Class HTMLToPDFParams

    • Method Detail

      • includesHeaderFooter

        public boolean includesHeaderFooter()
        Returns true if default header and footer will be included in the resulting PDF file. The default header consists of the date and the document title. The default footer consists of the file name and page number.
        true if default header and footer will be included in the resulting PDF file
      • getPageLayout

        public PageLayout getPageLayout()
        Returns the intended page layout of the resulting PDF file.
        intended page layout.
      • getDataToMerge

        public org.json.JSONObject getDataToMerge()
        Returns JSON data that will be used to manipulate HTML DOM before it is converted into PDF file. This mechanism is intended to be used to supply data that might otherwise be retrieved using ajax requests.

        To make use of this mechanism, the source html file must include a script element such as:

        <script src='./json.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
              where json.js refers to the JSON data,
        And also Requires javascript in the source html file to make use of this JSON data to manipulate the HTML DOM.
        data inputs for manipulating HTML DOM before converting it into a PDF file.