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Introduction to Pardon

Why you never knew you needed another framework

Most of the existing http frameworks are simply a UI for curl, adding some parameterization, formatting, and perhaps some support for handling Authorization.

However, the existing frameworks do not attempt to understand the requests being sent,… and not in some fuzzy semantic level like an AI, but simply “this is a request to stage, so we need to use stage authorization”.

Handling environment switches between stage and production (and local), the user is faced With the choice to copy, modify, or parameterize requests, suffering duplicated code (when they copy), request agility (when they modify), or readability (when they parameterize).

These choices compound when the collections are shared between people or teams, especially if the copy and modify strategies are chosen.

With a little help, Pardon can understand a request to is production, and is stage, and can then switch or override a request’s environment with a hint as little as env=stage. This means the collection can nominally specify (for legibility), but can be used in any environment.

Pardon’s approach

Pardon’s approach to collection management is different. Rather than having collections of requests, Pardon has collections of endpoint templates.

Endpoint template collections are meant to both document and be directly useable by implementation teams for locally and remotely making requests to their services.

Collection layering (to be described later), allows teams to have collections designed for internal use (e.g., adding a local environment) which extend the shared version.


Endpoints are written in a format based on HTTP, so it’s easier to read and edit directly in your choice of text editor (or in the Pardon application directly). Pardon uses endpoint templates to both generate and understand requests, as well as for parsing and understanding responses.

The user of a collection specifies what request they want, … more or less. The specified request needs to contain enough information to uniquely match an endpoint, and then pardon can take it from there, adding any required headers or authorization, and can even transforming the call to be made to a different environment (stage, production, and/or calling the local environment).

Demo time

Let’s explore a more concrete example. Consider an API

  • is also hosted on,
  • requires an explicit Accept header,
  • and also needs some kind of apikey, …
    • which is (with no justification besides being useful as an example), different between staging and production.

This ping.https endpoint template describes that call.

Accept: text/plain
api-key: {{ apikey = (env === "prod" ? "system" : "staging") }}

The config section informs Pardon about the env=stage and env=prod environments, associating the two values of {{origin}} (which is the part of the URL) with those environments. Pardon can then use that env value when evaluating the expression for apikey.

All Pardon needs to use this template is an ask which could be to either or Pardon would match either of those to the template, determine the env value from the, and then compute related values like the header from it.

The pardon command line utility can, (using only this template), generate (or make) the full requests directly.

pardon can generate curl-compatible requests. Using --curl tells pardon to render the request rather than send it.
% pardon --curl
curl "" \
--header "accept: text/plain" \
--header "api-key: system"

Let’s see how Pardon behaves with this collection.

With the following three exercies, you will see Pardon expand (render) the ask into the request it would send.

interactive tutorials

In these tutorials, exercises are provided to guide the interaction with the playground shown below. Please select the other tabs but feel free to experiment.

Loading Pardon Playground...

One more point to drive this home: this example should be factored as three separate files, separating the concerns of service configuration (applying to all requests for the service), the ping endpoint itself, and the (reusable!) apikey selection mixin:


Next Steps

To get some hands-on experience running pardon now, please try the following quickstart.

To learn more of the fundamentals of Pardon’s request matching and rendering system, please explore the template guide.