Module Contents¶
Mesh attribute |
Policy for remapping invalid values when casting to a different value type |
Policy for copying attribute that is a view of an external buffer |
Attribute creation policy |
Policy for deleting attributes with reserved names |
Attribute element type |
Policy for exporting attribute that is a view of an external buffer |
Attribute growth policy (for external buffers) |
Attribute shrink policy (for external buffers) |
Attribute usage type |
Policy for attempting to write to read-only external buffer |
Centroid weighting type. |
Mesh connectivity type |
Distortion metric. |
Options for computing facet area. |
Facet centroid options. |
Facet normal computation options. |
Index attribute |
Mapping policy for handling collisions. |
Options for computing mesh area. |
Mesh centroid options. |
Metadata dict of the mesh |
Normal computation options. |
Normal weighting type. |
Options for remapping vertices. |
Surface mesh data structure |
Tangent bitangent options |
Tangent bitangent result |
Options for computing vertex normals |
Vertex valence options |
Cast an attribute to a new dtype. |
Combine a list of meshes into a single mesh. |
Compute connected components. |
Compute dihedral angles for each edge. |
Compute Dijkstra distance from a seed facet. |
Compute edge lengths. |
Compute the Euler characteristic. |
Compute facet area (Pythonic API). |
Compute facet centroid (Pythonic API). |
Compute facet normal (Pythonic API). |
Compute greedy coloring of mesh elements. |
Compute mesh area (Pythonic API). |
Compute mesh centroid (Pythonic API). |
Compute the covariance matrix of a mesh w.r.t. a center (Pythonic API). |
Compute indexed normal attribute (Pythonic API). |
Compute principal components of a point cloud. |
Computer seam edges for a given indexed attribute. |
Compute tangent and bitangent vector attributes (Pythonic API). |
Compute UV distortion. |
Computer vertex normal (Pythonic API). |
Compute vertex valence); |
Detect degenerate facets in a mesh. |
Extract boundary edges from a mesh. |
Extract boundary loops from a mesh. |
Extract the isoline of an implicit function defined on the mesh vertices/corners. |
Extract a submesh based on the selected facets. |
Filters the attributes of mesh according to user specifications. |
Check if the mesh is edge manifold. |
Check if the mesh is manifold. |
Check if the mesh is oriented. |
Check if the mesh is vertex manifold. |
Map an attribute to a new element type. |
Map an attribute to a new element type in place. |
Normalize a mesh to fit into a unit box centered at the origin. |
Normalize a list of meshes to fit into a unit box centered at the origin. |
Orient the facets of a mesh so that the signed volume of each connected component is positive or negative. |
Reorder facets of a mesh in place based on a permutation. |
Reorder vertices of a mesh in place based on a permutation. |
Remap vertices of a mesh in place based on a permutation (Pythonic API). |
Remove degenerate facets from a mesh. |
Remove duplicate facets from a mesh. |
Remove duplicate vertices from a mesh. |
Remove isolated vertices from a mesh. |
Remove facets with unsigned facets area <= null_area_threhsold. |
Remove short edges from a mesh. |
Remove topologically degenerate facets such as (0, 1, 1) |
Reorder a mesh in place. |
Resolve both vertex and edge nonmanifoldness in a mesh. |
Resolve vertex non-manifoldness in a mesh. |
Select facets by normal similarity (Pythonic API). |
Select facets in a frustum (Pythonic API). |
Extract a set of submeshes based on connected components. |
Extract a set of submeshes based on facet groups. |
Split edges that are longer than max_edge_length. |
Thicken a mesh by offsetting it, and close the shape into a thick 3D solid. |
Apply affine transformation to a mesh. |
Triangulate polygonal facets of the mesh. |
Trim a mesh by the isoline of an implicit function defined on the mesh vertices/corners. |
Unify the index buffer of the mesh for selected attributes. |
Weld indexed attribute. |
- class core.Attribute¶
Mesh attribute
- property cast_policy: AttributeCastPolicy¶
Copy policy of the attribute.
- Return type:
- property copy_policy: AttributeCopyPolicy¶
Copy policy of the attribute.
- Return type:
- property data: numpy.typing.NDArray¶
Raw data buffer of the attribute.
- Return type:
- property default_value: object¶
Default value of the attribute.
- Return type:
- property dtype: type | None¶
Value type of the attribute.
- Return type:
type | None
- property element_type: AttributeElement¶
Element type of the attribute.
- Return type:
- property external: bool¶
Return true if the attribute wraps external buffer.
- Return type:
- property growth_policy: AttributeGrowthPolicy¶
Growth policy of the attribute.
- Return type:
- property num_channels: int¶
Number of channels in the attribute.
- Return type:
- property num_elements: int¶
Number of elements in the attribute.
- Return type:
- property readonly: bool¶
Return true if the attribute is read-only.
- Return type:
- property shrink_policy: AttributeShrinkPolicy¶
Shrink policy of the attribute.
- Return type:
- property usage: AttributeUsage¶
Usage of the attribute.
- Return type:
- property write_policy: AttributeWritePolicy¶
Write policy of the attribute.
- Return type:
- clear()¶
Clear the attribute so it has no elements.
- Return type:
- create_internal_copy()¶
Create an internal copy of the attribute.
- Return type:
- empty()¶
Return true if the attribute is empty.
- Return type:
- insert_elements(num_elements: int) None ¶
- insert_elements(tensor: object) None
Insert new elements to the attribute.
- Parameters:
tensor – A tensor with shape (num_elements, num_channels) or (num_elements,).
- reserve_entries(num_entries)¶
Reserve enough memory for num_entries entries.
- Parameters:
num_entries (int) – Number of entries to reserve. It does not need to be a multiple of num_channels.
