Reference Source


 * Copyright 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved.
 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
 * of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
 * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
 * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.

import {BaseComponent} from '../../../coral-base-component';
import {BaseFormField} from '../../../coral-base-formfield';
import {SelectableCollection} from '../../../coral-collection';
import '../../../coral-component-button';
import {Tag} from '../../../coral-component-taglist';
import {SelectList} from '../../../coral-component-list';
import {Icon} from '../../../coral-component-icon';
import '../../../coral-component-popover';
import base from '../templates/base';
import {transform, validate, commons, i18n, Keys} from '../../../coral-utils';
import {Decorator} from '../../../coral-decorator';

 Enumeration for {@link Select} variants.

 @typedef {Object} SelectVariantEnum

 @property {String} DEFAULT
 A default, gray Select.
 @property {String} QUIET
 A Select with no border or background.
const variant = {
  DEFAULT: 'default',
  QUIET: 'quiet'

const CLASSNAME = '_coral-Dropdown';

// used in 'auto' mode to determine if the client is on mobile.
const IS_MOBILE_DEVICE = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i) !== null;

 Extracts the value from the item in case no explicit value was provided.

 @param {HTMLElement} item
 the item whose value will be extracted.

 @returns {String} the value that will be submitted for this item.

const itemValueFromDOM = function (item) {
  const attr = item.getAttribute('value');
  // checking explicitely for null allows to differenciate between non set values and empty strings
  return attr !== null ? attr : item.textContent.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').trim();

 Calculates the difference between two given arrays. It returns the items that are in a that are not in b.

 @param {Array.<String>} a
 @param {Array.<String>} b

 @returns {Array.<String>}
 the difference between the arrays.
const arrayDiff = function (a, b) {
  return a.filter((item) => !b.some((item2) => item === item2));

 @class Coral.Select
 @classdesc A Select component is a form field that allows users to select from a list of options. If this component is
 shown on a mobile device, it will show a native select list, instead of the select list styled via Coral Spectrum.
 @htmltag coral-select
 @extends {HTMLElement}
 @extends {BaseComponent}
 @extends {BaseFormField}
const Select = Decorator(class extends BaseFormField(BaseComponent(HTMLElement)) {
  /** @ignore */
  constructor() {

    // Templates
    this._elements = {};, {commons, Icon, i18n});

    const events = {
      'global:click': '_onGlobalClick',
      'global:touchstart': '_onGlobalClick',

      'coral-collection:add coral-taglist': '_onInternalEvent',
      'coral-collection:remove coral-taglist': '_onInternalEvent',

      // item events
      'coral-select-item:_valuechanged coral-select-item': '_onItemValueChange',
      'coral-select-item:_contentchanged coral-select-item': '_onItemContentChange',
      'coral-select-item:_disabledchanged coral-select-item': '_onItemDisabledChange',
      'coral-select-item:_selectedchanged coral-select-item': '_onItemSelectedChange',

      'change coral-taglist': '_onTagListChange',
      'change select': '_onNativeSelectChange',
      'click select': '_onNativeSelectClick',
      'click > ._coral-Dropdown-trigger': '_onButtonClick',

      'key:space > ._coral-Dropdown-trigger': '_onSpaceKey',
      'key:enter > ._coral-Dropdown-trigger': '_onSpaceKey',
      'key:return > ._coral-Dropdown-trigger': '_onSpaceKey',
      'key:down > ._coral-Dropdown-trigger': '_onSpaceKey'

    // Overlay
    const overlayId =;
    events[`global:capture:coral-collection:add #${overlayId} coral-selectlist`] = '_onSelectListItemAdd';
    events[`global:capture:coral-collection:remove #${overlayId} coral-selectlist`] = '_onInternalEvent';
    events[`global:capture:coral-selectlist:beforechange #${overlayId}`] = '_onSelectListBeforeChange';
    events[`global:capture:coral-selectlist:change #${overlayId}`] = '_onSelectListChange';
    events[`global:capture:coral-selectlist:scrollbottom #${overlayId}`] = '_onSelectListScrollBottom';
    events[`global:capture:coral-overlay:close #${overlayId}`] = '_onOverlayToggle';
    events[`global:capture:coral-overlay:open #${overlayId}`] = '_onOverlayToggle';
    events[`global:capture:coral-overlay:positioned #${overlayId}`] = '_onOverlayPositioned';
    events[`global:capture:coral-overlay:beforeopen #${overlayId}`] = '_onBeforeOpen';
    events[`global:capture:coral-overlay:beforeclose #${overlayId}`] = '_onInternalEvent';
    // Keyboard interaction
    events[`global:keypress #${overlayId}`] = '_onOverlayKeyPress';
    // TODO for some reason this disables tabbing into the select
    // events[`global:key:tab #${overlayId} coral-selectlist-item`] = '_onTabKey';
    // events[`global:key:tab+shift #${overlayId} coral-selectlist-item`] = '_onTabKey';

