Name | Description | Default | Control |
properties | |||
allowMultiple | Allows multiple accordion items to be opened at the same time boolean | false | - |
defaultNodes | NodeListOf<AccordionItem> | - | |
items | AccordionItem[] | - | |
focusGroupController | new FocusGroupController<AccordionItem>(this, { direction: 'vertical', elements: () => this.items, isFocusableElement: (el: AccordionItem) => !el.disabled, }) | - | |
shadowRoot | ShadowRoot | - | |
_dirParent | HTMLElementundefined | - | |
dir | 'ltr''rtl' | - | |
isLTR | boolean | - | |
VERSION | version | - | |
attributes | |||
density | Sets the spacing between the content to borders of an accordion item 'compact''spacious'undefined | - | |
allow-multiple | Allows multiple accordion items to be opened at the same time boolean | false | - |