function _extractAttrVal(ctx) {
var attrValue = ctx.token.string,
startChar = attrValue.charAt(0),
endChar = attrValue.charAt(attrValue.length - 1),
offset = TokenUtils.offsetInToken(ctx),
foundEqualSign = false;
//If this is a fully quoted value, return the whole
//thing regardless of position
if (attrValue.length > 1 &&
(startChar === "'" || startChar === '"') &&
endChar === startChar) {
// Find an equal sign before the end quote. If found,
// then the user may be entering an attribute value right before
// another attribute and we're getting a false balanced string.
// An example of this case is <link rel" href="foo"> where the
// cursor is right after the first double quote.
foundEqualSign = (attrValue.match(/\=\s*['"]$/) !== null);
if (!foundEqualSign) {
//strip the quotes and return;
attrValue = attrValue.substring(1, attrValue.length - 1);
offset = offset - 1 > attrValue.length ? attrValue.length : offset - 1;
return {val: attrValue, offset: offset, quoteChar: startChar, hasEndQuote: true};
if (foundEqualSign) {
var spaceIndex = attrValue.indexOf(" "),
bracketIndex = attrValue.indexOf(">"),
upToIndex = (spaceIndex !== -1 && spaceIndex < bracketIndex) ? spaceIndex : bracketIndex;
attrValue = attrValue.substring(0, (upToIndex > offset) ? upToIndex : offset);
} else if (offset > 0 && (startChar === "'" || startChar === '"')) {
//The att value is getting edit in progress. There is possible extra
//stuff in this token state since the quote isn't closed, so we assume
//the stuff from the quote to the current pos is definitely in the attribute
attrValue = attrValue.substring(0, offset);
//If the attrValue start with a quote, trim that now
startChar = attrValue.charAt(0);
if (startChar === "'" || startChar === '"') {
attrValue = attrValue.substring(1);
} else {
startChar = "";
// Make attr value empty and set offset to zero if it has the ">"
// which is the closing of the tag.
if (endChar === ">") {
attrValue = "";
offset = 0;
return {val: attrValue, offset: offset, quoteChar: startChar, hasEndQuote: false};
function _extractTagName(ctx) {
var mode = ctx.editor.getMode(),
innerModeData = CodeMirror.innerMode(mode, ctx.token.state);
if (ctx.token.type === "tag bracket") {
return innerModeData.state.tagName;
// If the ctx is inside the tag name of an end tag, innerModeData.state.tagName is
// undefined. So return token string as the tag name.
return innerModeData.state.tagName || ctx.token.string;
function _getTagInfoStartingFromAttrName(ctx, isPriorAttr) {
//Verify We're in the attribute name, move forward and try to extract the rest of
//the info. If the user it typing the attr the rest might not be here
if (isPriorAttr === false && ctx.token.type !== "attribute") {
return createTagInfo();
var tagName = _extractTagName(ctx);
var attrName = ctx.token.string;
var offset = TokenUtils.offsetInToken(ctx);
if (!TokenUtils.moveSkippingWhitespace(TokenUtils.moveNextToken, ctx) || ctx.token.string !== "=") {
// If we're checking for a prior attribute and the next token we get is a tag or an html comment or
// an undefined token class, then we've already scanned past our original cursor location.
// So just return an empty tag info.
if (isPriorAttr &&
(!ctx.token.type ||
(ctx.token.type && ctx.token.type !== "attribute" &&
ctx.token.type.indexOf("error") === -1 &&
ctx.token.string.indexOf("<") !== -1))) {
return createTagInfo();
return createTagInfo(ATTR_NAME, offset, tagName, attrName);
if (!TokenUtils.moveSkippingWhitespace(TokenUtils.moveNextToken, ctx)) {
return createTagInfo(ATTR_NAME, offset, tagName, attrName);
//this should be the attrvalue
var attrInfo = _extractAttrVal(ctx),
attrVal = attrInfo.val,
quoteChar = attrInfo.quoteChar,
hasEndQuote = attrInfo.hasEndQuote;
return createTagInfo(ATTR_NAME, offset, tagName, attrName, attrVal, true, quoteChar, hasEndQuote);
function _getTagInfoStartingFromAttrValue(ctx) {
// Assume we in the attr value
// and validate that by going backwards
var attrInfo = _extractAttrVal(ctx),
attrVal = attrInfo.val,
offset = attrInfo.offset,
quoteChar = attrInfo.quoteChar,
hasEndQuote = attrInfo.hasEndQuote,
strLength = ctx.token.string.length;
if ((ctx.token.type === "string" || ctx.token.type === "error") && === ctx.token.end && strLength > 1) {
var firstChar = ctx.token.string[0],
lastChar = ctx.token.string[strLength - 1];
// We get here only when the cursor is immediately on the right of the end quote
// of an attribute value. So we want to return an empty tag info so that the caller
// can dismiss the code hint popup if it is still open.
