This document is the specification for json-formula, an expression grammar that operates on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documents. The referenced JSON documents and JSON literals must conform to RFC 8259.
The grammar borrows from
OpenFormula for spreadsheet operators and function
JMESPath for JSON query semantics
The intended audience are both end-users of json-formula as well as implementors; the contents are then both a user guide and a specification.
1. Notation
In the specification, examples are shown through the use of a search
function. The syntax for this function is:
eval(<json-formula expr>, <JSON document>) -> <return value>
For simplicity, the json-formula expression and the JSON document are not quoted. For example:
eval(foo, {"foo": "bar"}) -> "bar"
The result of applying a json-formula expression against a JSON document will result in valid JSON, provided there are no errors during the evaluation process.
2. Data Types
json-formula supports all the JSON types:
number: All numbers are internally represented as double-precision floating-point
array: an ordered, sequence of values
object: an unordered collection of key value pairs
There is an additional type that is not a JSON type that’s used in json-formula functions:
expression: A string prefixed with an ampersand (
) character
2.1. Type Coercion
If the supplied data is not correct for the execution context, json-formula will attempt to coerce the data to the correct type. Coercion will occur in these contexts:
Operands of the concatenation operator (
) shall be coerced to a string, except when an operand is an array. Arrays shall be coerced to an array of strings. -
Operands of numeric operators (
) shall be coerced to numbers except when the operand is an array. Arrays shall be coerced to an array of numbers. -
Operands of the union operator (
) shall be coerced to an array -
The left-hand operand of ordering comparison operators (
) must be a string or number. Any other type shall be coerced to a number. -
If the operands of an ordering comparison are different, they shall both be coerced to a number
Parameters to functions shall be coerced to the expected type as long as the expected type is a single choice. If the function signature allows multiple types for a parameter e.g. either string or array, then coercion will not occur.
The equality and inequality operators (=
, ==
, !=
, <>
) do not perform type coercion. If operands are different types, the values are considered not equal.
If an ordering comparison requires coercion, and the coercion is not possible (including the case where a string cannot be coerced to a number), the comparison will return false. e.g., {a: 12} < 12
and "12a" < 13
will each return false
In all cases except ordering comparison, if the coercion is not possible, a TypeError
error shall be raised.
eval("abc" & 123, {}) -> "abc123"
eval("123" * 2, {}) -> 246
eval([1,2,3] ~ 4, {}) -> [1,2,3,4]
eval(123 < "124", {}) -> true
eval("23" > 111, {}) -> false
eval(abs("-2"), {}) -> 2
eval(1 == "1", {}) -> false
2.2. Type Coercion Rules
Provided Type | Expected Type | Result |
number |
string |
number converted to a string, following the JavaScript |
boolean |
string |
"true" or "false" |
array |
string |
Not supported |
object |
string |
Not supported |
null |
string |
"" (empty string) |
string |
number |
Parse the string to a number. An empty string converts to zero. If the string is not a well-formed number, the coercion will fail. |
boolean |
number |
true → 1 false → 0 |
array |
number |
Not supported |
object |
number |
Not supported |
null |
number |
0 |
number |
array |
create a single-element array with the number |
string |
array |
create a single-element array with the string |
boolean |
array |
create a single-element array with the boolean |
object |
array |
Not supported |
null |
array |
Empty array |
number |
object |
Not supported |
string |
object |
Not supported |
boolean |
object |
Not supported |
array |
object |
Not supported. Use: |
null |
object |
Empty object |
number |
boolean |
zero is false, all other numbers are true |
string |
boolean |
Empty string is false, populated strings are true |
array |
boolean |
Empty array is false, populated arrays are true |
object |
boolean |
Empty object is false, populated objects are true |
null |
boolean |
false |
eval("\"$123.00\" + 1", {}) -> TypeError
eval("truth is " & `true`, {}) -> "truth is true"
eval(2 + `true`, {}) -> 3
eval(avg("20"), {}) -> 20
2.3. Date and Time Values
In order to support date and time functions, json-formula represents date and time values as numbers where:
The integral portion of the number represents the number of days since the epoch: January 1, 1970, UTC
The fractional portion of the number represents the fractional portion of the day
The date/time value is offset from the current time zone to UTC
The current time zone is determined by the host operating system
The preferred ways to create a date/time value are by using one of these functions:
Functions that operate on a date/time value will convert the date/time value back to the local time zone.
eval(datetime(1970,1,2,0,0,0) - datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0), {}) -> 1
eval(datetime(2010,1,21,12,0,0) |
{month: month(@), day: day(@), hour: hour(@)}, {}) ->
{"month": 1, "day": 21, "hour": 12}
2.4. Integers
Some functions and operators accept numeric parameters that are expected to be integers. In these contexts, if a non-numeric or non-integer value is provided, it will be coerced to a number and then truncated. The specific truncation behaviour is to remove any fractional value without rounding.
2.5. Floating Point Precision
Numbers are represented in double-precision floating-point format. As with any system that uses this level of precision, results of expressions may be off by a tiny fraction. e.g.
10 * 1.44 → 14.399999999999999
Authors should mitigate this behavior:
3. Errors
Errors may be raised during the json-formula evaluation process. The following errors are defined:
is raised when an unexpected runtime condition occurs. For example, divide by zero. -
is raised when an unknown function is encountered or when a function receives invalid arguments. -
is raised when the supplied expression does not conform to the json-formula grammar. -
is raised when coercion is required for the current evaluation context, but the coercion is not possible.
4. Grammar
The grammar is specified using Antlr. For a machine-readable version of the grammar, see the grammar.g4
file in the source repository.
grammar JsonFormula;
formula : expression EOF ;
: '(' expression ')'
| expression bracketExpression
| bracketExpression
| objectExpression
| expression '.' chainedExpression
| '!' expression
| '-' expression
| expression ('*' | '/') expression
| expression ('+' | '-' | '~') expression
| expression '&' expression
| expression COMPARATOR expression
| expression '&&' expression
| expression '||' expression
| expression '|' expression
| identifier
| wildcard
| arrayExpression
| functionExpression
| currentNode
: identifier
| arrayExpression
| objectExpression
| functionExpression
| wildcard
wildcard : '*' ;
arrayExpression : '[' expression (',' expression)* ']' ;
: '{' keyvalExpr (',' keyvalExpr)* '}'
keyvalExpr : identifier ':' expression ;
: '[' '*' ']'
| '[' slice ']'
| '[' ']'
| '[?' expression ']'
| '[' signedInt ']'
slice : start=signedInt? ':' stop=signedInt? (':' step=signedInt?)? ;
: '<'
| '<='
| '=='
| '='
| '>='
| '>'
| '!='
| '<>'
: NAME '(' functionArg (',' functionArg)* ')'
| NAME '(' ')'
: expression
| expressionType
currentNode : '@' ;
expressionType : '&' expression ;
: '-'? INT+
NAME : [a-zA-Z_$] [a-zA-Z0-9_$]* ;
QUOTED_NAME : '\'' (ESC | ~ ['\\])* '\'';
: '`' (ESC | ~ [\\`]+)* '`'
STRING : '"' (ESC | ~["\\])* '"' ;
fragment ESC : '\\' (UNICODE | [bfnrt\\`'"/]);
fragment UNICODE
fragment HEX
: [0-9a-fA-F]
: INT? '.' [0-9] + EXP?
: [0-9]+
fragment EXP
: [Ee] [+\-]? INT
: [ \t\n\r] + -> skip
4.1. Operator Precedence
The antlr grammar defines operator precedence by the order of expressions in the grammar. These are the operators listed from strongest to weakest binding:
Bracket Expression
(chained expressions) -
Unary not
, unary minus:-
, divide:/
, subtract:-
, union:~
Comparison operators:
5. Literals
5.1. JSON Literals
JSON_LITERAL: '`' (ESC | ~ [\\`]+)* '`';
A JSON literal expression allows arbitrary JSON objects to be
specified anywhere an expression is permitted. Implementations should
use a JSON parser to parse these literals. Note that the backtick character
( `
) character must be escaped in a JSON literal which means
implementations need to handle this case before passing the resulting string to
a JSON parser.
eval(`"foo"`, {}) -> "foo"
eval(`"foo\`bar"`, {}) -> "foo`bar"
eval(`[1, 2]`, {}) -> [1, 2]
eval(`true`, {}) -> true
eval(`{"a": "b"}`.a, {}) -> "b"
eval({first: a, type: `"mytype"`}, {"a": "b", "c": "d"})
-> {"first": "b", "type": "mytype"}
5.2. String Literals
STRING : '"' (ESC | ~["\\])* '"' ;
fragment ESC : '\\' (UNICODE | [bfnrt\\`'"/]);
fragment UNICODE
fragment HEX
: [0-9a-fA-F]
literal is a value enclosed in double quotes and supports the same character escape sequences as strings in JSON, as encoded by the ESC
e.g., a character 'A' could be specified as the unicode sequence: \u0041
A string literal can also be expressed as a JSON literal. For example, the following expressions both evaluate to the same value: "foo"
eval(`"foo"`, {}) -> "foo"
eval("foo", {}) -> "foo"
5.3. Number literals
: INT? '.' [0-9] + EXP?
: [0-9]+
fragment EXP
: [Ee] [+\-]? INT
Number literals follow the same syntax rules as numeric values in JSON with three exceptions:
Number literals may omit a leading zero before the decimal point. For example,
is not valid JSON, but is allowed as a number literal. -
Number literals may include leading zeros ahead of the integral part of the number. For example,
is not valid JSON, but is allowed as a number literal. -
The grammar construction for a number literal does not include a minus sign. Literal expressions are made negative by prefixing them with a unary minus.
