Class InfoDict

  • public class InfoDict
    extends Object
    This class provides document authoring related information, such as creation date, creator etc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InfoDict

        public InfoDict()
    • Method Detail

      • getCreationDate

        public String getCreationDate()
        Returns a string specifying the date of file creation.
        String denoting the date of file creation.
      • getProducer

        public String getProducer()
        Returns a string specifying the authoring tool used to generate the specified PDF file - e.g. "Adobe Acrobat 21.5 Image Conversion Plug-in" etc.
        A String denoting the authoring tool used to generate the specified PDF file.
      • getCreator

        public String getCreator()
        Returns a string specifying the creator tool of the specified PDF file - e.g. "Adobe Acrobat 21.5" etc.
        A String denoting the creator tool of the specified PDF file.
      • getDateModified

        public String getDateModified()
        Returns a string specifying the date when the file was last modified.
        A String denoting the date when the file was last modified.
      • getAuthor

        public String getAuthor()
        Returns the name of the author of the specified PDF file
        A String denoting the name of the author of the specified PDF file.
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        Returns a string specifying the title of the specified PDF file.
        A String denoting the title of the specified PDF file.