    // Attach events
    this._delegateEvents(commons.extend(this._events, events));

    // Pre-define labellable element
    this._labellableElement = this._elements.button;

    // default value of inner flag to process events
    this._bulkSelectionChange = false;

    // we only have AUTO mode.
    this._useNativeInput = IS_MOBILE_DEVICE;

    this._elements.taglist.reset = () => {
      // since reseting a form will call the reset on every component, we need to kill the behavior of the taglist
      // otherwise the state will not be accurate

    this._initialValues = [];

    // Init the collection mutation observer

   Returns the inner overlay to allow customization.

   @type {Popover}
  get overlay() {
    return this._elements.overlay;

   The item collection.

   @type {SelectableCollection}
  get items() {
    // we do lazy initialization of the collection
    if (!this._items) {
      this._items = new SelectableCollection({
        host: this,
        itemTagName: 'coral-select-item',
        onItemAdded: this._onItemAdded,
        onItemRemoved: this._onItemRemoved,
        onCollectionChange: this._onCollectionChange
    return this._items;

   Indicates whether the select accepts multiple selected values.

   @type {Boolean}
   @default false
   @htmlattribute multiple
  get multiple() {
    return this._multiple || false;

  set multiple(value) {
    this._multiple = transform.booleanAttr(value);
    this._reflectAttribute('multiple', this._multiple);

    // taglist should not be in DOM if multiple === false
    if (!this._multiple) {
    } else {

    // we need to remove and re-add the native select to loose the selection
    if (this._nativeInput) {
    this._elements.nativeSelect.multiple = this._multiple;
    this._elements.nativeSelect.selectedIndex = -1;

    if (this._nativeInput) {
      if (this._multiple) {
        // We might not be rendered yet
        if (this._elements.nativeSelect.parentNode) {
          this.insertBefore(this._elements.nativeSelect, this._elements.taglist);
      } else {

    this._elements.list.multiple = this._multiple;

    // sets the correct name for value submission
    this._setName(this.getAttribute('name') || '');

    // we need to make sure the selection is valid

    // everytime multiple changes, the state of the selectlist and taglist need to be updated
    this.items.getAll().forEach((item) => {
      if (this._multiple && item.hasAttribute('selected')) {
      } else {
        // taglist is never used for multiple = false

        // when multiple = false and the item is selected, the value needs to be updated in the input
        if (item.hasAttribute('selected')) {
          this._elements.input.value = itemValueFromDOM(item);

   Contains a hint to the user of what can be selected in the component. If no placeholder is provided, the first
   option will be displayed in the component.

   @type {String}
   @default ""
   @htmlattribute placeholder
  // p = placeholder, m = multiple, se = selected
  // case 1:  p +  m +  se = p
  // case 2:  p +  m + !se = p
  // case 3: !p + !m +  se = se
  // case 4: !p + !m + !se = firstSelectable (native behavior)
  // case 5:  p + !m +  se = se
  // case 6:  p + !m + !se = p
  // case 7: !p +  m +  se = 'Select'
  // case 8: !p +  m + !se = 'Select'
  get placeholder() {
    return this._placeholder || '';

  set placeholder(value) {
    this._placeholder = transform.string(value);
    this._reflectAttribute('placeholder', this._placeholder);

    // case 1:  p +  m +  se = p
    // case 2:  p +  m + !se = p
    // case 6:  p + !m + !se = p
    if (this._placeholder && (this.hasAttribute('multiple') || !this.selectedItem)) {
      this._elements.label.textContent = this._placeholder;
      // case 7: !p +  m +  se = 'Select'
    // case 8: !p +  m + !se = 'Select'
    else if (this.hasAttribute('multiple')) {
      this._elements.label.textContent = i18n.get('Select');
    // case 4: !p + !m + !se = firstSelectable (native behavior)
    else if (!this.selectedItem) {
      // we clean the value because there is no selected item
      this._elements.input.value = '';