Note that number literals (and JSON numbers) allow scientific notation.
eval(44, {}) -> 44
eval([12, 13], {}) -> [12, 13]
eval({a: 12, b: 13}, {}) -> {"a": 12, "b": 13}
eval(foo | [1], {"foo": [3,4,5]}) -> 4
eval(foo | @[-1], {"foo": [3,4,5]}) -> 5
eval(foo | [1, 2], {"foo": [3,4,5]}) -> [1, 2]
eval(6 / 3, {}) -> 2
eval(1e2, {}) -> 100
6. Identifiers
NAME : [a-zA-Z_$] [a-zA-Z0-9_$]* ;
QUOTED_NAME : '\'' (ESC | ~ ['\\])* '\'';
An identifier
is the most basic expression and can be used to extract a
single element from a JSON document. The return value for an identifier
is the value associated with the identifier. If the identifier
does not exist in the JSON document, then a null
value is returned.
Using the NAME
token grammar rule, identifiers can be one or more characters,
and must start with a character in the range: A-Za-z_$
When an identifier has a
character sequence that does not match a NAME
token, an identifier shall follow the QUOTED_NAME
token rule where an identifier is specified with a single quote ('
), followed by
any number of characters, followed by another single quote. Any valid string can be placed between single quotes, including JSON escape sequences.
eval(foo, {"foo": "value"}) -> "value"
eval(bar, {"foo": "value"}) -> null
eval(foo, {"foo": [0, 1, 2]}) -> [0, 1, 2]
eval('with space', {"with space": "value"}) -> "value"
eval('special chars: !@#"', {"special chars: !@#": "value"}) -> "value"
eval('quote\'char', {"quote'char": "value"}) -> "value"
eval('\u2713', {"\u2713": "value"}) -> "value"
7. Operators
7.1. Comparison Operators
The following comparison operators are supported:
: test for equality -
: test for inequality -
: less than -
: less than or equal to -
: greater than -
: greater than or equal to
7.1.1. Equality Operators
Two representations of the equality and inequality operators are supported: =
and ==
are equivalent in functionality. Both variations are supported in order to provide familiarity to users with experience with similar grammars. Similarly, !=
and <>
function identically. Note that there is no ambiguity with the =
operator, since json-formula does not have an assignment operator.
is equal to anotherstring
if they they have the exact same sequence of code points -
values are compared for an exact match. When comparing fractional values, authors should take into account floating point precision considerations. -
The literal values
are equal only to their own literal values -
Two JSON objects are equal if they have the same set of keys and values. Two JSON objects
, are consider equal if they have the same number of key/value pairs and if, for each key value pair(i, j)
, there exists an equivalent pair(i, j)
Two JSON arrays are equal if they have equal elements in the same order. Two arrays
are considered equal if they have the same length and, for eachi
,x[i] == y[i]
The comparison of array and objects is a deep comparison. That is, where nested arrays or objects are found, the nested elements will included in the comparison.
7.1.2. Ordering Operators
Ordering comparisons follow these rules:
If both operands are numbers, a numeric comparison is performed
If both operands are strings, they are compared as strings, based on the values of the Unicode code points they contain
If operands are mixed types, type coercion to number is applied before performing the comparison
7.2. Numeric Operators
The following operators work with numeric operands:
eval(left + right, {"left": 8, "right": 12 }) -> 20
eval(right - left - 10, {"left": 8, "right": 12 }) -> -6
eval(4 + 2 * 4, {}) -> 12
eval(10 / 2 * 3, {}) -> 15
7.3. Concatenation Operator
The concatenation operator (&
) takes two string operands and combines them to form a single string.
eval(left & value & right,
{"left": "[", "right": "]", "value": "abc" }) -> "[abc]"
eval(map(values, &"$" & @), {"values": [123.45, 44.32, 99.00] }) ->
["$123.45", "$44.32", "$99"]
7.4. Array Operands
The numeric and concatenation operators (+
, -
, *
, /
, &
) have special behavior when applied to arrays.
When both operands are arrays, a new array is returned where the elements are populated by applying the operator on each element of the left operand array with the corresponding element from the right operand array
If both operands are arrays and they do not have the same size, the shorter array is padded with null values
If one operand is an array and one is a scalar value, a new array is returned where the operator is applied with the scalar against each element in the array
eval([1,2,3] + [2,3,4], {}) -> [3,5,7]
eval([1,2,3,4] * [1,2,3], {}) -> [1,4,9,0]
eval([1,2,3,4] & "%", {}) -> ["1%", "2%", "3%", "4%"]
7.4.1. Union Operator
The union operator (~
) returns an array formed by concatenating the contents of two arrays.
eval(a ~ b, {"a": [0,1,2], "b": [3,4,5]}) -> [0,1,2,3,4,5]
eval(a ~ b, {"a": [[0,1,2]], "b": [[3,4,5]]}) -> [[0,1,2],[3,4,5]]
eval(a[] ~ b[], {"a": [[0,1,2]], "b": [[3,4,5]]}) -> [0,1,2,3,4,5]
eval(a ~ 10, {"a": [0,1,2]}) -> [0,1,2,10]
eval(a ~ `null`, {"a": [0,1,2]}) -> [0,1,2]
7.5. Boolean Operators
7.5.1. Or Operator
The OR operator (||
) will evaluate to either the left operand or the right
operand. If the left operand can be coerced to a true value, it is used
as the return value. If the left operand cannot be coerced to a true value, then the right operand is used as the return value.
If the left operand is a truth-like value, then the right operand is not evaluated. For example, the expression: if()
will result in a FunctionError
(missing arguments), but the expression true() || if()
will not result in a FunctionError because the right operand is not evaluated.
The following conditions cannot be coerced to true:
Empty array:
Empty object:
Empty string:
False boolean:
Null value:
zero value:
eval(foo || bar, {"foo": "foo-value"}) -> "foo-value"
eval(foo || bar, {"bar": "bar-value"}) -> "bar-value"
eval(foo || bar, {"foo": "foo-value", "bar": "bar-value"}) -> "foo-value"
eval(foo || bar, {"baz": "baz-value"}) -> null
eval(foo || bar || baz, {"baz": "baz-value"}) -> "baz-value"
eval(override || myarray[-1], {"myarray": ["one", "two"]}) -> "two"
eval(override || myarray[-1], {"myarray": ["one", "two"], "override": "yes"})
-> "yes"
7.5.2. And Operator
The AND operator (&&
) will evaluate to either the left operand or the right
operand. If the left operand is a truth-like value,
then the right operand is returned. Otherwise the left operand is returned. This reduces to the
expected truth table:
LHS | RHS | Result |
True |
True |
True |
True |
False |
False |
False |
True |
False |
False |
False |
False |
This is the standard truth table for a logical conjunction.
If the left operand is not a truth-like value, then the right operand is not evaluated. For example, the expression: true() && if()
will result in a FunctionError
(missing arguments), but the expression false() && if()
will not result in an error because the right operand is not evaluated.
eval(True && False, {"True": true, "False": false}) -> false
eval(Number && EmptyList, {"Number": 5, "EmptyList": []}) -> []
eval(foo[?a == `1` && b == `2`],
{"foo": [{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"a": 1, "b": 3}]}) -> [{"a": 1, "b": 2}]
7.6. Unary Operators
7.6.1. Not Operator
A unary NOT operator (!
) is a boolean operator that negates the result of an expression. If the expression
results in a truth-like value, NOT operator will change this value to
. If the expression results in a false-like value, a
NOT operator will change the value to true
eval(!True, {"True": true}) -> false
eval(!False, {"False": false}) -> true
eval(!Number, {"Number": 5}) -> false
eval(!EmptyList, {"EmptyList": []}) -> true
7.6.2. Minus Operator
A unary Minus operator (-
) is a numeric operator that negates the value of an operand.
eval(-11, {}) -> -11
eval(-n, {"n": 5, "nn": -10}) -> -5
eval(-nn, {"n": 5, "nn": -10}) -> 10
eval(--n, {"n": 5, "nn": -10}) -> 5
8. Expressions
8.1. Chained Expressions
expression: expression '.' chainedExpression
: identifier
| arrayExpression
| objectExpression
| functionExpression
| wildcard
wildcard : '*' ;
A chained expression is a combination of two expressions separated by the dot (.
) char.
A chained expression is evaluated as follows:
Evaluate the expression on the left against the source JSON document
Evaluate the expression on the right against the result of the left expression evaluation
In pseudo-code
left-evaluation = eval(left-expression, original-json-document)
result = eval(right-expression, left-evaluation)
A chained expression is itself an expression, so there can be multiple levels of
chained expressions: grandparent.parent.child
Given a JSON document: {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}
, and a json-formula expression:
, the evaluation process would be
left-evaluation = eval(foo, {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}) -> {"bar": "baz"}
result = eval(bar, {"bar": "baz"}) -> "baz"
The final result in this example is "baz"
Additional examples
eval(, {"foo": {"bar": "value"}}) -> "value"
eval(foo.'bar', {"foo": {"bar": "value"}}) -> "value"
eval(, {"foo": {"baz": "value"}}) -> null
eval(, {"foo": {"bar": {"baz": "value"}}}) -> "value"
8.2. Bracket Expressions
expression: expression bracketExpression
: '[' '*' ']'
| '[?' expression ']'
| '[' signedInt ']'
| '[' slice ']'
| '[' ']'
: '-'? INT+
From the bracketExpression
construction, the bracketed contents provide access to the elements in an array.
The wildcard: (
'[' '*' ']'
) variation is discussed in the Wildcard Expressions section -
The filtering: (
'[?' expression ']'
) variation is discussed in the Filter Expressions section
8.2.1. Index Expressions
When brackets enclose a signed integer ('[' signedInt ']'
), the integer value is used to index into an array.
