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import {
} from 'ramda';
import jmespath from 'jmespath';

 * Contains core functions for Griffon.
 * @namespace toolkit

 * Performs a JMESPath lookup on the provided data.
 * @function
 * @param {string} path A valid JMESPath
 * @param {*} data Data to search
 * @returns {*}
export const search = curry((path, data) =>, path));

const isAlreadyWrapped = (str) => {
  if (str.charAt(0) !== '(' || str.charAt(str.length - 1) !== ')') { return false; }

  let parens = 0;
  for (let i = 1; i < str.length - 2; ++i) {
    if (str.charAt(i) === '(') { ++parens; }
    if (str.charAt(i) === ')') {
      if (parens < 0) { return false; }
  return true;

const hasAndOrOr = (str) => str.indexOf('&&') !== -1 || str.indexOf('||') !== -1;

const wrapInParens = (str) => {
  if (!hasAndOrOr(str) || isAlreadyWrapped(str)) { return str; }
  return `(${str})`;

export const combineMatchers = curry((joinStr, matchers) => pipe(

 * Takes a set of JMESPath matchers and combines together with a `||`. The result
 * is that any of the provided matchers can match for the resulting matcher to evaluate true
 * @function
 * @param {string[]} matchers valid JMESPath comparator expression
 * @returns {string} joined matcher
export const combineAny = combineMatchers(' || ');

 * Takes a set of JMESPath matchers and combines together with a `&&`. The result
 * is that all of the provided matchers must match for the resulting matcher to evaluate true
 * @function
 * @param {string[]} matchers valid JMESPath comparator expression
 * @returns {string} joined matcher
export const combineAll = combineMatchers(' && ');

 * Takes a set of JMESPath matchers and combines together with a `&&`. The result
 * is that all of the provided matchers must match for the resulting matcher to evaluate true
 * @function
 * @param {string[]} matchers valid JMESPath comparator expression
 * @returns {string} joined matcher
export const combineNone = (matchers) => `!(${combineAny(matchers)})`;

 * Takes a matcher and returns the opposite (`!`) matcher.
 * @function
 * @param {string} matcher valid JMESPath comparator expression
 * @returns {string} joined matcher
export const not = (matcher) => `!${wrapInParens(matcher)}`;

 * Performs a JMESPath filter using the provided expression.
 * @function
 * @param {string} matcher A valid JMESPath comparator expression
 * @param {object[]} data Data to search
 * @returns {*}
export const match = curry((matcher, data) =>, `[?${matcher}]`));

 * Tests to see if the specified data matches the specified JMESPath filter.
 * @function
 * @param {string} matcher A valid JMESPath comparator expression
 * @param {object[]} data Item to match against
 * @returns {*}
export const isMatch = curry((matcher, data) => match(matcher, [data]).length > 0);

const processMods = (mods, data) => (
  typeof mods === 'function'
    ? mods(data)
    : Array.isArray(mods)
      ? map((v) => processMods(v, data), mods)
      : typeof mods === 'object'
        ? mapObjIndexed((v) => processMods(v, data), mods)
        : mods

 * Matches data from the event list and performs operations on the results. You can provide an object
 * that will be merged into the resulting data.
 * @example
 * // takes all objects and adds a red color
 * const makeRed = modify({ color: 'red' }, '*');
 * const result = makeRed([{ color: 'yellow' }, { name: 'Joe' } ]);
 * // result is [{ color: 'red' }, { name: 'Joe', color: 'red' } ]
 * @example
 * // can provide a modification function
 * const applyGender = modify((data) => {
 *  if ( === 'Joe') { return { gender: 'male' }; }
 *  return { gender: 'female' };
 * }, '*');
 * const result = applyGender([{ name: 'Jill' }, { name: 'Joe' } ]);
 * // result is [{ color: 'red', gender: 'female' }, { name: 'Joe', gender: 'male' } ]
 * @function
 * @param {object} modifications An object that gets merged with the result. Optionally can be a function that takes the matching data and returns and object
 * @param {string} matcher A valid JMESPath comparator expression
 * @param {object[]} data Data to search
 * @see core.modifyBulk
 * @returns {*}
export const modify = curry((modifications, matcher, data) => map(
  (item) => (isMatch(matcher, item) ? mergeDeepLeft(processMods(modifications, item), item) : item)

 * Performs a series of match and modify operations on the data. Takes an array
 * of `{ matcher, modifications }` and will perform each on the provided data.
 * Note you can use `mods` as an alias for `modifications`.
 * @example
 * // takes all objects and adds a red color
 * const instructions = [
 *   { matcher: "*", modification: { color: 'red' } }
 *   { matcher: "name=='Joe'", mods: { gender: 'male' } }
 * ];
 * const result = bulkModify(instructions, [{ color: 'yellow' }, { name: 'Joe' } ]);
 * // result is [{ color: 'red' }, { name: 'Joe', color: 'red', gender: 'male' } ]
 * @function
 * @param {string} instructions { matcher, modifications }
 * @param {object[]} data Data to search
 * @see core.modify
 * @returns {*}
export const modifyBulk = curry((instructions, data) => map(
  (item) => {
    let results = item;
      ({ matcher, modifications, mods }) => {
        if (isMatch(matcher, item)) {
          results = mergeDeepLeft(processMods(modifications || mods, item), results);
    return results;

const IN_QUOTES_RX = /"(.*?)"/;
const PATH_RX = /(?<group>"[^"]*"|[^\n."]+)/g;

 * Takes a path and coverts it to an array by splitting the periods.
 * @function
 * @param {string} path A valid JMESPath
 * @returns {Array}

export const convertPath = (path) => pipe(
  (pathIn) => pathIn.match(PATH_RX),
  map((section) => {
    const hasQuotes = section.match(IN_QUOTES_RX);
    return hasQuotes ? hasQuotes[1] : section;

 * Expands all the provided path/value pairs, converting
 * JMESPaths into actual object paths.
 * @function
 * @param {object} kvps Flat object where keys are JMESPaths
 * @returns {object}
 * @example
 * import core from 'griffon-toolkit/core';
 * // returns { size: 's' }
 * core.expand({ size: 's' });
 * // returns { size: { width: 200, height: 300 } }
 * core.expand({ 'size.width': 200, 'size.height': 300 });
 * @see core.convertPath
export const expand = pipe(
  reduce((acc, [path, value]) => mergeDeepLeft(
    assocPath(convertPath(path), value, {}),
  ), {})

 * Expands with paths. Calls expand, but first will map the provided datas
 * keys using the provided path map.
 * @function
 * @param {object} paths Flat object that maps keys to JMESPaths
 * @param {object} kvps Flat object where keys are JMESPaths or path keys
 * @returns {object}
 * @example
 * import core from 'griffon-toolkit/core';
 * const path = {
 *   width: 'size.width',
 *   height: 'size.height'
 * };
 * // returns { size: { width: 200, height: 300 } }
 * core.expandWithPath({ width: 200, height: 300 });
 * @see kit.expand
export const expandWithPaths = curry((path, kvps) => pipe(
  (data) => {
    const mapped = {};
    forEachObjIndexed((value, key) => {
      const newKey = path[key] || key;
      mapped[newKey] = value;
    }, data);
    return mapped;