      // gets the first candidate for selection
      const placeholderItem = this.items._getFirstSelectable();

      if (placeholderItem) {
        // selects using the attribute in case the item is not yet initialized
        placeholderItem.setAttribute('selected', '');
        this._elements.label.innerHTML = placeholderItem.innerHTML;
      } else {
        // label must be cleared when there is no placeholder and no item to select
        this._elements.label.textContent = '';

   Name used to submit the data in a form.
   @type {String}
   @default ""
   @htmlattribute name
  get name() {
    return this.multiple ? :;

  set name(value) {

   This field's current value.
   @type {String}
   @default ""
   @htmlattribute value
  get value() {
    // we leverage the internal elements to know the value, this way we are always sure that the server submission
    // will be correct
    return this.multiple ? this._elements.taglist.value : this._elements.input.value;

  set value(value) {
    // we rely on the the values property to handle this correctly
    this.values = [value];

   The current selected values, as submitted during form submission. When {@link Coral.Select#multiple} is
   <code>false</code>, this will be an array of length 1.

   @type {Array.<String>}
  get values() {
    if (this.multiple) {
      return this._elements.taglist.values;

    // if there is a selection, we return whatever value it has assigned
    return this.selectedItem ? [this._elements.input.value] : [];

  set values(values) {
    if (Array.isArray(values)) {
      // when multiple = false, we explicitely ignore the other values and just set the first one
      if (!this.multiple && values.length > 1) {
        values = [values[0]];

      // gets all the items
      const items = this.items.getAll();

      let itemValue;
      // if multiple, we need to explicitely set the selection state of every item
      if (this.multiple) {
        items.forEach((item) => {
          // we use DOM API instead of properties in case the item is not yet initialized
          itemValue = itemValueFromDOM(item);
          // if the value is located inside the values array, then we set the item as selected
          item[values.indexOf(itemValue) !== -1 ? 'setAttribute' : 'removeAttribute']('selected', '');
        // if single selection, we find the first item that matches the value and deselect everything else. in case,
      // no item matches the value, we may need to find a selection candidate
      else {
        let targetItem;
        // since multiple = false, there is only 1 value value
        const value = values[0] || '';

        items.forEach((item) => {
          // small optimization to avoid calculating the value from every item
          if (!targetItem) {
            itemValue = itemValueFromDOM(item);

            if (itemValue === value) {
              // selecting the item will cause the taglist or input to be updated
              item.setAttribute('selected', '');
              // we store the first ocurrence, afterwards we deselect all items
              targetItem = item;

              // since we found our target item, we continue to avoid removing the selected attribute

          // every-non targetItem must be deselected

        // if no targetItem was found, _setStateFromDOM will make sure that the state is valid
        if (!targetItem) {

   Whether this field is disabled or not.
   @type {Boolean}
   @default false
   @htmlattribute disabled
  get disabled() {
    return this._disabled || false;

  set disabled(value) {
    this._disabled = transform.booleanAttr(value);
    this._reflectAttribute('disabled', this._disabled);

    this[this._disabled ? 'setAttribute' : 'removeAttribute']('aria-disabled', this._disabled);
    this.classList.toggle('is-disabled', this._disabled);

    this._elements.button.disabled = this._disabled;
    this._elements.input.disabled = this._disabled;
    this._elements.taglist.disabled = this._disabled;

   Inherited from {@link BaseFormField#invalid}.
  get invalid() {
    return super.invalid;

  set invalid(value) {
    super.invalid = value;

    this.classList.toggle('is-invalid', this.invalid);
    this._elements.button.classList.toggle('is-invalid', this.invalid);
    this._elements.invalidIcon.hidden = !this.invalid;

   Whether this field is required or not.
   @type {Boolean}
   @default false
   @htmlattribute required
  get required() {
    return this._required || false;

  set required(value) {
    this._required = transform.booleanAttr(value);
    this._reflectAttribute('required', this._required);

    this._elements.input.required = this._required;
    this._elements.taglist.required = this._required;

