 DumpDump methods allow enumerating objects and their attributes. An object's information can be dumped in human readable form. An object dump includes its reference count, which is useful in debugging reference count problems. PDELogDump PDEObjectDump PDEAttrEnumTable
 GeneralThese utility methods simplify tasks, such as setting up graphics information structures and merging resources for a page. PDEDefaultGState PDEEnumElements PDEMergeResourcesDict
 JPX JPX color space object.
 PDEClipA PDEClip is a list of PDEElement objects containing a list of PDEPath objects and PDEText objects that describe a clipping state. PDEClip objects can be created and built up with PDEClip methods. Any PDEElement object can have PDEClip associated with it by using the PDEElementSetClip() method.
 PDEColorSpaceA PDEColorSpace object is a reference to a color space used on a page. The color space is part of the graphics state attributes of a PDEElement. See Section 4.5, Color Spaces, in the PDF Reference, for details on color spaces and color operators.
 PDEContainer A group of PDEElements on a page in a PDF file. In the PDF file, containers are delimited by Marked Content BMC/EMC or BDC/EMC pairs. Every PDEContainer has a Marked Content tag associated with it. In addition to grouping a set of elements, a BDC/EMC pair specifies a property list to be associated with the grouping. Thus a PDEContainer corresponding to a BDC/EMC pair also has a property list dictionary associated with it.
 PDEContentThe PDEContent object is the workhorse of the PDFEdit API, since it contains the modifiable contents of a PDPage.
 PDEDeviceNColorsA color space with a variable number of device-dependent components. It is usually used to store multiple spot colors in a single color space.
 PDEElementPDEElement is the base class for elements of a page display list (PDEContent) and for clip objects. The general PDEElement methods allow you to get and set general element properties.
 PDEExtGStateA PDEExtGState object is a reference to an ExtGState resource used on a page. It specifies a PDEElement object's extended graphics state, which is part of its graphics state, as specified in a PDEGraphicState structure. See Section 4.3.4 in the PDF Reference for information on extended graphics states.
 PDEFontA PDEFont object is a reference to a font used on a page. It may be equated with a font in the system. A PDEFont is not the same as a PDFont; a PDEFont is associated with a particular document.
 PDEFormA PDEForm is a PDEElement that contains a form XObject. Form XObjects are described in Section 4.9, Form XObjects, in the PDF Reference. A PDEContent may be obtained from a PDEForm to edit the form's display list.
 PDEGroupAn in-memory representation of objects in a PDEContent. It has no state and is not represented in any way in a PDF content stream (a PDEContent object).
 PDEImageA PDEImage is a PDEElement that contains an image XObject or inline image.
 PDEObjectPDEObject is the abstract superclass of PDFEdit classes. You can find the type of any object with the PDEObjectGetType() method. You can then cast and apply that class' methods to the object. In addition, you can cast any of the PDFEdit objects to a PDEObject and use it anywhere a PDEObject is called for, such as in the PDEObject methods. PDEAcquire() and PDERelease() increment and decrement the reference counts of a PDEObject.
 PDEPathA PDEPath is a PDEElement that contains a path. It can have fill and stroke attributes. It also has graphics state attributes. The shape of a PDEPath can be used to represent a clipping path.
 PDEPatternA PDEPattern is a reference to a pattern resource used on a page. See Section 4.6 in the PDF Reference for information on patterns.
 PDEPlaceA PDEPlace is a PDEElement that marks a place on a page. In a PDF file, a place is represented by the MP or DP marked content operators.
 PDEPSA PDEPS is a pass-through PostScript object.
 PDEShadingA PDEShading is a PDEElement that represents smooth shading.
 PDESoftMaskA PDESoftMask is a reference to a SoftMask resource used to support transparency.
 PDETextA PDEText object is a PDEElement that represents text. It is a container for text as show strings or as individual characters. Each subelement may have different graphics state properties. However, the same clipping path applies to all sub-elements of a PDEText. Also, the charpath of a PDEText object can be used to represent a clipping path.
 PDETextItemA PDETextItem is a PDEElement representing a text object.
 PDEUnknownA PDEUnknown is a PDEElement representing an unknown element. The PDEUnknownGetOpName() method gets the operator name of an unknown operator.
 PDEXGroupA PDEXGroup is a reference to an XGroup resource used to support transparency.
 PDEXObjectA PDEXObject object is a PDEElement representing an arbitrary XObject. See Section 4.7, External XObjects, in the PDF Reference, for information on XObjects.
 PDSysEncodingA PDSysEncoding is a subclass of PDEElement that provides system encoding for a PDF file.
 PDSysFontA PDSysFont is a reference to a font installed on the host system. PDSysFont methods allow your plug-in to list the fonts available on the host system and to find a font on the system that matches a PDEFont, if it is present.