Reference Source


 * Copyright 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved.
 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
 * of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
 * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
 * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.

import ActionBarContainerCollection from './ActionBarContainerCollection';
import {Button} from '../../../coral-component-button';
import '../../../coral-component-anchorbutton';
import moreOverlay from '../templates/moreOverlay';
import moreButton from '../templates/moreButton';
import overlayContent from '../templates/overlayContent';
import {commons, transform, i18n} from '../../../coral-utils';

// Matches private Coral classes in class attribute
const REG_EXP = /_coral([^\s]+)/g;

const copyAttributes = (from, to) => {
  const excludedAttributes = ['is', 'id', 'variant', 'size'];

  for (let i = 0 ; i < from.attributes.length ; i++) {
    const attr = from.attributes[i];

    if (excludedAttributes.indexOf(attr.nodeName) === -1) {
      if (attr.nodeName === 'class') {
        // Filter out private Coral classes
        to.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, `${to.className} ${attr.nodeValue.replace(REG_EXP, '')}`);
      } else {
        to.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue);

 @base BaseActionBarContainer
 @classdesc The base element for action bar containers
class BaseActionBarContainer extends superClass {
  /** @ignore */
  constructor() {

    // Templates
    this._elements = {};
    this._itemsInPopover = [];, {i18n});, {commons});, {
      items: this._itemsInPopover,

    // Return focus to overlay by default
    this._elements.overlay.focusOnShow = this._elements.overlay;

    const overlayId =;
    const events = {};
    events[`global:capture:coral-overlay:beforeopen #${overlayId}`] = '_onOverlayBeforeOpen';
    events[`global:capture:coral-overlay:beforeclose #${overlayId}`] = '_onOverlayBeforeClose';
    // Keyboard interaction
    events[`global:key:down #${overlayId}`] = '_onOverlayKeyDown';
    events[`global:key:up #${overlayId}`] = '_onOverlayKeyUp';

    // Events

    // Init the collection mutation observer

   Returns the inner overlay to allow customization.

   @type {Popover}
  get overlay() {
    return this._elements.overlay;

   The Collection Interface that allows interacting with the items that the component contains.

   @type {ActionBarContainerCollection}
  get items() {
    // Construct the collection on first request:
    if (!this._items) {
      this._items = new ActionBarContainerCollection({
        host: this,
        itemTagName: 'coral-actionbar-item',
        onItemAdded: this._styleItem

    return this._items;

   The amount of items that are maximally visible inside the container. Using a value <= 0 will disable this
   feature and show as many items as possible.

   @type {Number}
   @default -1
   @htmlattribute threshold
  get threshold() {
    return typeof this._threshold === 'number' ? this._threshold : -1;

  set threshold(value) {
    this._threshold = transform.number(value);
    this._reflectAttribute('threshold', this._threshold);

   If there are more ActionBarItems inside the ActionBar than currently can be shown, then a "more" Button with the
   following text will be rendered (and some ActionBarItems will be hidden inside of a Popover).

   @type {String}
   @default ""
   @htmlattribute morebuttontext
  get moreButtonText() {
    return this._moreButtonText || '';

  set moreButtonText(value) {
    this._moreButtonText = transform.string(value);

    if (this._elements.moreButton) {
      // moreButton might not have been created so far
      this._elements.moreButtonLabel.innerHTML = this._moreButtonText;
      this._elements.moreButton[this._moreButtonText.trim() === '' ? 'setAttribute' : 'removeAttribute']('title', i18n.get('More'));

   Style item content
  _styleItem(item) {
    const button = item.querySelector('button[is="coral-button"]') || item.querySelector('a[is="coral-anchorbutton"]');
    if (button) {

      const oldVariant = button.getAttribute('variant');
      if (oldVariant === Button.variant.ACTION || oldVariant === Button.variant.QUIET_ACTION) {

      button.setAttribute('variant', oldVariant === Button.variant.QUIET ? Button.variant.QUIET_ACTION : Button.variant.ACTION);

   Called after is set to true, but before the transition of the popover is done. Show elements inside
   the actionbar, that are hidden due to space problems.