Indexing is 0 based where an index of 0 refers to the first element of the array. A negative index indicates that indexing is relative to the end of the array, specifically:
negative-index == (length of array) + negative-index
Given an array of length N
, an index of -1
would be equal to a positive
index of N - 1
, which is the last element of the array.
An index value is outside the bounds of the array when the value is greater than or equal to the length of the array or less than the negative length of the array.
If an index is outside the bounds of the array then a value of null
is returned.
eval(a[1], {a: [5,6,7,8,9]}) -> 6
eval(a[-2], {a: [5,6,7,8,9]}) -> 8
eval([0], ["first", "second", "third"]) -> "first"
eval([-1], ["first", "second", "third"]) -> "third"
eval([100], ["first", "second", "third"]) -> null
eval(foo[0], {"foo": ["first", "second", "third"]}) -> "first"
eval(foo[100], {"foo": ["first", "second", "third"]}) -> null
eval(foo[0][0], {"foo": [[0, 1], [1, 2]]}) -> 0
8.2.2. Slices
slice : start=signedInt? ':' stop=signedInt? (':' step=signedInt?)? ;
A slice expression allows you to select a contiguous subset of an array. A
slice has a start
, stop
, and step
value. The general form of a
slice is [start:stop:step]
. Each component of the slice is optional and can
be omitted, but there must be at least one colon (:
) character.
Slices in json-formula have the same semantics as python slices. If you’re familiar with python slices, you’re familiar with json-formula slices.
Given a start
, stop
, and step
value, the sub elements in an array
are extracted as follows:
The first element in the extracted array is the index denoted by
. -
The last element in the extracted array is the index denoted by
stop - 1
. -
value determines the amount by which the index increases or decreases. The default step value is 1. For example, a step value of 2 will return every second value from the array. If step is negative, slicing is performed in reverse — from the last (stop) element to the start.
Slice expressions adhere to the following rules:
If a negative start position is given, it is calculated as the total length of the array plus the given start position.
If no start position is given, it is assumed to be 0 if the given step is greater than 0 or the end of the array if the given step is less than 0.
If a negative stop position is given, it is calculated as the total length of the array plus the given stop position.
If no stop position is given and the given step is greater than 0 then the stop is assumed to be the length of the array.
If no stop position is given and the given step is less than 0, then the stop is assumed to be negative (length+1).
If the given step is omitted, it is assumed to be 1.
If the given step is 0, an
error must be raised. -
If the element being sliced is not an array, the result is
. -
If the element being sliced is an array and yields no results, the result must be an empty array.
eval([0:4:1], [0, 1, 2, 3]) -> [0, 1, 2, 3]
eval([0:4], [0, 1, 2, 3]) -> [0, 1, 2, 3]
eval([0:3], [0, 1, 2, 3]) -> [0, 1, 2]
eval([:2], [0, 1, 2, 3]) -> [0, 1]
eval([::2], [0, 1, 2, 3]) -> [0, 2]
eval([::-1], [0, 1, 2, 3]) -> [3, 2, 1, 0]
eval([-2:], [0, 1, 2, 3]) -> [2, 3]
8.2.3. Flatten Operator
When the character sequence []
is provided as a bracket specifier, then
a flattening operation occurs on the current result. The flattening operator
will merge one level of sub-arrays in the current result into a single array. The flattening
operator follows these processing steps:
Create an empty result array
Iterate over the elements of the current result
If the current element is not an array, add to the end of the result array
If the current element is an array, add each element of the current element to the end of the result array
The result array is returned as a projection
Once the flattening operation has been performed, subsequent operations
are projected onto the flattened array. The difference between a bracketed wildcard ([*]
) and flatten ([]
) is that
flatten will first merge sub-arrays.
eval(foo[], {"foo": [[0, 1], [1, 2], 3]}) -> [0,1,1,2,3]
eval(foo[], {"foo": [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3,[4,5]]]}) -> [0,1,1,2,3,[4,5]]
eval(foo[][], {"foo": [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3,[4,5]]]}) -> [0,1,1,2,3,4,5]
8.3. Projections
Projections allow you to apply an expression to a collection of elements. Projections are created when any form of a Bracket Expression transforms a source array or when a wildcard is applied to an object:
Given the source JSON:
"items": [
"desc": "pens",
"price": 3.23
"desc": "pencils",
"price": 1.34
"desc": "staplers",
"price": 10.79
These expressions will create a projection:
When a chained expression or bracket expression is applied to a projection, their behavior is changed so that the expression is applied to each element of the projection, rather than the underlying array itself.
eval(items[*].desc, items) -> ["pens", "pencils", "staplers"]
eval(items[*].desc.upper(@), items) -> ["PENS", "PENCILS", "STAPLERS"]
eval(items[].*, items) -> [
["pens", 3.23],
["pencils", 1.34],
["staplers", 10.79]
eval(items[0:2].price * 2, items) -> [6.46, 2.68]
eval(items[?price < 3], items) -> [{"desc": "pencils", "price": 1.34}]
A pipe expression will stop the current projection and process it as a normal array.
For example, if you wanted to sum the price
values, this expression: items[*].price.sum(@)
will sum each individual price, returning: [3.23,1.34,10.79]
. Whereas using a pipe operator will sum the array: items[*].price | sum(@) → 15.36
8.4. Paren Expressions
parenExpression = '(' expression ')'
A parenExpression
allows a user to override the precedence order of
an expression
e.g. (a || b) && c
eval(foo[?(a == 1 || b == 2) && c == 5],
{"foo": [{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": 3, "b": 4}]}) -> []
8.5. Array Expression
arrayExpression : '[' expression (',' expression)* ']' ;
An array expression is used to extract a subset of elements from the JSON document into an array. Within the start and closing brackets are one or more expressions separated by a comma. Each expression will be evaluated against the JSON document, and each result will be added to the array
An arrayExpression
with N
expressions will result in an array of length N
. Given an array
expression [expr-1,expr-2,…,expr-n]
, the evaluated expression will return
[evaluate(expr-1), evaluate(expr-2), …, evaluate(expr-n)]
Given an array expression: [n, "doubled", n * 2]
and the
data {"n": 4}
, the expression is evaluated as follows:
An empty array is created:
The expression
is evaluated against the source document and the result (4
) is appended to the array -
The literal expression
is appended to the array -
The expression
n * 2
is evaluated against the source document and the result (8
) is appended to the array
The final result will be: [4, "doubled", 8]
eval([foo,bar], {"foo": "a", "bar": "b", "baz": "c"}) -> ["a", "b"]
eval([foo,bar[0]], {"foo": "a", "bar": ["b"], "baz": "c"}) -> ["a", "b"]
eval([foo,bar.baz], {"foo": "a", "bar": {"baz": "b"}}) -> ["a", "b"]
eval([foo,baz], {"foo": "a", "bar": "b"}) -> ["a", null]
The grammar contains one ambiguity: a bracket with a single signed digit e.g., [0]
can be interpreted as a flatten operation or an arrayExpression
with the number zero. To resolve this ambiguity, the grammar sets a precedence order so that [-?[0-9]]
is treated as a an index expression. To explicitly express an array with one element, use a JSON literal: `[0]`
8.6. Object Expression
objectExpression = "{" ( keyvalExpr ( "," keyvalExpr )*)? "}"
keyvalExpr = identifier ":" expression
An object expression is used to extract a subset of elements from the JSON document into an object.
An objectExpression
requires key names to be provided, as
specified in the keyvalExpr
rule. Given the following rule
keyvalExpr = identifier ":" expression
The identifier
is used as the key name and the result of evaluating the
is the value associated with the identifier
Each keyvalExpr
within the objectExpression
will correspond to a
single key value pair in the created object. If a key is specified more than once, the last value will be used.
Consistent with an arrayExpression
, an objectExpression
may not be empty. To create an empty object, use a JSON literal:
Given an object expression {foo: one.two, bar: bar}
and the
data {"bar": "bar", {"one": {"two": "one-two"}}}
, the expression is
evaluated as follows:
An object is created:
A key
is created whose value is the result of evaluatingone.two
against the provided JSON document:{"foo": evaluate(one.two, <data>)}
A key
is created whose value is the result of evaluating the expressionbar
against the provided JSON document. If keybar
already exists, it is replaced.
The final result will be: {"foo": "one-two", "bar": "bar"}
Additional examples:
eval({foo: foo, bar: bar}, {"foo": "a", "bar": "b", "baz": "c"})
-> {"foo": "a", "bar": "b"}
eval({foo: foo, firstbar: bar[0]}, {"foo": "a", "bar": ["b"]})
-> {"foo": "a", "firstbar": "b"}
eval({foo: foo, 'bar.baz': bar.baz}, {"foo": "a", "bar": {"baz": "b"}})
-> {"foo": "a", "bar.baz": "b"}
eval({foo: foo, baz: baz}, {"foo": "a", "bar": "b"})
-> {"foo": "a", "baz": null}
eval({foo: foo, foo: 42}, {"foo": "a", "bar": "b"})
-> {"foo": 42}
8.7. Wildcard Expressions
There are two forms of wildcard expression:
from thebracketExpression
construction:bracketExpression : '[' '*' ']' | '[' slice ']' | '[' ']' | '[?' expression ']' | '[' expression ']' ;
from thechainedExpression
expression : expression '.' chainedExpression chainedExpression : identifier | arrayExpression | objectExpression | functionExpression | wildcard ; wildcard : '*' ;
The [*]
syntax (referred to as an array wildcard expression) may be applied to arrays, and will return a projection with all
the elements of the source array. If an array
wildcard expression is applied to any other JSON type, a value of null
The .*
syntax (referred to as an object wildcard expression) may be applied to objects and will return an array
of the values from the object key/value pairs.
