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From CoralUI3 to Coral Spectrum

Custom Elements v1

CoralUI 3.x relies on Custom Elements v0 which is an outdated spec which won't be implemented natively in major browsers while Coral Spectrum derives from Custom Elements v1 with native support thanks to broad collaboration between browser vendors. The use of custom elements gives us the ability to hide many implementation details from the consumer, allowing much more freedom to change the underlying markup that supports those elements. This makes the exposed API smaller and more explicit, resulting in a lower risk of updates to Coral Spectrum needing to introduce breaking changes.


The current default theme is is an implementation of the Spectrum design specifications, Adobe’s design system. Spectrum provides elements and tools to help product teams work more efficiently, and to make Adobe’s applications more cohesive.

From the Adobe Design perspective, there's a long standing directive which prohibits AD to design any New Product using anything less than the latest Spectrum theme. The concern in the Design Org is so high that there is an actual live form where AD is asked to enter products in order to be evaluated for Spectrum Theme Compliance. Needless to say, the Spectrum Theme is the only theme currently being supported and updated, with designers from all EC contributing to its features.

Coral Spectrum leverages the Spectrum CSS framework to style components including the Spectrum SVG icons.


CoralUI3 components are upgraded asynchronously due to limitation of Custom Elements v0. Custom Elements v1 are upgraded synchronously if the definition is loaded before any usage of the component.

Essentially this means that users will be able to view the components rendered faster when the page loads with Coral Spectrum than with CoralUI3. Code-wise, it means that Coral.commons.ready() becomes obsolete in most cases.

On the other hand, all Coral Spectrum parent-child components are using asynchronous Mutation Observers replacing the slow and synchronous events coral-component:attached and coral-component:detached.

Also, new technologies were introduced to take advantage of browsers new capabilities to reduce performance issues for certain components (e.g resizeListenerObserver for Coral.ActionBar).

The performance boost is visible by the test execution time:

CoralUI 3 UTs results

HeadlessChrome 70.0.3538 (Mac OS X 10.13.6): 3516 tests executed (2 mins 28.947 secs / 1 min 43.192 secs)
Firefox 63.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.13.0): 3516 tests executed (2 mins 14.507 secs / 1 min 35.82 secs)

Coral Spectrum UTs results (contains more tests due to full clone node support but still performs faster)

HeadlessChrome 70.0.3538 (Mac OS X 10.13.6): 4481 tests executed (49.697 secs / 30.759 secs)
Firefox 63.0.0 (Mac OS X 10.13.0): Executed 4481 tests executed (1 min 1.791 secs / 36.38 secs)

Overlay mechanism

CoralUI3's positioning system for overlays was based on jQueryUI which is known to have limited functionality compared to today's existing solutions. Replacing it by a modern solution (PopperJS) has proven that it can solve common overlay/positioning issues previously occurring with CoralUI3.

Upgrade changes

Custom Elements v1

A major change in v1 is that component initialization is now done in an ES6 class constructor. The list of Requirements for custom element constructors prohibits a new component from setting attributes or adding child nodes in its constructor.

Let's have a look at a concrete example

With 3.x you could do following:

var alert = new Coral.Alert();
var header = alert.querySelector('coral-alert-header');
header.textContent = 'Info';

With Coral Spectrum and Custom Elements v1, this is not possible anymore since the tag is empty when created. You'll have to use the JavaScript API provided by the component instead.

var alert = new Coral.Alert();
var header = alert.header; // Use the JS API to access the content zone
header.textContent = 'Info';


Due to the new Spectrum design, some components were updated to accommodate design pattern changes:

Selection pattern for Table, ColumnView and Masonry

The concept of selectable thumbnails for Table and ColumnView was replaced with checkboxes. Masonry still supports the old way of selection since Card selection via checkbox was not implemented yet.

SVG Icons

Coral Spectrum ships SVG icons that need to be loaded first before being displayed. There are several ways to load the icons:

Unsupported styles

Some components e.g Wait lost their variants due to the Spectrum update. For compatibility reasons, the APIs were left untouched but will fallback to default supported options.