if (firstChar === lastChar && (firstChar === "'" || firstChar === "\"")) {
return createTagInfo();
//Skip all the 'string' tokens backwards. Required to reach to the first line
//of multiline HTML attribute value.
while (TokenUtils.moveSkippingWhitespace(TokenUtils.movePrevToken, ctx)) {
if (ctx.token.type !== "string") {
//As we have skipped all the string tokens, make a forward navigation to move to the
//first 'string token so that in next backward navigation we can find '='.
TokenUtils.moveSkippingWhitespace(TokenUtils.moveNextToken, ctx);
//Move to the prev token, and check if it's "="
if (!TokenUtils.moveSkippingWhitespace(TokenUtils.movePrevToken, ctx) || ctx.token.string !== "=") {
return createTagInfo();
//Move to the prev token, and check if it's an attribute
if (!TokenUtils.moveSkippingWhitespace(TokenUtils.movePrevToken, ctx) || ctx.token.type !== "attribute") {
return createTagInfo();
var attrName = ctx.token.string;
var tagName = _extractTagName(ctx);
//We're good.
return createTagInfo(ATTR_VALUE, offset, tagName, attrName, attrVal, true, quoteChar, hasEndQuote);
Creates a tagInfo object and assures all the values are entered or are empty strings
function createTagInfo(tokenType, offset, tagName, attrName, attrValue, valueAssigned, quoteChar, hasEndQuote) {
return { tagName: tagName || "",
{ name: attrName || "",
value: attrValue || "",
valueAssigned: valueAssigned || false,
quoteChar: quoteChar || "",
hasEndQuote: hasEndQuote || false },
{ tokenType: tokenType || "",
offset: offset || 0 } };
Returns an Array of info about all blocks whose token mode name matches that passed in, in the given Editor's HTML document (assumes the Editor contains HTML text).
function findBlocks(editor, modeName) {
// Start scanning from beginning of file
var ctx = TokenUtils.getInitialContext(editor._codeMirror, {line: 0, ch: 0}),
blocks = [],
currentBlock = null,
inBlock = false,
outerMode = editor._codeMirror.getMode(),
while (TokenUtils.moveNextToken(ctx, false)) {
tokenModeName = CodeMirror.innerMode(outerMode, ctx.token.state);
if (inBlock) {
if (!currentBlock.end) {
// Handle empty blocks
currentBlock.end = currentBlock.start;
// Check for end of this block
if (tokenModeName === previousMode) {
// currentBlock.end is already set to pos of the last token by now
currentBlock.text = editor.document.getRange(currentBlock.start, currentBlock.end);
inBlock = false;
} else {
currentBlock.end = { line: ctx.pos.line, ch: };
} else {
// Check for start of a block
if (tokenModeName === modeName) {
currentBlock = {
start: { line: ctx.pos.line, ch: }
inBlock = true;
} else {
previousMode = tokenModeName;
// else, random token: ignore
return blocks;
Returns an Array of info about all <style> blocks in the given Editor's HTML document (assumes the Editor contains HTML text).