  _onOverlayBeforeOpen(event) {
    // there might be popovers in popover => ignore them
    if ( !== this._elements.overlay) {

    this._itemsInPopover = this.items._getAllOffScreen();

    if (this._itemsInPopover.length < 1) {

    // Set focus to first focusable descendant of the overlay by default
    this._elements.overlay.focusOnShow = 'on';

    this._itemsInPopover.forEach((item) => { = '';
      // Store the button and popover on the item
      item._button = item.querySelector(':scope > button[is="coral-button"]') || item.querySelector(':scope > a[is="coral-anchorbutton"]');
      item._popover = item.querySelector('coral-popover');
      if (item._popover) {
        item._popoverId =;

    // Whether a ButtonList or AnchorList should be rendered
    this._itemsInPopover.isButtonList = this._itemsInPopover.every(item => item._button && item._button.tagName === 'BUTTON');
    this._itemsInPopover.isAnchorList = this._itemsInPopover.every(item => item._button && item._button.tagName === 'A');

    // show the current popover (hidden needed to disable fade time of popover)
    this._elements.overlay.hidden = false;

    // render popover content
    const popover = this._elements.overlay;
    popover.content.innerHTML = '';
    popover.content.appendChild(, {
      items: this._itemsInPopover,

   Called after is set to false, but before the transition of the popover is done.
   Make items visible again, that now do fit into the actionbar.
  _onOverlayBeforeClose(event) {
    // there might be popovers in popover => ignore them
    if ( !== this._elements.overlay) {

    const focusedItem = document.activeElement.parentNode;

    // we need to check if item has 'hasAttribute' because it is not present on the document
    const isFocusedItemInsideActionBar = this.parentNode.contains(focusedItem);
    const isFocusedItemOffscreen = focusedItem.hasAttribute && focusedItem.hasAttribute('coral-actionbar-offscreen');
    if (isFocusedItemInsideActionBar && isFocusedItemOffscreen) {
      // if currently an element is focused, that should not be visible (or is no actionbar-item) => select 'more'
      // button

    // hide the popover(needed to disable fade time of popover)
    this._elements.overlay.hidden = true;
    this._elements.overlay.focusOnShow = this._elements.overlay;

    // close any popovers, that might be inside the 'more' popover
    const childPopovers = this._elements.overlay.getElementsByTagName('coral-popover');
    for (let i = 0 ; i < childPopovers.length ; i++) {
      childPopovers[i].open = false;

    // return all elements from popover

    // clear cached items from popover
    this._itemsInPopover = [];

    // clear overlay
    this._elements.overlay.content.innerHTML = '';

  _onOverlayKeyDown(event) {

    // Focus first item
    this._elements.anchorList && this._elements.anchorList._focusFirstItem(event);
    this._elements.buttonList && this._elements.buttonList._focusFirstItem(event);

  _onOverlayKeyUp(event) {

    // Focus last item
    this._elements.anchorList && this._elements.anchorList._focusLastItem(event);
    this._elements.buttonList && this._elements.buttonList._focusLastItem(event);

  static get _attributePropertyMap() {
    return commons.extend(super._attributePropertyMap, {
      morebuttontext: 'moreButtonText'

  /** @ignore */
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return super.observedAttributes.concat(['morebuttontext', 'threshold']);

  /** @ignore */
  connectedCallback() {

    const overlay = this._elements.overlay;
    // Cannot be open by default when rendered
    // Restore in DOM
    if (overlay._parent) {

  /** @ignore */
  render() {

    // Cleanup resize helpers object (cloneNode support)
    const resizeHelpers = this.getElementsByTagName('object');
    for (let i = 0 ; i < resizeHelpers.length ; ++i) {
      const resizeElement = resizeHelpers[i];
      if (resizeElement.parentNode === this) {

    // Cleanup 'More' button
    const more = this.querySelector('[coral-actionbar-more]');
    if (more) {

    // Cleanup 'More' popover
    const popover = this.querySelector('[coral-actionbar-popover]');
    if (popover) {

    // Copy more text
    this._elements.moreButton.label.textContent = this.moreButtonText;

    // Init 'More' popover = this._elements.moreButton;

    // Create empty frag
    const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();

    // 'More' button might be moved later in dom when Container is attached to parent

    // Render template

    // Style the items to match action items
    this.items.getAll().forEach(item => this._styleItem(item));

  /** @ignore */
  disconnectedCallback() {

    const overlay = this._elements.overlay;
    // In case it was moved out don't forget to remove it
    if (!this.contains(overlay)) {
      overlay._parent = overlay._repositioned ? document.body : this;

export default BaseActionBarContainer;