Below the full list of unsupported options:

Component Property Value
Accordion variant QUIET, LARGE
Alert size LARGE
AnchorButton size LARGE
Autocomplete icon
Button size LARGE
Popover icon
Progress size LARGE
Progress labelPosition BOTTOM
Search icon
Slider vertical
Slider tooltips
Table variant LIST
Tooltip variant WARNING
Tooltip variant INSPECT
Wait variant DOTS

Internal private markup and classes

Due to the Spectrum CSS update, the internals of components changed e.g classes or internal markup is different.

For instance the example below will produce a different result in Coral Spectrum compared to CoralUI3:

<button is="coral-button" icon="add">Button</button>

produces in CoralUI3

<button is="coral-button" icon="add" class="coral3-Button coral3-Button--secondary" size="M" variant="secondary">
    <coral-icon class="coral3-Icon coral3-Icon--sizeS coral3-Icon--add" icon="add" size="S" alt=""></coral-icon>

produces in Coral Spectrum

<button is="coral-button" icon="add" variant="default" class="_coral-Button _coral-Button--primary" size="M">
  <coral-icon size="S" class="_coral-Icon--sizeS _coral-Icon" icon="add" alt="">
    <svg focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" class="_coral-Icon--svg _coral-Icon">
      <use xlink:href="#spectrum-icon-18-Add"></use>

Parent-child component events

Coral Spectrum parent-child components are relying on Mutation Observers for child mutation detection (ie. child node addition/removal). Mutation Observers are asynchronous therefore parent-child component events triggered on child mutation are triggered asynchronously e.g. :

var cyclebutton = document.body.appendChild(new Coral.CycleButton());
cyclebutton.items.add({selected: true})
document.body.addEventListener('coral-cyclebutton:change', function() {
  // This will be called in the next frame although it was registered after. This might be unexpected and confusing.

// In above situation, it's recommended to add the child component in a first step and append the parent component to the DOM in a second step
var cyclebutton = new Coral.CycleButton();
cyclebutton.items.add({selected: true});
document.body.addEventListener('coral-cyclebutton:change', function() {
  // This won't be called in the next frame because the event is silenced on purpose     


Coral Spectrum has a few dependencies and polyfills. Some are actually written and maintained by the Coral Spectrum team, and are included without being considered an external dependency.

These dependencies are:

Note: Calendar, Clock and Datepicker components will leverage moment.js if loaded on the page.

API changes

Compatibility with CoralUI3


Coral Spectrum ships by default a compatibility package to support the 3.x way to register elements Coral.register. Unfortunately, components registered with Coral.register can't extend Coral components e.g :

    name: 'Element',
    namespace: 'X',
    tagName: 'x-element',
    extend: Coral.Alert

will not extend Coral.Alert. In general, it's not recommended to extend Coral components.

You can still extend other components defined via Coral.register:

    name: 'Alert',
    namespace: X,
    tagName: 'x-alert'
    name: 'Element',
    namespace: X,
    tagName: 'x-element',
    extend: X.Alert

Ideally, you should not use Coral.register to define Custom Elements. The recommended approach is to use the native ES6 behavior :

class Alert extends HTMLElement {}
// Set Alert on the X namespace 
X.Alert = Alert;
// Define the custom element
customElements.define('x-alert', X.Alert);

class Element extends Alert {}
X.Element = Element;
customElements.define('x-element', X.Element);


Again, the recommended approach is to use the native behavior :

window.customElements.whenDefined('x-element', callback);

Caution: not every Coral components is a Custom Element, some components are simple lightweight tags. They are used for content zones and are referenced as Function in the documentation.

Off-line Custom Elements v0 creation

Another caveat is the creation of Custom Elements v0 via innerHTML. This is natively not supported. The compatibility package provides a helper script to support this use case :

document.registerElement("x-element", {
  prototype: Prototype

d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = '<x-element></x-element>'; 
 // The component is not initialized above. The workaround is to use the helper script instead as below : 
document.registerElement.innerHTML(d, '<x-element></x-element>');