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Adobe I/O Lab - 2019

Lesson 0. Pre-requisites: Set up your machine


Set up local machine

1. Text Editor

Please make sure you have a text editor available on your laptop. It can be TextEdit, Sublime, Brackets, or other IDEs you like.

2. Terminal / Command Prompt

You will have to type in commands, using the Terminal application in Mac OS X. You can find the Terminal application in the Application > Utilities folder.

On Windows, Terminal is named Command Prompt program.

3. Node and NPM

  1. To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal:
     $ node -v
  2. To confirm that you have npm installed you can run this command in your terminal:
     $ npm -v
  3. If not, you can download both at NPM.

4. Adobe I/O CLI

  1. Open your Terminal, and type in the following command
     $ npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli

    Please make sure the command succeed. If it fails with permissions issue, try it with sudo in front of it (e.g. sudo npm link). sudo command will prompt you to type the password before proceeding to complete the command.

  2. To confirm that you have aio installed, you can run this command in your terminal:
     $ aio
  3. Let’s also add the aio Runtime plugin.
     $ aio plugins install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-runtime

5. Serverless CLI

  1. Open your Terminal, and type in the following command
     $ npm install -g serverless

    If this command fails with permissions issue, try it with sudo in front of it (e.g. sudo npm install -g serverless). sudo command will prompt you to type the password before proceeding to complete the command.

  2. To confirm that you have serverless installed you can run this command in your terminal:
     $ serverless --help

6. OpenSSL (for Windows users only)

  1. Please download OpenSSL Client
  2. Extract the folder and copy it to the C:/libs/ location.

Download all required resources

Lesson 1 - Set up your Runtime Namespace

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