Reference Source


 * Copyright 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved.
 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
 * of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
 * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
 * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.

import Vent from '@adobe/vent';
import {commons, Keys, keys, events, transform, validate, tracking as trackingUtil} from '../../../coral-utils';

// Used to split events by type/target
const delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;

 Enumeration representing the tracking options.

 @typedef {Object} TrackingEnum

 @property {String} ON
 Enables tracking of the component interactions.
 @property {String} OFF
 Disables tracking of the component interactions.
const tracking = {
  ON: 'on',
  OFF: 'off'

 Return the method corresponding to the method name or the function, if passed.
const getListenerFromMethodNameOrFunction = function (obj, eventName, methodNameOrFunction) {
  // Try to get the method
  if (typeof methodNameOrFunction === 'function') {
    return methodNameOrFunction;
  } else if (typeof methodNameOrFunction === 'string') {
    if (!obj[methodNameOrFunction]) {
      throw new Error(`Coral.Component: Unable to add ${eventName} listener for ${obj.toString()}, method
      ${methodNameOrFunction} not found`);

    const listener = obj[methodNameOrFunction];

    if (typeof listener !== 'function') {
      throw new Error(`Coral.Component: Unable to add ${eventName} listener for ${obj.toString()}, listener is a
      ${(typeof listener)} but should be a function`);

    return listener;
  } else if (methodNameOrFunction) {
    // If we're passed something that's truthy (like an object), but it's not a valid method name or a function, get
    // angry
    throw new Error(`Coral.Component: Unable to add ${eventName} listener for ${obj.toString()}, ${methodNameOrFunction}
    is neither a method name or a function`);

  return null;

 Add local event and key combo listeners for this component, store global event/key combo listeners for later.
const delegateEvents = function () {
   Add listeners to new event
   - Include in hash
   Add listeners to existing event
   - Override method and use super
   Remove existing event
   - Pass null
  let match;
  let eventName;
  let eventInfo;
  let listener;
  let selector;
  let elements;
  let isGlobal;
  let isKey;
  let isResize;
  let isCapture;

  for (eventInfo in this._events) {
    listener = this._events[eventInfo];

    // Extract the event name and the selector
    match = eventInfo.match(delegateEventSplitter);
    eventName = `${match[1]}.CoralComponent`;
    selector = match[2];

    if (selector === '') {
      // instead of null because the key module checks for undefined
      selector = undefined;

    // Try to get the method corresponding to the value in the map
    listener = getListenerFromMethodNameOrFunction(this, eventName, listener);

    if (listener) {
      // Always execute in the context of the object
      // @todo is this necessary? this should be correct anyway
      listener = listener.bind(this);

      // Check if the listener is on the window
      isGlobal = eventName.indexOf('global:') === 0;
      if (isGlobal) {
        eventName = eventName.substr(7);

      // Check if the listener is a capture listener
      isCapture = eventName.indexOf('capture:') === 0;
      if (isCapture) {
        // @todo Limitation: It should be possible to do capture:global:, but it isn't
        eventName = eventName.substr(8);

      // Check if the listener is a key listener
      isKey = eventName.indexOf('key:') === 0;
      if (isKey) {
        if (isCapture) {
          throw new Error('Coral.Keys does not currently support listening to key events with capture');
        eventName = eventName.substr(4);

      // Check if the listener is a resize listener
      isResize = eventName.indexOf('resize') === 0;
      if (isResize) {
        if (isCapture) {
          throw new Error('Coral.commons.addResizeListener does not currently support listening to resize event with capture');

      if (isGlobal) {
        // Store for adding/removal
        if (isKey) {
          this._globalKeys = this._globalKeys || [];
            keyCombo: eventName,
            selector: selector,
            listener: listener
        } else {
          this._globalEvents = this._globalEvents || [];
          this._globalEvents.push({eventName, selector, listener, isCapture});
      // Events on the element itself
      else if (isKey) {
        // Create the keys instance only if its needed
        this._keys = this._keys || new Keys(this, {
          // The filter function for keyboard events.
          filter: this._filterKeys,
          // Execute key listeners in the context of the element
          context: this

