Filter an array hints using a given query and matcher. The hints are returned in the format of the matcher. The matcher returns the value in the "label" property, the match score in "matchGoodness" property.
function filterWithQueryAndMatcher(hints, matcher) {
var matchResults = $.map(hints, function (hint) {
var searchResult = matcher.match(hint.value, query);
if (searchResult) {
searchResult.value = hint.value;
searchResult.guess = hint.guess;
searchResult.type = hint.type;
if (hint.keyword !== undefined) {
searchResult.keyword = hint.keyword;
if (hint.literal !== undefined) {
searchResult.literal = hint.literal;
if (hint.depth !== undefined) {
searchResult.depth = hint.depth;
if (hint.doc) {
searchResult.doc = hint.doc;
if (hint.url) {
searchResult.url = hint.url;
if (! && !type.showFunctionType && hint.origin &&
isBuiltin(hint.origin)) {
searchResult.builtin = 1;
} else {
searchResult.builtin = 0;
return searchResult;
return matchResults;
if ( {
hints = this.ternHints || [];
hints = filterWithQueryAndMatcher(hints, matcher);
// If there are no hints then switch over to guesses.
if (hints.length === 0) {
if (this.ternGuesses) {
hints = filterWithQueryAndMatcher(this.ternGuesses, matcher);
} else {
needGuesses = true;
StringMatch.multiFieldSort(hints, [ "matchGoodness", penalizeUnderscoreValueCompare ]);
} else { // identifiers, literals, and keywords
hints = this.ternHints || [];
hints = hints.concat(HintUtils.LITERALS);
hints = hints.concat(HintUtils.KEYWORDS);
hints = filterWithQueryAndMatcher(hints, matcher);
StringMatch.multiFieldSort(hints, [ "matchGoodness", "depth", "builtin", penalizeUnderscoreValueCompare ]);
if (hints.length > MAX_DISPLAYED_HINTS) {
hints = hints.slice(0, MAX_DISPLAYED_HINTS);
return {hints: hints, needGuesses: needGuesses};
Session.prototype.setTernHints = function (newHints) {
this.ternHints = newHints;
Session.prototype.setGuesses = function (newGuesses) {
this.ternGuesses = newGuesses;
function getLexicalState(token) {
if (token.state.lexical) {
// in a javascript file this is just in the state field
return token.state.lexical;
} else if (token.state.localState && token.state.localState.lexical) {
// inline javascript in an html file will have this in
// the localState field
return token.state.localState.lexical;
Is the origin one of the builtin files.
function isBuiltin(origin) {
return builtins.indexOf(origin) !== -1;
Test is a lexical state is in a function call.
function isInFunctionalCall(lex) {
// in a call, or inside array or object brackets that are inside a function.
return (lex && ( === "call" ||
( === undefined && (lex.type === "]" || lex.type === "}") && === "call")));
if (token) {
// if this token is part of a function call, then the tokens lexical info
// will be annotated with "call".
// If the cursor is inside an array, "[]", or object, "{}", the lexical state
// will be undefined, not "call". lexical.prev will be the function state.
// Handle this case and then set "lexical" to lexical.prev.
// Also test if the cursor is on a function identifier of a function call.
lexical = getLexicalState(token);
foundCall = isInFunctionalCall(lexical);
if (!foundCall) {
lexical = isOnFunctionIdentifier();
foundCall = isInFunctionalCall(lexical);
if (foundCall) {
// we need to find the location of the called function so that we can request the functions type.
// the token's lexical info will contain the column where the open "(" for the
// function call occurs, but for whatever reason it does not have the line, so
// we have to walk back and try to find the correct location. We do this by walking
// up the lines starting with the line the token is on, and seeing if any of the lines
// have "(" at the column indicated by the tokens lexical state.
// We walk back 9 lines, as that should be far enough to find most function calls,
// and it will prevent us from walking back thousands of lines if something went wrong.
// there is nothing magical about 9 lines, and it can be adjusted if it doesn't seem to be
// working well
if ( === undefined) {
lexical = lexical.prev;
var col = === "call" ? lexical.column : lexical.prev.column,
for (line = this.getCursor().line, e = Math.max(0, line - 9), found = false; line >= e; --line) {
if (this.getLine(line).charAt(col) === "(") {
found = true;
if (found) {
inFunctionCall = true;
functionCallPos = {line: line, ch: col};
return {
inFunctionCall: inFunctionCall,
functionCallPos: functionCallPos
Test if the cursor is on a function identifier
function isOnFunctionIdentifier() {
// Check if we might be on function identifier of the function call.
var type = token.type,
localCursor = {line: cursor.line, ch: token.end};
if (type === "variable-2" || type === "variable" || type === "property") {
nextToken = self.getNextToken(localCursor, true);
if (nextToken && nextToken.string === "(") {
localLexical = getLexicalState(nextToken);
return localLexical;
return null;
Session objects encapsulate state associated with a hinting session and provide methods for updating and querying the session.
function Session(editor) {
this.editor = editor;
this.path = editor.document.file.fullPath;
this.ternHints = [];
this.ternGuesses = null;
this.fnType = null;
this.builtins = null;
Get the builtin libraries tern is using.