- Return type:
- class core.AttributeCastPolicy(*args, **kwds)¶
Policy for remapping invalid values when casting to a different value type
- DoNotRemapInvalid = 2¶
Do not remap invalid values. They are simply static_cast<> to the target type
- RemapInvalidAlways = 1¶
Always remap invalid values from source type to target type, regardless of AttributeUsage
- RemapInvalidIndices = 0¶
Map invalue values only if the AttributeUsage represents indices
- class core.AttributeCopyPolicy(*args, **kwds)¶
Policy for copying attribute that is a view of an external buffer
- CopyIfExternal = 0¶
Copy attribute to internal buffer
- ErrorIfExternal = 2¶
Error if external buffer is used
- KeepExternalPtr = 1¶
Keep external buffer pointer
- class core.AttributeCreatePolicy(*args, **kwds)¶
Attribute creation policy
- ErrorIfReserved = 0¶
Default policy, error if attribute name is reserved
- Force = 1¶
Force create attribute even if name is reserved
- class core.AttributeDeletePolicy(*args, **kwds)¶
Policy for deleting attributes with reserved names
- ErrorIfReserved = 0¶
Disallow deletion (default)
- Force = 1¶
Force delete attribute
- class core.AttributeElement¶
Attribute element type
- Corner = 8¶
Per-corner attribute
- Edge = 4¶
Per-edge attribute
- Facet = 2¶
Per-facet attribute
- Indexed = 32¶
Indexed attribute
- Value = 16¶
Value attribute not attached to any mesh elements
- Vertex = 1¶
Per-vertex attribute
- class core.AttributeExportPolicy(*args, **kwds)¶
Policy for exporting attribute that is a view of an external buffer
- CopyIfExternal = 0¶
Copy attribute to internal buffer
- CopyIfUnmanaged = 1¶
Copy attribute to internal buffer if the external buffer is unmanaged (i.e. not reference counted)
- ErrorIfExternal = 3¶
Error if external buffer is used
- KeepExternalPtr = 2¶
Keep external buffer pointer
- class core.AttributeGrowthPolicy(*args, **kwds)¶
Attribute growth policy (for external buffers)
- AllowWithinCapacity = 1¶
Allow growth as long as it is within the capacity of the external buffer
- ErrorIfExtenal = 0¶
Disallow growth if external buffer is used (default)
- SilentCopy = 3¶
Silently copy attribute to internal buffer when growth exceeds external buffer capacity
- WarnAndCopy = 2¶
Warn and copy attribute to internal buffer when growth exceeds external buffer capacity
- class core.AttributeShrinkPolicy(*args, **kwds)¶
Attribute shrink policy (for external buffers)
- ErrorIfExternal = 0¶
Disallow shrink if external buffer is used (default)
- IgnoreIfExternal = 1¶
Ignore shrink if external buffer is used
- SilentCopy = 3¶
Silently copy attribute to internal buffer when shrinking below external buffer capacity
- WarnAndCopy = 2¶
Warn and copy attribute to internal buffer when shrinking below external buffer capacity
- class core.AttributeUsage(*args, **kwds)¶
Attribute usage type
- Bitangent = 32¶
Bitangent attribute must have exactly dim channels
- Color = 64¶
Color attribute may have 1, 2, 3 or 4 channels
- CornerIndex = 1024¶
Single channel integer attribute indexing mesh corners
- EdgeIndex = 2048¶
Single channel integer attribute indexing mesh edges
- FacetIndex = 512¶
Single channel integer attribute indexing mesh facets
- Normal = 8¶
Normal attribute must have exactly dim channels
- Position = 4¶
Position attribute must have exactly dim channels
- Scalar = 2¶
Scalar attribute that has exactly 1 channel
- Tangent = 16¶
Tangent attribute must have exactly dim channels
- UV = 128¶
UV attribute has exactly 2 channels
- Vector = 1¶
Vector attribute that may have any number of channels
- VertexIndex = 256¶
Single channel integer attribute indexing mesh vertices
- class core.AttributeWritePolicy(*args, **kwds)¶
Policy for attempting to write to read-only external buffer
- ErrorIfReadOnly = 0¶
Disallow writing to read-only external buffer (default)
- SilentCopy = 2¶
Silently copy attribute to internal buffer when writing to read-only external buffer
- WarnAndCopy = 1¶
Warn and copy attribute to internal buffer when writing to read-only external buffer
- class core.CentroidWeightingType(*args, **kwds)¶
Centroid weighting type.
- Area = 1¶
Area weighting.
- Uniform = 0¶
Uniform weighting.
- class core.ConnectivityType(*args, **kwds)¶
Mesh connectivity type
- Edge = 1¶
Two facets are connected if they share an edge
- Vertex = 0¶
Two facets are connected if they share a vertex
- class core.DistortionMetric(*args, **kwds)¶
Distortion metric.
- AreaRatio = 3¶
Area ratio
- Dirichlet = 0¶
Dirichlet energy
- InverseDirichlet = 1¶
Inverse Dirichlet energy
- MIPS = 4¶
Most isotropic parameterization energy
- SymmetricDirichlet = 2¶
Symmetric Dirichlet energy
- class core.FacetAreaOptions¶
Options for computing facet area.
- property output_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the output attribute.
- Return type:
- class core.FacetCentroidOptions¶
Facet centroid options.
- property output_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the output attribute.
- Return type:
- class core.FacetNormalOptions¶
Facet normal computation options.
- property output_attribute_name: str¶
- Type:
Output attribute name. Default
- Return type:
- class core.IndexedAttribute¶
Index attribute
- property element_type: AttributeElement¶
- Return type:
- property num_channels: int¶
- Return type:
- property usage: AttributeUsage¶
- Return type:
- class core.MappingPolicy(*args, **kwds)¶
Mapping policy for handling collisions.
- Average = 0¶
Compute the average of the collided values.
- Error = 2¶
Throw an error when collision happens.
- KeepFirst = 1¶
Keep the first collided value.
- class core.MeshAreaOptions¶
Options for computing mesh area.
- property input_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the pre-computed facet area attribute, default is @facet_area.
- Return type:
- property use_signed_area: bool¶
Whether to use signed area.
- Return type:
- class core.MeshCentroidOptions¶
Mesh centroid options.
- property facet_area_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the pre-computed facet area attribute if available.
- Return type:
- property facet_centroid_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the pre-computed facet centroid attribute if available.
- Return type:
- property weighting_type: CentroidWeightingType¶
The weighting type.
- Return type:
- class core.MetaData¶
Metadata dict of the mesh
- __delitem__(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (str)
- Return type:
- __getitem__(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (str)
- Return type:
- __len__()¶
- Return type:
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- Return type:
- __setitem__(arg0, arg1, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg0 (str)
arg1 (str)
- Return type:
- class core.NormalOptions¶
Normal computation options.
- property facet_normal_attribute_name: str¶
Facet normal attribute name to use. Default is @facet_normal.
- Return type:
- property keep_facet_normals: bool¶
Whether to keep the computed facet normal attribute. Default is false.
- Return type:
- property output_attribute_name: str¶
- Type:
Output attribute name. Default
- Return type:
- property recompute_facet_normals: bool¶
Whether to recompute facet normals. Default is false.
- Return type:
- property weight_type: NormalWeightingType¶
Weighting type for normal computation. Default is Angle.
- Return type:
- class core.NormalWeightingType(*args, **kwds)¶
Normal weighting type.
