Class Document

  • public class Document
    extends Object
    This class provides information about the document level properties of the specified PDF file, such as tags, fonts, PDF Version etc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Document

        public Document()
    • Method Detail

      • isLinearized

        public Boolean isLinearized()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file is linearized.
        true if the specified PDF file is linearized. False otherwise.
      • isTagged

        public Boolean isTagged()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file is tagged.
        true if the specified PDF file is tagged. False otherwise.
      • isPortfolio

        public Boolean isPortfolio()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file is a portfolio PDF.
        true if the specified PDF file is a portfolio PDF. False otherwise.
      • isCertified

        public Boolean isCertified()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file has been digitally signed with a certifying signature.
        true if the specified PDF file has been digitally signed with a certifying signature. False otherwise.
      • isEncrypted

        public Boolean isEncrypted()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file is encrypted.
        true if the specified PDF file is encrypted. False otherwise.
      • isFullyTaggedPDF

        public Boolean isFullyTaggedPDF()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file is a Fully Tagged PDF.
        true if the specified PDF file is a Fully Tagged PDF. False otherwise.
      • isAcroform

        public Boolean isAcroform()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file contains any form fields.
        true if the specified PDF file contains any form fields. False otherwise.
      • isSigned

        public Boolean isSigned()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file is digitally signed.
        true if the specified PDF file is digitally signed. False otherwise.
      • isXFA

        public Boolean isXFA()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file is based on the XFA (Extensible Forms Architecture) format.
        true if the specified PDF file is based on the XFA format. False otherwise
      • containsEmbeddedFiles

        public Boolean containsEmbeddedFiles()
        Returns a boolean specifying whether the specified PDF file contains any embedded files.
        true if the specified PDF file contains any embedded files. False otherwise.
      • getFonts

        public List<Font> getFonts()
        Returns a list of Font instances present in the specified PDF file.
        A List of Font instances
      • getPDFAComplianceLevel

        public String getPDFAComplianceLevel()
        Returns a string specifying the PDF/A compliance level for the specified PDF file - e.g "PDF/A-4" etc.
        A String denoting the PDF/A compliance level for the specified PDF file.
      • getPDFVTComplianceLevel

        public String getPDFVTComplianceLevel()
        Returns a string specifying the PDF/VT compliance level for the specified PDF file - e.g. "PDF/VT-3" etc.
        A String denoting the PDF/VT compliance level for the specified PDF file.
      • getPDFXComplianceLevel

        public String getPDFXComplianceLevel()
        Returns a string specifying the PDF/X compliance level for the specified PDF file - e.g. "PDF/X-4" etc.
        A String denoting the PDF/X compliance level for the specified PDF file.
      • getPDFUAComplianceLevel

        public String getPDFUAComplianceLevel()
        Returns a string specifying the PDF/UA compliance level for the specified PDF file - e.g. "PDF/UA-1" etc.
        A String denoting the PDF/UA compliance level for the specified PDF file.
      • getXMPMetadata

        public String getXMPMetadata()
        Returns a string specifying the full metadata of the specified PDF file as provided by the author and producer of the document.
        A String denoting the full metadata of the specified PDF file as provided by the author and producer of the document.
      • getPageCount

        public Integer getPageCount()
        Returns a number specifying the number of pages in the specified PDF file.
        An Integer denoting the number of pages in the specified PDF file.
      • getPDFEComplianceLevel

        public String getPDFEComplianceLevel()
        Returns a string specifying the PDF/E compliance level for the specified PDF file - e.g. "PDF/E-1" etc.
        A String denoting the PDF/E compliance level for the specified PDF file.
      • getInfoDict

        public InfoDict getInfoDict()
        Returns an InfoDict instance that specifies information related to the specified PDF file such as creation date, author etc.
        an InfoDict instance.
      • getPDFVersion

        public String getPDFVersion()
        Returns a string specifying the version of the specified PDF file - e.g. "1.7", "2.0" etc.
        A String denoting the version of the specified PDF file.
      • getFileSize

        public String getFileSize()
        Returns the size of the specified PDF file.
        A String denoting the size of the specified PDF file.
      • getIncrementalSaveCount

        public Integer getIncrementalSaveCount()
        Returns the count of the number of times the specified PDF file is edited and saved.
        An Integer denoting the count of the number of times the specified PDF file is edited and saved.