A list of tags whose start causes any of a given set of immediate parent tags to close. This mostly comes from the HTML5 spec section on omitted close tags: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#optional-tags This doesn't handle general content model violations.
var openImpliesClose = {
li : { li: true },
dt : { dd: true, dt: true },
dd : { dd: true, dt: true },
address : { p: true },
article : { p: true },
aside : { p: true },
blockquote : { p: true },
dir : { p: true },
div : { p: true },
dl : { p: true },
fieldset: { p: true },
footer : { p: true },
form : { p: true },
h1 : { p: true },
h2 : { p: true },
h3 : { p: true },
h4 : { p: true },
h5 : { p: true },
h6 : { p: true },
header : { p: true },
hgroup : { p: true },
hr : { p: true },
main : { p: true },
menu : { p: true },
nav : { p: true },
ol : { p: true },
p : { p: true },
pre : { p: true },
section : { p: true },
table : { p: true },
ul : { p: true },
rt : { rp: true, rt: true },
rp : { rp: true, rt: true },
optgroup: { optgroup: true, option: true },
option : { option: true },
tbody : { thead: true, tbody: true, tfoot: true },
tfoot : { tbody: true },
tr : { tr: true, th: true, td: true },
th : { th: true, td: true },
td : { thead: true, th: true, td: true },
body : { head: true, link: true, script: true }
A list of tags that are self-closing (do not contain other elements). Mostly taken from http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#void-elements
var voidElements = {
area: true,
base: true,
basefont: true,
br: true,
col: true,
command: true,
embed: true,
frame: true,
hr: true,
img: true,
input: true,
isindex: true,
keygen: true,
link: true,
menuitem: true,
meta: true,
param: true,
source: true,
track: true,
wbr: true
function _addPos(pos1, pos2) {
return {line: pos1.line + pos2.line, ch: (pos2.line === 0 ? pos1.ch + pos2.ch : pos2.ch)};
function _dumpDOM(root) {
var result = "",
indent = "";
function walk(node) {
if (node.tag) {
result += indent + "TAG " + node.tagID + " " + node.tag + " " + JSON.stringify(node.attributes) + "\n";
} else {
result += indent + "TEXT " + (node.tagID || "- ") + node.content + "\n";
if (node.isElement()) {
indent += " ";
indent = indent.slice(2);
return result;
// Public API
exports.build = build;
exports.Builder = Builder;
exports.SimpleNode = SimpleNode;
// Private API
exports._dumpDOM = _dumpDOM;
exports._offsetPos = _offsetPos;
exports._getTextNodeID = getTextNodeID;
exports._seed = seed;
function _offsetPos(pos, offset) {
return {line: pos.line, ch: pos.ch + offset};
Builds a SimpleDOM from the text provided. If strict
mode is true, parsing
will halt as soon as any error is seen and null will be returned.
function build(text, strict) {
var builder = new Builder(text);
return builder.build(strict);
function getTextNodeID(textNode) {
var childIndex = textNode.parent.children.indexOf(textNode);
if (childIndex === 0) {
return textNode.parent.tagID + ".0";
return textNode.parent.children[childIndex - 1].tagID + "t";
function SimpleNode(properties) {
$.extend(this, properties);
SimpleNode.prototype = {
Is this node an element node?
isElement: function () {
return !!this.children;
Is this node a text node?
isText: function () {
return !this.children;
Updates signatures used to optimize the number of comparisons done during diffing. This is important to call if you change:
update: function () {
if (this.isElement()) {
var i,
subtreeHashes = "",
childHashes = "",
for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
child = this.children[i];
if (child.isElement()) {
childHashes += String(child.tagID);
subtreeHashes += String(child.tagID) + child.attributeSignature + child.subtreeSignature;
} else {
childHashes += child.textSignature;
subtreeHashes += child.textSignature;
this.childSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(childHashes, childHashes.length, seed);
this.subtreeSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(subtreeHashes, subtreeHashes.length, seed);
} else {
this.textSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(this.content, this.content.length, seed);
Updates the signature of this node's attributes. Call this after making attribute changes.