- Angle = 2¶
Weight by corner angle
- CornerTriangleArea = 1¶
Weight by corner triangle area
- Uniform = 0¶
Uniform weighting
- class core.RemapVerticesOptions¶
Options for remapping vertices.
- property collision_policy_float: MappingPolicy¶
The collision policy for float attributes.
- Return type:
- property collision_policy_integral: MappingPolicy¶
The collision policy for integral attributes.
- Return type:
- class core.SurfaceMesh(dimension=3)¶
Surface mesh data structure
- Parameters:
dimension (int)
- property attr_id_corner_to_edge: int¶
- Return type:
- property attr_id_corner_to_facet: int¶
- Return type:
- property attr_id_corner_to_vertex: int¶
- Return type:
- property attr_id_edge_to_first_corner: int¶
- Return type:
- property attr_id_facet_to_first_corner: int¶
- Return type:
- property attr_id_next_corner_around_edge: int¶
- Return type:
- property attr_id_next_corner_around_vertex: int¶
- Return type:
- property attr_id_vertex_to_first_corner: int¶
- Return type:
- property attr_id_vertex_to_position: int¶
- Return type:
- property dimension: int¶
- Return type:
- property facets: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')]¶
Facets of the mesh.
- Return type:
Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype=’uint32’, order=’C’, device=’cpu’)]
- property has_edges: bool¶
- Return type:
- property is_hybrid: bool¶
- Return type:
- property is_quad_mesh: bool¶
- Return type:
- property is_regular: bool¶
- Return type:
- property is_triangle_mesh: bool¶
- Return type:
- property num_corners: int¶
- Return type:
- property num_edges: int¶
- Return type:
- property num_facets: int¶
- Return type:
- property num_vertices: int¶
- Return type:
- property vertex_per_facet: int¶
- Return type:
- property vertices: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', order='C', device='cpu')]¶
Vertices of the mesh.
- Return type:
Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype=’float64’, order=’C’, device=’cpu’)]
- attr_name_corner_to_edge: str = Ellipsis¶
The name of the attribute that stores the corner to edge mapping.
- attr_name_corner_to_facet: str = Ellipsis¶
The name of the attribute that stores the corner to facet mapping.
- attr_name_corner_to_vertex: str = Ellipsis¶
The name of the attribute that stores the corner to vertex mapping.
- attr_name_edge_to_first_corner: str = Ellipsis¶
The name of the attribute that stores the edge to first corner mapping.
- attr_name_facet_to_first_corner: str = Ellipsis¶
The name of the attribute that stores the facet to first corner mapping.
- attr_name_next_corner_around_edge: str = Ellipsis¶
The name of the attribute that stores the next corner around edge mapping.
- attr_name_next_corner_around_vertex: str = Ellipsis¶
The name of the attribute that stores the next corner around vertex mapping.
- attr_name_vertex_to_first_corner: str = Ellipsis¶
The name of the attribute that stores the vertex to first corner mapping.
- attr_name_vertex_to_position: str = Ellipsis¶
The name of the attribute that stores the vertex positions.
- __attribute_ref_count__(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- __copy__()¶
Create a shallow copy of this mesh.
- Return type:
- __deepcopy__(memo=None)¶
Create a deep copy of this mesh.
- Parameters:
memo (dict | None)
- Return type:
- add_hybrid(arg0, arg1, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg0 (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')])
arg1 (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')])
- Return type:
- add_polygon(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')])
- Return type:
- add_polygons(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')])
- Return type:
- add_quad(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg0 (int)
arg1 (int)
arg2 (int)
arg3 (int)
- Return type:
- add_quads(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')])
- Return type:
- add_triangle(arg0, arg1, arg2, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg0 (int)
arg1 (int)
arg2 (int)
- Return type:
- add_triangles(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')])
- Return type:
- add_vertex(vertex: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', order='C', device='cpu')]) None ¶
- add_vertex(arg: list, /) None
- add_vertices(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', order='C', device='cpu')])
- Return type:
- static attr_name_is_reserved(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (str)
- Return type:
- attribute(id: int, sharing: bool = True) Attribute ¶
- attribute(name: str, sharing: bool = True) Attribute
Get an attribute by name.
- Parameters:
name – Name of the attribute.
sharing – Whether to allow sharing the attribute with other meshes.
- Returns:
The attribute.
- clear_edges()¶
- Return type:
- clear_facets()¶
- Return type:
- clear_vertices()¶
- Return type:
- clone(strip=False)¶
Create a deep copy of this mesh.
- Parameters:
strip (bool) – If True, strip the mesh of all attributes except for the reserved attributes.
- Return type:
- compress_if_regular()¶
- Return type:
- count_num_corners_around_edge(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- count_num_corners_around_vertex(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- create_attribute(name, element=None, usage=None, initial_values=None, initial_indices=None, num_channels=None, dtype=None)¶
Create an attribute.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the attribute.
element (Union[AttributeElement, Literal[Vertex, Facet, Edge, Corner, Value, Indexed], None]) – Element type of the attribute. If None, derive from the shape of initial values.
usage (Union[AttributeUsage, Literal[Vector, Scalar, Position, Normal, Tangent, Bitangent, Color, UV, VertexIndex, FacetIndex, CornerIndex, EdgeIndex], None]) – Usage type of the attribute. If None, derive from the shape of initial values or the number of channels.
initial_values (Union[numpy.typing.NDArray, List[float], None]) – Initial values of the attribute.
initial_indices (Union[numpy.typing.NDArray, List[int], None]) – Initial indices of the attribute (Indexed attribute only).
num_channels (Optional[int]) – Number of channels of the attribute.
dtype (Optional[numpy.typing.DTypeLike]) – Data type of the attribute.
- Returns:
The id of the created attribute.
- Return type:
If element is None, it will be derived based on the cardinality of the mesh elements. If there is an ambiguity, an exception will be raised. In addition, explicit element specification is required for value attributes.
If usage is None, it will be derived based on the shape of initial_values or num_channels if specified.
- create_attribute_from(name, source_mesh, source_name='')¶
Shallow copy an attribute from another mesh.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the attribute.
source_mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Source mesh.
source_name (str) – Name of the attribute in the source mesh. If empty, use the same name as name.
- Returns:
The id of the created attribute.
- Return type:
- delete_attribute(name: str, policy: AttributeDeletePolicy) None ¶
- delete_attribute(name: str) None
- delete_attribute(id: int) None
Delete an attribute by id.
- Parameters:
id – Id of the attribute.
