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Adobe I/O Java Cloud Manager Library

This is a Java Library wrapping the Adobe Cloud Manager API.


To use this library in a project, the Adobe IO organization must be set up to support API Integrations. The API integration details are used to configure the clients.

Maven Dependency

Include via Maven:



Java 8

The default library is Java11, to use the Java8 library, use the classifier.



To make API calls into Cloud Manager, an Access Token is required.

OAuth Client Credential Access Token

For OAuth Access Tokens, the API will manage creating and updating as needed. However, you need to provide a valid Workspace, found in AIO Java client library.

OAuthContext authContext = OAuthContext.builder()
    .addScope("<SCOPE>") // Add all necessary scopes.
Workspace workspace = Workspace.builder()
    .orgId("<IMS ORG ID>")
    .apiKey("<API KEY>")

CloudManagerApi api = CloudManagerApi.builder().workspace(workspace).build();

JWT Access Token (Deprecated)

JWT Access Tokens have been deprecated by AIO. They will continue to work until Jan 1, 2025. If you need to, you can create one using the now deprecated IdentityManagementApi. For example:

PrivateKey privateKey;

// Load the private key...

// Values are from the API Integration configuration.
AdobeClientCredentials org = new AdobeClientCredentials("Org Id", "Technical Account Id", "API Key", "Client Secret", privateKey);
IdentityManagementApi imApi = IdentityManagementApi.create();
String token = imApi.authenticate(org);

CloudManagerApi api = CloudManagerApi.create("Org Id", "API Key", token);
List<EmbeddedProgram> programs = api.listPrograms();

See the JavaDocs for the API.