Session.prototype._getBuiltins = function () {
if (!this.builtins) {
this.builtins = ScopeManager.getBuiltins();
this.builtins.push("requirejs.js"); // consider these globals as well.
return this.builtins;
Get the token before the one at the given cursor position
Session.prototype._getPreviousToken = function (cursor) {
var token = this.getToken(cursor),
prev = token,
doc = this.editor.document;
do {
if (prev.start < { = prev.start;
} else if (prev.start > 0) { = prev.start - 1;
} else if (cursor.line > 0) { = doc.getLine(cursor.line - 1).length;
} else {
prev = this.getToken(cursor);
} while (!/\S/.test(prev.string));
return prev;
Session.prototype.findPreviousDot = function () {
var cursor = this.getCursor(),
token = this.getToken(cursor);
// If the cursor is right after the dot, then the current token will be "."
if (token && token.string === ".") {
return cursor;
} else {
// If something has been typed like 'foo.b' then we have to look back 2 tokens
// to get past the 'b' token
token = this._getPreviousToken(cursor);
if (token && token.string === ".") {
return cursor;
return undefined;
Find the context of a property lookup. For example, for a lookup foo(bar, baz(quux)).prop, foo is the context.
Session.prototype.getContext = function (cursor, depth) {
var token = this.getToken(cursor);
if (depth === undefined) {
depth = 0;
if (token.string === ")") {
return this.getContext(cursor, ++depth);
} else if (token.string === "(") {
return this.getContext(cursor, --depth);
} else {
if (depth > 0 || token.string === ".") {
return this.getContext(cursor, depth);
} else {
return token.string;
Get the current cursor position.
Session.prototype.getCursor = function () {
return this.editor.getCursorPos();
Determine if the caret is either within a function call or on the function call itself.
Session.prototype.getFunctionInfo = function () {
var inFunctionCall = false,
cursor = this.getCursor(),
token = this.getToken(cursor),
self = this,
foundCall = false;
Get a list of hints for the current session using the current scope information.
Session.prototype.getHints = function (query, matcher) {
if (query === undefined) {
query = "";
type = this.getType(),
builtins = this._getBuiltins(),
needGuesses = false,
Get the javascript text of the file open in the editor for this Session. For a javascript file, this is just the text of the file. For an HTML file, this will be only the text in the <script> tags. This is so that we can pass just the javascript text to tern, and avoid confusing it with HTML tags, since it only knows how to parse javascript.
Session.prototype.getJavascriptText = function () {
if (LanguageManager.getLanguageForPath(this.editor.document.file.fullPath).getId() === "html") {
// HTML file - need to send back only the bodies of the
// <script> tags
var text = "",
editor = this.editor,
scriptBlocks = HTMLUtils.findBlocks(editor, "javascript");
// Add all the javascript text
// For non-javascript blocks we replace everything except for newlines
// with whitespace. This is so that the offset and cursor positions
// we get from the document still work.
// Alternatively we could strip the non-javascript text, and modify the offset,
// and/or cursor, but then we have to remember how to reverse the translation
// to support jump-to-definition
var htmlStart = {line: 0, ch: 0};
scriptBlocks.forEach(function (scriptBlock) {
var start = scriptBlock.start,
end = scriptBlock.end;
// get the preceding html text, and replace it with whitespace
var htmlText = editor.document.getRange(htmlStart, start);
htmlText = htmlText.replace(/./g, " ");
htmlStart = end;
text += htmlText + scriptBlock.text;
return text;
} else {
// Javascript file, just return the text
return this.editor.document.getText();
Get the text of a line.
Session.prototype.getLine = function (line) {
var doc = this.editor.document;
return doc.getLine(line);
Get the next cursor position on the line, or null if there isn't one.
Session.prototype.getNextCursorOnLine = function (cursor) {
var doc = this.editor.document,
line = doc.getLine(cursor.line);
if ( < line.length) {
return {
ch : + 1,
line: cursor.line
} else {
return null;
Get the token after the one at the given cursor position
Session.prototype.getNextToken = function (cursor, skipWhitespace) {
var token = this.getToken(cursor),
next = token,
doc = this.editor.document;
do {
if (next.end > { = next.end;
} else if (next.end < doc.getLine(cursor.line).length) { = next.end + 1;
} else if (doc.getLine(cursor.line + 1)) { = 0;
} else {
next = null;
next = this.getToken(cursor);
} while (skipWhitespace && !/\S/.test(next.string));
return next;
Get the token after the one at the given cursor position
Session.prototype.getNextTokenOnLine = function (cursor) {
cursor = this.getNextCursorOnLine(cursor);
if (cursor) {
return this.getToken(cursor);
return null;
Get the offset of the current cursor position
Session.prototype.getOffset = function () {
var cursor = this.getCursor();
return this.getOffsetFromCursor(cursor);
Get the offset of a cursor position
Session.prototype.getOffsetFromCursor = function (cursor) {
return this.editor.indexFromPos(cursor);
Get the function type hint. This will format the hint, showing the parameter at the cursor in bold.