- duplicate_attribute(arg0, arg1, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg0 (str)
arg1 (str)
- Return type:
- find_edge_from_vertices(arg0, arg1, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg0 (int)
arg1 (int)
- Return type:
- get_attribute_id(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (str)
- Return type:
- get_attribute_name(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_clockwise_corner_around_vertex(corner)¶
Get the clockwise corner around the vertex associated with the input corner.
If the vertex is a non-manifold vertex, only one “umbrella” (a set of connected corners based on edge-connectivity) will be visited.
If the traversal reaches a boundary or a non-manifold edge, the next adjacent corner is not well defined. It will return invalid_index in this case.
- Parameters:
corner (int) – The input corner index.
- Returns:
The clockwise corner index or invalid_index if none exists.
- Return type:
- get_corner_edge(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_corner_facet(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_corner_vertex(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_counterclockwise_corner_around_vertex(corner)¶
Get the counterclockwise corner around the vertex associated with the input corner.
If the vertex is a non-manifold vertex, only one “umbrella” (a set of connected corners based on edge-connectivity) will be visited.
If the traversal reaches a boundary or a non-manifold edge, the next adjacent corner is not well defined. It will return invalid_index in this case.
- Parameters:
corner (int) – The input corner index.
- Returns:
The counterclockwise corner index or invalid_index if none exists.
- Return type:
- get_edge(arg0, arg1, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg0 (int)
arg1 (int)
- Return type:
- get_edge_vertices(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_facet_corner_begin(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_facet_corner_end(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_facet_size(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_facet_vertex(arg0, arg1, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg0 (int)
arg1 (int)
- Return type:
- get_facet_vertices(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype=’uint32’, order=’C’, device=’cpu’)]
- get_first_corner_around_edge(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_first_corner_around_vertex(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_matching_attribute_id(element=None, usage=None, num_channels=0)¶
Get one matching attribute id with the desired element type, usage and number of channels.
- Parameters:
element (AttributeElement | None) – The target element type. None matches all element types.
usage (AttributeUsage | None) – The target usage type. None matches all usage types.
num_channels (int) – The target number of channels. 0 matches arbitrary number of channels.
- Returns:
An attribute id matching the target element, usage and number of channels, if found. None otherwise.
- Return type:
int | None
- get_matching_attribute_ids(element=None, usage=None, num_channels=0)¶
Get all matching attribute ids with the desired element type, usage and number of channels.
- Parameters:
element (AttributeElement | None) – The target element type. None matches all element types.
usage (AttributeUsage | None) – The target usage type. None matches all usage types.
num_channels (int) – The target number of channels. 0 matches arbitrary number of channels.
- Returns:
A list of attribute ids matching the target element, usage and number of channels.
- Return type:
- get_next_corner_around_edge(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_next_corner_around_vertex(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_one_corner_around_edge(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_one_corner_around_vertex(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_one_facet_around_edge(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- get_position(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype=’float64’, order=’C’, device=’cpu’)]
- has_attribute(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (str)
- Return type:
- indexed_attribute(id: int, sharing: bool = True) IndexedAttribute ¶
- indexed_attribute(name: str, sharing: bool = True) IndexedAttribute
Get an indexed attribute by name.
- Parameters:
name – Name of the attribute.
sharing – Whether to allow sharing the attribute with other meshes.
- Returns:
The indexed attribute.
- initialize_edges(edges=None)¶
Initialize the edges.
The edges tensor provides a predefined ordering of the edges. If not provided, the edges are initialized in an arbitrary order.
- Parameters:
edges (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')] | None) – M x 2 tensor of predefined edge vertex indices, where M is the number of edges.
- Return type:
- is_attribute_indexed(arg: int, /) bool ¶
- is_attribute_indexed(arg: str, /) bool
- is_boundary_edge(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
- ref_facet_vertices(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype=’uint32’, order=’C’, device=’cpu’)]
- ref_position(arg, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg (int)
- Return type:
Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype=’float64’, order=’C’, device=’cpu’)]
- remove_facets(arg: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')], /) None ¶
- remove_facets(facets: list) None
Remove selected facets from the mesh.
- Parameters:
facets – list of facet indices to remove
- remove_vertices(arg: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')], /) None ¶
- remove_vertices(vertices: list) None
Remove selected vertices from the mesh.
- Parameters:
vertices – list of vertex indices to remove
- rename_attribute(arg0, arg1, /)¶
- Parameters:
arg0 (str)
arg1 (str)
- Return type:
- shrink_to_fit()¶
- Return type:
- wrap_as_attribute(name, element, usage, values)¶
Wrap an existing numpy array as an attribute.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the attribute.
element (AttributeElement) – Element type of the attribute.
usage (AttributeUsage) – Usage type of the attribute.
values (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(order='C', device='cpu')]) – Values of the attribute.
- Returns:
The id of the created attribute.
- Return type:
- wrap_as_facets(tensor: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')], num_facets: int, vertex_per_facet: int) int ¶
- wrap_as_facets(offsets: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')], num_facets: int, facets: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')], num_corners: int) int
Wrap a tensor as a list of hybrid facets.
- Parameters:
offsets – The offset indices into the facets array.
num_facets – Number of facets.
facets – The indices of the vertices of the facets.
num_corners – Number of corners.
- Returns:
The id of the wrapped facet attribute.
- wrap_as_indexed_attribute(name, usage, values, indices)¶
Wrap an existing numpy array as an indexed attribute.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the attribute.
usage (AttributeUsage) – Usage type of the attribute.
values (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(order='C', device='cpu')]) – Values of the attribute.
indices (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')]) – Indices of the attribute.
- Returns:
The id of the created attribute.
- Return type:
- wrap_as_vertices(tensor, num_vertices)¶
Wrap a tensor as vertices.
- Parameters:
tensor (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', order='C', device='cpu')]) – The tensor to wrap.
num_vertices (int) – Number of vertices.
- Returns:
The id of the wrapped vertices attribute.
- Return type:
- class core.TangentBitangentOptions¶
Tangent bitangent options
- property bitangent_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the output bitangent attribute, default is @bitangent
- Return type:
- property normal_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the normal attribute
- Return type:
- property output_element_type: AttributeElement¶
The output element type
- Return type:
- property pad_with_sign: bool¶
Whether to pad the output tangent/bitangent with sign
- Return type:
- property tangent_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the output tangent attribute, default is @tangent
- Return type:
- property uv_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the uv attribute
- Return type:
- class core.TangentBitangentResult¶
Tangent bitangent result
- property bitangent_id: int¶
The output bitangent attribute id
- Return type:
- property tangent_id: int¶
The output tangent attribute id
- Return type:
- class core.VertexNormalOptions¶
Options for computing vertex normals
- property keep_weighted_corner_normals: bool¶
Whether to keep the weighted corner normal attribute. Default is false.