        // Add listener locally
        this._keys.on(eventName, selector, listener);
      } else if (isResize) {
        if (selector) {
          elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
          for (let i = 0 ; i < elements.length ; ++i) {
            commons.addResizeListener(elements[i], listener);
        } else {
          commons.addResizeListener(this, listener);
      } else {
        this._vent.on(eventName, selector, listener, isCapture);

 Attach global event listeners for this component.
const delegateGlobalEvents = function () {
  let i;
  if (this._globalEvents) {
    // Remove global event listeners
    for (i = 0 ; i < this._globalEvents.length ; i++) {
      const event = this._globalEvents[i];
      events.on(event.eventName, event.selector, event.listener, event.isCapture);

  if (this._globalKeys) {
    // Remove global key listeners
    for (i = 0 ; i < this._globalKeys.length ; i++) {
      const key = this._globalKeys[i];
      keys.on(key.keyCombo, key.selector, key.listener);

  if (this._keys) {

 Remove global event listeners for this component.
const undelegateGlobalEvents = function () {
  let i;
  if (this._globalEvents) {
    // Remove global event listeners
    for (i = 0 ; i < this._globalEvents.length ; i++) {
      const event = this._globalEvents[i];, event.selector, event.listener, event.isCapture);

  if (this._globalKeys) {
    // Remove global key listeners
    for (i = 0 ; i < this._globalKeys.length ; i++) {
      const key = this._globalKeys[i];, key.selector, key.listener);

  if (this._keys) {

// Used to find upper case characters
const REG_EXP_UPPERCASE = /[A-Z]/g;

 Returns the constructor namespace
const getConstructorName = function (constructor) {
  // Will contain the namespace of the constructor in reversed order
  const constructorName = [];
  // Keep a reference on the passed constructor
  const originalConstructor = constructor;

  // Traverses Coral constructors if not already done to set the namespace
  if (!constructor._namespace) {
    // Set namespace on Coral constructors until 'constructor' is found
    const find = (obj, constructorToFind) => {
      let found = false;
      const type = typeof obj;

      if (obj && type === 'object' || type === 'function') {
        const subObj = Object.keys(obj);

        for (let i = 0 ; i < subObj.length ; i++) {
          const key = subObj[i];

          // Components are capitalized
          if (key[0].match(REG_EXP_UPPERCASE) !== null) {
            // Keep a reference of the constructor name and its parent
            obj[key]._namespace = {
              parent: obj,
              value: key

            found = obj[key] === constructorToFind;

            if (found) {
            } else {
              found = find(obj[key], constructorToFind);

      return found;

    // Look for the constructor in the Coral namespace
    find(window.Coral, constructor);

  // Climb up the constructor namespace
  while (constructor) {
    if (constructor._namespace) {
      constructor = constructor._namespace.parent;
    } else {
      constructor = false;

  // Build the full namespace string and save it for reuse
  originalConstructor._componentName = constructorName.reverse().join('.');

  return originalConstructor._componentName;

 * recursively update the _ignoreConnectedCallback value
 * for children coral-component, if parent has ignored the callback
 * its child should also ignore the callback hooks
 * @private
const _recursiveIgnoreConnectedCallback = function(el, value) {
  let children = Array.from(el.children);
  for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
    let child = children[i];
    // todo better check for coral-component
    if(typeof child._ignoreConnectedCallback === 'boolean') {
      child._ignoreConnectedCallback = value;
    } else {
      _recursiveIgnoreConnectedCallback(child, value);

 @base BaseComponent
 @classdesc The base element for all Coral components
class BaseComponent extends superClass {
  /** @ignore */
  constructor() {

    // Attach Vent
    this._vent = new Vent(this);
    this._events = {};

    // Content zone MO for virtual DOM support
    if (this._contentZones) {
      this._contentZoneObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
        mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
          for (let i = 0 ; i < mutation.addedNodes.length ; i++) {
            const addedNode = mutation.addedNodes[i];

            for (const name in this._contentZones) {
              const contentZone = this._contentZones[name];
              if (addedNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name && !addedNode._contentZoned) {
                // Insert the content zone at the right position
                /** @ignore */
                this[contentZone] = addedNode;

      this._contentZoneObserver.observe(this, {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true

   Tracking of events. This provides insight on the usage of the components. It accepts "ON" and "OFF". In order to
   successfully track the events, {Tracking} needs to be configured.