If an object wildcard expression is applied to any other JSON type, a value of
is returned.
Note that JSON objects are explicitly defined as unordered. Therefore an object wildcard expression can return the values associated with the object in any order.
eval([*].foo, [{"foo": 1}, {"foo": 2}, {"foo": 3}]) -> [1, 2, 3]
eval([*].foo, [{"foo": 1}, {"foo": 2}, {"bar": 3}]) -> [1, 2, null]
eval(*.foo, {"a": {"foo": 1}, "b": {"foo": 2}, "c": {"bar": 1}}) ->
[1, 2, null]
8.8. currentNode
currentNode : '@' ;
The currentNode
token represents the node being
evaluated in the current context. The currentNode
token is commonly used for:
Functions that require the current node as an argument
Filter Expressions that examine elements of an array
Access to the current context in projections.
json-formula assumes that all expressions operate on the current node. Because of this, an
expression such as
would be equivalent to just name
8.8.1. currentNode state
At the start of an expression, the value of the current node is the data
being evaluated by the json-formula expression. As an expression is evaluated, currentNode
must change to reflect the node
being evaluated. When in a projection, the current node value must be changed
to the node being evaluated by the projection.
"family": [
{"name": "frank", "age": 22},
{"name": "jane", "age": 23}
eval([0].name, {...}) -> "frank"
eval(family[].[left(, age], {...}) ->
[["f", 22], ["j", 23]]
eval(family[?@.age == 23], {...}) -> [{"name": "jane", "age": 23}]
eval(family[?age == 23], {...}) -> [{"name": "jane", "age": 23}]
eval(family[].name.proper(@), {...}) -> ["Frank", "Jane"]
eval(family[].age | avg(@), {...}) -> 22.5
8.9. Filter Expressions
: '[' '*' ']'
| '[' slice ']'
| '[' ']'
| '[?' expression ']'
| '[' expression ']'
A filter expression is defined by a bracketExpression
where the bracket contents are prefixed with a question mark character (?
A filter expression provides a way to select array elements based on a
comparison to another expression. A filter expression is evaluated as follows:
For each element in an array evaluate the
against the element. -
If the expression evaluates to a truth-like value, the item (in its entirety) is added to the result array.
If the expression does not evaluate to a truth-like value it is excluded from the result array.
A filter expression may be applied to arrays. Attempting
to evaluate a filter expression against any other type will return null
foo[?a < b],
"foo": [
{"a": "char", "b": "bar"},
{"a": 2, "b": 1},
{"a": 1, "b": 2},
{"a": false, "b": "1"},
{"a": 10, "b": "12"}
[ {"a": 1, "b": 2},
{"a": false, "b": "1"},
{"a": 10, "b": "12"} ]
The five elements in the foo array are evaluated against a < b
The first element resolves to the comparison
"char" < "bar"
, and because these types are string, the comparison of code points returnsfalse
, and the first element is excluded from the result array. -
The second element resolves to
2 < 1
, which isfalse
, so the second element is excluded from the result array. -
The third expression resolves to
1 < 2
which evaluates totrue
, so the third element is included in the result array. -
The fourth expression resolves to
false < "1"
. Since the left hand operand is boolean, both operands are coerced to numbers and evaluated as:0 < 1
and so the fourth element included in the result array. -
The final expression resolves to
10 < "12"
. Since we have mixed operands, the operands are coerced to numbers and evaluated as:10 < 12
and the last element is included in the result array.
eval(foo[?bar==10], {"foo": [{"bar": 1}, {"bar": 10}]}) -> [{"bar": 10}]
eval([?bar==10], [{"bar": 1}, {"bar": 10}]}) -> [{"bar": 10}]
eval(foo[?a==b], {"foo": [{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"a": 2, "b": 2}]})
-> [{"a": 2, "b": 2}]
8.10. Pipe Expressions
pipeExpression = expression '|' expression
A pipe expression combines two expressions, separated by the pipe (|
) character.
It is similar to a chained expression with two distinctions:
Any expression can be used on the right hand side. A chained expression restricts the type of expression that can be used on the right hand side.
A pipe expression stops projections on the left hand side from propagating to the right hand side. If the left expression creates a projection, the right hand side will receive the array underlying the projection.
For example, given the following data
{"foo": [{"bar": ["first1", "second1"]}, {"bar": ["first2", "second2"]}]}
The expression foo[*].bar
gives the result of
The first part of the expression, foo[*]
, creates a projection. At this
point, the remaining expression, bar
is projected onto each element of the
array created from foo[*]
. If you project the [0]
expression, you will
get the first element from each sub array. The expression foo[*].bar[0]
will return
["first1", "first2"]
If you instead wanted only the first sub array, ["first1", "second1"]
, you
can use a pipe expression.
foo[*].bar[0] -> ["first1", "first2"]
foo[*].bar | [0] -> ["first1", "second1"]
eval(foo | bar, {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}) -> "baz"
eval(foo[*].bar | [0], {
"foo": [{"bar": ["first1", "second1"]},
{"bar": ["first2", "second2"]}]}) -> ["first1", "second1"]
eval(foo | [0], {"foo": [0, 1, 2]}) -> 0
9. Functions
: NAME '(' functionArg (',' functionArg)* ')'
| NAME '(' ')'
: expression
| expressionType
expressionType : '&' expression ;
json-formula has a robust set of built-in functions. Each function has a signature that defines the expected types of the input and the type of the returned output.
return_type function_name(type $argname)
return_type function_name2(type1|type2 $argname)
Functions support the set of standard json-formula data types. If the resolved arguments cannot be coerced to
match the types specified in the signature, a TypeError
error occurs.
As a shorthand, the type any
is used to indicate that the function argument can be
of any of (array|object|number|string|boolean|null
The expression type, (denoted by &expression
), is used to specify an
expression that is not immediately evaluated. Instead, a reference to that
expression is provided to the function being called. The function can then apply the expression reference as needed. It is semantically similar
to an anonymous function. See the sortBy() function for an example of the expression type.
The result of the functionExpression
is the result returned by the
function call. If a functionExpression
is evaluated for a function that
does not exist, a FunctionError
error is raised.
Functions can either have a specific arity or be variadic with a minimum
number of arguments. If a functionExpression
is encountered where the
arity does not match, or the minimum number of arguments for a variadic function
is not provided, or too many arguments are provided, then a
error is raised.
Functions are evaluated in applicative order:
- Each argument must be an expression
- Each argument expression must be evaluated before evaluating the
- Each argument expression result must be coerced to the expected type
- If coercion is not possible, a TypeError
error is raised
- The function is then called with the evaluated function arguments.
The one exception to this rule is the if(expr, result1, result2)
function. In this case either the result1
expression or the result2
expression is evaluated, depending on the outcome of expr
Consider this example using the abs() function. Given:
{"foo": -1, "bar": "2"}
Evaluating abs(foo)
works as follows:
Evaluate the input argument against the current data:
eval(foo, {"foo": -1, "bar": "2"}) -> -1
Coerce the type of the resolved argument if needed. In this case
is of typenumber
so no coercion is needed. -
Validate the type of the coerced argument. In this case
is of typenumber
so it passes the type check. -
Call the function with the resolved argument:
abs(-1) -> 1
Below is the same steps for evaluating abs(bar)
Evaluate the input argument against the current data:
eval(bar, {"foo": -1, "bar": "2"}) -> "2"
Attempt to coerce the result to the required number type. In this case, coerce
. -
Validate the type of the coerced argument. In this case
is of typenumber
so it passes the type check. -
Call the function with the resolved and coerced argument:
abs(2) -> 2
Function expressions are allowed as the child element of a chained expression.
The function is then evaluated in the context of the parent expression result. For example: [1,2,3].sum(@) → 6
When the parent expression is a projection a chained function expression
will be applied to every element in the projection. For example, given the input
data of ["1", "2", "3", "notanumber", true]
, the following expression can
be used to convert all elements to numbers:
eval([].toNumber(@), ["1", "2", "3", "notanumber", null, true]) -> [1,2,3,null,0,1]
9.1. Function Reference
abs acos and asin atan2 avg casefold ceil codePoint contains cos datedif datetime day debug deepScan endsWith entries eomonth exp false find floor fromCodePoint fromEntries fround hasProperty hour if join keys left length log log10 lower map max merge mid millisecond min minute mod month not notNull now null or power proper random reduce register replace rept reverse right round search second sign sin sort sortBy split sqrt startsWith stdev stdevp substitute sum tan time toArray toDate today toNumber toString trim true trunc type unique upper value values weekday year zip
9.1.1. abs
abs(value) ⇒ number
- Description
Find the absolute (non-negative) value of the provided argument
. - Returns
number - If
value < 0
, returns-value
, otherwise returnsvalue
- Parameters
Param Type Description value
a numeric value
abs(-1) // returns 1
9.1.2. acos
acos(cosine) ⇒ number
- Description
Compute the inverse cosine (in radians) of a number.
- Returns
number - The inverse cosine angle in radians between 0 and PI
- Parameters
Param Type Description cosine
A number between -1 and 1, inclusive, representing the angle’s cosine value.
acos(0) => 1.5707963267948966
9.1.3. and
and(firstOperand, […additionalOperands]) ⇒ boolean
- Description
Finds the logical AND result of all parameters. If the parameters are not boolean they will be cast to boolean. Note the related And Operator.
- Returns
boolean - The logical result of applying AND to all parameters
- Parameters
Param Type Description firstOperand
logical expression
any number of additional expressions
and(10 > 8, length("foo") < 5) // returns true
and(`null`, length("foo") < 5) // returns false
9.1.4. asin
asin(sine) ⇒ number
- Description
Compute the inverse sine (in radians) of a number.