   Whether this field is readOnly or not. Indicating that the user cannot modify the value of the control.
   @type {Boolean}
   @default false
   @htmlattribute readonly
  get readOnly() {
    return this._readOnly || false;

  set readOnly(value) {
    this._readOnly = transform.booleanAttr(value);
    this._reflectAttribute('readonly', this._readOnly);

    this._elements.input.readOnly = this._readOnly;
    this._elements.taglist.readOnly = this._readOnly;
    this._elements.taglist.disabled = this._readOnly;

   Inherited from {@link BaseFormField#labelled}.
  get labelled() {
    return super.labelled;

  set labelled(value) {
    super.labelled = value;

    if (this.labelled) {
      if (!this.labelledBy) {
        this._elements.button.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', `${} ${} ${this.invalid ? : ''}`);
      this._elements.nativeSelect.setAttribute('aria-label', value);
    } else {
      if (!this.labelledBy) {

    this._elements.taglist.labelled = value;

   Inherited from {@link BaseFormField#labelledBy}.
  get labelledBy() {
    return this._labelledBy;

  set labelledBy(value) {
    super.labelledBy = value;
    this._labelledBy = super.labelledBy;

    if (this._labelledBy) {
      this._elements.button.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', `${this._labelledBy} ${} ${this.invalid ? : ''}`);
      this._elements.nativeSelect.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', this._labelledBy);
    } else {

      // if the select is also labelled, make sure that aria-labelledby gets restored
      if (this.labelled) {
        this.labelled = this.labelled;

    this._elements.taglist.labelledBy = this._labelledBy;

   Returns the first selected item in the Select. The value <code>null</code> is returned if no element is

   @type {?HTMLElement}
  get selectedItem() {
    return this.hasAttribute('multiple') ? this.items._getFirstSelected() : this.items._getLastSelected();

   Returns an Array containing the set selected items.

   @type {Array.<HTMLElement>}
  get selectedItems() {
    if (this.hasAttribute('multiple')) {
      return this.items._getAllSelected();

    const item = this.selectedItem;
    return item ? [item] : [];

   Indicates that the Select is currently loading remote data. This will set the wait indicator inside the list.

   @type {Boolean}
   @default false
   @htmlattribute loading
  get loading() {
    return this._elements.list.loading;

  set loading(value) {
    this._elements.list.loading = value;

   The Select's variant. See {@link SelectVariantEnum}.

   @type {SelectVariantEnum}
   @default SelectVariantEnum.DEFAULT
   @htmlattribute variant
  get variant() {
    return this._variant || variant.DEFAULT;

  set variant(value) {
    value = transform.string(value).toLowerCase();
    this._variant = validate.enumeration(variant)(value) && value || variant.DEFAULT;
    this._reflectAttribute('variant', this._variant);

    this._elements.button.classList.toggle('_coral-FieldButton--quiet', this._variant === variant.QUIET);

  /** @ignore */
  _setName(value) {
    if (this.multiple) { = '';
      this._elements.taglist.setAttribute('name', value);
    } else {
      this._elements.taglist.setAttribute('name', ''); = value;

   @param {Boolean} [checkAvailableSpace=false]
   If <code>true</code>, the event is triggered based on the available space.

  _showOptions(checkAvailableSpace) {
    if (checkAvailableSpace) {
      // threshold in pixels
      const ITEM_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 30;

      let scrollHeight = this._elements.list.scrollHeight;
      const viewportHeight = this._elements.list.clientHeight;
      const scrollTop = this._elements.list.scrollTop;
      // we should not do this, but it increases performance since we do not need to find the item
      const loadIndicator = this._elements.list._elements.loadIndicator;

      // we remove the size of the load indicator
      if (loadIndicator && loadIndicator.parentNode) {
        const outerHeight = function (el) {
          let height = el.offsetHeight;
          const style = getComputedStyle(el);

          height += parseInt(style.marginTop, 10) + parseInt(style.marginBottom, 10);
          return height;

        scrollHeight -= outerHeight(loadIndicator);

      // if we are not close to the bottom scroll, we cancel triggering the event
      if (scrollTop + viewportHeight < scrollHeight - ITEM_SIZE_THRESHOLD) {

