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 * Copyright 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved.
 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
 * of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
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 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.

import Vent from '@adobe/vent';

 Events helper.
class Events {
   @param {HTMLElement|String} elementOrSelector
   The element or selector indicating the element to use as the delegation root.
  constructor(elementOrSelector) {
    this._vent = new Vent(elementOrSelector);

   Add an event listener.

   @param {String} eventName
   The event name to listen for, including optional namespace(s).
   @param {String} [selector]
   The selector to use for event delegation.
   @param {Function} handler
   The function that will be called when the event is fired.
   @param {Boolean} [useCapture]
   Whether or not to listen during the capturing or bubbling phase.
   @returns {Events} this, chainable.
  on(eventName, selector, handler, useCapture) {
    this._vent.on(eventName, selector, handler, useCapture);
    return this;

   Remove an event listener.

   @param {String} [eventName]
   The event name to stop listening for, including optional namespace(s).
   @param {String} [selector]
   The selector that was used for event delegation.
   @param {Function} [handler]
   The function that was passed to <code>on()</code>.
   @param {Boolean} [useCapture]
   Only remove listeners with <code>useCapture</code> set to the value passed in.
   @returns {Event} this, chainable.
  off(eventName, selector, handler, useCapture) {, selector, handler, useCapture);
    return this;

   Dispatch a custom event at the root element.

   @param {String} eventName
   The name of the event to dispatch.
   @param {Object} [options]
   CustomEvent options.
   @param {Object} [options.bubbles=true]
   Whether the event should bubble.
   @param {Object} [options.cancelable=true]
   Whether the event should be cancelable.
   @param {Object} [options.detail]
   Data to pass to handlers as <code>event.detail</code>
   @returns {CustomEvent} dispatched event.
  dispatch(eventName, options) {
    return this._vent.dispatch(eventName, options);

   Destroy this instance, removing all events and references.
  destroy() {

 An enhanced event helper.

 @type {Events}
const events = new Events(window);

export default events;