   @type {String}
   @default TrackingEnum.ON
   @htmlattribute tracking
  get tracking() {
    return this._tracking || this.getAttribute('tracking') || tracking.ON;

  set tracking(value) {
    value = transform.string(value).toLowerCase();
    this._tracking = validate.enumeration(tracking)(value) && value || tracking.ON;

   The string representing the feature being tracked. This provides additional context to the analytics trackers
   about the feature that the element enables.

   @type {String}
   @default ""
   @htmlattribute trackingfeature
  get trackingFeature() {
    return this._trackingFeature || this.getAttribute('trackingFeature') || '';

  set trackingFeature(value) {
    this._trackingFeature = transform.string(value);

   The string representing the element name being tracked. This providex additional context to the trackers about the
   element that was interacted with.

   @type {String}
   @default ""
   @htmlattribute trackingelement
  get trackingElement() {
    return this._trackingElement || this.getAttribute('trackingElement') || '';

  set trackingElement(value) {
    this._trackingElement = transform.string(value);

  // Constructs and returns the component name based on the constructor
  get _componentName() {
    return this.constructor._componentName || getConstructorName(this.constructor);

  // The filter function for keyboard events. By default, any child element can trigger keyboard events.
  // You can pass {@link Keys.filterInputs} to avoid listening to key events triggered from within
  // inputs.
  _filterKeys() {
    return true;

  // Attach event listeners including global ones
  _delegateEvents(eventMap) {
    this._events = commons.extend(this._events, eventMap);;

    // Once events are attached, we dispose them
    this._events = {};

  // Returns the content zone if the component is connected and contains the content zone else null
  // Ideally content zones will be replaced by shadow dom and <slot> elements
  _getContentZone(contentZone) {
    if (document.documentElement.contains(this)) {
      return this.contains(contentZone) && contentZone || null;
    // Return the content zone by default
    return contentZone;

  // Sets the value as content zone for the property given the specified options
  // Ideally content zones will be replaced by shadow dom and <slot> elements
  _setContentZone(property, value, options) {
    const handle = options.handle;
    const expectedTagName = options.tagName;
    const additionalSetter = options.set;
    const insert = options.insert;

    let oldNode;

    if (value) {
      if (!(value instanceof HTMLElement)) {
        throw new Error(`DOMException: Failed to set the "${property}" property on "${this.toString()}":
        The provided value is not of type "HTMLElement".`);

      if (expectedTagName && value.tagName.toLowerCase() !== expectedTagName) {
        throw new Error(`DOMException: Failed to set the "${property}" property on "${this.toString()}": The new
        ${property} element is of type "${value.tagName}". It must be a "${expectedTagName.toUpperCase()}" element.`);

      oldNode = this._elements[handle];

      // Flag it for the content zone MO
      value._contentZoned = true;

      // Replace the existing element
      if (insert) {
        // Remove old node
        if (oldNode && oldNode.parentNode) {
        // Insert new node, value);
      } else if (oldNode && oldNode.parentNode) {
        commons._log('warn', `${this._componentName} does not define an insert method for content zone ${handle}, falling back to replace.`);
        // Old way -- assume we have an old node
        this._elements[handle].parentNode.replaceChild(value, this._elements[handle]);
      } else {
        commons._log('error', `${this._componentName} does not define an insert method for content zone ${handle}, falling back to append.`);
        // Just append, which may introduce bugs, but at least doesn't crazy
    } else {
      // we need to remove the content zone if it exists
      oldNode = this._elements[handle];
      if (oldNode && oldNode.parentNode) {

    // Re-assign the handle to the new element
    this._elements[handle] = value;

    // Invoke the setter
    if (typeof additionalSetter === 'function') {, value);

