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Portions of a page's contents may be wrapped with marked content operators. A PDSMC object represents this marked content. A tag and an optional property list may be associated with a PDSMC. PDSMC is identical to the PDFEdit class PDEContainer. PDSMC objects may be nested.

Typedef Summary
Represents marked content, which are portions of the graphic content of a PDF document that may be included in the document's logical structure hierarchy. This type is identical with the PDFEdit layer type PDEContainer.
An opaque pointer type to a marked content reference handle.
Structure Summary
Information about how a marked content PDS object (a marked content kid) is included in its parent.
Method Summary
void PDSMCGetInfo(CosObj containingObj, PDSMC mc, PDSMCInfoP info)
Gets information about how the specified marked content is contained in its parent.
void PDSMCGetParent(INCosObj containingObj, INPDSMC mc, OUTPDSElement* parent)
Gets the parent element of the specified marked content.
PDEContainer PDSMCGetPDEContainer(PDSMC mc)
Gets the PDE container object for the specified marked content.
ASBool PDSMCIDGetParent(ASInt32 mcid, CosObj containingObj, PDSElement* parent)
Gets the parent element of the specified marked content, referred to by its containing object and marked-content identifier.
PDSMCRef PDSMCRefCreate(INPDEElement container, INCosDoc cosDoc, INASInt32 mcid)
Creates a reference handle to a piece of marked content that can be used to associate the content with structure. The handle can persist beyond the lifetime of the marked contents, allowing greater flexibility about when structure information can be created.
Destroys a marked content reference created with PDSMCRefCreate(). This should only be called once the reference has been placed in the structure tree or if the reference is no longer needed.

Typedefs Detail
Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


typedef PDEContainer PDSMC;

Represents marked content, which are portions of the graphic content of a PDF document that may be included in the document's logical structure hierarchy. This type is identical with the PDFEdit layer type PDEContainer.

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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


typedef _t_PDSMCInfo PDSMCInfo;

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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


typedef _t_PDSMCInfo PDSMCInfoP;

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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


typedef CosObj PDSMCR;


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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


typedef struct _t_PDSMCRef* PDSMCRef;

An opaque pointer type to a marked content reference handle.

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Structure Detail
Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


struct _t_PDSMCInfo {
 ASSize_t size; 
 ASInt32 mcid; 
 ASBool directContent; 
 CosObj containingStm; 
 CosObj stmOwner; 
 CosObj page; 

Information about how a marked content PDS object (a marked content kid) is included in its parent.

See Also

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The size of this data structure.


The MCID of the content kid in question.


If true, content is contained within the page's content stream, and the fields containingStm and stmOwner are meaningless. If false, content is contained within some other content stream, such as a Form XObject or an annotation.


The stream object containing the marked content in question.


The object owning the stream, as defined by the StmOwn key in an OBJR.


The page on which the marked content is drawn, whether directly as part of page content or indirectly by being in a Form XObject or annotation drawn on that page .

Method Detail
Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void PDSMCGetInfo(CosObj containingObj, PDSMC mc, PDSMCInfoP info)

Gets information about how the specified marked content is contained in its parent.


containingObj — 

The CosObj containing the MC whose information is obtained. For marked content on a page, this is the Cos object representing the page. For marked content elsewhere, this is the stream in which the marked content resides.

mc — 

The marked content whose information is obtained.

info — 

(Filled by the method) A pointer to a structure that the method fills with information about containingObj.


pdsErrBadPDF is raised if an error is found in the PDF file. It will also raise the error if the PDSMC passed to it is not in the structure tree.


PI_PDS_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


void PDSMCGetParent(INCosObj containingObj, INPDSMC mc, OUTPDSElement* parent)

Gets the parent element of the specified marked content.


containingObj — 

The CosObj containing the MC whose parent is obtained. For marked content on a page, this is the Cos object representing the page. For marked content elsewhere, this is the stream in which the marked content resides.

mc — 

The marked content whose parent is obtained.

parent — 

(Filled by the method) The parent element of containingObj.

See Also


pdsErrBadPDF is raised if an error is found in the PDF file. It will also raise the error if the PDSMC passed to it is not in the structure tree.


PI_PDS_READ_VERSION >= 0x00040000

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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


PDEContainer PDSMCGetPDEContainer(PDSMC mc)

Gets the PDE container object for the specified marked content.


mc — 

The marked content whose container is obtained.


The PDE container object.


PI_PDS_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Product availability: All
Platform availability: All


ASBool PDSMCIDGetParent(ASInt32 mcid, CosObj containingObj, PDSElement* parent)

Gets the parent element of the specified marked content, referred to by its containing object and marked-content identifier.


mcid — 

The identifier (MCID) of the marked content whose parent is obtained.

containingObj — 

The CosObj containing the marked content whose parent is obtained. For marked content on a page, this is the Cos object representing the page. For marked content elsewhere, this is the stream in which the marked content resides.

parent — 

(Filled by the method) The parent element of containingObj.


true if the parent is successfully obtained, false otherwise.

See Also


pdsErrBadPDF is raised if an error is found in the PDF file. It will also raise the error if the PDSMC passed to it is not in the structure tree.


PI_PDS_READ_VERSION >= 0x00060000

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Product availability: Acrobat, PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


PDSMCRef PDSMCRefCreate(INPDEElement container, INCosDoc cosDoc, INASInt32 mcid)

Creates a reference handle to a piece of marked content that can be used to associate the content with structure. The handle can persist beyond the lifetime of the marked contents, allowing greater flexibility about when structure information can be created.

This may raise various exceptions.


container — 

The marked content to create a reference for. It must be either a PDEContainer or PDEBeginContainer.

cosDoc — 

The document within which the reference will be used.

mcid — 

The mcid to set for the container.


See Also


PI_PDS_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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Product availability: Acrobat, PDFL
Platform availability: Macintosh, Windows, UNIX


void PDSMCRefDestroy(INPDSMCRef ref)

Destroys a marked content reference created with PDSMCRefCreate(). This should only be called once the reference has been placed in the structure tree or if the reference is no longer needed.


ref — 

The marked content reference to destroy.

See Also




PI_PDS_WRITE_VERSION >= 0x00070000

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