    // we do not show the list with native
    if (!this._useNativeInput) {
      if (! {
        // Show the overlay = true;

      // Force overlay repositioning (remote loading)
      requestAnimationFrame(() => {

    // Trigger an event
    // @todo: maybe we should only trigger this event when the button is toggled and we have space for more items
    const event = this.trigger('coral-select:showitems', {
      // amount of items in the select
      start: this.items.length

    // while using native there is no need to show the loading
    if (!this._useNativeInput) {
      // if the default is prevented, we should the loading indicator
      this._elements.list.loading = event.defaultPrevented;

    // communicate expanded state to assistive technology
    this._elements.button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);

  /** @private */
  _hideOptions() {
    // Don't close the overlay if selection = multiple
    if (!this.multiple) { = false;


    // communicate collapsed state to assistive technology
    this._elements.button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false);

  /** @ignore */
  _onGlobalClick(event) {
    if (! {

    const eventTargetWithinOverlayTarget = this._elements.button.contains(;
    const eventTargetWithinItself = this._elements.overlay.contains(;
    if (!eventTargetWithinOverlayTarget && !eventTargetWithinItself) {

  /** @private */
  _onSelectListItemAdd(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    // When items have been added, we are no longer loading
    this.loading = false;

    // Reset height = '';

    // Measure actual height
    const style = window.getComputedStyle(this._elements.list);
    const height = parseInt(style.height, 10);
    const maxHeight = parseInt(style.maxHeight, 10);

    if (height < maxHeight) {
      // Make it scrollable = `${height - 1}px`;

  _onBeforeOpen(event) {

    // Prevent opening the overlay if select is readonly
    if (this.readOnly) {

    // focus first selected or tabbable item when the list expands

  /** @private */
  _onInternalEvent(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

  /** @ignore */
  _onItemAdded(item) {
    const selectListItemParent = this._elements.list;

    const selectListItem = item._selectListItem || new SelectList.Item();

    // @todo: Make sure it is added at the right index.

      value: item.value,
      content: {
        innerHTML: item.innerHTML
      disabled: item.disabled,
      selected: item.selected,
      trackingElement: item.trackingElement
    }, true);

    const nativeOption = item._nativeOption || new Option();

    // @todo: make sure it is added at the right index.

    // Need to store the initially selected values in the native select so that it can be reset
    if (this._initialValues.indexOf(item.value) !== -1) {
      nativeOption.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');

    nativeOption.selected = item.selected;
    nativeOption.value = item.value;
    nativeOption.disabled = item.disabled;
    nativeOption.innerHTML = item.innerHTML;

    if (this.multiple) {
      // in case it was selected before it was added
      if (item.selected) {
    // Make sure the input value is set to the selected item
    else if (item.selected) {
      this._elements.input.value = item.value;

    item._selectListItem = selectListItem;
    item._nativeOption = nativeOption;

    selectListItem._selectItem = item;
    nativeOption._selectItem = item;

  /** @private */
  _onItemRemoved(item) {
    if (item._selectListItem) {
      item._selectListItem._selectItem = undefined;
      item._selectListItem = undefined;

    if (item._nativeOption) {
      item._nativeOption._selectItem = undefined;
      item._nativeOption = undefined;

    this._removeTagFromTagList(item, true);

  /** @private */
  _onItemSelected(item) {
    // in case the component is not in the DOM or the internals have not been created we force it
    if (!item._selectListItem || !item._selectListItem.parentNode) {

    item._selectListItem.selected = true;
    item._nativeOption.selected = true;

    if (this.multiple) {
      // @todo: what happens when ALL items have been selected
      //  1. a message is disabled (i18n?)
      //  2. we don't try to open the selectlist (native behavior).
    } else {
      this._elements.input.value = item.value;

  /** @private */
  _onItemDeselected(item) {
    // in case the component is not in the DOM or the internals have not been created we force it
    if (!item._selectListItem || !item._selectListItem.parentNode) {

    item._selectListItem.selected = false;
    item._nativeOption.selected = false;

    if (this.multiple) {
      // we use the internal reference to remove the related tag from the taglist

   Detects when something is about to change inside the select.

  _onSelectListBeforeChange(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    // We prevent the selection to change if we're in single selection and the clicked item is already selected
    if (!this.multiple && event.detail.item.selected) {
      event.preventDefault(); = false;

   Detects when something inside the select list changes.