- Returns
number - The inverse sine angle in radians between -PI/2 and PI/2
- Parameters
Param Type Description sine
A number between -1 and 1, inclusive, representing the angle’s sine value.
Math.asin(0) => 0
9.1.5. atan2
atan2(y, x) ⇒ number
- Description
Compute the angle in the plane (in radians) between the positive x-axis and the ray from (0, 0) to the point (x, y)
- Returns
number - The angle in radians (between -PI and PI), between the positive x-axis and the ray from (0, 0) to the point (x, y).
- Parameters
Param Type Description y
The y coordinate of the point
The x coordinate of the point
atan2(20,10) => 1.1071487177940904
9.1.6. avg
avg(elements) ⇒ number
- Description
Finds the average of the elements in an array. If the array is empty, an evaluation error is thrown
- Returns
number - average value
- Parameters
Param Type Description elements
array of numeric values
avg([1, 2, 3]) // returns 2
9.1.7. casefold
casefold(input) ⇒ string
- Description
Generates a lower-case string of the
string using locale-specific mappings. e.g. Strings with German letter ß (eszett) can be compared to "ss" - Returns
string - A new string converted to lower case
- Parameters
Param Type Description input
string to casefold
casefold("AbC") // returns "abc"
9.1.8. ceil
ceil(num) ⇒ integer
- Description
Finds the next highest integer value of the argument
by rounding up if necessary. i.e. ceil() rounds toward positive infinity. - Returns
integer - The smallest integer greater than or equal to num
- Parameters
Param Type Description num
numeric value
ceil(10) // returns 10
ceil(10.4) // return 11
9.1.9. codePoint
codePoint(str) ⇒ integer
- Description
Retrieve the first code point from a string
- Returns
integer - Unicode code point value. If the input string is empty, returns
. - Parameters
Param Type Description str
source string.
codePoint("ABC") // 65
9.1.10. contains
contains(subject, search) ⇒ boolean
- Description
Determines if the given
. Ifsubject
is an array, this function returns true if one of the elements in the array is equal to thesearch
value. Ifsubject
is a string, return true if the string contains thesearch
value. - Returns
boolean - true if found
- Parameters
Param Type Description subject
array | string
The element to be searched
element to find. If
is an array, search for an exact match forsearch
in the array. Ifsubject
is a string,search
must also be a string.
contains([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) // returns true
contains([1, 2, 3, 4], -1) // returns false
contains("Abcd", "d") // returns true
contains("Abcd", "x") // returns false
9.1.11. cos
cos(angle) ⇒ number
- Description
Compute the cosine (in radians) of a number.
- Returns
number - The cosine of the angle, between -1 and 1, inclusive.
- Parameters
Param Type Description angle
A number representing an angle in radians
cos(1.0471975512) => 0.4999999999970535
9.1.12. datedif
datedif(start_date, end_date, unit) ⇒ integer
- Description
Return difference between two date values. The measurement of the difference is determined by the
parameter. One of:-
the number of whole years betweenstart_date
the number of whole months betweenstart_date
. -
the number of days betweenstart_date
the number of whole months betweenstart_date
after subtracting whole years. -
the number of days betweenstart_date
, assumingstart_date
were no more than one year apart
- Returns
integer - The number of days/months/years difference
- Parameters
Param Type Description start_date
The starting date/time value. Date/time values can be generated using the datetime, toDate, today, now and time functions.
The end date/time value – must be greater or equal to start_date. If not, an error will be thrown.
Case-insensitive string representing the unit of time to measure. An unrecognized unit will result in an error.
datedif(datetime(2001, 1, 1), datetime(2003, 1, 1), "y") // returns 2
datedif(datetime(2001, 6, 1), datetime(2003, 8, 15), "D") // returns 805
// 805 days between June 1, 2001, and August 15, 2003
datedif(datetime(2001, 6, 1), datetime(2003, 8, 15), "YD") // returns 75
// 75 days between June 1 and August 15, ignoring the years of the dates (75)
9.1.13. datetime
datetime(year, month, day, [hours], [minutes], [seconds], [milliseconds]) ⇒ number
- Description
Generate a date/time value from individual date/time parts. If any of the units are greater than their normal range, the overflow will be added to the next greater unit. e.g. specifying 25 hours will increment the day value by 1. Similarly, negative values will decrement the next greater unit. e.g. datetime(year, month, day - 30) will return a date 30 days earlier.
- Returns
number - A date/time value to be used with other date/time functions
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description year
The year to use for date construction. Values from 0 to 99 map to the years 1900 to 1999. All other values are the actual year
The month: beginning with 1 for January to 12 for December.
The day of the month.
Integer value between 0 and 23 representing the hour of the day.
Integer value representing the minute segment of a time.
Integer value representing the second segment of a time.
Integer value representing the millisecond segment of a time.
datetime(2010, 10, 10) // returns representation of October 10, 2010
datetime(2010, 2, 28) // returns representation of February 28, 2010
datetime(2023,13,5) | year(@) & "/" & month(@) // returns 2024/1
9.1.14. day
day(date) ⇒ integer
day(datetime(2008,5,23)) // returns 23
9.1.15. debug
debug(arg, [displayValue]) ⇒ any
- Description
Debug a json-formula expression. The
function allows users to inspect a sub-expression within a formula. - Returns
any - The value of the
parameter - Parameters
Param Type Default Description arg
The expression to return from
function, and the default expression to be debugged. May be any type except an expression.[displayValue]
any | expression
Optionally override the value to be debugged.
may be an expression to be evaluated with the context ofarg
avg(([1,2,3] * [2,3,4]).debug(@)).round(@,3) // 6.667
avg(debug([1,2,3] * [2,3,4],&"average of: " &toString(@))).round(@,3) // 6.667
9.1.16. deepScan
deepScan(object, name) ⇒ Array.<any>
- Description
Performs a depth-first search of a nested hierarchy to return an array of key values that match a
. The name can be either a key into an object or an array index. This is similar to the Descendant Accessor operator (..
) from E4X. - Returns
Array.<any> - The array of matched elements
- Parameters
Param Type Description object
object | array | null
The starting object or array where we start the search
string | integer
The name (or index position) of the elements to find. If
is a string, search for nested objects with a matching key. Ifname
is an integer, search for nested arrays with a matching index.
deepScan({a : {b1 : {c : 2}, b2 : {c : 3}}}, "c") // returns [2, 3]
9.1.17. endsWith
endsWith(subject, suffix) ⇒ boolean
- Description
Determines if the
string ends with a specificsuffix
- Returns
boolean - true if the
value is at the end of thesubject
- Parameters
Param Type Description subject
source string in which to search
search string
endsWith("Abcd", "d") // returns true
endsWith("Abcd", "A") // returns false
9.1.18. entries
entries(obj) ⇒ Array.<any>
- Description
Returns an array of
[key, value]
pairs from an object or array. ThefromEntries()
function may be used to convert an array to an object. - Returns
Array.<any> - an array of arrays where each child array has two elements representing the key and value of a pair
- Parameters
Param Type Description obj
object | array
source object or array
entries({a: 1, b: 2}) // returns [["a", 1], ["b", 2]]
entries([4,5]) // returns [["0", 4],["1", 5]]
9.1.19. eomonth
eomonth(startDate, monthAdd) ⇒ number
- Description
Finds the date value of the end of a month, given
months - Returns
number - the date of the last day of the month
- Parameters
Param Type Description startDate
The base date to start from. Date/time values can be generated using the datetime, toDate, today, now and time functions.
Number of months to add to start date
eomonth(datetime(2011, 1, 1), 1) | [month(@), day(@)] // returns [2, 28]
eomonth(datetime(2011, 1, 1), -3) | [month(@), day(@)] // returns [10, 31]
9.1.20. exp
exp(x) ⇒ number
- Description
Finds e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power. (i.e. e^x)
- Returns
number - e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to power x
- Parameters
Param Type Description x
A numeric expression representing the power of e.
exp(10) // returns 22026.465794806718
9.1.21. false
false() ⇒ boolean
- Description
Return constant boolean false value. Expressions may also use the JSON literal:
- Returns
boolean - constant boolean value
9.1.22. find
find(findText, withinText, [start]) ⇒ integer | null
- Description
Finds and returns the index of query in text from a start position
- Returns
integer | null - The position of the found string, null if not found.
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description findText
string to search
text to be searched
zero-based position to start searching. If specified,
must be greater than or equal to 0
find("m", "abm") // returns 2
find("M", "abMcdM", 3) // returns 5
find("M", "ab") // returns `null`
find("M", "abMcdM", 2) // returns 2
9.1.23. floor
floor(num) ⇒ integer
- Description
Calculates the next lowest integer value of the argument
by rounding down if necessary. i.e. floor() rounds toward negative infinity. - Returns
integer - The largest integer smaller than or equal to num
- Parameters
Param Type Description num
numeric value
floor(10.4) // returns 10
floor(10) // returns 10
9.1.24. fromCodePoint
fromCodePoint(codePoint) ⇒ string
- Description
Create a string from a code point.
- Returns
string - A string from a given code point
- Parameters
Param Type Description codePoint
An integer between 0 and 0x10FFFF (inclusive) representing a Unicode code point.
fromCodePoint(65) // "A"
fromCodePoint(65) == "\u0041" // true
9.1.25. fromEntries
fromEntries(pairs) ⇒ object
- Description
Returns an object by transforming a list of key-value
into an object.fromEntries()
is the inverse operation ofentries()
. If the nested arrays are not of the form:[key, value]
(where key is a string), an error will be thrown. - Returns
object - An object constructed from the provided key-value pairs
- Parameters
Param Type Description pairs
A nested array of key-value pairs to create the object from The nested arrays must have exactly two values, where the first value is a string. If a key is specified more than once, the last occurrence will override any previous value.
fromEntries([["a", 1], ["b", 2]]) // returns {a: 1, b: 2}
9.1.26. fround
fround(num) ⇒ number
- Description
Compute the nearest 32-bit single precision float representation of a number
- Returns
number - The rounded representation of
- Parameters
Param Type Description num
input to be rounded
fround(2147483650.987) => 2147483648
fround(100.44444444444444444444) => 100.44444274902344
9.1.27. hasProperty
hasProperty(subject, name) ⇒ boolean
- Description
Determine if an object has a property or if an array index is in range.
