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User Guide

This theme has support for Tech Radar, based on Zalando Tech Radar JS library. Live example


Ring names, descriptions and associated colors can be set via theme parameters params.techradar.rings. Default values are:

      - name: "ADOPT"
        color: "green"
        description: "We feel strongly that the industry should be adopting these items. We use them when appropriate on our projects."
      - name: "TRIAL"
        color: "blue"
        description: "Worth pursuing. It is important to understand how to build up this capability."
      - name: "ASSESS"
        color: "darkorange"
        description: "Worth exploring with the goal of understanding how it will affect your enterprise."
      - name: "HOLD"
        color: "red"
        description: "Proceed with caution"


Theme has a defined shortcode techradar, accepting two optional parameters: title and quadrant. Quadrant parameter is used to zoom into particular part of radar.

Content organization

Techradar shortcode expects radar’s content to be under single top level section. Next level of sections represents quadrants, all pages under quadrant will get quadrant id assigned from section front matter, quadrant. Each content page should have ring, moved and active front matter metadata fields. Shortcode uses these values to generate radar visualisation.

Last modified June 26, 2023: Add support for Tech Radar (#33) (72120bd)