Adobe Campaign JavaScript SDK

Build & Run

To build this project, you need node and npm

npm install

Run tests

npm run unit-tests

Client Side SDK

The SDK can also be used client side.

To Compile the client-side SDK, go to the root folder of the SDK and compile the SDK

node ./compile.js

It generates a file named dist/bundle.js

ACC client-side SDK compiler version 0.1.0
Bundling ../package.json
Bundling ./web/jsdom.js
Bundling ./web/crypto.js
Bundling ./web/request.js
Bundling ./xtkCaster.js
Bundling ./domUtil.js
Bundling ./xtkEntityCache.js
Bundling ./methodCache.js
Bundling ./optionCache.js
Bundling ./soap.js
Bundling ./crypto.js
Bundling ./client.js
Bundling ./index.js
Client-side SDK generated in ./dist/bundle.js

Use a proxy

Using the client side SDK cannot be done directly because the Campaign server has CORS configured to reject HTTP requests from resources not served by Campaign. Therefore a server-side proxy is need to relay the calls to Campaign, or you need to serve the SDK and corresponding web pages from Campaign itself

Deploy the SDK to a Campaign server

Once compiled, copy it to the Campaign server (here on a dev environment).

cd /c/cygwin64/home/neolane/ac
cp "Z:\amorin On My Mac\Documents\dev\git\ac7\acc-js-sdk\dist/bundle.js" nl/web/accSDK.js

This makes them available on the following endpoint



Include the SDK
<script src="accSDK.js"></script>
Use the SDK. Note that the SDK variable is now called `document.accSDK` to avoid potential name collision with the common name "sdk".

    (async () => {
        const sdk = document.accSDK;

        const connectionParameters = sdk.ConnectionParameters.ofUserAndPassword(
                "http://ffdamid:8080", "admin", "admin");
        const client = await sdk.init(connectionParameters);
        await client.logon();

        var databaseId = await client.getOption("XtkDatabaseId");
        document.getElementById("hello").textContent = databaseId;

        await client.logoff();    