- Returns
boolean - true if the element exists
- Parameters
Param Type Description subject
object | array | null
source object or array. When querying for hidden properties,
may be any data
string | integer
The name (or index position) of the element to find. if
is an array,name
must be an integer; ifsubject
is an object,name
must be a string.
hasProperty({a: 1, b: 2}, "a") // returns true
hasProperty(["apples", "oranges"], 3) // returns false
hasProperty(`null`, "a") // returns false
9.1.28. hour
hour(date) ⇒ integer
hour(datetime(2008,5,23,12, 0, 0)) // returns 12
hour(time(12, 0, 0)) // returns 12
9.1.29. if
if(condition, result1, result2) ⇒ any
- Description
Return one of two values
, depending on thecondition
- Returns
any - either result1 or result2
- Parameters
Param Type Description condition
boolean result of a logical expression
if condition is true
if condition is false
if(true(), 1, 2) // returns 1
if(false(), 1, 2) // returns 2
9.1.30. join
join(array, glue) ⇒ string
- Description
Combines all the elements from the provided array, joined together using the
argument as a separator between each array element. - Returns
string - String representation of the array
- Parameters
Param Type Description array
array of values that will be converted to strings using
join(["a", "b", "c"], ",") // returns "a,b,c"
join(["apples", "bananas"], " and ") // returns "apples and bananas"
join([1, 2, 3, null()], "|") // returns "1|2|3|null"
9.1.31. keys
keys(obj) ⇒ array
- Description
Generates an array of the keys of the input object. If the object is null, the value return an empty array
- Returns
array - the array of all the key names
- Parameters
Param Type Description obj
the object to examine
keys({a : 3, b : 4}) // returns ["a", "b"]
9.1.32. left
left(subject, [elements]) ⇒ string | array
- Description
Return a substring from the start of a string or the left-most elements of an array
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description subject
string | array
The source text/array of code points/elements
number of elements to pick
left("Sale Price", 4) // returns "Sale"
left("Sweden") // returns "S"
left([4, 5, 6], 2) // returns [4, 5]
9.1.33. length
length(subject) ⇒ integer
- Description
Calculates the length of the input argument based on types:
string: returns the number of unicode code points
array: returns the number of array elements
object: returns the number of key-value pairs
- Returns
integer - the length of the input subject
- Parameters
Param Type Description subject
string | array | object
subject whose length to calculate
length(`[]`) // returns 0
length("") // returns 0
length("abcd") // returns 4
length([1, 2, 3, 4]) // returns 4
length(`{}`) // returns 0
length({a : 3, b : 4}) // returns 2
9.1.34. log
log(num) ⇒ number
- Description
Compute the natural logarithm (base e) of a number
- Returns
number - The natural log value
- Parameters
Param Type Description num
A number greater than zero
log(10) // 2.302585092994046
9.1.35. log10
log10(num) ⇒ number
- Description
Compute the base 10 logarithm of a number.
- Returns
number - The base 10 log result
- Parameters
Param Type Description num
A number greater than or equal to zero
log10(100000) // 5
9.1.36. lower
lower(input) ⇒ string
- Description
Converts all the alphabetic code points in a string to lowercase.
- Returns
string - the lower case value of the input string
- Parameters
Param Type Description input
input string
lower("E. E. Cummings") // returns e. e. cummings
9.1.37. map
map(elements, expr) ⇒ array
- Description
Apply an expression to every element in an array and return the array of results. An input array of length N will return an array of length N.
- Returns
array - the mapped array
- Parameters
Param Type Description elements
array of elements to process
expression to evaluate
map([1, 2, 3, 4], &(@ + 1)) // returns [2, 3, 4, 5]
map(["doe", "nick", "chris"], &length(@)) // returns [3, 4, 5]
9.1.38. max
max(…collection) ⇒ number | string
- Description
Calculates the largest value in the provided
arguments. If all collections are empty, an evaluation error is thrown.max()
can work on numbers or strings, but not a combination of numbers and strings. If all values are null, the result is 0. - Returns
number | string - the largest value found
- Parameters
Param Type Description …collection
Array.<number> | Array.<string> | number | string
values/array(s) in which the maximum element is to be calculated
max([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) // returns 6
max(["a", "a1", "b"]) // returns "b"
max(8, 10, 12) // returns 12
9.1.39. merge
merge(…args) ⇒ object
- Description
Accepts one or more objects, and returns a single object with all objects merged. The first object is copied, and then and each key value pair from each subsequent object are added to the first object. Duplicate keys in subsequent objects will override those found in earlier objects.
- Returns
object - The combined object
- Parameters
Param Type …args
merge({a: 1, b: 2}, {c : 3, d: 4}) // returns {a :1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}
merge({a: 1, b: 2}, {a : 3, d: 4}) // returns {a :3, b: 2, d: 4}
9.1.40. mid
mid(subject, startPos, length) ⇒ string | array
- Description
Extracts a substring from text, or a subset from an array.
- Returns
string | array - The resulting substring or array subset of elements
- Parameters
Param Type Description subject
string | array
the text string or array of elements from which to extract.
the zero-based position of the first code point or element to extract.
The number of code points or elements to return from the string or array. If greater then the length of
the length of the subject is used.
mid("Fluid Flow", 0, 5) // returns "Fluid"
mid("Fluid Flow", 6, 20) // returns "Flow"
mid("Fluid Flow", 20, 5) // returns ""
mid([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 2, 3) // returns [2,3,4]
9.1.41. millisecond
millisecond(date) ⇒ integer
- Description
Extract the milliseconds of the time value in a date/time value.
- Returns
integer - The number of milliseconds: 0 through 999
- Parameters
Param Type Description date
datetime/time for which the millisecond is to be returned. Date/time values can be generated using the datetime, toDate, today, now and time functions.
millisecond(datetime(2008, 5, 23, 12, 10, 53, 42)) // returns 42
9.1.42. min
min(…collection) ⇒ number | string
- Description
Calculates the smallest value in the input arguments. If all collections/values are empty, an evaluation error is thrown.
can work on numbers or strings, but not a combination of numbers and strings. If all values are null, zero is returned. - Returns
number | string - the smallest value found
- Parameters
Param Type Description …collection
Array.<number> | Array.<string> | number | string
Values/arrays to search for the minimum value
min([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) // returns 1
min(["a", "a1", "b"]) // returns "a"
min(8, 10, 12) // returns 8
9.1.43. minute
minute(date) ⇒ integer
- Description
Extract the minute (0 through 59) from a date/time value
- Returns
integer - Number of minutes in the time portion of the date/time value
- Parameters
Param Type Description date
A datetime/time value. Date/time values can be generated using the datetime, toDate, today, now and time functions.
minute(datetime(2008,5,23,12, 10, 0)) // returns 10
minute(time(12, 10, 0)) // returns 10
9.1.44. mod
mod(dividend, divisor) ⇒ number
- Description
Return the remainder when one number is divided by another number.
- Returns
number - Computes the remainder of
. Ifdividend
is negative, the result will also be negative. Ifdividend
is zero, an error is thrown. - Parameters
Param Type Description dividend
The number for which to find the remainder.
The number by which to divide number.
mod(3, 2) // returns 1
mod(-3, 2) // returns -1
9.1.45. month
month(date) ⇒ integer
month(datetime(2008,5,23)) // returns 5
9.1.46. not
not(value) ⇒ boolean
- Description
Compute logical NOT of a value. If the parameter is not boolean it will be cast to boolean Note the related unary NOT operator.
- Returns
boolean - The logical NOT applied to the input parameter
- Parameters
Param Type Description value
any data type
not(length("bar") > 0) // returns false
not(false()) // returns true
not("abcd") // returns false
not("") // returns true
9.1.47. notNull
notNull(…argument) ⇒ any
- Description
Finds the first argument that does not resolve to
. This function accepts one or more arguments, and will evaluate them in order until a non-null argument is encountered. If all arguments values resolve to null, then return a null value. - Parameters
Param Type …argument
notNull(1, 2, 3, 4, `null`) // returns 1
notNull(`null`, 2, 3, 4, `null`) // returns 2
9.1.48. now
now() ⇒ number
- Description
Retrieve the current date/time.
- Returns
number - representation of the current date/time value.
9.1.49. null
null() ⇒ boolean
- Description
Return constant null value. Expressions may also use the JSON literal:
- Returns
boolean - True
9.1.50. or
or(first, […operand]) ⇒ boolean
- Description
Determines the logical OR result of a set of parameters. If the parameters are not boolean they will be cast to boolean. Note the related Or Operator.
- Returns
boolean - The logical result of applying OR to all parameters
- Parameters
Param Type Description first
logical expression
any number of additional expressions
or((x / 2) == y, (y * 2) == x) // true
9.1.51. power
power(a, x) ⇒ number
- Description
raised to a powerx
. (a^x) - Parameters
Param Type Description a
The base number – can be any real number.
The exponent to which the base number is raised.
power(10, 2) // returns 100 (10 raised to power 2)
9.1.52. proper
proper(text) ⇒ string
- Description
Apply proper casing to a string. Proper casing is where the first letter of each word is converted to an uppercase letter and the rest of the letters in the word converted to lowercase. Words are demarcated by whitespace, punctuation, or numbers. Specifically, any character(s) matching the regular expression:
. - Returns
string - source string with proper casing applied.
