Campaign provides an API to fetch reports data. Just like all APIs in the SDK, it's been wrapped into a function and will return a XML or JSON object based on the requested representation
Function Definition
client.getReportData = (callContext: any, representation: string) : Promise
{ reportName: string(Report Name), context: string("selection"|"global"), schema: string(entity type to be used for selection), selection: string(Comma separated list of entity IDs), formData: any }
const report = await client.getReportData({ reportName: "throughput", context: "selection", schema: "nms:delivery", selection: "12133" }); console.log(JSON.stringify(report));
Usage with multiple entities
const report = await client.getReportData({ reportName: "throughput", context: "selection", schema: "nms:delivery", selection: "12133,12134" }); console.log(JSON.stringify(report));
Usage with form data
const report = await client.getReportData({ reportName: "throughput", context: "selection", schema: "nms:delivery", selection: "12133", formData: { vars_opens: 1, userAction: "next", ctx: { _context: 'selection', _reportContext: 'throughput', _hasFilter: 'false', _selectionCount: '1', _selection: '12133', vars: { '$period': '21600', '$trunc': '600', '$valueScaleFactor': '6', '$dateStepType': 'minute', '$dateStepFactor': '10' }, data: { deliveryStat: { deliveryStat: [Array] }, bandwidth: { deliveryStat: [Object] } } } } }); console.log(JSON.stringify(report));
A given representation can be forced
const xmlReport = await client.getReportData({ reportName: "throughput", context: "selection", schema: "nms:delivery", selection: "12133" }, "xml"); const jsonReport = await client.getReportData({ reportName: "throughput", context: "selection", schema: "nms:delivery", selection: "12133" }, "SimpleJson");