- Return type:
- property output_attribute_name: str¶
Output attribute name. Default is @vertex_normal.
- Return type:
- property recompute_weighted_corner_normals: bool¶
Whether to recompute weighted corner normals. Default is false
- Return type:
- property weight_type: NormalWeightingType¶
Weighting type for normal computation. Default is Angle.
- Return type:
- property weighted_corner_normal_attribute_name: str¶
Precomputed weighted corner normals attribute name.Default is @weighted_corner_normal. If attribute exists, the weighted corner normals will be used instead of recomputing them.
- Return type:
- class core.VertexValenceOptions¶
Vertex valence options
- property induced_by_attribute: str¶
Optional per-edge attribute used as indicator function to restrict the graph used for vertex valence computation
- Return type:
- property output_attribute_name: str¶
The name of the output attribute
- Return type:
- core.cast_attribute(mesh, input_attribute, dtype, output_attribute_name=None)¶
Cast an attribute to a new dtype.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh.
input_attribute (int | str) – The input attribute id or name.
dtype (type) – The new dtype.
output_attribute_name (str | None) – The output attribute name. If none, cast will replace the input attribute.
- Returns:
The id of the new attribute.
- Return type:
- core.combine_meshes(meshes, preserve_attributes=True)¶
Combine a list of meshes into a single mesh.
- Parameters:
meshes ([SurfaceMesh]) – input meshes
preserve_attributes (bool) – whether to preserve attributes
- Returns:
the combined mesh
- Return type:
- core.compute_components(mesh, output_attribute_name=None, connectivity_type=None, blocker_elements=None)¶
Compute connected components.
This method will create a per-facet component id attribute named by the output_attribute_name argument. Each component id is in [0, num_components-1] range.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh.
output_attribute_name (str | None) – The name of the output attribute.
connectivity_type (ConnectivityType | None) – The connectivity type. Either “Vertex” or “Edge”.
blocker_elements (list | None) – The list of blocker element indices. If connectivity_type is Edge, facets adjacent to a blocker edge are not considered as connected through this edge. If connectivity_type is Vertex, facets sharing a blocker vertex are not considered as connected through this vertex.
- Returns:
The total number of components.
- Return type:
- core.compute_dihedral_angles(mesh, output_attribute_name=None, facet_normal_attribute_name=None, recompute_facet_normals=None, keep_facet_normals=None)¶
Compute dihedral angles for each edge.
The dihedral angle of an edge is defined as the angle between the __normals__ of two facets adjacent to the edge. The dihedral angle is always in the range [0, pi] for manifold edges. For boundary edges, the dihedral angle defaults to 0. For non-manifold edges, the dihedral angle is not well-defined and will be set to the special value 2 * M_PI.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
output_attribute_name (str | None) – The optional edge attribute name to store the dihedral angles.
facet_normal_attribute_name (str | None) – The optional attribute name to store the facet normals.
recompute_facet_normals (bool | None) – Whether to recompute facet normals.
keep_facet_normals (bool | None) – Whether to keep newly computed facet normals. It has no effect on pre-existing facet normals.
- Returns:
The edge attribute id of dihedral angles.
- Return type:
- core.compute_dijkstra_distance(mesh, seed_facet, barycentric_coords, radius=None, output_attribute_name='@dijkstra_distance', output_involved_vertices=False)¶
Compute Dijkstra distance from a seed facet.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
seed_facet (int) – The seed facet index.
barycentric_coords (list) – The barycentric coordinates of the seed facet.
radius (float | None) – The maximum radius of the dijkstra distance.
output_attribute_name (str) – The output attribute name to store the dijkstra distance.
output_involved_vertices (bool) – Whether to output the list of involved vertices.
- Return type:
list[int] | None
- core.compute_edge_lengths(mesh, output_attribute_name=None)¶
Compute edge lengths.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
output_attribute_name (str | None) – The optional edge attribute name to store the edge lengths.
- Returns:
The edge attribute id of edge lengths.
- Return type:
- core.compute_euler(mesh)¶
Compute the Euler characteristic.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
- Returns:
The Euler characteristic.
- Return type:
- core.compute_facet_area(mesh: SurfaceMesh, options: FacetAreaOptions = ...) int ¶
- core.compute_facet_area(mesh: SurfaceMesh, output_attribute_name: str | None = None) int
Compute facet area (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh – The input mesh.
output_attribute_name – The name of the output attribute.
- Returns:
The id of the new attribute.
- core.compute_facet_centroid(mesh: SurfaceMesh, options: FacetCentroidOptions = ...) int ¶
- core.compute_facet_centroid(mesh: SurfaceMesh, output_attribute_name: str | None = None) int
Compute facet centroid (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh – The input mesh.
output_attribute_name – The name of the output attribute.
- Returns:
The id of the new attribute.
- core.compute_facet_normal(mesh: SurfaceMesh, options: FacetNormalOptions = ...) int ¶
- core.compute_facet_normal(mesh: SurfaceMesh, output_attribute_name: str | None = None) int
Compute facet normal (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh – Input mesh.
output_attribute_name – Output attribute name.
- Returns:
Facet normal attribute id.
- core.compute_greedy_coloring(mesh, element_type=AttributeElement.Facet, num_color_used=8, output_attribute_name=None)¶
Compute greedy coloring of mesh elements.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
element_type (AttributeElement) – Element type to be colored. Can be either Vertex or Facet.
num_color_used (int) – Minimum number of colors to use. The algorithm will cycle through them but may use more.
output_attribute_name (str | None) – Output attribute name.
- Returns:
Color attribute id.
- Return type:
- core.compute_mesh_area(mesh: SurfaceMesh, options: MeshAreaOptions = ...) float ¶
- core.compute_mesh_area(mesh: SurfaceMesh, input_attribute_name: str | None = None, use_signed_area: bool | None = None) float
Compute mesh area (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh – The input mesh.
input_attribute_name – The name of the pre-computed facet area attribute.
use_signed_area – Whether to use signed area.
- Returns:
The mesh area.
- core.compute_mesh_centroid(mesh: SurfaceMesh, options: MeshCentroidOptions = ...) list[float] ¶
- core.compute_mesh_centroid(mesh: SurfaceMesh, weighting_type: CentroidWeightingType | None = None, facet_centroid_attribute_name: str | None = None, facet_area_attribute_name: str | None = None) list[float]
Compute mesh centroid (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh – The input mesh.
weighting_type – The weighting type. Default is Area.
facet_centroid_attribute_name – The name of the pre-computed facet centroid attribute if available. Default is @facet_centroid.
facet_area_attribute_name – The name of the pre-computed facet area attribute if available. Default is @facet_area.