  _onSelectListChange(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    // avoids triggering unnecessary changes in the selectist because selecting items programatically will trigger
    // a change event
    if (this._bulkSelectionChange) {

    let oldSelection = event.detail.oldSelection || [];
    oldSelection = !Array.isArray(oldSelection) ? [oldSelection] : oldSelection;

    let selection = event.detail.selection || [];
    selection = !Array.isArray(selection) ? [selection] : selection;

    // if the arrays are the same, there is no point in calculating the selection changes
    if (event.detail.oldSelection !== event.detail.selection) {
      this._bulkSelectionChange = true;

      // we deselect first the ones that have to go
      const removedSelection = arrayDiff(oldSelection, selection);
      removedSelection.forEach((listItem) => {
        // selectlist will report on removed items
        if (listItem._selectItem) {

      // we only sync the items that changed
      const newSelection = arrayDiff(selection, oldSelection);
      newSelection.forEach((listItem) => {
        if (listItem._selectItem) {
          listItem._selectItem.setAttribute('selected', '');

      this._bulkSelectionChange = false;

      // hides the list since something was selected. if the overlay was open, it means there was user interaction so
      // the necessary events need to be triggered
      if ( {
        // closes and triggers the hideitems event

        // if there is a change in the added or removed selection, we trigger a change event
        if (newSelection.length || removedSelection.length) {
      // in case they are the same, we just need to trigger the hideitems event when appropiate, and that is when the
    // overlay was previously open
    else if ( {
      // closes and triggers the hideitems event

    if (!this.multiple) {
      this._trackEvent('change', 'coral-select-item', event, this.selectedItem);

  /** @private */
  _onTagListChange(event) {
    // cancels the change event from the taglist

    // avoids triggering unnecessary changes in the selectist because selecting items programatically will trigger
    // a change event
    if (this._bulkSelectionChange) {

    this._bulkSelectionChange = true;

    const values =;
    // we use the selected items, because they are the only possible items that may change
    let itemValue;
    this.items._getAllSelected().forEach((item) => {
      // we use DOM API instead of properties in case the item is not yet initialized
      itemValue = itemValueFromDOM(item);
      // if the item is inside the values array, then it has to be selected
      item[values.indexOf(itemValue) !== -1 ? 'setAttribute' : 'removeAttribute']('selected', '');

    this._bulkSelectionChange = false;

    // if the taglist is empty, we should return the focus to the button
    if (!values.length) {

    // reparents the change event with the select as the target

  /** @private */
  _addTagToTagList(item) {
    // we prepare the tag
    item._tag = item._tag || new Tag();
      value: item.value,
      label: {
        innerHTML: item.innerHTML
    }, true);

    // we add the new tag at the end

  /** @private */
  _removeTagFromTagList(item, destroy) {
    if (item._tag) {
      // we only remove the reference if destroy is passed, this allow us to recycle the tags when possible
      item._tag = destroy ? undefined : item._tag;

  /** @private */
  _onSelectListScrollBottom(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    if ( {
      // Checking if the overlay is open guards against debounced scroll events being handled after an overlay has
      // already been closed (e.g. clicking the last element in a selectlist always reopened the overlay emediately
      // after closing)

      // triggers the corresponding event
      // since we got the the event from select list we need to trigger the event

  /** @private */
  _onButtonClick(event) {

    if (this.disabled || this.readOnly) {

    // if native is required, we do not need to do anything
    if (!this._useNativeInput) {
      // @todo: this was removed cause otherwise the coral-select:showitems event is never triggered.
      // if this is a multiselect and all items are selected, there should be nothing in the list to focus so do
      // nothing.
      // if (this.multiple && this.selectedItems.length === this.items.length) {
      //   return;
      // }

      // Toggle openness
      if (this._elements.overlay.classList.contains('is-open')) {
      } else {
        // event should be triggered based on the contents

  /** @private */
  _onNativeSelectClick() {

  _onOverlayKeyPress(event) {
    // Focus on item which text starts with pressed keys

  /** @private */
  _onSpaceKey(event) {
    if (this.disabled || this.readOnly) {


    if (this._useNativeInput) {
      // we try to open the native select
      this._elements.nativeSelect.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown'));
    } else if (! || event.keyCode === Keys.keyToCode('space')) {;

   Prevents tab key default handling on selectList Items.

