Class EventVerifier

  • public class EventVerifier
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • EventVerifier

        public EventVerifier()
    • Method Detail

      • verify

        public boolean verify​(String eventPayload,
                              String apiKey,
                              Map<String,​String> requestHeaders)
        eventPayload - the event payload to verify
        apiKey - the event payload `recipient_client_id` must be matching it
        requestHeaders - webhook request requestHeaders sent along the event payload: containing the path to the two public keys and the associated signatures of the eventPayload. Indeed, Adobe I/O Events sends two signatures, either of which is valid at any point of time (even when the signatures are rotated). So, the signed payload is considered valid if any one of the signatures is valid. Refer our public doc for more details -
        the security verification result