the user with help. |
INFO | String | A popover with an info header and icon, informs the user of non-critical information. |
public QuickActionsInteractionEnum: Object source
Enumeration for QuickActions interaction options.
public QuickActionsItemTypeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for QuickActionsItem type values.
public QuickActionsPlacementEnum: Object source
Enumeration for QuickActions placement options.
public QuickActionsTargetEnum: Object source
Enumeration for QuickActions anchored overlay target options.
public RadioGroupOrientationEnum: Object source
Enumeration for RadioGroup orientations.
public ShellHelpResult: Object source
A search result object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
title | String | The title of the search result. |
href | String | The URL of the search result. |
target | String | This property specifies where to display the search result. Use this property only if the href property is present. |
tags | Array<String> | A set of tags associated with the search result. |
public ShellMenuBarItemIconVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ShellMenuBarItem icon variants.
public ShellUserAvatarEnum: Object source
Enumeration for ShellUser avatar options. Avatar assets should use one of those provided, when no asset is set
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
DEFAULT | String | Default avatar, show user icon from icon font. |
public SplitButtonVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for SplitButton variants.
public StepListInteractionEnum: Object source
Enumeration for StepList interaction options.
- support "click only past steps" mode
public TableColumnAlignmentEnum: Object source
Enumeration for TableColumn alignment options.
public TableColumnSortableDirectionEnum: Object source
Enumeration for TableColumn sortable direction options.
public TableColumnSortableTypeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for TableColumn sortable type options.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
ALPHANUMERIC | String | Alphanumeric type. If sorting is based on TableCell#value, use {String}. |
NUMBER | String | Number type. If sorting is based on TableCell#value, use {Number}. |
DATE | String | Date type. If sorting is based on TableCell#value, use {Date} in milliseconds. |
CUSTOM | String | Custom type. Sorting is based on user defined sorting. |
public TagColorEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Tag colors.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
DEFAULT | String | ||
GREY | String | ||
BLUE | String | ||
RED | String | ||
ORANGE | String | ||
GREEN | String | ||
YELLOW | String | ||
SEA_FOAM | String | ||
FUCHSIA | String | ||
LIGHT_BLUE | String | Not supported. Falls back to BLUE. |
PERIWINKLE | String | Not supported. Falls back to BLUE. |
CYAN | String | Not supported. Falls back to BLUE. |
PLUM | String | Not supported. Falls back to RED. |
MAGENTA | String | Not supported. Falls back to RED. |
TANGERINE | String | Not supported. Falls back to ORANGE. |
CHARTREUSE | String | Not supported. Falls back to GREEN. |
KELLY_GREEN | String | Not supported. Falls back to GREEN. |
public TagSizeEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Tag sizes. Only colored tags can have different sizes.
public ToastVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Toast variants.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
DEFAULT | String | A neutral toast. |
ERROR | String | A toast to notify that an error has occurred or to warn the user of something important. |
SUCCESS | String | A toast to notify the user of a successful operation. |
INFO | String | A toast to notify the user of non-critical information. |
public TooltipVariantEnum: Object source
Enumeration for Tooltip variants.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
DEFAULT | String | A default tooltip that provides additional information. |
INFO | String | A tooltip that informs the user of non-critical information. |
SUCCESS | String | A tooltip that indicates an operation was successful. |
ERROR | String | A tooltip that indicates an error has occurred. |
WARNING | String | Not supported. Falls back to DEFAULT. |
INSPECT | String | Not supported. Falls back to DEFAULT. |
public coral-accordion:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when Accordion selected item has changed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.oldSelection | AccordionItem | The prior selected item(s). |
detail.selection | AccordionItem | The newly selected item(s). |
public coral-autocomplete:hidesuggestions: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the Autocomplete hides the suggestions. This is typically used to cancel a load request because the suggestions will not be shown anymore.
public coral-autocomplete:showsuggestions: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the Autocomplete could accept external data to be loaded by the user.
If preventDefault()
is called, then a loading indicator will be shown.
