Map of class names corresponding to each child of the current responsive grid
Current number of columns of the grid
Map of model items included in the current container
Array of model item keys
Path to the model associated with the current instance of the component
Class names associated with the current responsive grid
Key of the model structure
Returns weather of not we are in the editor
Returns the placeholder path
Returns the aggregated path of this container path and the provided path
the provided path to aggregate with the container path
Returns the column class names for a given column
The key of the column item
Returns the aggregated path of this container path and the provided path
the provided path to aggregate with the container path
Returns the class names of the responsive grid based on the data from the cqModel
Returns the item data from the cqModel
the itemKey to look for in the items.
Returns the placeholder classes
Generated using TypeDoc
Class names of the current component