  // _onTabKey(event) {
  // event.preventDefault();
  // }

  /** @private */
  _onOverlayToggle(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    // Trigger private event instead
    const type = event.type.split(':').pop();


    // communicate expanded state to assistive technology

    if (! {
      this.classList.remove('is-openAbove', 'is-openBelow');

  /** @private */
  _onOverlayPositioned(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    if ( { = `${this.offsetWidth}px`;

  // @todo: while the select is multiple, if everything is deselected no change event will be triggered.
  _onNativeSelectChange(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    // avoids triggering unnecessary changes in the selectist because selecting items programatically will trigger
    // a change event
    if (this._bulkSelectionChange) {

    this._bulkSelectionChange = true;
    // extracts the native options for the selected items. We use the selected options, instead of the complete
    // options to make the diff since it will normally be a smaller set
    const oldSelectedOptions = => element._nativeOption);

    // we convert the HTMLCollection to an array
    const selectedOptions =':checked'));

    const diff = arrayDiff(oldSelectedOptions, selectedOptions);
    diff.forEach((item) => {
      item._selectItem.selected = false;

    // we only sync the items that changed
    const newSelection = arrayDiff(selectedOptions, oldSelectedOptions);
    newSelection.forEach((item) => {
      item._selectItem.selected = true;

    this._bulkSelectionChange = false;

    // since multiple keeps the select open, we cannot return the focus to the button otherwise the user cannot
    // continue selecting values
    if (!this.multiple) {
      // returns the focus to the button, otherwise the select will keep it
      // since selecting an item closes the native select, we need to trigger an event

    // if the native change event was triggered, then it means there is some new value

   This handles content change of coral-select-item and updates its associatives.

  _onItemContentChange(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    const item =;
    if (item._selectListItem) {
      const content = new SelectList.Item.Content();
      content.innerHTML = item.innerHTML;
      item._selectListItem.content = content;

    if (item._nativeOption) {
      item._nativeOption.innerHTML = item.innerHTML;

    if (item._tag && item._tag.label) {
      item._tag.label.innerHTML = item.innerHTML;

    // since the content changed, we need to sync the placeholder in case it was the selected item

  /** @private */
  _syncSelectedItemPlaceholder() {
    this.placeholder = this.getAttribute('placeholder');

    // case 3: !p + !m +  se = se
    // case 5:  p + !m +  se = se
    if (this.selectedItem && !this.multiple) {
      this._elements.label.innerHTML = this.selectedItem.innerHTML;

   This handles value change of coral-select-item and updates its associatives.

  _onItemValueChange(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    const item =;
    if (item._selectListItem) {
      item._selectListItem.value = item.value;

    if (item._nativeOption) {
      item._nativeOption.value = item.value;

    if (item._tag) {
      item._tag.value = item.value;

   This handles disabled change of coral-select-item and updates its associatives.

  _onItemDisabledChange(event) {
    // stops propagation cause the event is internal to the component

    const item =;
    if (item._selectListItem) {
      item._selectListItem.disabled = item.disabled;

    if (item._nativeOption) {
      item._nativeOption.disabled = item.disabled;

   In case an item from the initial selection is removed, we need to remove it from the initial values.

  _validateInitialState(nodes) {
    let item;
    let index;

    // we iterate over all the nodes, checking if they matched the initial value
    for (let i = 0, nodeCount = nodes.length ; i < nodeCount ; i++) {
      // since we are not sure if the item has been upgraded, we try first the attribute, otherwise we extract the
      // value from the textContent
      item = nodes[i];

      index = this._initialValues.indexOf(item.value);

      if (index !== -1) {
        this._initialValues.splice(index, 1);

  /** @private */
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
  _onCollectionChange(addedNodes, removedNodes) {
    // we make sure that items that were part of the initial selection are removed from the internal representation
    // makes sure that the selection state matches the multiple variable

   Updates the label to reflect the current state. The label needs to be updated when the placeholder changes and
   when the selection changes.

  _updateLabel() {

   Handles the selection state.