updateAttributeSignature: function () {
var attributeString = JSON.stringify(this.attributes);
this.attributeSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(attributeString, attributeString.length, seed);
function Builder(text, startOffset, startOffsetPos) {
this.stack = [];
this.text = text;
this.t = new Tokenizer(text);
this.currentTag = null;
this.startOffset = startOffset || 0;
this.startOffsetPos = startOffsetPos || {line: 0, ch: 0};
Builder.prototype._logError = function (token) {
var error = { token: token },
startPos = token ? (token.startPos || token.endPos) : this.startOffsetPos,
endPos = token ? token.endPos : this.startOffsetPos;
error.startPos = _addPos(this.startOffsetPos, startPos);
error.endPos = _addPos(this.startOffsetPos, endPos);
if (!this.errors) {
this.errors = [];
Builds the SimpleDOM.
Builder.prototype.build = function (strict, markCache) {
var self = this;
var token, lastClosedTag, lastTextNode;
var stack = this.stack;
var attributeName = null;
var nodeMap = {};
markCache = markCache || {};
// Start timers for building full and partial DOMs.
// Appropriate timer is used, and the other is discarded.
var timerBuildFull = "HTMLInstr. Build DOM Full";
var timerBuildPart = "HTMLInstr. Build DOM Partial";
PerfUtils.markStart([timerBuildFull, timerBuildPart]);
function closeTag(endIndex, endPos) {
lastClosedTag = stack[stack.length - 1];
lastClosedTag.end = self.startOffset + endIndex;
lastClosedTag.endPos = _addPos(self.startOffsetPos, endPos);
while ((token = this.t.nextToken()) !== null) {
// lastTextNode is used to glue text nodes together
// If the last node we saw was text but this one is not, then we're done gluing.
// If this node is a comment, we might still encounter more text.
if (token.type !== "text" && token.type !== "comment" && lastTextNode) {
lastTextNode = null;
if (token.type === "error") {
PerfUtils.finalizeMeasurement(timerBuildFull); // discard
PerfUtils.addMeasurement(timerBuildPart); // use
return null;
} else if (token.type === "opentagname") {
var newTagName = token.contents.toLowerCase(),
if (openImpliesClose.hasOwnProperty(newTagName)) {
var closable = openImpliesClose[newTagName];
while (stack.length > 0 && closable.hasOwnProperty(stack[stack.length - 1].tag)) {
// Close the previous tag at the start of this tag.
// Adjust backwards for the < before the tag name.
closeTag(token.start - 1, _offsetPos(token.startPos, -1));
newTag = new SimpleNode({
tag: token.contents.toLowerCase(),
children: [],
attributes: {},
parent: (stack.length ? stack[stack.length - 1] : null),
start: this.startOffset + token.start - 1,
startPos: _addPos(this.startOffsetPos, _offsetPos(token.startPos, -1)) // ok because we know the previous char was a "<"
newTag.tagID = this.getID(newTag, markCache);
// During undo in particular, it's possible that tag IDs may be reused and
// the marks in the document may be misleading. If a tag ID has been reused,
// we apply a new tag ID to ensure that our edits come out correctly.
if (nodeMap[newTag.tagID]) {
newTag.tagID = this.getNewID();
nodeMap[newTag.tagID] = newTag;
if (newTag.parent) {
this.currentTag = newTag;
if (voidElements.hasOwnProperty(newTag.tag)) {
// This is a self-closing element.