function findStyleBlocks(editor) {
return findBlocks(editor, "css");
// Define public API
exports.TAG_NAME = TAG_NAME;
exports.getTagInfo = getTagInfo;
exports.getTagAttributes = getTagAttributes;
//The createTagInfo is really only for the unit tests so they can make the same structure to
//compare results with
exports.createTagInfo = createTagInfo;
exports.findStyleBlocks = findStyleBlocks;
exports.findBlocks = findBlocks;
Compiles a list of used attributes for a given tag
function getTagAttributes(editor, pos) {
var attrs = [],
backwardCtx = TokenUtils.getInitialContext(editor._codeMirror, pos),
forwardCtx = $.extend({}, backwardCtx);
if (editor.getModeForSelection() === "html") {
if (backwardCtx.token && !tagPrefixedRegExp.test(backwardCtx.token.type)) {
while (TokenUtils.movePrevToken(backwardCtx) && !tagPrefixedRegExp.test(backwardCtx.token.type)) {
if (backwardCtx.token.type === "error" && backwardCtx.token.string.indexOf("<") === 0) {
if (backwardCtx.token.type === "attribute") {
while (TokenUtils.moveNextToken(forwardCtx) && !tagPrefixedRegExp.test(forwardCtx.token.type)) {
if (forwardCtx.token.type === "attribute") {
// If the current tag is not closed, codemirror may return the next opening
// tag as an attribute. Stop the search loop in that case.
if (forwardCtx.token.string.indexOf("<") === 0) {
} else if (forwardCtx.token.type === "error") {
if (forwardCtx.token.string.indexOf("<") === 0 || forwardCtx.token.string.indexOf(">") === 0) {
// If we type the first letter of the next attribute, it comes as an error
// token. We need to double check for possible invalidated attributes.
if (/\S/.test(forwardCtx.token.string) &&
forwardCtx.token.string.indexOf("\"") === -1 &&
forwardCtx.token.string.indexOf("'") === -1 &&
forwardCtx.token.string.indexOf("=") === -1) {
return attrs;
Figure out if we're in a tag, and if we are return info about it An example token stream for this tag is <span id="open-files-disclosure-arrow"></span> : className:tag string:"<span" className: string:" " className:attribute string:"id" className: string:"=" className:string string:""open-files-disclosure-arrow"" className:tag string:"></span>"
function getTagInfo(editor, constPos, isHtmlMode) {
// We're going to be changing pos a lot, but we don't want to mess up
// the pos the caller passed in so we use extend to make a safe copy of it.
var pos = $.extend({}, constPos),
ctx = TokenUtils.getInitialContext(editor._codeMirror, pos),
offset = TokenUtils.offsetInToken(ctx),
// Check if this is not known to be in html mode and inside a style block.
if (!isHtmlMode && editor.getModeForSelection() !== "html") {
return createTagInfo();
// Check and see where we are in the tag
if (ctx.token.string.length > 0 && !/\S/.test(ctx.token.string)) {
// token at (i.e. before) pos is whitespace, so test token at next pos
// note: getTokenAt() does range checking for ch. If it detects that ch is past
// EOL, it uses EOL, same token is returned, and the following condition fails,
// so we don't need to worry about testPos being valid.
var testPos = {ch: + 1, line: ctx.pos.line},
testToken = editor._codeMirror.getTokenAt(testPos, true);
if (testToken.string.length > 0 && /\S/.test(testToken.string) &&
testToken.string.charAt(0) !== ">") {
// pos has whitespace before it and non-whitespace after it, so use token after
ctx.token = testToken;
// Check whether the token type is one of the types prefixed with "tag"
// (e.g. "tag", "tag error", "tag brackets")
if (tagPrefixedRegExp.test(ctx.token.type)) {
// Check to see if the cursor is just before a "<" but not in any tag.
if (ctx.token.string.charAt(0) === "<") {
return createTagInfo();
} else if (ctx.token.type === "attribute") {
// Check to see if the user is going to add a new attr before an existing one
return _getTagInfoStartingFromAttrName(ctx, false);
} else if (ctx.token.string === "=") {
// We're between a whitespace and "=", so return an empty tag info.
return createTagInfo();
} else {
// We get here if ">" or white spaces after testPos.
// Check if there is an equal sign after testPos by creating a new ctx
// with the original pos. We can't use the current ctx since we need to
// use it to scan backwards if we don't find an equal sign here.
// Comment out this block to fix issue #1510.
// if (testToken.string.length > 0 && testToken.string.charAt(0) !== ">") {
// tempCtx = TokenUtils.getInitialContext(editor._codeMirror, pos);
// if (TokenUtils.moveSkippingWhitespace(TokenUtils.moveNextToken, tempCtx) && tempCtx.token.string === "=") {
// // Return an empty tag info since we're between an atribute name and the equal sign.