  _setStateFromDOM() {
    // if it is not multiple, we need to be sure only one item is selected
    if (!this.hasAttribute('multiple')) {
      // makes sure that only one is selected

      // we execute _getFirstSelected instead of _getSelected because it is faster
      const selectedItem = this.items._getFirstSelected();

      // case 1. there is a selected item, so no further change is required
      // case 2. no selected item and no placeholder. an item will be automatically selected
      // case 3. no selected item and a placehoder. we just make sure the value is really empty
      if (!selectedItem) {
        // we clean the value because there is no selected item
        this._elements.input.value = '';

        // when there is no placeholder, we need to force a selection to behave like the native select
        if (transform.string(this.getAttribute('placeholder')) === '') {
          // gets the first candidate for selection
          const selectable = this.items._getFirstSelectable();

          if (selectable) {
            // selects using the attribute in case the item is not yet initialized
            selectable.setAttribute('selected', '');
            // we set the value explicitely, so we do not need to wait for the MO
            this._elements.input.value = itemValueFromDOM(selectable);
      } else {
        // we set the value explicitely, so we do not need to wait for the MO
        this._elements.input.value = itemValueFromDOM(selectedItem);

    // handles the initial item in the select

   Handles selecting multiple items. Selection could result a single or multiple selected items.

  _onItemSelectedChange(event) {
    // we stop propagation since it is a private event

    // the item that was selected
    const item =;

    // setting this to true will ignore any changes from the selectlist al
    this._bulkSelectionChange = true;

    // when the item is selected, we need to enforce the selection mode
    if (item.selected) {

      if (this.multiple) {
        this._trackEvent('select', 'coral-select-item', event, item);

      // enforces the selection mode
      if (!this.hasAttribute('multiple')) {
    } else {

      if (this.multiple) {
        this._trackEvent('deselect', 'coral-select-item', event, item);

    this._bulkSelectionChange = false;

    // since there is a change in selection, we need to update the placeholder

   Inherited from {@link BaseFormField#clear}.
  clear() {
    this.value = '';

   Focuses the component.

  focus() {
    if (!this.contains(document.activeElement)) {

   Inherited from {@link BaseFormField#reset}.
  reset() {
    // reset the values to the initial values
    this.values = this._initialValues;

   Returns {@link Select} variants.

   @return {SelectVariantEnum}
  static get variant() {
    return variant;

  /** @ignore */
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return super.observedAttributes.concat(['variant', 'multiple', 'placeholder', 'loading']);

  /** @ignore */
  connectedCallback() {

    const overlay = this._elements.overlay;
    // Cannot be open by default when rendered
    // Restore in DOM
    if (overlay._parent) {

  /** @ignore */
  render() {


    // Default reflected attributes
    if (!this._variant) {
      this.variant = variant.DEFAULT;

    this.classList.toggle(`${CLASSNAME}--native`, this._useNativeInput);

    if (!this._useNativeInput && this.contains(this._elements.nativeSelect)) {

    // handles the initial selection

    // we need to keep a state of the initial items to be able to reset the component. values is not reliable during
    // initialization since items are not yet initialized
    this.selectedItems.forEach((item) => {
      // we use DOM API instead of properties in case the item is not yet initialized

    // Cleanup template elements (supporting cloneNode)
    const templateElements = this.querySelectorAll('[handle]');
    for (let i = 0 ; i < templateElements.length ; ++i) {
      const currentElement = templateElements[i];
      if (currentElement.parentNode === this) {

    // Render the main template
    const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();


    // Assign the button as the target for the overlay = this._elements.button;
    // handles the focus allocation every time the overlay closes


  /** @ignore */
  disconnectedCallback() {

    const overlay = this._elements.overlay;
    // In case it was moved out don't forget to remove it
    if (!this.contains(overlay)) {
      overlay._parent = overlay._repositioned ? document.body : this;

   Triggered when the {@link Select} could accept external data to be loaded by the user. If <code>preventDefault()</code> is
   called, then a loading indicator will be shown. {@link Select#loading} should be set to false to indicate
   that the data has been successfully loaded.

   @typedef {CustomEvent} coral-select:showitems

   @property {Number} detail.start
   The count of existing items, which is the index where new items should start.

   Triggered when the {@link Select} hides the UI used to select items. This is typically used to cancel a load request
   because the items will not be shown anymore.

   @typedef {CustomEvent} coral-select:hideitems

export default Select;