- Returns:
The mesh centroid.
- core.compute_mesh_covariance(mesh, center, active_facets_attribute_name=None)¶
Compute the covariance matrix of a mesh w.r.t. a center (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
center ([float]) – The center of the covariance computation.
active_facets_attribute_name (str | None) – (optional) Attribute name of whether a facet should be considered in the computation.
- Returns:
The 3 by 3 covariance matrix, which should be symmetric.
- Return type:
- core.compute_normal(mesh: SurfaceMesh, feature_angle_threshold: float = 0.7853981633974483, cone_vertices: object | None = None, options: NormalOptions | None = None) int ¶
- core.compute_normal(mesh: SurfaceMesh, feature_angle_threshold: float = 0.7853981633974483, cone_vertices: object | None = None, output_attribute_name: str | None = None, weight_type: NormalWeightingType | None = None, facet_normal_attribute_name: str | None = None, recompute_facet_normals: bool | None = None, keep_facet_normals: bool | None = None) int
Compute indexed normal attribute (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh – input mesh
feature_angle_threshold – feature angle threshold
cone_vertices – cone vertices
output_attribute_name – output normal attribute name
weight_type – normal weighting type
facet_normal_attribute_name – facet normal attribute name
recompute_facet_normals – whether to recompute facet normals
keep_facet_normals – whether to keep the computed facet normal attribute
- Returns:
the id of the indexed normal attribute.
- core.compute_pointcloud_pca(points, shift_centroid=False, normalize=False)¶
Compute principal components of a point cloud.
- Parameters:
points (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, 3), order='C', device='cpu', writable=False)]) – Input points.
shift_centroid (bool) – When true: covariance = (P-centroid)^T (P-centroid), when false: covariance = (P)^T (P).
normalize (bool) – Should we divide the result by number of points?
- Returns:
tuple of (center, eigenvectors, eigenvalues).
- Return type:
tuple[list[float], list[list[float]], list[float]]
- core.compute_seam_edges(mesh, indexed_attribute_id, output_attribute_name=None)¶
Computer seam edges for a given indexed attribute.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
indexed_attribute_id (int) – Input indexed attribute id.
output_attribute_name (str | None) – Output attribute name.
- Returns:
Attribute id for the output per-edge seam attribute (1 is a seam, 0 is not).
- Return type:
- core.compute_tangent_bitangent(mesh: SurfaceMesh, options: TangentBitangentOptions = ...) TangentBitangentResult ¶
- core.compute_tangent_bitangent(mesh: SurfaceMesh, tangent_attribute_name: str | None = None, bitangent_attribute_name: str | None = None, uv_attribute_name: str | None = None, normal_attribute_name: str | None = None, output_attribute_type: AttributeElement | None = None, pad_with_sign: bool | None = None) tuple[int, int]
Compute tangent and bitangent vector attributes (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh – The input mesh.
tangent_attribute_name – The name of the output tangent attribute.
bitangent_attribute_name – The name of the output bitangent attribute.
uv_attribute_name – The name of the uv attribute.
normal_attribute_name – The name of the normal attribute.
output_attribute_type – The output element type.
pad_with_sign – Whether to pad the output tangent/bitangent with sign.
- Returns:
The tangent and bitangent attribute ids
- core.compute_uv_distortion(mesh, uv_attribute_name='@uv', output_attribute_name='@uv_measure', metric=DistortionMetric.MIPS)¶
Compute UV distortion.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
uv_attribute_name (str) – The input UV attribute name. Default is “@uv”.
output_attribute_name (str) – The output attribute name to store the distortion. Default is “@uv_measure”.
metric (DistortionMetric) – The distortion metric. Default is MIPS.
- Returns:
The facet attribute id for distortion.
- Return type:
- core.compute_vertex_normal(mesh: SurfaceMesh, options: VertexNormalOptions = ...) int ¶
- core.compute_vertex_normal(mesh: SurfaceMesh, output_attribute_name: str | None = None, weight_type: NormalWeightingType | None = None, weighted_corner_normal_attribute_name: str | None = None, recompute_weighted_corner_normals: bool | None = None, keep_weighted_corner_normals: bool | None = None) int
Computer vertex normal (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh – Input mesh.
output_attribute_name – Output attribute name.
weight_type – Weighting type for normal computation.
weighted_corner_normal_attribute_name – Precomputed weighted corner normals attribute name.
recompute_weighted_corner_normals – Whether to recompute weighted corner normals.
keep_weighted_corner_normals – Whether to keep the weighted corner normal attribute.
- Returns:
Vertex normal attribute id.
- core.compute_vertex_valence(mesh: SurfaceMesh, options: VertexValenceOptions = ...) int ¶
- core.compute_vertex_valence(mesh: SurfaceMesh, output_attribute_name: str | None = None, induced_by_attribute: str | None = None) int
Compute vertex valence);
- Parameters:
mesh – The input mesh.
output_attribute_name – The name of the output attribute.
induced_by_attribute – Optional per-edge attribute used as indicator function to restrict the graph used for vertex valence computation.
- Returns:
The vertex valence attribute id
- core.detect_degenerate_facets(mesh)¶
Detect degenerate facets in a mesh.
Only __exaxtly__ degenerate facets are detected.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh.
- Returns:
A list of indices of degenerate facets.
- Return type:
- core.extract_boundary_edges(mesh)¶
Extract boundary edges from a mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
- Returns:
A list of boundary edge indices.
- Return type:
- core.extract_boundary_loops(mesh)¶
Extract boundary loops from a mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
- Returns:
A list of boundary loops, each represented as a list of vertex indices.
- Return type:
- core.extract_isoline(mesh, attribute, isovalue=0.0)¶
Extract the isoline of an implicit function defined on the mesh vertices/corners.
The input mesh must be a triangle mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input triangle mesh to extract the isoline from.
attribute (int | str) – Attribute id or name of the scalar field to use. Can be a vertex or indexed attribute.
isovalue (float) – Isovalue to extract.
- Returns:
A mesh whose facets is a collection of size 2 elements representing the extracted isoline.
- Return type:
- core.extract_submesh(mesh, selected_facets, source_vertex_attr_name='', source_facet_attr_name='', map_attributes=False)¶
Extract a submesh based on the selected facets.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
selected_facets (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')]) – A listed of facet ids to extract.
source_vertex_attr_name (str) – The optional attribute name to track source vertices.
source_facet_attr_name (str) – The optional attribute name to track source facets.
map_attributes (bool) – Map attributes from the source to target meshes.