} else {
} else if (token.type === "opentagend" || token.type === "selfclosingtag") {
// TODO: disallow <p/>?
if (this.currentTag) {
if (token.type === "selfclosingtag" && stack.length && stack[stack.length - 1] === this.currentTag) {
// This must have been a self-closing tag that we didn't identify as a void element
// (e.g. an SVG tag). Pop it off the stack as if we had encountered its close tag.
closeTag(token.end, token.endPos);
} else {
// We're ending an open tag. Record the end of the open tag as the end of the
// range. (If we later find a close tag for this tag, the end will get overwritten
// with the end of the close tag. In the case of a self-closing tag, we should never
// encounter that.)
// Note that we don't need to update the signature here because the signature only
// relies on the tag name and ID, and isn't affected by the tag's attributes, so
// the signature we calculated when creating the tag is still the same. If we later
// find a close tag for this tag, we'll update the signature to account for its
// children at that point (in the next "else" case).
this.currentTag.openEnd = this.currentTag.end = this.startOffset + token.end;
this.currentTag.endPos = _addPos(this.startOffsetPos, token.endPos);
lastClosedTag = this.currentTag;
this.currentTag = null;
} else if (token.type === "closetag") {
// If this is a self-closing element, ignore the close tag.
var closeTagName = token.contents.toLowerCase();
if (!voidElements.hasOwnProperty(closeTagName)) {
// Find the topmost item on the stack that matches. If we can't find one, assume
// this is just a dangling closing tag and ignore it.
var i;
for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (stack[i].tag === closeTagName) {
if (strict && i !== stack.length - 1) {
// If we're in strict mode, treat unbalanced tags as invalid.
return null;
if (i >= 0) {
do {
// For all tags we're implicitly closing (before we hit the matching tag), we want the
// implied end to be the beginning of the close tag (which is two characters, "</", before
// the start of the tagname). For the actual tag we're explicitly closing, we want the
// implied end to be the end of the close tag (which is one character, ">", after the end of
// the tagname).
if (stack.length === i + 1) {
closeTag(token.end + 1, _offsetPos(token.endPos, 1));
} else {
closeTag(token.start - 2, _offsetPos(token.startPos, -2));
} while (stack.length > i);
} else {
// If we're in strict mode, treat unmatched close tags as invalid. Otherwise
// we just silently ignore them.
if (strict) {
return null;
} else if (token.type === "attribname") {
attributeName = token.contents.toLowerCase();
// Set the value to the empty string in case this is an empty attribute. If it's not,
// it will get overwritten by the attribvalue later.
this.currentTag.attributes[attributeName] = "";
} else if (token.type === "attribvalue" && attributeName !== null) {
this.currentTag.attributes[attributeName] = token.contents;
attributeName = null;
} else if (token.type === "text") {
if (stack.length) {
var parent = stack[stack.length - 1];
var newNode;
// Check to see if we're continuing a previous text.
if (lastTextNode) {
newNode = lastTextNode;
newNode.content += token.contents;
} else {
newNode = new SimpleNode({
parent: stack[stack.length - 1],
content: token.contents
newNode.tagID = getTextNodeID(newNode);
nodeMap[newNode.tagID] = newNode;
lastTextNode = newNode;
// If we have any tags hanging open (e.g. html or body), fail the parse if we're in strict mode,
// otherwise close them at the end of the document.
if (stack.length) {
if (strict) {
return null;
} else {
// Manually compute the position of the end of the text (we can't rely on the
// tokenizer for this since it may not get to the very end)
// TODO: should probably make the tokenizer get to the end...
var lines = this.text.split("\n"),
lastPos = {line: lines.length - 1, ch: lines[lines.length - 1].length};
while (stack.length) {
closeTag(this.text.length, lastPos);
var dom = lastClosedTag;
if (!dom) {
// This can happen if the document has no nontrivial content, or if the user tries to
// have something at the root other than the HTML tag. In all such cases, we treat the
// document as invalid.
return null;
dom.nodeMap = nodeMap;
PerfUtils.addMeasurement(timerBuildFull); // use
PerfUtils.finalizeMeasurement(timerBuildPart); // discard
return dom;