Session.prototype.getParameterHint = function () {
var fnHint = this.fnType,
cursor = this.getCursor(),
token = this.getToken(this.functionCallPos),
start = {line: this.functionCallPos.line, ch: token.start},
fragment = this.editor.document.getRange(start,
{line: this.functionCallPos.line + 10, ch: 0});
var ast;
try {
ast = Acorn.parse(fragment);
} catch (e) {
ast = Acorn_Loose.parse_dammit(fragment, {});
// find argument as cursor location and bold it.
var startOffset = this.getOffsetFromCursor(start),
cursorOffset = this.getOffsetFromCursor(cursor),
offset = cursorOffset - startOffset,
node = ast.body[0],
currentArg = -1;
if (node.type === "ExpressionStatement") {
node = node.expression;
if (node.type === "SequenceExpression") {
node = node.expressions[0];
if (node.type === "BinaryExpression") {
if (node.left.type === "CallExpression") {
node = node.left;
} else if (node.right.type === "CallExpression") {
node = node.right;
if (node.type === "CallExpression") {
var args = node["arguments"],
n = args.length,
lastEnd = offset,
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
node = args[i];
if (offset >= node.start && offset <= node.end) {
currentArg = i;
} else if (offset < node.start) {
// The range of nodes can be disjoint so see i f we
// passed the node. If we passed the node look at the
// text between the nodes to figure out which
// arg we are on.
text = fragment.substring(lastEnd, node.start);
// test if comma is before or after the offset
if (text.indexOf(",") >= (offset - lastEnd)) {
// comma is after the offset so the current arg is the
// previous arg node.
} else if (i === 0 && text.indexOf("(") !== -1) {
// the cursor is on the function identifier
currentArg = -1;
currentArg = Math.max(0, i);
} else if (i + 1 === n) {
// look for a comma after the node.end. This will tell us we
// are on the next argument, even there is no text, and therefore no node,
// for the next argument.
text = fragment.substring(node.end, offset);
if (text.indexOf(",") !== -1) {
currentArg = i + 1; // we know we are after the current arg, but keep looking
lastEnd = node.end;
// if there are no args, then figure out if we are on the function identifier
if (n === 0 && cursorOffset > this.getOffsetFromCursor(this.functionCallPos)) {
currentArg = 0;
return {parameters: fnHint, currentIndex: currentArg};
Get the name of the file associated with the current session
Session.prototype.getPath = function () {
return this.path;
Calculate a query string relative to the current cursor position and token. E.g., from a state "identi<cursor>er", the query string is "identi".
Session.prototype.getQuery = function () {
var cursor = this.getCursor(),
token = this.getToken(cursor),
query = "",
start =,
end = start;
if (token) {
var line = this.getLine(cursor.line);
while (start > 0) {
if (HintUtils.maybeIdentifier(line[start - 1])) {
} else {
query = line.substring(start, end);
return query;
Get the token at the given cursor position, or at the current cursor if none is given.
Session.prototype.getToken = function (cursor) {
var cm = this.editor._codeMirror;
if (cursor) {
return TokenUtils.getTokenAt(cm, cursor);
} else {
return TokenUtils.getTokenAt(cm, this.getCursor());
Get the type of the current session, i.e., whether it is a property lookup and, if so, what the context of the lookup is.
Session.prototype.getType = function () {
var propertyLookup = false,
context = null,
cursor = this.getCursor(),
token = this.getToken(cursor);
if (token) {
if (token.type === "property") {
propertyLookup = true;
cursor = this.findPreviousDot();
if (cursor) {
propertyLookup = true;
context = this.getContext(cursor);
return {
property: propertyLookup,
context: context
// Comparison function used for sorting that does a case-insensitive string
// comparison on the "value" field of both objects. Unlike a normal string
// comparison, however, this sorts leading "_" to the bottom, given that a
// leading "_" usually denotes a private value.
function penalizeUnderscoreValueCompare(a, b) {
var aName = a.value.toLowerCase(), bName = b.value.toLowerCase();
// this sort function will cause _ to sort lower than lower case
// alphabetical letters
if (aName[0] === "_" && bName[0] !== "_") {
return 1;
} else if (bName[0] === "_" && aName[0] !== "_") {
return -1;
if (aName < bName) {
return -1;
} else if (aName > bName) {
return 1;
return 0;
Determine if the cursor is located in the name of a function declaration. This is so we can suppress hints when in a function name, as we do for variable and parameter declarations, but we can tell those from the token itself rather than having to look at previous tokens.
Session.prototype.isFunctionName = function () {
var cursor = this.getCursor(),
prevToken = this._getPreviousToken(cursor);
return prevToken.string === "function";
module.exports = Session;