- Returns:
A mesh that contains only the selected facets.
- Return type:
- core.filter_attributes(mesh, included_attributes=None, excluded_attributes=None, included_usages=None, included_element_types=None)¶
Filters the attributes of mesh according to user specifications.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
included_attributes ([int | str] | None) – List of attribute names or ids to include. By default, all attributes are included.
excluded_attributes ([int | str] | None) – List of attribute names or ids to exclude. By default, no attribute is excluded.
included_usages ([AttributeUsage] | None) – List of attribute usages to include. By default, all usages are included.
included_element_types ([AttributeElement] | None) – List of attribute element types to include. By default, all element types are included.
- Return type:
- core.is_edge_manifold(mesh)¶
Check if the mesh is edge manifold.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
- Returns:
Whether the mesh is edge manifold.
- Return type:
- core.is_manifold(mesh)¶
Check if the mesh is manifold.
A mesh considered as manifold if it is both vertex and edge manifold.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
- Returns:
Whether the mesh is manifold.
- Return type:
- core.is_oriented(mesh)¶
Check if the mesh is oriented.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
- Returns:
Whether the mesh is oriented.
- Return type:
- core.is_vertex_manifold(mesh)¶
Check if the mesh is vertex manifold.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
- Returns:
Whether the mesh is vertex manifold.
- Return type:
- core.map_attribute(mesh: SurfaceMesh, old_attribute_id: int, new_attribute_name: str, new_element: AttributeElement) int ¶
- core.map_attribute(mesh: SurfaceMesh, old_attribute_name: str, new_attribute_name: str, new_element: AttributeElement) int
Map an attribute to a new element type.
- Parameters:
mesh – The input mesh.
old_attribute_name – The name of the input attribute.
new_attribute_name – The name of the new attribute.
new_element – The new element type.
- Returns:
The id of the new attribute.
- core.map_attribute_in_place(mesh: SurfaceMesh, id: int, new_element: AttributeElement) int ¶
- core.map_attribute_in_place(mesh: SurfaceMesh, name: str, new_element: AttributeElement) int
Map an attribute to a new element type in place.
- Parameters:
mesh – The input mesh.
name – The name of the input attribute.
new_element – The new element type.
- Returns:
The id of the new attribute.
- core.normalize_mesh(mesh)¶
Normalize a mesh to fit into a unit box centered at the origin.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – input mesh
- Return type:
- core.normalize_meshes(meshes)¶
Normalize a list of meshes to fit into a unit box centered at the origin.
- Parameters:
meshes ([SurfaceMesh]) – input meshes
- Return type:
- core.orient_outward(mesh, positive=True)¶
Orient the facets of a mesh so that the signed volume of each connected component is positive or negative.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
positive (bool) – Whether to orient each volume positively or negatively.
- Return type:
- core.permute_facets(mesh, new_to_old)¶
Reorder facets of a mesh in place based on a permutation.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – input mesh
new_to_old (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')]) – permutation vector for facets
- Return type:
- core.permute_vertices(mesh, new_to_old)¶
Reorder vertices of a mesh in place based on a permutation.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – input mesh
new_to_old (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')]) – permutation vector for vertices
- Return type:
- core.remap_vertices(mesh: SurfaceMesh, old_to_new: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')], options: RemapVerticesOptions = ...) None ¶
- core.remap_vertices(mesh: SurfaceMesh, old_to_new: Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')], collision_policy_float: MappingPolicy | None = None, collision_policy_integral: MappingPolicy | None = None) None
Remap vertices of a mesh in place based on a permutation (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh – input mesh
old_to_new – permutation vector for vertices
collision_policy_float – The collision policy for float attributes.
collision_policy_integral – The collision policy for integral attributes.
- core.remove_degenerate_facets(mesh)¶
Remove degenerate facets from a mesh.
The current method assumes input mesh is triangular. Use triangulate_polygonal_facets if the input mesh is not triangular. Non-degenerate facets adjacent to degenerte facets may be re-triangulated as a result of the removal.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The mesh for inplace modification.
- Return type:
- core.remove_duplicate_facets(mesh, consider_orientation=False)¶
Remove duplicate facets from a mesh.
Facets of different orientations (e.g. (0, 1, 2) and (2, 1, 0)) are considered as duplicates. If both orientations have equal number of duplicate facets, all of them are removed. If one orientation has more duplicate facets, all but one facet with the majority orientation are removed.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh. The mesh is modified in place.
consider_orientation (bool) – Whether to consider orientation when detecting duplicate facets.
- Return type:
- core.remove_duplicate_vertices(mesh, extra_attributes=None, boundary_only=False)¶
Remove duplicate vertices from a mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh.
extra_attributes ([int] | None) – Two vertices are considered duplicates if they have the same position and the same values for all attributes in extra_attributes.
boundary_only (bool) – Only remove duplicate vertices on the boundary.
- Return type:
- core.remove_isolated_vertices(mesh)¶
Remove isolated vertices from a mesh.
A vertex is considered isolated if it is not referenced by any facet.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh for inplace modification.
- Return type:
- core.remove_null_area_facets(mesh, null_area_threshold=0, remove_isolated_vertices=False)¶
Remove facets with unsigned facets area <= null_area_threhsold.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh.
null_area_threshold (float) – The area threshold below which a facet is considered as null facet.
remove_isolated_vertices (bool) – Whether to remove isolated vertices after removing null area facets.
- Return type:
- core.remove_short_edges(mesh, threshold=0)¶
Remove short edges from a mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh for inplace modification.
threshold (float) – The minimum edge length below which an edge is considered short.
- Return type:
- core.remove_topologically_degenerate_facets(mesh)¶
Remove topologically degenerate facets such as (0, 1, 1)
For general polygons, topologically degeneracy means that the polygon is made of at most two unique vertices. E.g. a quad of the form (0, 0, 1, 1) is degenerate, while a quad of the form (1, 1, 2, 3) is not.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh for inplace modification.
- Return type:
- core.reorder_mesh(mesh, method)¶
Reorder a mesh in place.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – input mesh
method (Literal[Lexicographic, Morton, Hilbert, None]) – reordering method, options are ‘Lexicographic’, ‘Morton’, ‘Hilbert’, ‘None’ (default is ‘Morton’).
- Return type:
- core.resolve_nonmanifoldness(mesh)¶
Resolve both vertex and edge nonmanifoldness in a mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh for inplace modification.
- Return type:
- core.resolve_vertex_nonmanifoldness(mesh)¶
Resolve vertex non-manifoldness in a mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh for inplace modification.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the input mesh is not edge-manifold.