  // Handles the reflection of properties by using a flag to prevent setting the property by changing the attribute
  _reflectAttribute(attributeName, value) {
    if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
      if (value && !this.hasAttribute(attributeName)) {
        this._reflectedAttribute = true;
        this.setAttribute(attributeName, '');
        this._reflectedAttribute = false;
      } else if (!value && this.hasAttribute(attributeName)) {
        this._reflectedAttribute = true;
        this._reflectedAttribute = false;
    } else if (this.getAttribute(attributeName) !== String(value)) {
      this._reflectedAttribute = true;
      this.setAttribute(attributeName, value);
      this._reflectedAttribute = false;

   Notifies external listeners about an internal interaction. This method is used internally in every
   component's method that we want to track.

   @param {String} eventType The event type. Eg. click, select, etc.
   @param {String} targetType The element type being used. Eg. cyclebutton, cyclebuttonitem, etc.
   @param {CustomEvent} event
   @param {BaseComponent} childComponent - Optional, in case the event occurred on a child component.

   @returns {BaseComponent}
  _trackEvent(eventType, targetType, event, childComponent) {
    if (this.tracking === this.constructor.tracking.ON) {
      trackingUtil.track(eventType, targetType, event, this, childComponent);
    return this;

   Returns the component name.

   @return {String}
  toString() {
    return `Coral.${this._componentName}`;

   Add an event listener.

   @param {String} eventName
   The event name to listen for.
   @param {String} [selector]
   The selector to use for event delegation.
   @param {Function} func
   The function that will be called when the event is triggered.
   @param {Boolean} [useCapture=false]
   Whether or not to listen during the capturing or bubbling phase.
   @returns {BaseComponent} this, chainable.
  on(eventName, selector, func, useCapture) {
    this._vent.on(eventName, selector, func, useCapture);
    return this;

   Remove an event listener.

   @param {String} eventName
   The event name to stop listening for.
   @param {String} [selector]
   The selector that was used for event delegation.
   @param {Function} func
   The function that was passed to <code>on()</code>.
   @param {Boolean} [useCapture]
   Only remove listeners with <code>useCapture</code> set to the value passed in.
   @returns {BaseComponent} this, chainable.
  off(eventName, selector, func, useCapture) {, selector, func, useCapture);
    return this;

   Trigger an event.

   @param {String} eventName
   The event name to trigger.
   @param {Object} [props]
   Additional properties to make available to handlers as <code>event.detail</code>.
   @param {Boolean} [bubbles=true]
   Set to <code>false</code> to prevent the event from bubbling.
   @param {Boolean} [cancelable=true]
   Set to <code>false</code> to prevent the event from being cancelable.
   @returns {CustomEvent} CustomEvent object
  trigger(eventName, props, bubbles, cancelable) {
    // When 'bubbles' is not set, then default to true:
    bubbles = bubbles || bubbles === undefined;

    // When 'cancelable' is not set, then default to true:
    cancelable = cancelable || cancelable === undefined;

    const event = new CustomEvent(eventName, {
      bubbles: bubbles,
      cancelable: cancelable,
      detail: props

    // Don't trigger the event if silenced
    if (this._silenced) {
      return event;

    // default value in case the dispatching fails
    let defaultPrevented = false;

    try {
      // leads to NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED in Firefox
      defaultPrevented = !this.dispatchEvent(event);
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
    catch (e) {

    // Check if the defaultPrevented status was correctly stored back to the event object
    if (defaultPrevented !== event.defaultPrevented) {
      // dispatchEvent() doesn't correctly set event.defaultPrevented in IE 9
      // However, it does return false if preventDefault() was called
      // Unfortunately, the returned event's defaultPrevented property is read-only
      // We need to work around this such that (patchedEvent instanceof Event) === true
      // First, we'll create an object that uses the event as its prototype
      // This gives us an object we can modify that is still technically an instanceof Event
      const patchedEvent = Object.create(event);

      // Next, we set the correct value for defaultPrevented on the new object
      // We cannot simply assign defaultPrevented, it causes a "Invalid Calling Object" error in IE 9
      // For some reason, defineProperty doesn't cause this
      Object.defineProperty(patchedEvent, 'defaultPrevented', {
        value: defaultPrevented

      return patchedEvent;

    return event;

   Set multiple properties.