// return createTagInfo();
// }
// }
// next, see what's before pos
if (!TokenUtils.movePrevToken(ctx)) {
return createTagInfo();
if (ctx.token.type === "comment") {
return createTagInfo();
} else if (!tagPrefixedRegExp.test(ctx.token.type) && ctx.token.string !== "=") {
// If it wasn't the tag name, assume it was an attr value
// Also we don't handle the "=" here.
tagInfo = _getTagInfoStartingFromAttrValue(ctx);
// Check to see if this is the closing of a tag (either the start or end)
// or a comment tag.
if (ctx.token.type === "comment" ||
(tagPrefixedRegExp.test(ctx.token.type) &&
(ctx.token.string === ">" || ctx.token.string === "/>" ||
ctx.token.string === "</"))) {
return createTagInfo();
// If it wasn't an attr value, assume it was an empty attr (ie. attr with no value)
if (!tagInfo.tagName) {
tagInfo = _getTagInfoStartingFromAttrName(ctx, true);
// We don't want to give context for the previous attr
// and we want it to look like the user is going to add a new attr
if (tagInfo.tagName) {
return createTagInfo(ATTR_NAME, 0, tagInfo.tagName);
return createTagInfo();
// We know the tag was here, so the user is adding an attr name
tokenType = ATTR_NAME;
offset = 0;
if (tagPrefixedRegExp.test(ctx.token.type)) {
if (ctx.token.type !== "tag bracket") {
// Check if the user just typed a white space after "<" that made an existing tag invalid.
if (TokenUtils.movePrevToken(ctx) && !/\S/.test(ctx.token.string)) {
return createTagInfo();
// Check to see if this is a closing tag
if (ctx.token.type === "tag bracket" && ctx.token.string === "</") {
tokenType = CLOSING_TAG;
// Restore the original ctx by moving back to next context since we call
// movePrevToken above to detect "<" or "</".
// Check to see if this is the closing of a start tag or a self closing tag
if (ctx.token.string === ">" || ctx.token.string === "/>") {
return createTagInfo();
// Make sure the cursor is not after an equal sign or a quote before we report the context as a tag.
if (ctx.token.string !== "=" && ctx.token.string.match(/^["']/) === null) {
if (!tokenType) {
tokenType = TAG_NAME;
if (ctx.token.type === "tag bracket") {
// Check to see if this is a closing tag
if (ctx.token.string === "</") {
tokenType = CLOSING_TAG;
offset -= 2;
} else {
offset = 0;
// If the cursor is right after the "<" or "</", then
// move context to next one so that _extractTagName
// call below can get the tag name if there is one.
if (offset === 0) {
// We're actually in the tag, just return that as we have no relevant
// info about what attr is selected
return createTagInfo(tokenType, offset, _extractTagName(ctx));
if (ctx.token.string === "=") {
// We could be between the attr and the value
// Step back and check
if (!TokenUtils.moveSkippingWhitespace(TokenUtils.movePrevToken, ctx) || ctx.token.type !== "attribute") {
return createTagInfo();
// The "=" is added, time to hint for values
tokenType = ATTR_VALUE;
offset = 0;
if (ctx.token.type === "attribute") {
tagInfo = _getTagInfoStartingFromAttrName(ctx, false);
// If we're in attr value, then we may need to calculate the correct offset
// from the beginning of the attribute value. If the cursor position is to
// the left of attr value, then the offset is negative.
// e.g. if the cursor is just to the right of the "=" in <a rel= "rtl", then
// the offset will be -2.
if (tagInfo.attr.quoteChar) {
offset = -;
} else if (tokenType === ATTR_VALUE && ( + 1) < {
// The cursor may be right before an unquoted attribute or another attribute name.
// Since we can't distinguish between them, we will empty the value so that the
// caller can just insert a new attribute value.
tagInfo.attr.value = "";
} else {
// if we're not at a tag, "=", or attribute name, assume we're in the value
tagInfo = _getTagInfoStartingFromAttrValue(ctx);
if (tokenType && tagInfo.tagName) {
tagInfo.position.tokenType = tokenType;
tagInfo.position.offset = offset;
return tagInfo;