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DirAttributes — A directory attribute collection is used to set output options of a directory connection.
DirConnection_close — Closes the specified directory connection.
DirConnection_customUISearch — Pops up a custom user interface that allows the user to set search criteria and execute the search.
DirConnection_getDirInfo — Retrieves information about the directory associated with the connection.
DirConnection_getGroups — Retrieves the list of groups that this connection supports.
DirConnection_getLastError — Retrieves information about the last error that occurred in the specified connection.
DirConnection_list — TBD
DirConnection_setCustomOutputOptions — TBD
DirConnection_setStandardOutputOptions — Special case: The ATTR_Certificates attribute is intended to encompass all certificate attributes a directory might have. If ATTR_Certificates is requested, it may have to be translated into several attributes depending on the directory.
DirConnection_standardSearch — TBD
DirectoryInfo — A directory information structure contains configuration settings used to establish a connection to a directory. Common top-level properties are defined below. Note that the prefix DirStdEntry_ is reserved for standard entries and should not be used for entries specific to a particular directory. Optionally, this could contain other configuration information specific to the directory.
DirGroupList — Group names are represented as text in an ASCab. For example:
DirResults — Search and enumeration results are represented as a two-dimensional ASCab where each "row" is itself an ASCab that contains attributes defined by SetOutputOptions calls.
DirSearchCriteria — Directory search criteria are represented as a set of key/value pairs where the keys are attribute names and the values are search strings applied to those attributes. A logical "AND" is implied when multiple search criteria are present. Unrecognized search criteria are ignored.
Dump — Dump methods allow enumerating objects and their attributes. An object's information can be dumped in human readable form. An object dump includes its reference count, which is useful in debugging reference count problems. PDELogDump PDEObjectDump PDEAttrEnumTable