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 * Copyright 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved.
 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 Enumeration for {@link BaseOverlay} trap options.

 @typedef {Object} OverlayTrapFocusEnum

 @property {String} ON
 Focus is trapped such that the use cannot focus outside of the overlay.
 @property {String} OFF
 The user can focus outside the overlay as normal.
const trapFocus = {
  ON: 'on',
  OFF: 'off'

 Enumeration for {@link BaseOverlay} scroll focus options.

 @typedef {Object} OverlayScrollOnFocusEnum

 @property {String} ON
 Scroll the document to bring the newly-focused element into view.
 @property {String} OFF
 Document will not scroll on focus.
const scrollOnFocus = {
  ON: 'on',
  OFF: 'off'

 Enumeration for {@link BaseOverlay} return focus options.

 @typedef {Object} OverlayReturnFocusEnum

 @property {String} ON
 When the overlay is closed, the element that was focused before the it was shown will be focused again.
 @property {String} OFF
 Nothing will be focused when the overlay is closed.
const returnFocus = {
  ON: 'on',
  OFF: 'off'

 Enumeration for {@link BaseOverlay} focus behavior options.

 @typedef {Object} OverlayFocusOnShowEnum

 @property {String} ON
 When the overlay is opened, it will be focused.
 @property {String} OFF
 The overlay will not focus itself when opened.
const focusOnShow = {
  ON: 'on',
  OFF: 'off'

 The time it should take for {@link BaseOverlay} to fade in milliseconds.
 Important: This should be greater than or equal to the CSS transition time.

 @typedef {Number} OverlayFadeTime
const FADETIME = 350;

export {trapFocus, returnFocus, focusOnShow, scrollOnFocus, FADETIME};