Reference Source


 * Copyright 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved.
 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
 * of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
 * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
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 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.

import {BaseComponent} from '../../../coral-base-component';
import {Icon} from '../../../coral-component-icon';
import {transform, validate} from '../../../coral-utils';
import {Decorator} from '../../../coral-decorator';

 Enumeration for {@link Alert} variants.

 @typedef {Object} AlertVariantEnum

 @property {String} ERROR
 An alert with a warning icon to indicate that an error has occurred.
 @property {String} WARNING
 An alert with a warning icon to warn the user of something important.
 @property {String} SUCCESS
 An alert with a question mark icon to notify the user of a successful operation.
 @property {String} HELP
 A neutral alert with a question icon to help the user with non-critical information.
 @property {String} INFO
 An alert with an info icon to inform the user of non-critical information.
const variant = {
  ERROR: 'error',
  WARNING: 'warning',
  SUCCESS: 'success',
  HELP: 'help',
  INFO: 'info'

 Enumeration for {@link Alert} sizes.

 @typedef {Object} AlertSizeEnum

 @property {String} SMALL
 A small alert, usually employed for single line alerts without headers.
 @property {String} LARGE
 Not supported. Falls back to SMALL.
const size = {
  SMALL: 'S',
  LARGE: 'L'

const CLASSNAME = '_coral-Alert';

// An array of all possible variant classnames
for (const variantValue in variant) {

// Used to map icon with variant
const capitalize = s => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);

 @class Coral.Alert
 @classdesc An Alert component used as static indicators of an operation's result, or as messages to highlight
 information to the user. It does not include a close button by default, but you can add it manually by adding the
 <code>coral-close</code> attribute on an element contained by the Alert.
 @htmltag coral-alert
 @extends {HTMLElement}
 @extends {BaseComponent}
const Alert = Decorator(class extends BaseComponent(HTMLElement) {
  /** @ignore */
  constructor() {

    // Prepare templates
    this._elements = {
      // Fetch or create the content zone elements
      header: this.querySelector('coral-alert-header') || document.createElement('coral-alert-header'),
      content: this.querySelector('coral-alert-content') || document.createElement('coral-alert-content'),
      footer: this.querySelector('coral-alert-footer') || document.createElement('coral-alert-footer')

    // Events
      'click [coral-close]': '_onCloseClick'

   The alert variant style to use. See {@link AlertVariantEnum}.

   @type {String}
   @default AlertVariantEnum.INFO
   @htmlattribute variant
  get variant() {
    return this._variant || variant.INFO;

  set variant(value) {
    value = transform.string(value).toLowerCase();
    this._variant = validate.enumeration(variant)(value) && value || variant.INFO;
    this._reflectAttribute('variant', this._variant);


    // Remove all variant classes

    // Set new variant class
    // Don't use this._className; use the constant
    // This lets popover get our styles for free

   The size of the alert. It accepts both lower and upper case sizes. See {@link AlertVariantEnum}.

   @type {String}
   @default AlertSizeEnum.SMALL
   @htmlattribute size
  get size() {
    return this._size || size.SMALL;

  set size(value) {
    value = transform.string(value).toUpperCase();
    this._size = validate.enumeration(size)(value) && value || size.SMALL;
    this._reflectAttribute('size', this._size);

   The alert header element.

   @type {AlertHeader}
  get header() {
    return this._getContentZone(this._elements.header);

  set header(value) {
    this._setContentZone('header', value, {
      handle: 'header',
      tagName: 'coral-alert-header',
      insert: function (header) {
        this.insertBefore(header, this.firstChild);

   The alert content element.

   @type {AlertContent}
  get content() {
    return this._getContentZone(this._elements.content);

  set content(value) {
    this._setContentZone('content', value, {
      handle: 'content',
      tagName: 'coral-alert-content',
      insert: function (content) {
        // After the header
        this.insertBefore(content, this.header.nextElementSibling);

   The alert footer element.

   @type {AlertFooter}
  get footer() {
    return this._getContentZone(this._elements.footer);

  set footer(value) {
    this._setContentZone('footer', value, {
      handle: 'footer',
      tagName: 'coral-alert-footer',
      insert: function (footer) {
        // After the content
        this.insertBefore(footer, this.content.nextElementSibling);

   @todo maybe this should be base or something
  _onCloseClick(event) {
    const dismissTarget = event.matchedTarget;
    const dismissValue = dismissTarget.getAttribute('coral-close');
    if (!dismissValue || this.matches(dismissValue)) {
      this.hidden = true;

    this._trackEvent('close', 'coral-alert', event);

  _insertTemplate() {
    if (this._elements.icon) {

    let variantValue = this.variant;

    // Warning icon is same as ERROR icon
    if (variantValue === variant.WARNING || variantValue === variant.ERROR) {
      variantValue = 'alert';

    // Inject the SVG icon
    const iconName = capitalize(variantValue);
    this.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', Icon._renderSVG(`spectrum-css-icon-${iconName}Medium`, ['_coral-Alert-icon', `_coral-UIIcon-${iconName}Medium`]));
    this._elements.icon = this.querySelector('._coral-Alert-icon');

  get _contentZones() {
    return {
      'coral-alert-header': 'header',
      'coral-alert-content': 'content',
      'coral-alert-footer': 'footer'

   Returns {@link Alert} variants.

   @return {AlertVariantEnum}
  static get variant() {
    return variant;

   Returns {@link Alert} sizes.

   @return {AlertSizeEnum}
  static get size() {
    return size;

  /** @ignore */
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return super.observedAttributes.concat(['variant', 'size']);

  /** @ignore */
  render() {


    // a11y
    this.setAttribute('role', 'alert');

    // Default reflected attributes
    if (!this._variant) {
      this.variant = variant.INFO;
    if (!this._size) {
      this.size = size.SMALL;

    for (const contentZone in this._contentZones) {
      const element = this._elements[this._contentZones[contentZone]];
      // Remove it so we can process children
      if (element.parentNode) {

    while (this.firstChild) {
      const child = this.firstChild;
      if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ||
        child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && !child.classList.contains('_coral-Alert-icon')) {
        // Add non-template elements to the content
      } else {
        // Remove anything else element


    // Assign the content zones so the insert functions will be called
    for (const contentZone in this._contentZones) {
      const contentZoneName = this._contentZones[contentZone];

      /** @ignore */
      this[contentZoneName] = this._elements[contentZoneName];

export default Alert;