- Parameters
Param Type Description text
source string
proper("this is a TITLE") // returns "This Is A Title"
proper("2-way street") // returns "2-Way Street"
proper("76BudGet") // returns "76Budget"
9.1.53. random
random() ⇒ number
- Description
Generate a pseudo random number.
- Returns
number - A value greater than or equal to zero, and less than one.
random() // 0.022585461160693265
9.1.54. reduce
reduce(elements, expr, initialValue) ⇒ any
- Description
Executes a user-supplied reducer expression on each element of an array, in order, passing in the return value from the expression from the preceding element. The final result of running the reducer across all elements of the input array is a single value. The expression can access the following properties of the current object:
accumulated: accumulated value based on the previous expression. For the first array element use the
parameter. If not provided, thennull
current: current element to process
index: index of the current element in the array
array: original array
- Parameters
Param Type Description elements
array of elements on which the expression will be evaluated
reducer expression to be executed on each element
the accumulated value to pass to the first array element
reduce([1, 2, 3], &(accumulated + current)) // returns 6
// find maximum entry by age
[{age: 10, name: "Joe"},{age: 20, name: "John"}],
&max(@.accumulated.age, @.current.age), @[0].age)
reduce([3, 3, 3], &accumulated * current, 1) // returns 27
9.1.55. register
register(functionName, expr) ⇒ Object
- Description
Register a function. The registered function may take one parameter. If more parameters are needed, combine them in an array or object. A function may not be re-registered with a different definition. Note that implementations are not required to provide
in order to be conformant. Built-in functions may not be overridden. - Returns
Object - returns an empty object
- Parameters
Param Type Description functionName
Name of the function to register.
must begin with an underscore and follow the regular expression pattern:^_[_a-zA-Z0-9$]*$
Expression to execute with this function call
register("_product", &@[0] * @[1]) // can now call: _product([2,21]) => returns 42
register("_ltrim", &split(@,"").reduce(@, &accumulated & current | if(@ = " ", "", @), ""))
// _ltrim(" abc ") => returns "abc "
9.1.56. replace
replace(subject, start, length, replacement) ⇒ string | array
- Description
Generates text (or an array) where we substitute elements at a given start position and length, with new text (or array elements).
- Returns
string | array - the resulting text or array
- Parameters
Param Type Description subject
string | array
original text or array
zero-based index in the original text from where to begin the replacement. Must be greater than or equal to 0.
number of code points to be replaced. If
is greater than the length ofsubject
, all text paststart
will be replaced.replacement
Replacement to insert at the start index. If
is an array, andreplacement
is an array, thereplacement
array elements will be inserted into thesubject
array. Ifsubject
is an array and replacement is not an array, thereplacement
will be inserted as a single element insubject
is a string, thereplacement
will be coerced to a string.
replace("abcdefghijk", 5, 5, "*") // returns abcde*k
replace("2009",2,2,"10") // returns 2010
replace("123456",0,3,"@") // returns @456
replace(["blue","black","white","red"], 1, 2, ["green"]) // returns ["blue","green","red"]
9.1.57. rept
rept(text, count) ⇒ string
- Description
Return text repeated
times. - Returns
string - Text generated from the repeated text. if
is zero, returns an empty string. - Parameters
Param Type Description text
text to repeat
number of times to repeat the text. Must be greater than or equal to 0.
rept("x", 5) // returns "xxxxx"
9.1.58. reverse
reverse(subject) ⇒ array
- Description
Reverses the order of an array or the order of code points in a string
- Returns
array - The resulting reversed array or string
- Parameters
Param Type Description subject
string | array
the source to be reversed
reverse(["a", "b", "c"]) // returns ["c", "b", "a"]
9.1.59. right
right(subject, [elements]) ⇒ string | array
- Description
Generates a string from the right-most code points of a string or a subset of elements from the end of an array
- Returns
string | array - The extracted substring or array subset Returns null if the number of elements is less than 0
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description subject
string | array
The text/array containing the code points/elements to extract
number of elements to pick
right("Sale Price", 4) // returns "rice"
right("Sweden") // returns "n"
right([4, 5, 6], 2) // returns [5, 6]
9.1.60. round
round(num, [precision]) ⇒ number
- Description
Round a number to a specified precision:
is greater than zero, round to the specified number of decimal places. -
is 0, round to the nearest integer. -
is less than 0, round to the left of the decimal point.
- Returns
number - rounded value. Rounding a half value will round up.
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description num
number to round
precision to use for the rounding operation.
round(2.15, 1) // returns 2.2
round(626.3,-3) // returns 1000 (Rounds 626.3 to the nearest multiple of 1000)
round(626.3, 0) // returns 626
round(1.98,-1) // returns 0 (Rounds 1.98 to the nearest multiple of 10)
round(-50.55,-2) // -100 (round -50.55 to the nearest multiple of 100)
round(1.95583) // 2
round(-1.5) // -1
9.1.61. search
search(findText, withinText, [startPos]) ⇒ array
- Description
Perform a wildcard search. The search is case-sensitive and supports two forms of wildcards:
finds a sequence of code points and?
finds a single code point. To use*
as text values, precede them with an escape (\
) character. Note that the wildcard search is not greedy."a*b", "abb")
will return[0, "ab"]
Not[0, "abb"]
- Returns
array - returns an array with two values:
The start position of the found text and the text string that was found.
If a match was not found, an empty array is returned.
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description findText
the search string – which may include wild cards.
The string to search.
The zero-based position of withinText to start searching. A negative value is not allowed.
search("a?c", "acabc") // returns [2, "abc"]
9.1.62. second
second(date) ⇒ integer
- Description
Extract the seconds of the time value in a date/time value.
- Returns
integer - The number of seconds: 0 through 59
- Parameters
Param Type Description date
datetime/time for which the second is to be returned. Date/time values can be generated using the datetime, toDate, today, now and time functions.
second(datetime(2008,5,23,12, 10, 53)) // returns 53
second(time(12, 10, 53)) // returns 53
9.1.63. sign
sign(num) ⇒ number
- Description
Computes the sign of a number passed as argument.
- Returns
number - returns 1 or -1, indicating the sign of
. If thenum
is 0, it will return 0. - Parameters
Param Type Description num
any number
sign(5) // 1
sign(-5) // -1
sign(0) // 0
9.1.64. sin
sin(angle) ⇒ number
- Description
Computes the sine of a number in radians
- Returns
number - The sine of
, between -1 and 1, inclusive - Parameters
Param Type Description angle
A number representing an angle in radians.
sin(0) // 0
sin(1) // 0.8414709848078965
9.1.65. sort
sort(list) ⇒ Array.<number> | Array.<string>
- Description
This function accepts an array of strings or numbers and returns an array with the elements in sorted order. String sorting is based on code points and is not locale-sensitive.
- Returns
Array.<number> | Array.<string> - The ordered result
- Parameters
Param Type Description list
Array.<number> | Array.<string>
to be sorted
sort([1, 2, 4, 3, 1]) // returns [1, 1, 2, 3, 4]
9.1.66. sortBy
sortBy(elements, expr) ⇒ array
- Description
Sort an array using an expression to find the sort key. For each element in the array, the expression is applied and the resulting value is used as the sort value. If the result of evaluating the expression against the current array element results in type other than a number or a string, a TypeError will occur.
- Returns
array - The sorted array
- Parameters
Param Type Description elements
Array to be sorted
The comparison expression
// returns ["e", "def", "abcd"]
sortBy(["abcd", "e", "def"], &length(@))
// returns [{year: 1910}, {year: 2010}, {year: 2020}]
sortBy([{year: 2010}, {year: 2020}, {year: 1910}], &year)
// returns [5, -10, -11, -15, 30]
sortBy([-15, 30, -10, -11, 5], &abs(@))
9.1.67. split
split(string, separator) ⇒ Array.<string>
- Description
Split a string into an array, given a separator
- Returns
Array.<string> - The array of separated strings
- Parameters
Param Type Description string
string to split
separator where the split(s) should occur
split("abcdef", "") // returns ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
split("abcdef", "e") // returns ["abcd", "f"]
9.1.68. sqrt
sqrt(num) ⇒ number
- Description
Find the square root of a number
- Returns
number - The calculated square root value
- Parameters
Param Type Description num
source number
sqrt(4) // returns 2
9.1.69. startsWith
startsWith(subject, prefix) ⇒ boolean
- Description
Determine if a string starts with a prefix.
- Returns
boolean - true if
matches the start ofsubject
- Parameters
Param Type Description subject
string to search
prefix to search for
startsWith("jack is at home", "jack") // returns true
9.1.70. stdev
stdev(numbers) ⇒ number
- Description
Estimates standard deviation based on a sample.
assumes that its arguments are a sample of the entire population. If your data represents a entire population, then compute the standard deviation using stdevp. - Returns
number - Standard deviation
- Parameters
Param Type Description numbers
The array of numbers comprising the population. Array size must be greater than 1.
stdev([1345, 1301, 1368]) // returns 34.044089061098404
stdevp([1345, 1301, 1368]) // returns 27.797
9.1.71. stdevp
stdevp(numbers) ⇒ number
- Description
Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments.
assumes that its arguments are the entire population. If your data represents a sample of the population, then compute the standard deviation using stdev. - Returns
number - Calculated standard deviation
- Parameters
Param Type Description numbers
The array of numbers comprising the population. An empty array is not allowed.
stdevp([1345, 1301, 1368]) // returns 27.797
stdev([1345, 1301, 1368]) // returns 34.044
9.1.72. substitute
substitute(text, old, new, [which]) ⇒ string
- Description
Generates a string from the input
, with textold
replaced by textnew
(when searching from the left). If there is no match, or ifold
has length 0,text
is returned unchanged. Note thatold
may have different lengths. - Returns
string - replaced string
- Parameters
Param Type Description text
The text for which to substitute code points.