Autocomplete#loading should be set to false to indicate that the data has been successfully loaded.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.value | String | The user input. |
public coral-collection:add: CustomEvent source
Triggered when an item is added to the Collection. Collection events are not synchronous so the DOM may reflect a different reality although every addition or removal will be reported.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.item | HTMLElement | The item that was added. |
public coral-collection:remove: CustomEvent source
Triggered when an item is removed from a Collection. Collection events are not synchronous so the DOM may reflect a different reality although every addition or removal will be reported.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.item | HTMLElement | The item that was removed. |
public coral-columnview:activeitemchange: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the active item of the ColumnViewColumn changes.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.column | ColumnViewColumn | The column whose active item has changed. |
detail.activeItem | ColumnViewItem | The currently active item of the column. |
detail.oldActiveItem | ColumnViewItem | The item of the column that was active before. |
public coral-columnview:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the selection inside the ColumnViewColumn changes. In case both the selection and the active item change,
the coral-columnview:activeitemchange
will be triggered first.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.column | ColumnViewColumn | The column whose selection changed. |
detail.selection | ColumnViewItem | Array<ColumnViewItem> | The new selection of the Column. |
detail.oldSelection | ColumnViewItem | Array<ColumnViewItem> | The old selection of the Column. |
public coral-columnview:loaditems: CustomEvent source
Triggered when additional items can be loaded into the ColumnView. This will happen when the current column can
still hold more items, when the user scrolls down the current column or when a new column needs to be loaded. If
is called, then a loading indicator will be shown.
ColumnViewColumn#loading should be set to false to indicate that the data has been successfully
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.column | ColumnViewColumn | The column that is requesting more items. While doing pagination, it will become the target of the loaded items. |
detail.start | Number | Indicates the current amount of items in the |
detail.item | ColumnViewItem | The item that initialized the load. If item is provided, it means that a new column needs to be added after
the load is performed. In this scenario, |
public coral-columnview:navigate: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the ColumnView navigation is complete and the new columns are ready.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.column | ColumnViewColumn | The last Column of the ColumnView that is used to determine the path. If the navigate was triggered because a new ColumnViewColumn was added, then it will match that column. In case the path was reduced, the column will match the last column. |
detail.activeItem | ColumnViewItem | The currently active item of the ColumnView. |
public coral-cyclebutton:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the CycleButton selected item has changed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.oldSelection | CycleButtonItem | The prior selected item(s). |
detail.selection | CycleButtonItem | The newly selected item(s). |
public coral-dragaction:drag: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is being dragged.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
pageX | Number | The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document. |
pageY | Number | The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document. |
public coral-dragaction:dragend: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement stops to be dragged.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
pageX | Number | The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document. |
pageY | Number | The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document. |
public coral-dragaction:dragendonkey: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is dropped on key.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
public coral-dragaction:dragenter: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement enters a drop element.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
dropElement | HTMLElement | The drop element |
pageX | Number | The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document. |
pageY | Number | The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document. |
public coral-dragaction:dragleave: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement leaves a drop element.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
dropElement | HTMLElement | The drop element |
pageX | Number | The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document. |
pageY | Number | The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document. |
public coral-dragaction:dragonkeyfocusout: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is losing focus.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
public coral-dragaction:dragonkeyspace: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is selected to be dragged.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
public coral-dragaction:dragover: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is over a drop element.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
dropElement | HTMLElement | The drop element |
pageX | Number | The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document. |
pageY | Number | The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document. |
public coral-dragaction:dragoveronkeyarrowdown: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is moved on arrow down pressed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
public coral-dragaction:dragoveronkeyarrowup: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is moved on arrow up pressed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
public coral-dragaction:dragstart: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement starts to be dragged.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
pageX | Number | The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document. |
pageY | Number | The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document. |
public coral-dragaction:drop: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the DragAction#dragElement is dropped on a drop element.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
dragElement | HTMLElement | The dragged element |
dropElement | HTMLElement | The drop element |
pageX | Number | The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document. |
pageY | Number | The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document. |
public coral-masonry:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when Masonry selected item has changed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.oldSelection | MasonryItem | The prior selected item(s). |
detail.selection | MasonryItem | The newly selected item(s). |
public coral-masonry:order: CustomEvent source
Triggered when a Masonry item is reordered.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.item | MasonryItem | The reordered item |
detail.oldBefore | MasonryItem |
The previous item before the reordering. |
detail.before | MasonryItem |
The previous item after the reordering. |
public coral-multifield:beforeitemorder: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the Multifield item are reordered.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.item | MultifieldItem | The item to be ordered. |
detail.oldBefore | MultifieldItem | Ordered item next sibling before the swap. If |
detail.before | MultifieldItem | Ordered item will be inserted before this sibling item. If |
public coral-multifield:itemorder: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the Multifield item are reordered.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.item | MultifieldItem | The ordered item. |
detail.oldBefore | MultifieldItem | Ordered item next sibling before the swap. If |
detail.before | MultifieldItem | Ordered item was inserted before this sibling item. If |
public coral-overlay:beforeclose: CustomEvent source
Triggered before the BaseOverlay is closed with hide()
or instance.open = false
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
preventDefault | function | Call to stop the overlay from closing. |
public coral-overlay:beforeopen: CustomEvent source
Triggered before the BaseOverlay is opened with show()
or instance.open = true
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
preventDefault | function | Call to stop the overlay from opening. |
public coral-overlay:close: CustomEvent source
Triggered after the BaseOverlay is closed with hide()
or instance.open = false
public coral-overlay:open: CustomEvent source
Triggered after the BaseOverlay is opened with show()
or instance.open = true
public coral-panelstack:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when PanelStack selected panel has changed.