   @param {Object.<String, *>} properties
   An object of property/value pairs to set.
   @param {Boolean} silent
   If true, events should not be triggered as a result of this set.

   @returns {BaseComponent} this, chainable.
  set(propertyOrProperties, valueOrSilent, silent) {
    let property;
    let properties;
    let value;

    const isContentZone = (prop) => this._contentZones && commons.swapKeysAndValues(this._contentZones)[prop];

    const updateContentZone = (prop, val) => {
      // If content zone exists and we only want to update properties on the content zone
      if (this[prop] instanceof HTMLElement && !(val instanceof HTMLElement)) {
        for (const contentZoneProperty in val) {
          /** @ignore */
          this[prop][contentZoneProperty] = val[contentZoneProperty];
      // Else assign the new value to the content zone
      else {
        /** @ignore */
        this[prop] = val;

    const setProperty = (prop, val) => {
      if (isContentZone(prop)) {
        updateContentZone(prop, val);
      } else {
        this._silenced = silent;
        /** @ignore */
        this[prop] = val;
        this._silenced = false;

    if (typeof propertyOrProperties === 'string') {
      // Set a single property
      property = propertyOrProperties;
      value = valueOrSilent;

      setProperty(property, value);
    } else {
      properties = propertyOrProperties;
      silent = valueOrSilent;

      // Set a map of properties
      for (property in properties) {
        value = properties[property];

        setProperty(property, value);

    return this;

   Get the value of a property.

   @param {String} property
   The name of the property to fetch the value of.
   @returns {*} Property value.
  get(property) {
    return this[property];

   Show this component.

   @returns {BaseComponent} this, chainable
  show() {
    if (!this.hidden) {
      return this;

    /** @ignore */
    this.hidden = false;
    return this;

   Hide this component.
   @returns {BaseComponent} this, chainable
  hide() {
    if (this.hidden) {
      return this;

    /** @ignore */
    this.hidden = true;
    return this;

    This should be executed when messenger is connect event is connected.
    It will add the parent as a listener in child messenger.
  _onMessengerConnected(event) {

    let handler = event.detail.handler;
    if(typeof handler === 'function') {
    } else {
      throw new Error("Messenger handler should be a function");

   specify whether the connected and disconnected hooks are ignore for component
   @returns true when ignored
  get _ignoreConnectedCallback() {
    return this.__ignoreConnectedCallback || false;

  set _ignoreConnectedCallback(value) {
    value = transform.booleanAttr(value);

    if(value !== this.__ignoreConnectedCallback) {
      this.__ignoreConnectedCallback = value;
      _recursiveIgnoreConnectedCallback(this, value);

   Returns {@link BaseComponent} tracking options.

   @return {TrackingEnum}
  static get tracking() {
    return tracking;

  static get _attributePropertyMap() {
    return {
      trackingelement: 'trackingElement',
      trackingfeature: 'trackingFeature'

  /** @ignore */
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return [

  /** @ignore */
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, value) {
    const self = this;
    if (!self._reflectedAttribute) {
      // Use the attribute/property mapping
      self[self.constructor._attributePropertyMap[name] || name] = value;

   called when we need to suspend state and properties, when
   disconnected callback are skipped.
  _suspendCallback() {
    // do nothing

   called when we need to re-initialise state and properties, when
   connected callback are skipped.
  _resumeCallback() {
    // do nothing

  /** @ignore */
  connectedCallback() {
    // A component that is reattached should respond to global events again
    // Attach global listener when component is connected to DOM
    // this would avoid memory leak when element is created but never connected.;

    this._disconnected = false;

    if (!this._rendered) {

  /** @ignore */
  render() {
    this._rendered = true;

  /** @ignore */
  disconnectedCallback() {
    // A component that isn't in the DOM should not be responding to global events
    this._disconnected = true;;

export default BaseComponent;