The text to replace.
The text to replace
with. Ifnew
is an empty string, then occurrences ofold
are removed fromtext
The zero-based occurrence of
text to replace withnew
text. Ifwhich
parameter is omitted, every occurrence ofold
is replaced withnew
substitute("Sales Data", "Sales", "Cost") // returns "Cost Data"
substitute("Quarter 1, 2001", "1", "2", 1)" // returns "Quarter 1, 2002"
substitute("Quarter 1, 2011", "1", "2", 2)" // returns "Quarter 1, 2012"
9.1.73. sum
sum(collection) ⇒ number
- Description
Calculates the sum of the provided array. An empty array will produce a return value of 0.
- Returns
number - The computed sum
- Parameters
Param Type Description collection
array of numbers
sum([1, 2, 3]) // returns 6
9.1.74. tan
tan(angle) ⇒ number
- Description
Computes the tangent of a number in radians
- Returns
number - The tangent of
- Parameters
Param Type Description angle
A number representing an angle in radians.
tan(0) // 0
tan(1) // 1.5574077246549023
9.1.75. time
time(hours, [minutes], [seconds]) ⇒ number
- Description
Construct and returns a time value. If any of the units are greater or less than their normal range, the overflow/underflow will be added/subtracted from the next greater unit.
- Returns
number - Returns a date/time value representing the fraction of the day consumed by the given time
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description hours
Zero-based integer value between 0 and 23 representing the hour of the day.
Zero-based integer value representing the minute segment of a time.
Zero-based integer value representing the seconds segment of a time.
time(12, 0, 0) | [hour(@), minute(@), second(@)] // returns [12, 0, 0]
9.1.76. toArray
toArray(arg) ⇒ array
- Description
Converts the provided argument to an array. The conversion happens as per the following rules:
array - Returns the provided value.
number/string/object/boolean/null - Returns a one element array containing the argument.
- Returns
array - The resulting array
- Parameters
Param Type Description arg
parameter to turn into an array
toArray(1) // returns [1]
toArray(null()) // returns [`null`]
9.1.77. toDate
toDate(ISOString) ⇒ number
- Description
Converts the provided string to a date/time value.
- Returns
number - The resulting date/time number. If conversion fails, return null.
- Parameters
Param Type Description ISOString
An ISO8601 formatted string. (limited to the RFC 3339 profile) If the string does not include a timezone offset (or trailing `Z'), it will be assumed to be local time
toDate("20231110T130000+04:00") // returns 19671.375
toDate("2023-11-10T13:00:00+04:00") // returns 19671.375
toDate("20231110") | year(@) & "/" & month(@) // returns "2023/11"
9.1.78. today
today() ⇒ number
- Description
Returns a date/time value representing the start of the current day. i.e. midnight
- Returns
number - today at midnight
9.1.79. toNumber
toNumber(arg, [base]) ⇒ number
- Description
Converts the provided arg to a number as per the type coercion rules.
- Returns
number - The resulting number. If conversion to number fails, return null.
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description arg
to convert to number
If the input
is a string, the use base to convert to number. One of: 2, 8, 10, 16. Defaults to 10.
toNumber(1) // returns 1
toNumber("10") // returns 10
toNumber({a: 1}) // returns null
toNumber(true()) // returns 1
toNumber("10f") // returns null
toNumber("FF", 16) // returns 255
9.1.80. toString
toString(arg, [indent]) ⇒ string
- Description
Returns the argument converted to a string. If the argument is a string, it will be returned unchanged. Otherwise, returns the JSON encoded value of the argument.
- Returns
string - The result string.
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description arg
Value to be converted to a string
Indentation to use when converting objects and arrays to a JSON string
toString(1) // returns "1"
toString(true()) // returns "true"
toString({sum: 12 + 13}) // "{"sum":25}"
toString("hello") // returns "hello"
9.1.81. trim
trim(text) ⇒ string
- Description
Remove leading and trailing spaces (U+0020), and replace all internal multiple spaces with a single space. Note that other whitespace characters are left intact.
- Returns
string - trimmed string
- Parameters
Param Type Description text
string to trim
trim(" ab c ") // returns "ab c"
9.1.82. true
true() ⇒ boolean
- Description
Return constant boolean true value. Expressions may also use the JSON literal:
- Returns
boolean - True
9.1.83. trunc
trunc(numA, [numB]) ⇒ number
- Description
Truncates a number to an integer by removing the fractional part of the number. i.e. it rounds towards zero.
- Returns
number - Truncated value
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description numA
number to truncate
A number specifying the number of decimal digits to preserve.
trunc(8.9) // returns 8
trunc(-8.9) // returns -8
trunc(8.912, 2) // returns 8.91
9.1.84. type
type(subject) ⇒ string
- Description
Finds the type name of the given
argument as a string value. The return value will be one of the following:-
- Returns
string - The type name
- Parameters
Param Type Description subject
type to evaluate
type(1) // returns "number"
type("") // returns "string"
9.1.85. unique
unique(input) ⇒ array
- Description
Find the set of unique elements within an array
- Returns
array - array with duplicate elements removed
- Parameters
Param Type Description input
input array
unique([1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2]) // returns [1, 2, 3, 4]
9.1.86. upper
upper(input) ⇒ string
- Description
Converts all the alphabetic code points in a string to uppercase.
- Returns
string - the upper case value of the input string
- Parameters
Param Type Description input
input string
upper("abcd") // returns "ABCD"
9.1.87. value
value(subject, index) ⇒ any
- Description
Perform an indexed lookup on an object or array
- Returns
any - the result of the lookup – or
if not found. - Parameters
Param Type Description subject
object | array | null
on which to perform the lookup. When querying for hidden properties,
may be any data type.index
string | integer
is an object,index
must be a string indicating the key name to search for. Ifsubject
is an array, then index must be an integer indicating the offset into the array
value({a: 1, b:2, c:3}, "a") // returns 1
value([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) // returns 3
9.1.88. values
values(obj) ⇒ array
- Description
Generates an array of the values of the provided object. Note that because JSON objects are inherently unordered, the values associated with the provided object are also unordered.
- Returns
array - array of the values
- Parameters
Param Type Description obj
source object
values({a : 3, b : 4}) // returns [3, 4]
9.1.89. weekday
weekday(date, [returnType]) ⇒ integer
- Description
Extract the day of the week from a date. The specific numbering of the day of week is controlled by the
1 : Sunday (1), Monday (2), …, Saturday (7)
2 : Monday (1), Tuesday (2), …, Sunday(7)
3 : Monday (0), Tuesday (1), …., Sunday(6)
- Returns
integer - day of the week
- Parameters
Param Type Default Description date
date/time value for which the day of the week is to be returned. Date/time values can be generated using the datetime, toDate, today, now and time functions.
Determines the representation of the result. An unrecognized returnType will result in a error.
weekday(datetime(2006,5,21)) // 1
weekday(datetime(2006,5,21), 2) // 7
weekday(datetime(2006,5,21), 3) // 6
9.1.90. year
year(date) ⇒ integer
year(datetime(2008,5,23)) // returns 2008
9.1.91. zip
zip(…arrays) ⇒ array
- Description
Generates a convolved (zipped) array containing grouped arrays of values from the array arguments from index 0, 1, 2, etc. This function accepts a variable number of arguments. The length of the returned array is equal to the length of the shortest array.
- Returns
array - An array of arrays with elements zipped together
- Parameters
Param Type Description …arrays
array of arrays to zip together
zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]) // returns [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
10. Integrations
The json-formula API allows integrations to customize various json-formula behaviors.
10.1. Globals
By default, json-formula has one global symbol: @
. A host may inject additional global identifiers. These identifiers must be prefixed with the dollar ($
) symbol.
Given: a global symbol:
"$days": [
"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
eval(value($days, weekday(datetime(date.year, date.month,, 3)),
"date": {
"year": 2023,
"month": 9,
"day": 13
}) -> "Wednesday"
10.2. Specify locale
The default locale for json-formula is en-US
. A host may specify an alternate locale. The locale setting affects only the behavior of the casefold()
10.3. Custom toNumber
In various contexts, json-formula converts values to numbers.
A host may provide its own toNumber()
function that json-formula will use in place of the default functionality. For example, a custom toNumber()
could make use of locale-specific date formats to attempt to convert a string to a date value, or could allow currency values e.g., "$123.45" to be converted to number.
10.4. Additional Functions
A host may provide its own set of functions to augment the base set provided by json-formula.
10.5. Hidden Properties
A host system may construct its source JSON data with complex properties that have nested structure that can be found through explicit navigation, but will not be found through normal tree searching. Here is an example of how this can be configured in JavaScript:
function createField(id, value) {
class Field {
valueOf() { return value; }
toString() { return value.toString(); }
toJSON() { return value; }
const f = new Field();
Object.defineProperty(f, '$id', { get: () -> id });
Object.defineProperty(f, '$value', { get: () -> value });
return f;
const json = {
"street": createField("abc123", "Maple Street"),
"city": createField("def456", "New York")
Given this configuration, these search results are possible:
street -> "Maple Street"
street.$value -> "Maple Street"
street.$id -> "abc123"
type(street) -> "string"
keys(street) -> []
10.6. Tracking
A host system may want to track which properties are accessed during the evaluation of an expression. This can be done by providing a track
function on the object being evaluated. The track
function will be called with the object being evaluated and the key being accessed. Here is an example of how this can be configured in JavaScript:
properties[Symbol.for('track')] = (obj, key) => trackDependent(obj, key);