public coral-select:hideitems: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the Select hides the UI used to select items. This is typically used to cancel a load request because the items will not be shown anymore.
public coral-select:showitems: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the Select could accept external data to be loaded by the user. If preventDefault()
called, then a loading indicator will be shown. Select#loading should be set to false to indicate
that the data has been successfully loaded.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.start | Number | The count of existing items, which is the index where new items should start. |
public coral-selectlist:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered before the SelectList selected item is changed on user interaction. Can be used to cancel selection.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
event.detail.item | SelectListItem | The selected item. |
public coral-selectlist:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the SelectList selected item has changed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.oldSelection | SelectListItem | The prior selected item(s). |
detail.selection | SelectListItem | The newly selected item(s). |
public coral-selectlist:scrollbottom: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the user scrolls to near the bottom of the SelectList. This can be useful for when additional items can be loaded asynchronously (i.e., infinite scrolling).
public coral-shell-menubar-item:close: CustomEvent source
Triggered after the ShellMenuBarItem is closed with hide()
or instance.open = false
public coral-shell-menubar-item:open: CustomEvent source
Triggered after the ShellMenuBarItem is opened with show()
or instance.open = true
public coral-shell-orgswitcher:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the ShellOrgSwitcher selected organization has changed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.oldSelection | HTMLElement | The prior selected organization item. |
detail.selection | HTMLElement | The newly selected organization item. |
public coral-sidenav:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when SideNav selected item has changed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.oldSelection | SideNavItem | The prior selected item. |
detail.selection | SideNavItem | The newly selected item. |
public coral-steplist:change: CustomEvent source
public coral-table:beforecolumndrag: CustomEvent source
Triggered before a Table column is dragged. Can be used to cancel column dragging.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.column | TableColumn | The dragged column. |
detail.before | TableColumn | The column will be inserted before this sibling column.
If |
public coral-table:beforecolumnsort: CustomEvent source
Triggered before a Table column gets sorted by user interaction. Can be used to cancel column sorting and define custom sorting.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.column | TableColumn | The column to be sorted. |
detail.direction | String | The requested sorting direction for the column. |
public coral-table:beforeroworder: CustomEvent source
Triggered before a Table row is ordered. Can be used to cancel row ordering.
public coral-table:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the Table selection changed.
public coral-table:columndrag: CustomEvent source
Triggered when a Table column is dragged.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.column | TableColumn | The dragged column. |
detail.oldBefore | TableColumn | The column next sibling before the swap.
If |
detail.before | TableColumn | The column is inserted before this sibling column.
If |
public coral-table:rowchange: CustomEvent source
Triggered when a Table row selection changed.
public coral-table:rowlock: CustomEvent source
Triggered when a {@linked Table} row is locked.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.row | TableRow | The locked row. |
public coral-table:roworder: CustomEvent source
Triggered when a Table row is ordered.
public coral-table:rowunlock: CustomEvent source
Triggered when Table a row is locked.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.row | TableRow | The unlocked row. |
public coral-tablist:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the TabList selected item has changed.
public coral-tabview:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the TabView selected tab panel item has changed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
event.detail.selection | Tab | The new selected tab panel item. |
public coral-tree:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the Tree selection changed.
public coral-tree:collapse: CustomEvent source
Triggered when a Tree item collapsed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.item | TreeItem | The collapsed item. |
public coral-tree:expand: CustomEvent source
Triggered when a Tree item expanded.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
detail.item | TreeItem | The expanded item. |
public coral-wizardview:change: CustomEvent source
Triggered when the WizardView selected step list item has changed.