- Return type:
- core.select_facets_by_normal_similarity(mesh, seed_facet_id, flood_error_limit=None, flood_second_to_first_order_limit_ratio=None, facet_normal_attribute_name=None, is_facet_selectable_attribute_name=None, output_attribute_name=None, search_type=None, num_smooth_iterations=None)¶
Select facets by normal similarity (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
seed_facet_id (int) – Index of the seed facet.
flood_error_limit (float | None) – Tolerance for normals of the seed and the selected facets. Higher limit leads to larger selected region.
flood_second_to_first_order_limit_ratio (float | None) – Ratio of the flood_error_limit and the tolerance for normals of neighboring selected facets. Higher ratio leads to more curvature in selected region.
facet_normal_attribute_name (str | None) – Attribute name of the facets normal. If the mesh doesn’t have this attribute, it will call compute_facet_normal to compute it.
is_facet_selectable_attribute_name (str | None) – If provided, this function will look for this attribute to determine if a facet is selectable.
output_attribute_name (str | None) – Attribute name of whether a facet is selected.
search_type (Literal[BFS, DFS] | None) – Use ‘BFS’ for breadth-first search or ‘DFS’ for depth-first search.
num_smooth_iterations (int | None) – Number of iterations to smooth the boundary of the selected region.
- Returns:
Id of the attribute on whether a facet is selected.
- Return type:
- core.select_facets_in_frustum(mesh, frustum_plane_points, frustum_plane_normals, greedy=None, output_attribute_name=None)¶
Select facets in a frustum (Pythonic API).
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
frustum_plane_points ([[float]]) – Four points on each of the frustum planes.
frustum_plane_normals ([[float]]) – Four normals of each of the frustum planes.
greedy (bool | None) – If true, the function returns as soon as the first facet is found.
output_attribute_name (str | None) – Attribute name of whether a facet is selected.
- Returns:
Whether any facets got selected.
- Return type:
- core.separate_by_components(mesh, source_vertex_attr_name='', source_facet_attr_name='', map_attributes=False, connectivity_type=ConnectivityType.Edge)¶
Extract a set of submeshes based on connected components.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
source_vertex_attr_name (str) – The optional attribute name to track source vertices.
source_facet_attr_name (str) – The optional attribute name to track source facets.
map_attributes (bool) – Map attributes from the source to target meshes.
connectivity_type (ConnectivityType) – The connectivity used for component computation.
- Returns:
A list of meshes, one for each connected component.
- Return type:
- core.separate_by_facet_groups(mesh, facet_group_indices, source_vertex_attr_name='', source_facet_attr_name='', map_attributes=False)¶
Extract a set of submeshes based on facet groups.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
facet_group_indices (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='uint32', order='C', device='cpu')]) – The group index for each facet. Each group index must be in the range of [0, max(facet_group_indices)]
source_vertex_attr_name (str) – The optional attribute name to track source vertices.
source_facet_attr_name (str) – The optional attribute name to track source facets.
map_attributes (bool)
- Returns:
A list of meshes, one for each facet group.
- Return type:
- core.split_long_edges(mesh, max_edge_length=0.10000000149011612, recursive=True, active_region_attribute=None, edge_length_attribute=None)¶
Split edges that are longer than max_edge_length.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh for inplace modification.
max_edge_length (float) – Maximum edge length. Edges longer than this value will be split.
recursive (bool) – If true, the operation will be applied recursively until no edge is longer than max_edge_length.
active_region_attribute (str | None) – The facet attribute name that will be used to determine the active region. If None, all edges will be considered. Otherwise, only edges that are part of the active region will be split. The attribute must be of value type uint8_t.
edge_length_attribute (str | None) – The edge length attribute name that will be used to determine the edge length. If None, the function will compute the edge lengths.
- Return type:
- core.thicken_and_close_mesh(mesh, offset_amount=None, direction=None, mirror_ratio=None, num_segments=None, indexed_attributes=None)¶
Thicken a mesh by offsetting it, and close the shape into a thick 3D solid.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input mesh.
direction ([float] | str | None) – Direction of the offset. Can be an attribute name or a fixed 3D vector.
offset_amount (float | None) – Amount of offset.
mirror_ratio (float | None) – Ratio of the offset amount to mirror the mesh.
num_segments (int | None) – Number of segments to use for the thickening.
indexed_attributes ([str] | None) – List of indexed attributes to copy to the new mesh.
- Returns:
The thickened and closed mesh.
- Return type:
- core.transform_mesh(mesh, affine_transform, normalize_normals=True, normalize_tangents_bitangents=True, in_place=True)¶
Apply affine transformation to a mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
affine_transform (Annotated[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(4, 4), order='F')]) – The affine transformation matrix.
normalize_normals (bool) – Whether to normalize normals.
normalize_tangents_bitangents (bool) – Whether to normalize tangents and bitangents.
in_place (bool) – Whether to apply the transformation in place.
- Returns:
The transformed mesh if in_place is False.
- Return type:
SurfaceMesh | None
- core.triangulate_polygonal_facets(mesh)¶
Triangulate polygonal facets of the mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The input mesh.
- Return type:
- core.trim_by_isoline(mesh, attribute, isovalue=0.0, keep_below=True)¶
Trim a mesh by the isoline of an implicit function defined on the mesh vertices/corners.
The input mesh must be a triangle mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – Input triangle mesh to trim.
attribute (int | str) – Attribute id or name of the scalar field to use. Can be a vertex or indexed attribute.
isovalue (float) – Isovalue to trim with.
keep_below (bool) – Whether to keep the part below the isoline.
- Returns:
The trimmed mesh.
- Return type:
- core.unify_index_buffer(mesh: SurfaceMesh) SurfaceMesh ¶
- core.unify_index_buffer(mesh: SurfaceMesh, attribute_ids:[int]) SurfaceMesh
- core.unify_index_buffer(mesh: SurfaceMesh, attribute_names:[str]) SurfaceMesh
Unify the index buffer of the mesh for selected attributes.
- Parameters:
mesh – The mesh to unify.
attribute_names – The selected attribute names to unify.
- Returns:
The unified mesh.
- core.weld_indexed_attribute(mesh, attribute_id, epsilon_rel=None, epsilon_abs=None)¶
Weld indexed attribute.
- Parameters:
mesh (SurfaceMesh) – The source mesh.
attribute_id (int) – The indexed attribute id to weld.
epsilon_rel (float | None) – The relative tolerance for welding.
epsilon_abs (float | None) – The absolute tolerance for welding.
- Return type:
- core.invalid_index: int = 4294967295¶
- core.invalid_scalar: float¶